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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1926)
flemma Sagte Entered at Vernonia, Oregon, Pqstoffice as Second-Class Matter. VERNONIA, OREGON. FRIDAY AUGUST 20, 1926 VOLUME 5 ---------------- :---------- . ! MOTORIST CAREFUL WHEN WATCHED Number 2 LT."" FIR LOGGING SLOW; SAWMILLS ACTIVE CAMAS LOSES SECOND TIME Portland, Aug. 16.—(Special.) — “It is amusing to notice the dif Taken as a whole logging in the ference in the attitude and tactics fir districts of western Oregon and of motorists in their driving habits Enthusiasm was aroused at the A lively discussion at the city Washington is at present less active when they are under the watchful chamber of commerce luncheon held council meeting Monday preceded a than it was during similar periods of eye of a traffic officer, and when Wednesday toward clearing and request of H. E. McGraw for a the past three years, according to Complaint Charges Unreas they are out of sight of such guard leveling the city park, supervision! power and light franchise. the 4L employment letter published Davis and Manning Win ing influences,” said George O. Bran governed by the lccali City Attorney Sheeley read the here today. The Willamette valley onable Rates. denburg, general manager of the of which is I chamber. ning Combination. I complairtt against the Vernonia district in Oregon and the Grays Oregon State Motor association, in Since the park is owned by the' Light & Power company, which was! harbor country in Washington show commenting upon the methods of motorists on the streets and high city, a committee of three has been filed with the public service com-j more activity than other west coast appointed to confer with the council mission at Salem. He said that al districts, the letter said. ways. “If every motorist conducted him who will appoint a committee to though this company was granted a| Woods work in the pine districts self continually as though under the take action, It is believed that a franchise which was said to be ex of the inland empire is becoming I eagle eye of the law, we would have day could be set aside when a holi- elusive in the title of the ordinance. more active, the 4L letter reported, and City Asks Investigation little or no difficulty and but few' day could be declared, and that an there was nothing in the ordinance. although forest fires and fire hazards Last Gam« of Seaton End* accidents. The behavior of motor-j effort would be made to have all itself stating that an exclusive right there are still slowing up operations. Readjustment of With Vernonia in Fir sawmills, generally speaking, ists when near a traffic officer is available citizens donate their time had been given to supply Vernonia Rates. an indication that practically all mo-I toward clearing and leveling the with light and power. are cutting on approximately the Place. Second Attorney Sheeley sought legal same schedules that held before the grounds, building bath houses, and A complaint dated August 12, torists have a full knowledge’oLtraf- w j opinion in the matter and is confi Fourth of July. Skilled sawmill help making the swimming hole safer for fic regulations, but disregard such! BY L. G. MECKLEM 1926, has been filed with the public ’ dent that statements made in the is well employed. For the second time this season service commission at Salem by the restrictions when the arm of the law children. In the pine districts just east of Camas did the nose dive for the It is recommended that the com- title of an ordinance have no legal city of Vernonia against the Ver-! is absent. “ It should be borne in mind that' mittee appointed by the council effect upon the status of the com the . Cascades, there is less lumber Ducks. Brilliant pitching by Davis nonia Light & Power company fori pany as stated in the ordinance it- production now than a month ago, and Manning proved too much for alleged violations of the laws re- 1 the regulations that are respected so speak with all the organizations and the letter states, several night shifts the Columbia river paper hangers. garding public utilities and asking religiously when an officer is in lodges in town to seek their co self. Rates 20 Per Cent Less. having been closed down during the After they had threatened to tie the that the commission fix reasonable sight, are regulations in effect for operation in this movement, Agricultural and score in the last few innings, the purpose of safety and a con-| 7;.