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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1926)
Volume 4 CAMAS TEAM IS DEFEATED VERNONIA, OREGON, FRIDAY AUGUST 6, 1926 DELEGATES LEAVE i FOR _ CONVENTION I American Legion Member« Number 52 PIONEER PAYS VISITS OVERLOOKING THE HORSE Vacate First Visit Made in 24 Visit Old Haunts. Vernonia for Marshfield. Year* to POST SPONSORS CARKIN Vernonia Inaugurates Cam paign for Home Vet. A. E. Thomas, accompanied by Mrs. Thomas, daughter and daughter M. E. Carkin Sponsored far Canunit, in-law, were in Vernonia Tuesday teaman From Thia District and for the first time in 24 years, re Post Seek Local Suport. * viewing the old home sights. Mr. Thomas located in the valley in 1888 and settled two miles south of Mist Recognizing his efforts and servic where he was Connected with a Mr. es in behalf of the American Legion Smith in the lumber business, where both at home and throughout the they conducted a pioneer saw mill county and state, the Legion post at and were pioneer mill men of the Vernonia is sponsoring M. E. "Jack” valley, shipping most all the lumber Carkin, prominent legion worker into Clatskanie. Mr. Thomas cut at there, for election as committeeman one time what was reported to bo from this congressional district. the most perfect cedar tree in the Commending Mr. Carkin and citing state from his property there and the services he has performed for after being sawed and stacked and the legion in Vernonia and elsewhere measured it had over 6000 feet of a letter from the Veronia post has clear cedar lumber, and as yet no been received by Columbia post here one has reported a more perfect urging the support of legion men of tree. The tree was 6 feet one way St Helens in securing Mr. Carkins and eight feet the other at the base election. of the stump, and had a ten inch “An executive man for an execu Errors, Kotula, Hudson, Hugh3 and rotten center, the tree was 44 inches tive position, and a legion man from Tidland, stolen bases, Davis; sacri ST. HELENS PEOPLE through a 10 foot point of the log. a legion town, is Jack Carkin,” the fice Welch, Austin and Hudson; IN AUTO WRECK The Thomas’ have been touring the letter reads, “and we ask your whole three base hits, Robins; hits off Da country for the past six years and hearted support for one we feel wor man 8; off Manning 6; struck out ¿tan and Woman Injured When have spent considerable time resid thy of the position.” by Daman 4, by Manning 5, walked Automobile Hit« Pole. ing in different provinces of Canada 1; hit by ball Wright. The letter is signed by O. B. Mc Mr. Thomas iB now retired and mak Thomas McGinnity and Manning put a bomb shell under ing his home in Junction City. From Donald and P. M. Bewely of St. Hel- Camas Sunday, when they completlv Anna Attleberg were dangerously here they left for Mist and other sec enso F. P. Graham and A. L. Kul- shut them out until the final frame, injured when atouring car in which tions of the lower county and will lander of Vernonia; Alex McMellon when they managed to get two scores they were riding struck a telephone One could feel but pity for the come from them. As an example, we spend some time there renewing ac of Toledo and E. D. Chin of Sheri Chief had that rock’a’by slow ball pole on the Columbia highway about blind man in the picture who won-; have the merchant who excepts busi- quaintances of by-gone days. dan.—St. Helens Sentinel. of his cutting all kinds of capers. three-quarters of a mile north of ders why his carriage does not move, ness to move without advertising to --------- *--------- --------- ♦--------- ] It went down to the plate just as if St. Helens about 4:30 o’clock Mon- when he says “Giddap.” He knows pull it along, FAREWELL PARTY KEEP PLUGGIN ’ ALONG “ Every successful business estab it had all summer for the journey. day afternoon. Carl Hoben, a I third he is sitting in the wagon with reins It seemed as if it would hang in the occnpant of the car escaped with in hand and that he is going through lishment will admit that consistent SEQUOIA OAKLEAF SAY IS BIG SUCCESS all the usual performances of a advertising furnished the power and air a few feet in front of the bat slight injuries. Sequoia Oakleaf says, "No matter McGinnity was taken to St. Vin driver. But he finds no results be momentum on their upward journey ter, shimmy for awhile, and then cause the horse—the pulling power and that it is still an indispesiable how green you are, there’s always Mr». D. L. Smith Is Honored at dive into Hudson’s mit, leaving the cent’s hospital with a broken leg —is not attached. Bridge Party. agency for them. If true in their batter standing with his mouth open and wrist and numerous cuts and This man has a reasonable excuse, case, the small merchant cannot af somebody greener; no matter how sad you are, there ’ s always some bruises. He was unconscious. Mrs. for he cannot see. But there are ford to sit on his unhitched