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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1922)
e THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1922 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT DAILY RECORDS Continued from Page Two Uti Bl? oG?rgU A' 0Hver* ’«<>• Lot 7 Blk. 2 Town of Woods. lamXL1* ntS' WSlter J' Mead «> Til- ;»«ook CO. Bank $1000.00. Cover. *11 of the «8 miles 0; Une and tire equipment aid personal prop erty of the Nehalem Telephone and Telegraph Co. In Tillamook county. Ore. Due 6 mo., int 8 percent at maturity. American Legion Notes Farm Reminders To lay proper emphasis on the five provisions of the pending ad justed compensation, the American Legion will present its case before every chamber of commerce in the country. The hue and cry raised against the “cash bonus'* clause in the bill has befogged the issue, Han ford MacNider, national command Lane county appropriates $5,000 January 20, 1922. for improvement of Alvadore-Coyote er, charges. Appointment of Senator U. S. Army Discharge of Roland road. McCumber, author of the bill, as McGinnis. chairman of the Finance Committee, U. S. Army Discharge of Ernest Seaside,—$159,000 street paving is expected to speed up Congression al action on the measure. W. iBlls. contracts let. War Deed. Adam Simpson to Hanford MacNider, commander of Charles E. Crowther & wf, $450.00? the American Legion, has announc Lot 8 Blk. 21 Twin Rocks. ed the appointment of the Legion's January 23, 1922. national legislative committee, as War Deed. John.E. Ryan & wf. to FOR follows: Dan F. Steck, Ia„ chair E. M. Scott, et-al. $10.00, Lots 4-13 man; John R. McQuigg, E. Cleve & 14 Sec. 4 Lots 1-7-8-9-10-11-13- i Tonsilitis and Sore Throat land, O.; Earl M. r.llne, Nebraska; 14 & 20 Sec. 5 and Lots 17-18-19-20 Keep them on hand and take Wm. R, McCauley, Bloomington, Sec. 6, T. 1 SR 8W. RIGHT IN THE BEGINNING. They Ill.; James M. Hanley, Mandon, N. Deed. Andreas Albertson to M M. RELIEVE like magic. D.; Mat H. Murphy, Birmingham, Fisher. $10.00 N% of sw% and I Ntt of SE% Sec. 8, T. 3 SR 7W,| Absolutely harmless. Satisfaction i Ala.; J. G. Scrugham, Carson Citj, New guaranteed or money refunded. Send Nevada; Wm. F. Deegan, 160 t’-cres. $2 for a trial bottle, 130 doses. DO York; Joseph H. Thompson, Pitts January 24. 1922. Mtg. C. O. Harris to State Land IT NOW and you will never be with burg; James A. Drain, Washington, Board. $1000-00. SE% of NE% and out them. Reference First National D. C.; George L. Berry, Pressman's Home. Tenn.; Wilbur M. Brucker, Bank. NEMi o* SEM Sec. 19 T 3 SR 10W. Saginaw, Mich.; John Thomas Tay Due 1 yr. int. 6 percent semi-an lor, Washington, D. C.; John D. nually. Markey, Frederick, Md. Aaron Sap- War Deed. Carl J. Hurliman, et- Eugene, Oregon iro, Lexington, Ky.; John H. Sher- bourne, Boston; Paul Edwards, Seatie, Wash. Mortgage. Clarence B. Stanley a wf. t o Western Loan & Building Co. $2000. Covers tract 60 x 105 in siz</ in Garnett Acreage Tracts In Tilla mook City, due 81 monthly install- ments of $33.20 each. Int. 10 per cent. Tonsiletts J. E. TITUS 7 Cadillac Stage Line ANNOUNCEMENT Patronize Home Industry The 43,262 good deeds to unfort- unate buddles performed by Ameri can Legion posts of Minnesota in 1921, cost $75,000. The list does not include 21,000 cases wherein hospital treatment, back pay, voca tional training, and compensation were secured for disabled men. 7:3j am. and 1.45 p.m. Ph fie 135 W 8 and 2 p m.. Phone Main hfll IVAN DONALDSON, Agent Maternity Hospital Will the pullets be laying next fall when the price of eggs is high- eat? A definite hatching plan now and provision for carrying out the schedule will help towards that end. —O. A. C. Experiment Station. Mrs. Frank Merrick Matron Auto Tires Beat Thorns An old inner tube from a laffce sized auto tire Is useful when p run ing black raspberries. The berry canes should be drawn together partly and tied with binder twine | so that they afford mutual support I after which they should be pruned back to a height of about 30 inches. By drawing the tube over the left arm and cutting it just beyond the hand good protection from thorns may be had during the pruning.— O. A. C. Experiment Station. Invest Them JANUARY dividends on stock and bonds will be coming in for many of you, and should be in turn invested to earn more. If they are large, why not put them in a First National Time Deposit Account? If small, better add them to your Savings Account. Either way you’ll receive good interest. DIRECTORS W. J. R lechers. John Morgan B. C. Lamb. A. W. Bunn Henry Rogers «. J. Edwards. C. A. McGhee Alben For the comfort of our patrons we have installed electric heaters in all our cars. We protect you by careful drivers and $40,000 accident insurance. Remember you can call us on either phone. We will call at your home for you. Stage to Pacific City also. This .ine is owned t< 'J Blame ok men. Leaves Portland Terminal Persons desiring to plant pota- toe« in February for early use should use whole seed, as cut seed rots in a cold, wet soil. Little is usually gain ed, however, by extremely early planting. _______ Moneys received by the United States from foreign countries in payment of debts would go to ex soldiers under a bill introduced in the House, This measure eupple- ments the American Legion's ad- justed compensation bill. Leaves Tillamook Hotel Shearer-Merrick Surgical and Spring planting of vetch is suc cessful only when planting is done early. Planting after March likely to produce a low yield. Ashland.