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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1921)
1 .^W» : VOI. XXXIII N" 7 PRICE S2.ÖO A Y1AR TILLAMOOK, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1921 TILLAMOOK COW HOLDS RECORD regular of Puli view gtani» which occurred on brumhrr t>. wu* »i'll attended and Iulci»»tIng from xevvrul »lundp'iintx I'he pnigrnni win full of |nt«r«»t tintllig the Iriturr hour »nd eoiu|*t- ««I of Mitut». instrumental music, di • Win Maxwell, who attend««) the national grange at Portland, gave a Iwlk on the progmni r< ifflvivd on that ix-raliin by the »tat» «nd aub- or<11 tinte grange», which wm given for the entvrtMlntnent of the Nation al giall»e )lr « txrlally rv«l>we<l th 7lh degree woik which wa.* put on by tire national gtange, a ria»» ot last per «•on* taking thi» d«gre Mr. Graxva lalkeil on the |*a< ifi< Inlet liktlolial live »lock »how, and the fill» »lurk ll:»te exhibited The question of a »pm lai lax tor 192& tale ««a» dlxuwM'd by Wm. Maxwell. Moirla-'ti Mlll»lHlpb Tin uer»t»tt and M»bt tlllwrll Th» atgumanl» brought ml wer» nut taxor able to the prt.poiw»d fair Jl.illl» Wataon gave a talk <>a high (.in» .lid th« »pe* lai tax Th» ► -t J hi. t.ol I..o!, A«ei t.inl ptrwnrd M Hchlld \\ ni Ma« Weil. Hteward Hohl Htlllwcll. I .er* urer. l>-<ar TlU»l. Gate heepri Edw Weston Th* in»t«ilail<«n of officer» »III take piar» m January, and »III b< Joint with l'lea»aiit Valley grange the latter grange »Ill furni«b th* program for th» or !C AIM cm. Th» in »lallst I'to «nd pri bgnm W 111 b<- publie Golden F"ppy St Maw»» one of fine»t Jersey bull» In I hl» eooZlty died Monday night of thi» w«»k »t th» ranch of Claud Aekl»y. north- w»»t of town Th» animal «a» a reg Islvred pure blood, and waa pureh- smh ! several year« ago by a company >>f ten »ell kn >n d»li>L*n "f ib» ■ bot» neighbor h*--« tCismtaatlon '•f th ' It '’ draik '! •-<' ' '»i « he I • t » |. « of bale : C • lie shleh had been taken lato th» •tomar! >,« r So the heart eaurlng the bull'« death I he snin t w«» sb ul 8 year« old » ! - «h ■ f • fit.» J«rmv rk of tbl» rounty. »nm» of them • » .1 ieally pli’! .* ■ 1 f >1700 • nd 'hvre • •■ no la-ursno PAY CUT IS MADE •rror of th» reporter * »• made t i «»y la»t fit «’ne had V Inn- t»n per cent cut in •alari»», beginning « hat »hoiild h»vs that the fire buya hud LIVELY PARTY IS RAIDED BY SHERIFF WHEELER MEN ARE ARRESTED A. L HEAD SPEAKS 90 LB. STEEL LAID TO CLOSE ‘NESTUC’ LANTZ CO. TO RUN ULOVERDAIE HIGH BEFEATS GRAND RONDE AND WILLAMINA •al p team by * b»ya by a were irdsle high bn»ket hall rd th» Willamina • nd e team» at llavh t ball • laat Haturdny night. •<■ atirndnnew of th» Io- The Clovidnl» gill" fit«l rcuti the Willamina girl» uf 22 to 4 The local w -a flora Grand Hond» * 47 to 1> Th»-« g«t«»a D W Benfield ’ SIR» ,1',wn «•<! »raa «•Wia Wednesday and baila* «• ths court h 'it»« MEETS AT BEAVER Janis of Sequoia," the fine Gu rn Holin' month» ngo, reprenantativea sey cow owned by Howard Edmunds of the light I iouh « xervlo made a Members of Tillamook Poet trip to Cape Miura lignt station, While th’e county court has not as of this city, is still keeping up her She 17, the American Legion, to the num average daily production fest, whl<li la altUHted Juat south of Buy- yet been able to outline all of Its nine ber of 16, went out t-> Beaver last road building policies for 1922, was placed on official test uee«g b, n, h and aununer reeort, and months ago. Thus far, alter the night where a mating vras held a* lar»r went down to Cup«- Lookout, enough is known of some of them to lapse of nine months, she still av the Odds Fellows hall, the object be Impfiove- warrant tire igiumerated where they rpent onir time In In erages 2t*-100ths pounds more per ing an effort to secure a 100 per »perting the <upc Mtrroundlng». Il nients as being certain, Thcy will duy of