wagon wondering what it was all about. One of the most delightful social Manning and Daman hooked up in Attleberg, also unconscious, was many men with the power of pbysl- and wait for some n^racle to move body sadder; no matter how smart events of the season took place you ore, there ’ s always somebody a first class pitchers duel. Daman taken to St. Helens hospital suffer cal sight who are in the hopeless him along, for no matter how good of the blind driver be- the wagon which corresponds to his smnrter; no matter how ugly you are Thursday afternoon, July 29, when was the first to fall when the "Ducks ing from a severe cut on the face predicament cause they fail to see important stock and store, it cannot travel there’s always somebody uglier; no Mesdames M. Grunden, Henry Berg end possible basal fracture of the broke through in the fifth inning things but look for the results thet rlonn. excent down hill. matter how ‘slick’ you are, there's man, Dave Marshall and Fred Wah- with two runs. Manning never gave skull. later were hostesses at the home of The telephone pole was broken in SOME BOOZE HOUND CARNIVAL IS SUCCESS alw.’vs somebody that can go you the latter for a bridge party in away but was air tights until the last one better. There isn’t much in try- two and the car was wrecked. two hits in succession spoiled his honor of Mrs. D. L. Smith. Mrs. McGinnity, whose home ir in Den informant State« How Manv Gallon, Pythian Sister* Put on Show for in' to excel in anything these days Smith left August 5 with Mr. Smith chance for a shut out. — what ’ s the use? But no matter is - a ------ steel worker, em- Manning was given brilliant suf»-' ver, Colo., ------■ — -------- ■ — Goes Down Every 30 Day«. Benefit Park and Library how discouraged you are, there’s and their daughter, Lora, for Wins port by Welch and Wright, these ! ployed by the Gutherie Construction always somebody that’s ten times as low, Arizona, where they will make two worked like big leaguers all | company. Mrs. Attleberg’s home is Some enterpris'nr citizen of Ver blue. About the only thing left for their new home. Tuesday night was a big night on through the game. There were no in St. Helens. Five tables of bridge were payed nonia gave on interview to the St. a person to do is just keep pluggin’ First street. The Pythian Sisters McGinnity died the following loose spots to be found anywhere in Helens Sentinel, in which is intima gave their carnival and entertain- nlnog bein’ like other folks”— until four o’clock when several morning at the hospital. the Ducks line-up. Everyone of them other guests arrived. Delightful re ted that Vernonia is the worst town ment for the benefit of the city Forest Grove News-Times. played a first-class game from start freshments were served after which Claude Ramey of St. Helens, Or., in the country for moonshine. The park and the public library. Covies to finish. Merritt, our right fielder suffered concussion of the brain informent even states just how hall was crowded with merrimnkers LOCAL TfflZEN-PASSES the honor guest was presented with was not in the line-up Sunday, on a carpet bag, filled with gifts from Sunday morning when he took a spill many gallons of liquor goes down and it was the noisiest, biggest, account of blood poisoning in his It busiest, best event of its kind for Friend« and Acquaintance« Were those present. This was a “sunshine on his motorcycle on the Columbia, the “red lane” every 30 days. hand. This we are sorry to state and bag,” whose contents are to be Shocked to Hear New«. highway between St. Helens and isn’t a bootleggi rs nd at that, but many moons. Every body was hnppy only hope Meritt will be with us opened,, one each day after Mrs. Rainier. He was picked up by a pass mye of a knock than a boost to and every one glad to be there. Sunday. Smith, who substituted for The death of Mr. W. T. Haton Smith has reached her destination. ing motorist in an unconscious con-1 the fair name of Vernonia. If the There were stands and side shows Merritt played a wonderful game. Those enjoying the hospitality of dition and taken to a Rainier hos- “loud speaker” knows all that he of every description, there was danc last Monday afternon was reported Tommy Dowd failed to appear at pital, where he regained conscious gives out, why don’t he prove him ing and splendid music by the Col by his many acquaintances and the hostesses were: Mesdames D. L. Camas, so Davis was sent into cen self a good law enforcing American legians, there were “eats’ ’and re friends, who were shocked and Smith, A. J. Black, M. J. Armstrong ness after several hours. ter field, he just Ty Cobbed all over Mr. Reithner, Frank Hanson, Frank citizen and give his vast store of freshments and games and a little surprised at the sad news. that garden. Hatton was a long time citizen of Shinn, Carl Davidson, C. Anderson, Word has been received from Rich knowledge to the proper authorities. bit of every thing. The