Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1908)
CITV BRIEFS. A new dock haa been bulli iti thè FOR SALE A stock of geimral merchandise Including building and l'piier l.ake landing. store tixt mos, local ton Is good and A great big achooner al thè Ho busin« ' is good Foi pnrllculare call Hotel Dorris, Dorris —that's the 7-* on or .sdresH, W I' SEIHIE, DAIRY. E. J. MURRAY, Editor. place to stop. *-• tel Dorrla. Oscar Buncli waa in thè city Satin OREGON Don't forget to stop at the Hotel FOR BALE In Trucki'o, Calif., Dorri«. when in Dorris. T-l day from Fort Klamath after aup- i |iliea. .»ne tirai class saliMin luisille»». one <1«.> T Cline waa In th«* city Fri 2A jwr eettt off oh Ja|wa-tac al dance hall, and i valdonce pi operi I, s day front Ills ranch in tangell valley. Ita Idi» Ina. TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Address Box 2.3, 1'iiuk.. Calif Have you had troubl«» In getliug R K. Iluusaker Ioni a ItìilU pouud 8 I 9 l your r«*palitug done promptly Try borse Frlday at thè Centrali ranch All communications submitted (or publication in the column« of this ps|ier Winters. 8-6tt 1 from eatlng too ntuch alfalfa FOR BALK 24'> acres of land set • ill be insetted oulv over the name of the writer. No non de plume articles 'n miles below Kenn on the Rivet H L. Holgate atnl Jas H. Driscoll will be published. Don i overlook thè ad of thè Star 1,500,00 feet of timber <>u the piaci came down from Bouanza Friday to Drug Store on back pago. good range Inquire of .lack Connollv attend the Water Users meeting. Ti NNEI. MAt HIÑERA IX<TAI.I.ED. FRUIT FOR SEATTLE. The brlcklmera are now working Keno. Oli-goti. IH ionie to lunch and If your glass«*» get broken try on thè Any doubting Thoma»««» who may »«s'ond story of the new Hum 'ake a look around While Klamath county's crop of 9 :! tf AVtutera. All work done same day block. fruit will not be as extensive this year have had doubts as to when actual as reeeiv««d. k-dtf FOR SALE Two well bred mali us in seasons |>aat, some very excell work would begin on the two tunnels Voti cannot afford to miss the lilg one 8 years old. welght about limi Th«* takeview Herald is now under sale at the Boston Store. ent varieties of the hardier fruits are at Dorris may now climb up onto the ibs ; thè otiier 5 yeius old. welght Erickson a th«* management of J. M Ba« holder. being grown in some of the more band wagou and Imost AV. !.. Welsh and C C. Pearson about 14oo, with it sucklug colf an attorney ot takeview. contractors, Petterson, the railroad protected districts. An opportunity aere In the city from Dairy Katui itoth well broke, genti» and irne and G«*o. C. Humphrey and wtf<* arriv day is given this section for some very ef have bad a crew of men at work on ■ red to gi oii horses. Prive, l 'itn fective advertising at small expense the approaches to the big tunnel ed on Friday from Oakland. Calif . A bove all get one of th<>»,< hand See Alieni ni thè ranch of Vigili Klrk- by exhibits at the Alaska-Yukon Ex through Otey hill for the past two They w«*m t«» Odetuut for several days some pictures for it at Star Drug patt-rlck. Fort Klanialh. Oregon Al position at Seattle next year. All the weeks. And now a force of workmen outing. Store. So olii' lu'iivi lue k and doublé lini uxiienses of shipping, staring and dis is putting in the stationery machin Unit too phased to show you our I! Il Applegate camo down from uosa, saddie. brulle ami wagon jack ery to be used on this work Already playing the fruit will be borne by the sp> .al < n those new pictures Stat A imi gain . .101 f tlie Agency Friday for a few days' Prive 8*0 Oregon Commission, and Klamath the E. A P ctimpany has 16 dinky Drug Store. * visit. county should take advantage of this engines at work along the line of John Chastain, of Bonanza, is now I Hit SALK OR lit Al»l MONEY TO LOAN on City Prop opportunity to be represented. The their contracts. Under th«> supervi working f<»r Cha«tnin A Obenehaln. One J I Case 10 foot header, two erty, Ranch or Timber laud. HALL I beader beds, new following letter received by County sion of Mr F C. Birch two 54iu \16 in their general merchandis«* st<»r«' Also one :i year 7-30lf uld Durham Bull. Apply Fruit Inspector Stearns from W. K. ft. boilers, a 640 ft. air compressor, AA e esp«'cially »«'licit watches upon SHEPHERD CO. electric engiue an«l fan engine are l>e- Newell, of the State Board of Horti- Capt. Corblt Is Installing heavy l< S. Parrish, Merrill. Oregon. which others have failed to keep culture, explains the matter thor- iug installed. Crude oil will be used goo«l time. Try Winters. 