boiler tat than the world's cent membership of the American wax rumored at the time that they consist of the following: best record for the tame number of Legion in this county. Thirty-five ’ ad tti mind the erection of a new The co-operation wi<h the state on days. Provided she keeps up her av ex-service men were present and ad light homie, and the rr “.7-._! of . the removal highways to the •extent of >17,000. erage during the whole tinw of her dresses were made by Dr. J. H. big llO.Otut lena now ut iC Meut» "__ _ to a new location ou tlm brow ot Cup« The work of extending the Bay official test, he will annex the Shearer, the newly elected county greatest commander, and by H. S. Mann, who Ixiokont, which xlte la not only high- ocean road to within <me and one- world’s recoid as the A : ly party taged at the horn« of half miles of a connection with the known producer of butter fat. Till recently was elected chaplain. Dr. '•r. but alao egtenda ecu ward more thntt two tnllex further than Capo A W Larson, caeblcr of the First road built eastward from that bay amook county is coming to the front Shearer .¿poke on patriotism, and al so discussed the matter of legisla M»ara. Bank of Hay City, Friday night re point. ThfB will include bulkhead as a breeder of prize winning cows. tion In th’e Interests of the ex-sol- While anything that may be xald I sulted In Ihree jugs of liquor belntc ing where necessary, of the road ad diers. Both talks were very interest only >p'-' ulatIve. und without au I < onfiacated und Mi .md Mrs A. W. jacent to the bay, and the comple I ing. iorlty front the government, there Larson, Mr. anil Mr >. <1 M. Cook and tion of the road this year as far a« At the business meeting a num ■ p i ui wit, believe I hut the via Milton Muehh- being held for ln- Sandy Cove. This Is dn expensive ber of applications for membership It la the llghthom-e official» at the vestlgutlon. The Larsons are being road to build, but there Is a demand were received, then followed a ban me. had to do with future Inten held for p"H *■ Ing liquor und O. M. for It, and It will give this city and quet, and some of the boys are still tion» of that branch of the xervlce Cook of the Tillamook Mtlelc com tourists, when finished, a short talking about the excellence of th« regarding the establishment of a pany for drunkencM. route to the beach. viands furnished by the good ladies The pavement between the Tilla m « light along the Tillamook count The participants, who nre wald to Leo. Sebasteno and Abele Piove-' ot Beaver. I he great pre • nt objection to the be some of the people who have been mook and Trask river bridges will Dr. Shearer was elected toastmas >-ti I'llvhment of unit, a light, while making Flanker Court ring with b<- completed this next year, giving son, two Wheeler mwn, the latter be ing a businsBS man of that section, ter, and good fellowship and, cheer tl" : ''n |e an Ideal one. In tha their joyous gathering» lately, have the road a total width of 18 feet. fact that there lire no loud to Cape been under xurvelllance for some The crossing at Juno over th* S. arrested last Thursday evening by dominated the hour. Much credit is given Vice Presi lae kout. which lx tire fon-xt rexerve and Sheriff Awhlm with deputies P. track, which has always bean con the Sheriff and theputy Perzln», and dent Emil Wooley for his untiring Th* nearext point to Gpp<* Lookout Lurax and Holden took the oppor sidered a dangerous part of the Till 1» reached whetv the road end» at tunity Friday night to bring the amook to the beaches road, will con locked up. The sheriff stated that efforts to bring the ex-service me« sist of a big fill and a concrete over raisin mash was found well ferment together, and for detail work, which thern extri ilty of Neisit« matter to a final« The raid on the Larson house was head crossing. The expense of