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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1926)
VERNONIA Friday, August 13, 1926 +-.♦« >MM»»«' : Home News Notes i —We try always to give you quali ty and to please you. If ever you buy any of our goods that you do not like or you believe are not right, won’t you return such goods and tell us all about it. You will confer a real favor upon us in do ing this—Vernonia Bakery.—adv. i EAGLE Mrs. Gladys Smith is on the ■ick list. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Cates and daughters, Pauline and Delphine and little grand-daughter Florence mo- tored to Seaside Sunday. Mrs. D. W. Richardson and grand son Jack Powell of St. Helens and Mrs. Alice Healea of Astoria were Thursday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Richardson. A. Corey was a Portland business Grove, and Mrs. Bauman were Ver Mr. and Mrs. Pau! Robinson and visitor over the week-end. nonia visitors Wednesday. son left Friday morning for Seattle, They do not expect to return until —Ask for Mother’» Bread, the —WANTED—A boy who knows next Tuesday. Mr. Robinson said. quality loaf.—adv. how to wash windows, to work for “It’s the first real vacation we have A correction. Instead of $75 as Ver had in many years, and we are Miss Lottie Bergerson returned us a few hours each week. reported in late issue of paper, ltf quite excited over it.’’ to Portland Sunday after spending nonia Bakery.—adv, $111.31 was netted from I the Py- her vacation here with relatives. D. G. Hoogerhyde of Portland Mrs. Nancy B. Hall will not And thian Sister carnival. This sum will Earl C. Brownlee, editor of the was here Monday visiting C. S. Hoff any apricots on her trip to Idaho, be equally divided and used to Forest Greve News-Times, was a man. The two were former neighbors but she will visit the watermelon purchase books for library and play in Portland. visitor in Vernonia Saturday. patches. I know her, she is from ground equipment for park when grounds are in order for it. Mrs. Anna Drouot of Tulsa, Okla, Kentucky, They are just as hard as M. Murray was a Rainier visitor the Missourians: One that didn ’ t Pauline Cates is improving after and Mrj Birdell Williams of St. over the week-end. Helens, visited with Mr. and Mrs. get to go this time. being sick for a week. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Gilchrest and Dent Thursday. —When you wane a little more Mr. and Mrs. Lou Cates and fam son, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Asplano’ than the regular small loaf call for spent Sunday at Cannon Beach. Mr. and Mrs. J. Aubrey and son Mother'» Bread in the sandwich ily were in Portland on business left here last week for Texas,1 loaf. This is a square loaf and last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lindsay went to' where they expects to make their J size it wi!J make delicious sandwiches Portland Saturday. which will pack nicely in the lunch Enyart Place to be Sold. home. bucket or for the picnic.—adv. The farm of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Helen Imbeck is visiting at the! A. L. Fenner drove to Forest home of her uncle, Bert Roberts, of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Chamberlain Enyart will be sold by the sheriff, Grove Tuesday, returning with his of Portland visited at the home of September 4, to cover a mortgage Houlton. wife Thursday. Mrs. Fenner has their uncle, Emery Sheeley, Sunday. of $7500 and other costs against the •—Stamping and Hemstitching cot been visiting her sister there. Mrs. Claude Chamberlain and son, property. F. B. and Mina Warfield ton 6 cents, silk 8 cents. Mrs. Wm.j Billy and Joe Hartwick are the plaintiffs. Lanway, 1228 Bridge ISt. W. ltfl —Variety is essential in the diet. Claude, Jr., and nephew, Have at least one kind of dark Chamberlain, who have been visit- Mr». Pearl Ryan Move*. The Pythian Sisters will meet on bread on your table at every meal ing Mr. Sheeley, returned to Port- Mrs. Pearl Ryan, who has conduct the second and fourth Wednesdays' in addition to your basic food1—< land with them. white bread.