8-6tf machinery on the »teanier Eagle ply v27-2l as fuel and the Hewitt Machinery oughly: ing the waters of the Upper Lake. R C. Anderson says that threshing ’ HAM II FOR SALI company of San Francisco has the "Portland. Oregon. No use to wear old clothes when I offer my '60 acre ranch for sale contract. All of the machinery will start«*«! on Friday In the Merrill August 25. 1908. •hey are going so cheap at the Bos at the small price of |2o per acre If country. Tin* first work la l>«*lng "The State of Oregon must make be put In on th«« Otey »Ide of the liill sold in 90 da's. 4 00 acres under ton Store's big sale. done on Guy Merrill's plae<* except one fan engine, which will b«* cultivation; t>0 acres more can bi a magnificent fruit exhibit at the Tom Balis is up from Merrill after C. C. Hogue, disbursing agent «>1 installed on this side. cleared; 300 acres pasture land, all Alaska-Y ukon-Pacific Exposition at According to Mr. Birch the work th«* Reclamation Service, has been n stock of fi nit for his soft drink fenced; |.:ooo worth of buildings on S«*attle next year, We as fruit grow- isiting th«* several government camps stand at that place. place; 50 acres In alfalfa; 200 acres era must not allow it to be said that of installing this machinery will <w If you have any fancy or heavy come under the ditch now bit I Id 1 n g any other district can excel or even cupy al»oiit 30 to 40 days. Burley th«1 past few days paying off th«* men ISO more will come under the diteli Louis Gorman, who was injured by ironing to be done we have the man later «*qual us. and in order to accomplish drills will b«* used on th«* tunnel, Hood outside range Terms, Steam Laundry. the dtisired result there must be ac which is 2100 feet long. Reside« fur lh<* train at AA'««ed, has had his arm that cun do it. one-third «ash, balance to suit, intel- nishing |M»wer for these drills, the air 8-20-9-17 esi at s per cent xniputat«si and several toes removed tive work along the line. Address TIH >s M Alt i IX. A dangerous reef has just been io "The apple exhibit must be gath compressors will run a steam shovel. He has been taken to tb<* hospital at AA’ork on the second tunnel near Yreka. ered this Fall and put in cold storage. <at<*d just above the Buena.Vista 8-16-10-15* Klamath Falls, Oregon The Oregon Commission Is building th«« Oregon line will be mostly by Take your watch repairing to Win landing on the Upper Lake Mlflt F III Slot Kitol HI lis a cold storage plant In the basemeut han«l as th«* tunnel proper is only ters who employs the only graduate A big fire was raging on the marsh Slock lioille: a of the Klamath Wa I loon f«*et long after th«* approaches of the Oregon Building at Seattle, so watchmaker in the county. 8-6lf at the Wi'ed place In Wood river ter I'sers Association plea«' ink no that all fruit destined for exhibit can ¡are finished. On th«* big tunnel, how , Th«* first run of ocean salmon up valley, near the boat landing. Satur- tice that pursuant to adjournment ever. the very lat«*st improved ma-' be sent there and stored. the Klamath River have reached day afternoon. nt meeting of Julie aud till. 1908, It is thought “Pr«*sident AVehrung of the Oregon ' , ’l'ner' Keno. a number of the fish being Now is the time to supply your • stockholders meeting will In* held Commission has asked me to assist that at least a year will tn* consumed caught there on Friday Seieral of winter needs as well as present nec- In Houston « Opera House. Klamath by this work and i>erhaps several In gatheiing this fruit, hence this let the salmon were sent to parties in «ssitles at the Boston Store's great f alls. Ore.. September 4th. 1*08, at I the hour of 2 o'clock I* M. ter to you as County Inspector asking months more. A force of several this city and are in fine shn|>e. They sale. your help. You are familiar with the •‘«“’red men will lie necessary and are good eating at this season of the c r CHASTAIN, Secretai F. II. Page, of Portland, who has conditions in your county and know •’*** <u,,n*‘l town terminus will be a year. I,pen visiting In the northern part of just where the best fruit is to be!•>usv railrtiad city while th.