this ed, on the premises of Pioveson, made the meeting a success bay. and In urdei t>> get to th« latter It is the intention of the post ta rape, a road would have to be con- made while Larxon w» absent from work will bo jointly shared by the which according to one of the men, hold meetings at various places in •trm ted a diatance of about three the ptvmlm-H and after the officers county, railroad company and the was intended for Christmas cheer. the county of a similar nature. Th« tn I lea had seen Cook come teetering from state. The county’s share being es- next meeting will be held at the city Pioveson pleaded "guilty, ” and on house In an unstable condition, the timated at >7,500 It wax rumored at the time of the hall in Tillamook Thursday evening Friday was fined >100 and costs by house was ifntered and Mrs. The not yet The Redberg cutoff has vlelt of tl>» government people that Sebastino pleaded of next week, when another meeting the location of new light would In Ibison wax discovered pouring some bean fully surveyed, and for that Judge Stanbey. place will be selected. Nehalem or volve the removal of th*- big len» of the liquor Into the sink. Larson reason, the exact Improvement at "not guilty,*’ and his trial will ociur Wheeler from Meara, In which rnw, a good had been taking the balance of the that place cannot be given at this as soon as his attorney. Judge list thus and Cloverdale are on th» Holmes, returns from a business i"ad would ire a ne.. - Ity. and for party, xald to have been Mr. ind time, but the county expects to make visit oustide. Mrs H. A. Goodman, and Mr. and a substantial improvement on the the moving of other »uppliex and The sheriff states that Sebastino is building material along the rugged Mrs. H. P. Eblnger, to thvlr home» highwnv south of Cloverdale, be an old offender, who has been in the al Till..nook v. hen the raid t<a>k eoa»t tween Neskowin and the Little Nes- courts of this county before, It is place Goodman lx a clerk at the tucca river drawbridge. t .■(•>- Lookout la one of the hlgh- understood that the latter will face Pebnlngton -tore and Eblnger is a e«t deration» along the Tillamook I The road Improvement between B charge of carrying consealed Dr. J E. Shearer spoke to ths coax', and 1» admirably aftualtid for druggist. a dis weapons. Manhattan and Brighton, While r»tjirning from Tillamook high ochool students i last «'.-‘.day ou th« puipotw of guiding coaat navi tance of about two and one-half “Americanism.” ”, Among o t h e i gation Cap« Meara light 1» the on the I^rson car wax wrecked on tne inih-s will he a feature of next years ly rtv which glrea a white and red Vaughn hill near Bay City. things trecessary for the mental work, and will proceed so far as the fiaxh alternately, «lung the Oregon money available for the work will equipment of young men just start coast allow. The county has been trying ing in life,” spoke the Dr. "was a There 1» an old atory whether true to get tire state highway people to Evidently ft Is the intention of the thorough understanding of our con r not. to the »fleet that before the designate the coast road northward Southern Pacific Co. to make It pos stitution, and a patriotic resolve t« C.*pc M«ar» light win Installed, the as a state highway, but thus far Boy Graie 8. P. agent, Issued a have been unable to get a decision sible to cut down it« running time be a good American citizen.” H>« government had In mind the »elec between this efty and Portland, This talk was well received by th« stud irtat-men! this week regarding the tion of Cap« Lookout aa the place from that body. belief 1 h strengthened by th« fact ent body. Mr. Grate for the light, but through an error war tax on th« railroad A>( j Work will be prosecuted next that the company will by spring • that said: year on th» Roosevelt highway from have the whohe distance between ”1 am In receipt of advice that ef the brought tk« euppliea, th» cargo Clatsop county line to Mohler, Tillamook and Hillsboro equipped fective January 1st, 1922. war tax and land* *! at or near Cap« Meara. will consist of straightening out will no longer be collected on trans the present road, surfacin'-, bridge With now 90 pound rails to replace the smaller size rails now in use portation charges, Th!» mean« • and culvert construction This road This may call for an increase of mo reduction of 8 per cent on pa.ssen- connectR Tillamook with Seaside. tor power, with a resultant lower Just what Canby, a little jerk ger business, 3 per Cent <* frelght. Clatsop county is rocking the above ing of the time between here and water town over in Clackamas coun ty, has against the Nestucca fish and hi per cent on berths, etc , 5c r< d to a p* Int wlihln three mil»« Hillsboro. W-.» iainti Oil Burner company Is j It is learned in this connection ermen. is not exactly plain to th« and un- of the Clatsop-Tillamook county line each on telegrams SO cents a* ■ bltsg It» machinery at th«- Fry The Improvement of th» Tilla than the company is making, and people of Tillamook county Just wt rehoua« In the north part of town dvr, 10 cents on telegrams over (0 mook and McMinnville highway this will further complete, several fills what is back of the pussyfoot mov« and expect» t<> he ready to operatv rent«. While our coliactlons here year has resulted tn cutting dowa along the line, w hich will do’ away will probably come out at the special »• th« "r«t of th» coming year. Th« tn Tillamook vary, this source of distances within points between Till with trestle*. and also eliminate all session of the legislature. The Pet eat« oi la 5" by lo> feet, with revenue amounted to as much M aniook and Portland as follows, aid short curves, which latter incumb ition asks for the closing of Nestuccg tw Ttr.» a «1'iildlng room, and * bay and river to commercial and net the following table of distances Is rances are time losers to travel. 11000 per month at times." a»l».ls • bring built Conaiderabh Two trestles have been filled on fishermen, and is being numerously official and mav he relied on: machinery ha» already txn n pl.xrcd. j From Tillamook eastward: Ptea»- this side of West Timber and a sharp signed. "Shoals! Ware Shoals!” • ■ ant Valiev. R-7: Hemlock 17-2; Bea- curve cut out. A construction train » big punch pre»». A big turret 16.9 Rnb >0 9. D'> ph 31.4. with a large force of men is work lathe 1» in |>"»ltl<>n. «nd u band ".«« Salmon river junction 40 2. Grand ing between Tillamook and Wheeler ■ nd metal pnttrms sne on nand Rondo 22.8. Willamina 52.5. Sheri placing the heavy rails, and it is be The led s of the Kill Kare Club dan 57 t. Bolhniew 8’ ' «’eat side lieved the work will be completed It 1« eipe< ted that the factory » 111 be able to turn out from 20.000 to of this city have sold about >70 Junction 89.5. McMinnville 71, Port within the next two months. The Du Bois chapter of the O. E. S. of work Is under the direction of as tn ■ ni of tin burtirr» n yvar, and w. rth of Christmas seals, and hope land 199.2. Bay City, paid a frcternal visit on« sistant supervisor W. A. Bec<. will einploy at the beginning about 1« make the amount at least 81()0 be night this week to Silver Wav« chap 8 men, which fore» will later be In- fore the ranipalgn ends, the proceeds H. A. Bell. Geo. Trimble. E. H. Rev Fry is to be th« uvw pas ter of this city. The following mem cirii.l to p- xllily 25 workmen. Mr. to go to tire atute fund for the aid of Eagles and H 8. Berry of Nehalem, Lantz atatea fh»t ths Ijintt Oil burn tuberculosis patients The Knights transacted business in Tillamook tor of the United Breí bren «hurch bers of the visiting chapter wer« of this city. He comes from IMtnols. present. er can be Installed cheaper than any of Pythias band wlli