—Vernonia Bakery. ed the hemstitching shop in Ver only, in August and September. —We have on hand at all times a nonia for the past 22 months, has I The Easter Star Auxiliary will Mrs. B. N. Jolly was taken to St.j variety of fresh cakes and you will closed her establishment and moved ' Vincent’s hospital in Portland Tues hold a picnic next Wednesday, Aug. find them to be entirely different I to Portland. She will devote her; 11. All members of the Eastern than what is ordinarily termed I day for a serious operation. Star are invited. Meet at Folger’s “bakers’ cake.” Our cakes are full time to the same work at her for of richness and they have that( mer place of business on Hawthorne —A delicious pie—a combination of, drug store at 11 o’clock. home-made taste. Our sales testify, avenue. Pineapple and Apple. Try one.—! Vernonia Bakery.—adv. Helen Imbeck and Vera and Oral to their goodness.—Vernonia Ba- Mrs. Ryan is a member of the Re kery.—adv. Roberts were thrown from a horse bekah and Eastern Star lodges. She Bert Roberts of St. Helens spent the weekend here with rela Monday. Oral’s arm was fractured —Let us supply you with your pic-1 hns a son living in Portland, where tives. j below the elbow and Helen was nic needs in the way of bread,; she has lived for 27 years. rolls, cakes, pies and all sorts of > slightly bruised. good things. Don’t pack that picnic Charlie Ritz was arrested Wednes- Mrs. Rymer and little grand lunch until after you visit our J McMULLEN CUT day morning for driving a motor daughter are leaving for Portland store and select some of the FIGHTING FIRE cycle at an alleged reckless speed where they will wait for the return "goodies” on display—Vernonia Ba-' on the city streets. kery. — adv. of her son, Bob from Alaska, where While fighting a fire at Oak Geo. A. Bauman of the Western he has been the last three months —The Vernonia Cleaners have' ranch, two miles from the St. Hel- Oregon Telephone company, Forest employed in the fishing industry. moved their pressing establishment, cns-Pittsburg road and three miles from 747 Bridge St., to the rear of j from Ralston’s camp late Tuesday the Vernonia Drug Co., in quarters afternoon, Ed McMullen, well- formerly occupied by Dr. L. B. Sears known Vernonia man, received and will continue to meet your pat- what was thought to be a very pain 524 ful if not serious wound. McMullen, ronage. W. H. SWAN who is a deputy fire warden, along Mr. and Mrs. Earle Bliele and with several other fire fighters, sons left for Crater Lake and other were fighting a fire which had cov- The ered approximately five acres of points in southern Oregon. Blieles expect to be gone about green timber, when an axe in the two weeks. hands of Bob Graham, who was cut ting a tree which was on fire, put an extra heave on the handle with the result that the blade flew off and I into his knee some two weeks ago, struck McMullen on the right leg is now able to be back on the job and also the left leg with such force after being under a doctor’s care in that an artery was severed. Tem Portland. The weed, which is bet porary aid was given him by other ter known as a bur, ran into his fire fighters and he was brought in knee, and had the reaction of a to a doctor here. porcupine quill. Instead of coining He is now resting at his home in out it worked its way further into Natal. Roland Masten, another fire the leg and caused a large swelling fighter who ran a “snake” weed j and infection. » For Sport Roadster Rumble seats are justly popular. They add a smart, rakish touch to roadster lines, and increase the carrying capacity by two passengers. That Dodge Brothers Sport Roadster now provides this convenience, will be welcome news to thousands. Lake the main seat, it is deeply up holstered in gray Spanish genuine leather, and the seat back is high and well pitched,providing unusual comfort. ‘K Oil Stoves Classified Advertising THE STANDARD AND LEADING CONSTRUC TION OF ALL OIL STOVES. DON’T BUY A SMOKY OIL SMELLING WICK STOVE—GET THE BEST—THEY COST NO MORE—VERY ECONOMICAL ON FUEL—PLENTY OF HEAT FOR ALL COOKING AND BAKING. All ads. under this head "re cash with copy. Rates, one cent a word; initials and figures count as words. Minimum, 25 cents an issue. 