—1921 building activi ties show growth of 50 percent over 1920. Because he had not his commit- _____ ment papers, Wallis D. Willis, a dis abled soldier, was turned away from Government hospitals to war der in the streets of Washington until overcome by exposure. Roused by Willis’s treatment, the American Legion is starting a vigorous inves tigation of red tape evils. I TILLAMOOK-PORTLAND PAGE THREE Ex-soldiers who have lost their disharge papers will be able to oB- tain duplicates from the Secretary of War under a bill introduced into Congress at the request of the Amer ican Legion. The First National Bank / Carefully sealed cylindrical carton insures absolute sanitation. OK OREGON Another Royal Suggestion Flour Grocers Recommend Albert Coffee Cakes and Cheese Biscuits Flapjacks From the N ew R oyal C ook B ook Albers □ Quality the hotcakes of the West afternoon tea or a little something F OR extra for luncheon these recipes arc most appro priate. Royal Individual Coffee Cake« 2 cups flour % teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons sugar 3 teaspoons Royal Bak ing Powder 4 tablospoona shortening I < gg % cup milk Sift dry Ingredient« to- Rether; rub In shortening ghtly with Anger tips: add beaten egg to milk and add to dry Ingredi ents to make soft dough: divide the dough Into six tong narrow pieces; with hands roll out on board each place very long and thin; spread with butter: cut each In two and be ginning in center twist two pieces together and bring ends around to form crescent. Put Into greased pan; sprinkle with chop ped nuts. Bake In hot oven 15 to 20 minutes. Whllo hot, brush over with thin Icing made with H cup confectioner's sug ar moistened with 1 tab lespoon hot water. Slackers and draft dodgsrs will iTOl’^esCaiR''~i>inTTBhrhent through the operation of the statute of limita tions if the House passes a bill to SHOEMAKER. continue the military status of de serters. The American Legim, sup PROMPT porting the measure, urges unre MAIL ORDER WORK. SERVICE lenting Federal warfare tga'nst slackers. 303 1-2 Sec. Ave. E. Tillamook, Ore States which pay adjusted com pensation to their ex-servics men I now include; Minnesota, Maine, Michigan, Massachusetts, Mjpscurl, New Jersey, New Hampshire,.North Dakota, O^lo Oregon, Raot3 Is land, South Dakota, Vermont, Wis consin and Washington, aoprd’.ug Ship Direct to to John Thomas Taylor, vicj ch Dr man of the American Legion'll U.g.'s- lative committee. Ralph R. Edwards Dressed Hogs and Calves Gun play between the chanber of' commerce and the American Legion post at Akron, Colorado, resulted In the death of 936 rabbit«, ' which were distributed to needy families in Denver. The shooting match ben efited farmers, who have bee« groa<.- ly troubled with rabbits. ltt c Claven Autocrat Cord Jives built for mileage HE massive tread, «turdy and properly di*- tributed—the McClaren “Mileage Strip , a broad, continuous band of solid rubber running through the center of the tread and entirely around th. tire —theDouble Grip Groove, preventing skid ding and sldd weai—all these are special feature« of the McClaren Autocrat Cord Tire that insure T greatest mileage. True tire economy lie. in getting the most mile, per dollar of co«t. Come in and let u. show you how the McClaren Autocrat Cord will give you new tire satisfaction in longer life and more mileage. the Legionnaires throughout country have been invited to join 1 the second annual ascent of Mount I Hood by the American Legion pott! at Hood River, Oregon. The eleven thousand-foot climb will be made by the party during the sumner, in contlnuence of a custom started by last year's expedition. Twenty hospials in three year« is the record of one disabhed fighter discovered by the American Legion, Physicians at Fort Lyon, Colorado, where this patient Is now being treated, «ay that be at least will never suffer from getting in a rut. White Globe Turnip Best The pomeranian white globe tur nip out-yields all other varletle« by two tonB per acre for late summer and early fall seeding, find« the ex periment station at Astoria. This variety has better keeping qualities and a much longer feeding period than the commonly grown cowhorn variety. These result« apply to all coast counties. Elminra-Notl road to recalve 148,- 000 Improvement«. Astoria.—Baptists to erect church. new Prune crop tn northwest thin sea son teals 24.000.000 pounds. BROWN’S SHIVICE STATION Tigard.—New school building I» planned bore. ___ maman*" «Ar ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Cheese Biscuit« 1U cups flour 2 teaspoons Royal Bak» ing Powder 14 teaspoon salt I teaspoon shortening S tablespoons grated SWIFT & COMPANY % cup milk 81ft together flour baking powder and salt; add shortening and choree, rub very lightly with fln- J:ers; add milk slowly, ust enough to hold dough together. Turn out on floured board and roll about 44-lnch thick; cut with small biscuit cutter. Bake In hot oven 12 to 1« minutes. FOURTH STREET MARKET Portland, Ore. WILL PAY MARKET PRICES SENT FREE I The New Royal Cook Book containing th»«« and 40' other delightful, eco nomical recipes, I* yours for the asking. Write tor it TODAY. ROTALBAgrWG POWDBIK O. 114 Fulton Htrnot. New York 0,1». I PROMPT REMITTANCES =r DISCOVERED A COZY PLACE TO EAT Excellent Home Cooking WITH Absolute Cleanliness At Reasonable Prices TOURIST CAFE OREGON TILLAMOOK, «•MM « 9