ladies of All right boys, next Sunday is the ard Boeck and family, who are at Why don’t he stop it if he is so sure the Pythian Sister order deserve Vernonia, being here years before J. L. Will, Frank Godwyn, John day we meet our old enemies right He owned a Kemper, W. J. Gooding, E. W. San Bernardino, Cal. Since leaving of the evidence? Just such doings is much praise and the various commit the railroad came. here at home, so do as good as you one thing the matter with Vernonia. tees sure worked hard to make the blacksmith shop in the town for Wolff, M. D. Cole, J. E. Cropper, Vernonia they have been through did at Camas and St. Helens will several years and was known all Judd Greenman, Ira Mann, Wm. In truth, Vernonia is no wetter than go home badly beaten. Nuff sai'd w’e central and southern Oregon. Idaho, other towns of the same population big party a success. For the cause over the valley for his good work Folger, Chris Nicer, J. C. Lindley, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada and there was about $75 raised for the know you will. Dewey Drorbaugh and| and very good for an industrial cen- park after all expenses had been and resposibility. Mr. Hatton was a and R. A. Space all of Vernonia, California, --------------*-------------- family who left at the same time is ter as it is. paid and it was an evening well hard working and honest citizen. Mrs. M. Grady and Mrs. Erie Hop Entertained at Farewell Party. --------- ♦--------- working at the plumbing trade in spent and long to be remembered. For the past few months he has bee a kins of Kansas City, Mo., and Mrs. Miss Lora Smith was guest of' La Grande, Or. County Superintendent O. A. Words of praise to the orchestra ailing and some time ago was ob Switzer of Longview, Wash. --------- *--------- honor at a lovely party given at the' ------- «--------- Anderson of St. Helens spent sev- that supplied the dance music and liged to quit work. Te was a mem Milton A. Fuegy, of Astoria, 9. home of Dr. and Mrs. M. D. Cole, 1 Mrs. E. A. Laird and daughter,) eral days in Vernonia last week mak to all who helped to make the car ber of the Knights of Pythias. The funeral services were con P. & S. official, called last preen Friday evening, July 30, when Miss Miss Annie Laurie and son "Bob", j ing arrangements for a house during nival the success that it was ls ducted Wednesday under auspices day and expressed disappointment Louise Summons and Ruth Holaday accompanied by Misses Bessie Laird the approaching school term. Mr. given by the Sisters. of Harding Lodge, Knights of Py over the fact that he wasn’t hear entertained forty young people. The and Agnes Magee, were visitors to Anderson has resigned from his -------- ♦--------- ing more about a Vernonia day cele evening was spent in jolly entertain Seaside, Canon Beach and other present position to accept an offer, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.Anderson of thias. A large attendance at the ment, after which refreshments were coast points Thursday and Friday.] from the Vernonia school board to Swea City, Iowa, are on a visit to last -rites and ceremonies. Mr. bration. He said if it could be pulled served. Each guest was given a They made the return trip through serve as principal of the schools the west for a couple of months. Hatton was a good friend and with the railroad would assist in every favor as a remembrance of the oc Longview, Wash. I They are visiting at the F. E. Malm- sadnes we are compelled to chronicle wsy possible, even to a special train here this year. if business demanded. casion. Miss Smith’s favor turned ------- I --------- ♦--------- --------- ♦- sten home. Mr. Anderson is a brother his death. --------- 4--------- out to be a lovely traveling bag, Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman are --------- ♦--------- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Miller of to Mrs. Malmsten. The families in Mr .and Mrs. E. Knight and child Emil Messing was a Portland visi presented as a token of love and visiting in Canada, going up with Scappoose were in Vernonia Tues tend visiting California soon. ren returned Thursday from a two tor Wednesday. friendship by those present. Mr. Keith, of Kansas City, last day, taking in the carnival and for ---------♦--------- weeks ’ visit in central and northern --------- ♦--------- week. --------- ♦--------- a short visit with Mrs. Miller’s Messrs McGraw, Carkins and Kul- Miss Gale Hunter of Tuohemnc, The Willing Workers and friends California, coming back by Yose parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Dixon. lander took the boy scouts eight of the Christian church will meet mite and Redwood national parks. California, is visiting with her sis Miss Frances Lappe, who has miles up Rock Creek for an outing with Mrs. Hawkins on Bridge St., --------- *--------- ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. been visiting in San Francisco, re --------- ♦--------- Mr. and