^ Mr. McGraw said that he would past two weeks. rates and charges. The local chamber has become The complaint charges that the trol of motorists for the protection' affiliated with the association of j guarantee a 20 per cent reduction in other industries have largely taken Manning tightened down and re The rates that have been charged and of all concerned, The disregard ofj lower Columbia river chambers of, rates from the beginning of opera up the employment slack that ob tired them in short order. game ended 5 to 4 in Vernonia’s collected by the company are un such regulations, is an absolute dis-1 merce. An advertising booklet is to tions. After some persuasion he tained earlier in the summer. With the return to schools of favor. reasonable and discriminatory be-' regard, generally for the life, limb be published for the benefit of all agreed to also furnish 14 lights to many young men. who have been Daman, chief gunner for Canias, the city free of charge. cause the plant, lines and equip-, and property of others that are safe members of this association. The council wanted Mr. McGraw working on farm, construction and also pitched a wonderful game. His ment are overvalued as shown by guarded by the regulations enforc the last report to the public service ed by the officer and regarded by NEW OFFICE BUILDING to guarantee service within six other jobs, openings will be made southpaw slants had the Ducks months, but this he refused to do for many men now engaged in fire guess A mg all the commission. The charge is also made the motorist in the presence of such - way w through. f - Camas ON FAIR GROUNDS stating that it might take six months fighting sand other seasonal work. drew first blood in the first inning that the company has reported a officials as are vested with author when they scored once. The Ducks I or a year to obtain permission from value on its franchise of $60,000 ! ity of the enforcement of traffic The Columbia county fair board the public service commission, be More National back in their half of the first came whereas the fcity claims that this regulations. met Monday to discuss and formu- I fore he could start construction with two tallies. For five minutes franchise cost the company nothing.' Forest Closures I1U|H V V V ! work. ate detailed plans for new improve Davis shut Camas out, then in the He anticipates opposition Service Poor in 1925. THE FISHIN’ WAS ments on the fair grounds and ap- from the present light and power seventh they sent two runs across It is alleged that the companyi The entire Cascade national for the plate on Dowd’s muff in the out GOOD LAST WEEK point judges for various depart- company in this. failed and neglected to furnish' est, embracing a net area of 1,- field. The Ducks scored once in the ments. power continuously to the public, | The ordinance was given its first 023,510 acres, has just been closed BY AN OLD TIMER third and twice in the sixth. Applications for space for exhibits for the reason that the plant was On August 8, Mesrs Ruhl, Bloom, and attractions are coming in fast and second reading, and a special to smoking under trespass regula Manning relieved Davis in the unable to generate sufficient current Blunt and Cropper left Millview at for Tuesday meeting was called tions of the U. S. department of to supply the needs of the public 10:30 a. m. with full equipment of lately, according to Paul C. Adams,' night to take action on the matter agriculture, according to a forest eighth and struck out the first two He! batters that faced him. A misjudged secretary of the fair board, using it. Tuesday night, after the council service bulletin. fishing tackle, bound for Anglers’ Improved camp City Attorney Sheeley said, “Dur resort, three miles below Clatskanie. attributes the extra rush to the fact men had time to think about the grounds and improved places of fly by Merritt in the ninth inning ing ■September of last year the lights We went to Mr. Lambert’s camp, that the fair has been lengthened to matter, the ordinance was laid on habitation arc exempted from the allowed the paper hangers another score. This ended the big game in were-off every afternoon and Sun-! took a motor boat to Blind canal, four days. the table until the next regular order. Other recent closures to A new office building, 16x18 feet, meeting of the council. Time was smoking in the national forests of our favor five to four. (lay. The water is as low this year, four miles run from camp, then Second Place Won. as it was 30 days later last year took skiffs and were in the home of will be built before the fair starts.! wanted to investigate and for legal Oregon are: Ochoco national forest, The Lower Columbia league sea and the company is already using the finny tribe in one and one-half All buildings will be painted and and expert opinion as to what the drainages of Silver creek and water on the Inman-Poulsen log dam hours. We caught the limit—30 fish necessary repairs made immediately. I qualifications and requirements Emmigrant creek, 184,320 acres; son has come to an end. The Ducks I to run the plant. It is indeed an each, total, 120 fish. Several granges and communities should be placed upon a plant that and Wallowa national forest; 3270 are second in line, that’s not so bad for the first year. We have had one alarming ’situation.” acres of national forest land