3 burner with white enam el panel, blue enameled Burner $34-50 3 Burner extra large size One Jumbo burner, a reg ular oil range . OVEN FREE WANTS and FOR SALK Ample space is provided behind the main seat for golf clubs, suit rases, t enni s rackets and similar luggage FOR SALE FOR SALE—3 lots, 50x100 feet, near Rock Creek road in city limits. Price $100 each, easy terms. Inquire at Hotel Vista.________ l-4t HIGH GRADE PIANO near Vernon ia will be sold to reliable party at big saving, $10 monthly will handle. A real buy, write at once for particu lars. Tailman Piano Store, Salem Oregon. 1-lt FOR SALE—Lots 1, 2, 3, 10. 11. 12 Block 24, Mellingers Addition, $150 each with terms or $750 cauh for all. Will also consider trade on Portland property. Write W. A. Steele, 302 Spalling Bldg., Portland Oregon. ____ 1-lt FOR SALE—TEAM, WT. 3100 pounds and harness for $225.00. R. L. Spencer, Vernonia, Or. Box 104. 523 FOR SALE—33 ACRES LAND. 5 cleared; house; out buildings; good well; young bearing orchard 100 rod woven wire fence; near logging camps; 1 mile from school 2 miles from railroad; 10 miles from Vernonia. Price $500.00. L. C. Boeck, Vernonia. Or._____ 523 FOR RENT two burner size, glass door, regu lar $6.00 oven, FREE with either stove I Florence oven, BUY NOW — FLORENCE OIL STOVES ARE ALWAYS WORTH THE MONEY THEY COST—NONE BETTER See HOFFMAN about it ------ IT PAYS------ FOR RENT—New 4-room house, furnished. One block from de pot. E. S. Cleveland. 1-1* ! ft »• I $1015.50 .. 966.50 .1018.50 ...1080.50 Sport Roadster Touring Car Coupe ......... Sedan Delivered CADY MOTOR CO. HILLSBORO, OREGON RESIDENT SALESMEN VERNONIA BRAZING & MACHINE WORKS. Inc. Ro»e Avenue—Vernonia, Oregon O odee B rothers MOTOR CARS I “TCRES AT 5 LVERY1HING NEWBERG ALEM SHERIDAN VERNON IA. TO WEAR A pproaching FOR SALE—5 room cottage, north of laundry. 50x100, $2000, easy terms. Inquire Hotel Vista.____ l-4t A Brilliant pheasant green lacquer body and hood, strikingly in contrast with the tan top, black feixiers and full spe cial equipment, complete a general color s chem e of exceptional dash and rharm STORES AT CORVALLIS HILLSBORO McMINNEVILLE MONMOUTH i When closed, the rear compartment is absolutely waterproof, even in rainiest weather. HOFFMAN HARDWARE CO FLORENCE Smart New Rumble Seat A utumn Brings with it certain household de mands which this store can supply to the satisfaction of the most Careful Shopper ft Beautiful Beacon Blankets, full size, in plain and fancy at \ I WANTED WANTED—One Jersey cow. State how much milk cow is giving. F. R. Hyland, Vernonia. 1-4* $5.00—$6.50 $9.00 Oregon City all-wool blankets $1.69—$2.00—$2.75 Cotton Double blankets NASHUA wool-nap, full double-bed size, plain $6.00, fancy $7.50 3 POUND COMFORTER SIZE BATTS $1.25 A new lot of silk spreads just arrived, beautiful stripes, Blue, Orchid, Rose and Pink, at the low price of..................................................................... $5.95 Men’s and Ladies’ Beacon Bath Robes, a new shipment just in at $7.50, $8.50, $10.00 LOST LOST—At swimming hole in city park, Ingersoll watch with silver chain. Return to Emmott and Cul ver Market Reward. 1-1 MISCELLANEOUS INQUIRE OF Mrs. D L. Sift* for Ancona roosters, on Rose Ave. 1-2* < MEN SEE OUR NEW GORDON HATS AT $5.00 and $6.00 VERNONIA’S LEADING STORE —V I Í Í