Mrs. Jay Burt raw and one day last week. Bodie Heiber and G. C. Olson of Corvallis, with Ms near the Gilby garage on August E. Knight. She intends staying sev turned this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sessemen visited Neil Bush walked the distance as 11, at 2 p. m. for a social after sister-in-law, Mrs. O. A. Christopher eral months. at the Dent home Sunday. an experiment. and son Paul, of Nampa, Idaho, noon. Everybody is invited. --------- 4--------- Mrs. Whalater, Mrs. Marshal and Mrs. Mabel Dent returned Thurs visited over Sunday with Mr. Olson’s George McGee was the lowest Mrs. Greenman were hostess to a day from a visit with relatives in --------- ♦--------- Dr. Hurley and Thomas Graham Will the people who purchased ar sons and daughter in Vernonia. bidder, securing the contract on the farewell party given in honor of St. Helens and Rainier. were Bor land business visitors on ticles at the carnival Tuesday night, --------- ♦--------- Cleveland road or the opening of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Smith last Thurs --------- ♦--------- Thursday of last week. Maurice Richardson, who has been kindly return the pans and plates north Rose avenue. day. About thirty guests were pres Mrs. Handley is moving the Model — ♦--------- to Mrs. Aspland. Pythian Sisters. employed on The Eagle for two ent. Millinery shop one door east of the Mrs. Folger and "Billy” were in yean, will remain on the job under present location. --------- ♦ --------- Portland last week. the new ownenhip. Mrs. McPherson, Mrs. Folger, Mr. Reithner spent a few days in --------- ♦--------- --------- *--------- —------ ♦--------- Mrs. Glenn Robinson and Mrs. Mc J. M. Clark has moved his real Mrs. Oral Fulkner, of Portland, Portland and Seaside last weex. The small adv«, get results. Please Notice --------- ♦--------- Neill, were in Kelso, Washington, estate office one door east, west of spent last week-end with her mother ------------ ♦------------ \ Miss L. M. Keehn visited Port Friday, visiting with Mrs. Starkey. the bank. Coaling Sunday Mrs. Spencer. land during “Buyer’s week”. --------- ♦-------- --------- *--------- Many subscriptions are ex- The last and best league ball game --------- ♦--------- Mr .and Mrs. A. J. Black and --------- ♦--------- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Greener of piring, or are behind. Notice on Vernonia grounds between St. Mrs. Lincoln and daughter, Thel family spent Sunday in Longview Mountaindale, were guests at the ma, spent the week-end at Seaside. the mark on your address. If Mr. and Mrs. Lester Morgan and Helena and Vernonia. This Sunday. it reads 9-’26, it means you taking in the sights. C. R. Adams of Snolls, Washington You will want to see It. Herman Greener home Sunday. --------- ♦ --------- expire the ninth month of --------- 4-------- --------- ♦--------- S. P. 4 S. officials tells us the county, visited with Mrs. Morgan’s 1926, or September. 1926. If Mrs. Kate Farr. Mrs. Edna R>i- Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Johnston and summer tourists business to and aunt, Mrs. H. L. Greener, Sunday. Marriage Licenses it reads "Aug. ’24,” it means bens and their mother, Mrs. Effie children and Phil Millie and family from eastern points is the heaviest --------- ♦--------- Aug. 1924—then you owe to o ---------- :---------- were recent St. Helens Lynch, of spent the week-end at Canon Eeach L. C. Boeck and family motored A marriage license was — issued in five yedrs. Aug. 1925 and 1926 and in visitors at the home of Mrs. Lynch’s --------- ♦--------- to Bunkerhill and visited over the Portland this week to Oris Edwin advance to Aug. 1927, or $6. daughter, Mrs. Harry Wilson of • The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. B. Counts and son, Mil week-end- with Mr. Boeck’s aunt, Perdew, 24, and Ellen Carolina Love is very ill. Mrs. Humelt lard, went to Portland Saturday. ’ Wilson, 22, both of Vernonia, Or. >>»......................... ♦+♦»♦»♦»♦♦♦ Vernonia. Vernonia is very much depopu-! lated thi week by the absence ofi Camas Team Held Until Al a number of its legion members ' are enjoying the state conven-1 most Last Inning When who tion held at Marshfield . Vernonia I won the two biggest trophies offered Scores are Made. in the state legion circles winning the Dr. Stewart trophy and the Graham Glass district committee of district No. 1. From all reports this will be the giggest and best con Exceptional W»rk of Local Players vention the legion has ever held in Oregon and the Vernonia delegationi Highly Commended; Field Sup- is very much pleased over winning Was Exceptional; Score wa« the trophies. Among those who nrel 4 to 2. in Marshfield are Mesdames and! Messrs. Wm. Folger, A. L. Killian- R. H. E. der, Jack Carkin, Dr. Hurley, Mr. | 000 020 101—4 8 2 Murphy, Guy Shields, Dudley Nix Vernonia 000 000 002—2 6 2 on, Mr. and Mrs. Fenner, Camas.... Alexander. Summary. ST.HELENSHERESUNDAY ---- *----