give a dance Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bell, Mrs. K. ' thci ayatetn k'tiown, «nd that It hits Saturday night, and the band boys G. M Colladay. who bad business Tilden, Mrs. M Gtaves, Mr. and Mrs no tvs! competitor when It comas to have volunteered to turn otvr the H A. Norkus who has been work i Mix, Mr. »nd Mrs. Frank Patcbell. proceed» to the Kill Kare Club to : hlng he«t ing her* for some mobith." pant, re I In Tillamook this we«*, returned Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rody, Mrs. he Fry warehouse ha» been h"»»- further swell the fund. The caus« turned to Portland Wednesday. to Portland Wednesday. Claire Welton. Miss E. Daniel, Guy .1 f"i a peril <1 of five years and the la a worthy one H. McCloud. .Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ros« burner prodift Ian be loaded upon and Mrs. M. Reineger. the car» from the factory. fl The Odd Fellows «f this city «-• b»if«*itng * basket bull team and *HI «•■•n li« iwady to meet «II ci-m The U»b«kah lodge • f this city »» * • t > have « Christmas Ire,' for sil Odd Fellow children )*)• I» Price went ont to For»i«»d 1 » «tage yesterday to «pend • days Mia (’ N Allen and •*•' w«i • • *« «labora fremi N«h«l«ni on ritd»y •* laat we«k . Sai»l A 11 < Patch«!), a Portland n*»» man, , ip««t Monday la l II is efty ’v'niiilng home WVdn»«day RED CROSS DANCE Rainbow E F R0GERST TO BUILD NEW SERVICE STATION 2 AUTOS COLLIDE E. F. Rodgers ot this city is break ing ground for a new service station, which will be ereceed at the corner of Second Avenue and Sth street. The building will have a roof area of 50x55 feet, including a driveway. The half block upon which the build Ing rest, was purchased by Mr. Rod gers from the Nsstucca Valley bank of Cloverdale. Besides the usual auto stock carried, the station wilt handle campers grocery supplies, and all such things as are usually found in a little community store, on the cash and carry plan. The building wlli be a Story and a half In height, and will be «ompleted as soon as poaslble. Wednesday morning st »bout 8 o’cl ick. during the thick coast fog that prevailed, together wlh » froz- •n highway surfacn, » car driven by It >ad Supervisor llenry Nelson, «nd am Overturn! piloted by Roy Larson, ci'llidvd about a half a mile north of town with th» result that Nelson mtstained some broker bone.« in one hand while Larson'a right leg a aw h«i1ly wrenched Both car» wer» badly •maahed up In att'vnpung to «void th» th» «ni»rgen car to skid Both nos ar« able to nc th «at» ate 1« the garay» Mra Harry Nielson of thl« «tty re h«rnv<t Tuesday from » week» »i»t* 1« Portland a Fría» lialtt ret«rn»d Tuesday from teusiacM tifp to Portland Nig li«» of »sxy chili» «nd rock en axe l*»lug »how a at Rsehsa '« S'srnltui» »torr Adv Mi» Caaate Miller and «on of Van «•near, U'aato . nrp gueata at the Bdl Jobn«on hot»» »oillb of town. ■ *<>i«y of Nehalna, garage aim at i bat place. pa»a»d through tows W»da«"d«y on hl» way home, com • g In by »t«g». ■ Hobt Watt left Monda« Inal for Saluni where she a III i-prnd th« holiday« with friend« uu,l iclntivis. Mt« llclrelba of Cloverdale went R’lt r li< »la Jr , wb<> had huslnr«» to Portland Wednesday la»t by th» ■d 'n I'" Maud M*a«ay, raturn •tag« rout» T'««sd«y. lb» •pent n tui «i PAYS LODGE VISIT r._ John Cornett of Newberg, whs spent a day or two here this week, returned honre today. Mrs. Atwood amd child and Mis« Elizabeth 1'ohl, ot Nehalem, •am«' in Wednesday night by »tags their way bonne. Billy Matthew« and Dick Donora« went to Portland today to a«« tka light«. J. Knowles, tka state log scalar finlehsd V ck at the Coate mil] Wed nesday a.iJ went outside todar •r Mr Hartl- who lives north town, returned from a trip t« Port land Wednesday night. B. C Umb Jr., returned front Oregon university at Eugen«, lat cer part of last w««k to ap holiday». at how«.