« MONEY TO LOAN AA'e have sev ih<- county, left on Saturlav for hi- found aud also the people who will wonderful re«ourc«*s of Rutte valley eral thousand dollars to loan on real home. are being exploited. — Dorris Bisister. be most likely to assist in the mat estate. MASON & SI.OUGII ---------- •---------- CORA Al.1.15, ORl.tiOX ter. AA’ANTED—Position as cook In a J. P. Churchill arrived it» the city hotel, boarding house or camp, Beat PETITION TO INCORPORATE. "The Commission will pay all the Offers collegiate courses In Agrlcul- Friday from Yreka, to attend the freight charges and Btore the fruit at A dispatch troni Dorris says th. meeting of the Water Users Associa •f references if required. I! L Hur- 'ure. Including Agronomy, llortlcul- the proper time, giving to each coun a petition has been preiiared and liman. McCloud. Calif Caiup 3. ‘ure. Animal Husbandry, Dairy Hus \ ty. locality, fruit growers, union or i being circulated among tbe property tion, and to look after other business “-3-10-1 • bandry. etc ; Forestry; Domestic matters. He was accompanied by his individual donatiug the fruit, owners and others in that town ask- I brother-in-law, J. T. Wheeler, an at Wm .lennlson. who has been em Science and Art; Civil, Electrical, Me- credit for the same. Thls will enable lng BU election b«* called by the ployed at Ackley's mill, 1s with the hanical. and Mlulug Engineering; any grower or association to make Board of Supervisors for the purpose torney of Rawhide, Nevada, and Dr ria k-crusher during n temporary shut ‘oiuiuerce; Pharmacy. an exhibit and do some effective ad ■ of voting on the proposition of In C. A. tarsou, of Yreka, who are anx down of the mill Offers elementary rourses In Agri- ious to see the Klamath country, vertising at very small expense. •ulture. Forestry, Domestic Science corporating the town of Dorris. The Lester Klrkpiitriik has resigned Pla«e your order for grain bags "Will you kindly take up this mat-! petition will go before the Supervis Hid Art, Commerce, and Mechanic Carload to his position in the post office, and Arts, Including forge work, cabinet ter at once in your county? Submit I ors at the regular meeting on Octo with MARTIX BROS npn. 8-20-It .Mrs. Murdoch has been engaged to making, steam fitting, plumbing, ma it to any fruit growers union you i I b«-r ■6th. but whether it will be acted •rrii Uli the vacancy. may have, to your Commercial bod- j i upon at that session or not is not hine work. etc. ! Patterson and J. M Smith. A spacious boat house lias just ies and to as many individuals as known. Strong faculty, modern equipment; I.them Pacific men who have been completed for .Messrs. Martin 'ree tuition; open* Sept. 25. possible. Secure the aid of yourf There is a proposition on foot in V I . Jing in the city for several illustrated catalogue with full In I newspapers and make every effort to ¡connection with the incorporation ta;, h . I-ft Friday morning for n few and Clark at the new Worden land or mat Ion on application to the Reg secure an exhibit that will be a credit ¡movement, and it is nothing less than day s al Odessa. They wore accom ing on the Upper lake. 8-6-8-27 to your county. Eleven feet of water has recen*- strar, free. ia plan to change the name of the panied by AV. S. AVorden. * All fruits intended for exhibit town at the same time that it is in Iw-en soundisi along the en»t shore iy Speclnl attention Is called to the should be packed with paper wrap corporated. Some are proposing that Ashland Commercial College BfiggM of the l’p|>er Lake for several miles pers and cardboard, and rushed into tbe old name of the place, Klamath above the Worden landing 7-23-9-4 in this Issue. cold storage just as quickly as pos Pass, be selected. Mr. and Mr» AA'Illiam V. Mong re Henry L. Parrish was up from his sible—this is of supreme importance. I The town now has a population of New Bicycle» for Salr .tod Rent "Please notify M. D. Wisdarn, Sec- ' ranek on Friday to attend the AA'a- turned last evening from Alturas. something more 500, ami. con- They will probably remain here until rer Users meeting. He says that while retary, on or before September 15tb tInues to grow. Tents for rent • crops are rather light, he expect* to after the Carnival. about what you can do and he will KLAMATH REPUBLICAN M ason a S lough ABSTRACTERS LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON -A l 'I io I l 'V Hi»*-* of InvVMt- ailOIMÍM tillit XX’ill Ulfille** thv purotuiMvr monv.v Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON &. SLOUGH 0. K. TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. t J Í i Phones Office 871, Barn 873 « ------ t s Lakeside Inn MRS. M. McMILLAN. Prop’r improVeinontN. 