lying of the finest bush league teams ever The quartet were southerners; so as well as individual farmers are' is to be given such a franchise. The complaint asks that after due Mr. Ruhl whispered to the croppies, planning exhibits, The poultry j, Mr. McGraw said that he would west of Wild Cat creek. assembled, but they are going to hearing and investigation an order or white perch as they are called show will be larger than ever this guarantee service within six months In Washington, 16,000 acres on be made' commanding the company! down south, that we were front year. Boys and girls clubs will have after he had obtained permission the north fork of Entiat creek leave us now, maybe not for good, at least we all hope not. Our great to cease from these alleged viola-' to the exhibits and put on canning, stock from the public service commission watershed, Wenatchee national for- est loss is Davis, he will pass on to tions of the law and that the com-! Louisiana, and they responded to operate. est, have been closed to all entry faster company, this is a bitter dose Mr judging and other demonstrations. southern call immediately. mission fix and order substituted Blount began to mew, and pulled in Trap shooting, a horseshoe pitch-1 At the Monday night meeting of except under permit. The Mount such rates, charges and classifica-! a cat fish, Mr. Cropper spit on his ing tournament and other features the council a representative of the Baker highway in the Mount Baker to swallow, but Davis is a hard tions as it shall determine to be just hook and yanked in a fine black are planned for the four days’ E. G. Long company was present to national forest has been closed to worker with lots of ambition to go aid reasonable. amusement program. show samples and quote prices on smoking. All the rest of the higher and he can rest assured that bass, 2% pounds. every one of us are pulling for him. The request is also made that the new fire hose, which the local fire Mount Baker was closed some days The fishing grounds, I mean Our pitching staff was the finest in company be ordered to install suf Mrs. Marie A. Hanson of Port- department claims it needs. ago to all entry. the league. ficient and necessary equipment, waters, are government canals, with land, district deputy of the Wood The council agreed that new hose These new closures bring the to Summary. lines and power to adequately sup a dike for drainage in the Columbia men circle, was in town last week in was needed, but the fire chief was tal closed area in Oregon up to 1,- R H E ply the public served by the comp valley—a real little “Holland." the interest of her organization. Page 6) (Concluded on 422,730 acres, and in Washington to Vernonia 201 002 000—5 7 3 any and any further order that the Every mode of travel is by motor 3,658,847 acre» or a total for the Camas ........... 100 000 201—4 7 t commission may deem just and boat or skiffs. They have a 7-day- district of 5,081,577 acres under a-week mail route. Mail boxes are on Batteries, Davis, Manning and necessary in the premises. the various forms of closures. Hudson; Daman and Gubble. Attorney Sheeley says that the floats, and the motor boat operator The forest service states that The Errors, Blackman, Austinson and annual report to the public service I deposits mail in the boxes. these closures are made necessary Hudson, three base hits, Roberts and farms are behind dikes, making a commission by the company shows a because of the extreme dryness of Wright, two base hits, Austinson, valuation of $247,000; that the | pretty section. There are miles of forest cover, and _t he high fire Tedland, Merritt, Kotula, Davis, canals, with a main 200 feet wide total assessed valuation according to| The statement points out sacrifice, Dowd. Hitts off Daman 8, hazard. and a minimum depth of 18 feet. the last assessment by the state tax! the responsibility of every com Davis 6 in 8 innings, off Manning The water in these canals is clear commission was $71,000. munity and every individual to help 1 in 2 innings, struck out by Da and cool, with a tide of four feet enforce forest fire regulation* and man 1, walked 1, Davis 8, Manning 2 Fine orchards can be seen growing TO PROMOTE STRAW on the banks of these canals. Grain feduce man-caused forest fire*. hit by pitched ball, Wright. Winning pitcher, Davis. BERRY GROWING and corn are on an equal to south ern corn—not like the other Oregon SLEEP MAY BE A. E. Allen of the Allen & corn—where a bee can stand on its A BAD HABIT NEW HIGH SCHOOL Hendrickson Packing company, says hind legs and extract honey from TEACHERS CHOSEN that he intends to open up the Ver-, its tassel. This reclaimed land is By R. H. ULM, in New York Times. nonia district this coming fall in very rich in soil, an accumulation jf Most of us do not sleep efficient The teachers for the Vernonia getting the farmers interested in deposit from the mighty Columbia ly, and thereby waste on slumber a union high school for 1926-27 have putting in strawberries. The cannery j since the time of Noah. lot of time which might be salvaged all been chosen and contracts firm hopes to interest local farmers and added to the houn we give to signed. The teachers and their sub We all got home sick, after catch in planting upwards of 100 acres. ing the black bass and white perch work or play. Moreover, it appears, ject* are as follows: Mr. Allen believes that this part (cropper). It made us think of our according to the findings—which are J. B. Wilkerson, principal, Latin, of .the county needs to be developed old home in the sunny southland put forth as more persuasive than trigonometry and civics; L. F. Aus . as fast as the timber is cut. and is —the land of Dixie. I rubbed Mr. conclusive by the scientists who ar tin, sciences, boys’ athletics; Thomas confident that the soil is especially Bloom on the back the next morn rived at them—that sleep is a form P. Graham, commercial subject*: suitable for small fruits. of intoxication.” The doctors at Miss Flossie Perce, English; Miss ing and discovered that he had George Washington univenity found Mirabel Goodin, sewing, history, eaten so many croppers that he was that 60 to 78 hours of continuous girls' athletics; Miss Ruth Hickman, Many Dance on Boat. growing a dorsal fin. wakefulness had no great physical French, Spanish; Mrs. Hammack, ! The last boat dance of the season These are the best fishing waters effect upon the nine subjects. algebra and geometry. on the steamer Swan, sponsored by we have found in the west, and we Those who were accustomed to sleep The union high school will com the St. Helens post, American Le- are sure going again, soon. Our ing six hours each night awoke fully mence its classes on September 6. .' gion, was held Thursday of last next trip will be to Lambert’s camp refreshed in about ten hours. Those week. • one-half mile from the Columbia. Recorder's Work Light Now. who usually slept from eight to nine Many Legionnaires from Vernon- where the harvest trout are on their hours awoke fully normal after ten The city recorder reports that ia, Rainier, Clatskanie and St. Ifel- run. So look out for a day of real to eleven hours in bed. This gives hl* work has been the lightest the ens made the trip. The boat left nt' sport! It will be trout, not croppies support to the deduction that sleep past weak since he came into office, 8 p. m. and returned at 10:30 p.' or bass. may be in much part a bad habit, as three yean ago. Mr. Reasoner was m. after a short run down the river.' When a southerner works he gives Dnncing was the chief diversion. A his full time. Give him a gun or Every dollar spent in Vernor.ia' ments of stock and beter service to Socrates, Samuel Johnson and glad of this because it has given Visitors usually Thomas A. Edison have contended. him a chance to catch up with his fishing tackle and he will come home comes back to the spender with in the community, light lunch was served. Portland post No. 1, American' with a full bag or creel. What he terest, figuratively speaking. There judge a town by the size and ap- books before the assessment rush, Mast Meeting to be Held. soon to come. .Legion, and the Portland Auxiliary J does, he does well (pardon U3 for is no wiser use of money. In the pearance of its business district A mass meeting of the legal voter* ’‘• 'will give a dance on the Swan Fri-, blowing our own horn, but if we first place, we are assured jf get The storekeeper’s ability to make a Filipino Infant Dias. day night. August 27, leaving East blow now, ourselves, no one will ting the best goods and servic'1. and good showing in this respect de of Union High School No. 1 will The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. blow it for us, so that is why you in the next place we are making an pends upon thq local patronage be held at the school building at 2 "Alder street dock at 8:30 p. m. they receive. hear the blast.) investment with the same cash. P. m. August 26, for the purpose C. A ring, Filipinos, died at their Bigger store* pay bigger taxes and of discussing the budget. Following home in Vernonia Sunday morning, You will not hear a blast from Mr. and Mrs. Ed Laws of St. By patronizing our local mer Helens Were Sunday guest* at the' our horn until trout run in the Co chants, we are helping to build up the public improvements and other the meeting the poll* will be open aged one month and five day*. The This benefits that come from higher until 7:00 p. m. to vote on the tax child was Ruffering from acute home of Mrs. Laws’ parents. Judge lumbia; until then silence wlil pre- Vernonia’s business section. question as published. diarrhea. Interment was in Portland. means larger stores, bigger assort revenues are enjoyed by all. and Mrs. W. A. Harris. (Concluded on Page 3) LICHT SERVICE LIGHT FRANCHISE TEAM TO LOSE DAVIS Dollar Spent al Heme Comes Back