73 rooni.t Sumpit' llooniR. Bur Boom, I’urlors, Booms, Etc., Etc. Modi i n ’ > WWW« MIÖWÄY STABLE FIRST-CLASS TURNOUTS With or Without Driver CHAS. R. BALDWIN, Proprietor i Opening of Oregon Central Military Road Grant $200 realize about |12*0 from 50 acres Ella Callahan nrrlvetl from Oak All Kinds of Repairs which he has in alfalfa land Friday ami left the next morn In the Circuit Court of the Stale of MONEY TO LOAN on City Prop ing for .Merrill, where she will teach euch ten-acre ranch irrigated, Jregon. for the County of Klamath erty, Ranch or Timber land. HALL- in one of the schools. he .Mary A Sullivan. Plaintiff, vs J.E. AHEPHERD CO. 7-30tf On failure to pay his fine and coets. the name regardless of the size of Opp. American Hotel Sullivan. Defendant. Sult In Equity Al Harrison was taken Into custody I lit' Mrs. L. C. Sisemore returned last for Decree of Divorce. and confined In the county jail. At To J E. Sullivan, the above named Thursday from Weed, where she ac tachment will be served on his prop 2500 Acres Tree are cheaper than to honientoad land companied her two sons, who were defendant: Ths Lakeside romtmny ha» 2500 acres erty this afternoon to cover the costs. residence restrictions. on their way to school at Berkeley. ' of land under the Adams ditch that it In the name of the State of Ore F. AA'. Riggs, who haa been employ will give RENT FREE for one year. gon: You are hereby required to ap She left Friday morning for her home Scttlers are coming from twenty-live states and over includes the use of the land and •d for the past few months on the This pear and answer the complaint fil?d at Fort Klamath. water. Th«1 renter must dear and one quarter of the contracts arc already sold. Lakeview Examiner, Is rxpect>*d holm 200 arres of Good Pasture Land place the land in cultivation. The rent against you in the above entitled suit, a few days to accept n p >-l er gets all the crop but we reserve the within for Rent. Plenty of Feed ¡ ’ nil Water. <>n or before th« 1 22nd day of October, FAVOR NEW COURHE. right to pasture the stubble Look into tnis great Land lion on the Klamath Republican The High School Board, which was 1908, that being the date of *h< .ast Enquire at JACK CONNOLLY'S, 7 The Lakeside Company, Grant Opening at once miles west of Keno. 8-20-827 publication ot summons and the last J Frank Adams, Msnager, I. D Applegate and Miss Alice Ap- In session Friday, signed the con Merrill. l>r«*g >n. piegate arrived In the city last Frl- tracts with the teachers, and discuss date within which the defendant is O. If. Crutnpacker Thursday killed I ed the adoption of the Normal course I required to answer as fix«*d by the or- a coyote in the Buena Vista addition, day from Fruitvale. Calif, MlM Ap- Reliable for the tenth, eleventh and twelfth i der of publication of this summons, which has b<*en troubling the r«*»i- piegate will leave In a few days for grades in the High School. All of .and if you fail to appear and answer dents of that part of the city for I akevlew where she will teach. Local Agent, KLAHATH FALLS, ORE. ATTORNEY AND the members of the Board were the plaintiff will apply to the Court some time by carrying off their chick A. AV. Walker and wife, Jno. w. 'for the relief demanded in said com- COUNSELOR AT LAW strongly in favor of the course and It ens. It wems that th«* town is grow Mi-lx-n and wife and A. V. Percival will probably be adopted after a con I plaint. Said suit is brought to secure ing so rapidly that it is encroai-hlng arrived here on Friday from Crater KLAMATH FAI-LB. OREGON sultation is held with the Principal .dissolution of the bonds of matri on the domain of the coyote and the take. The party are residents of ROOMS 7 A 8. MURDOCK BLDG. mony existing b«*tw««en plaintiff and and the teachers of the school. jack rabbit. Medford nnd made the trip In two The new course of study, as sug ¡defendant, for an undivided one-third List your property with us. With ' Reo cars. part in plaintiff's individual right in DR. C. P. MASON gested by State Superintendent Ack i onnect Ions in all the leading cities Bert liavls came down on Friday erman, is entitled "A Teachers' Train fee of the whole of the real estate on the coast, we are in a DENTIST position to from Odessa, where he haa been put ing Class Course." The course Is de owned by defendant, as follows, to- Office in American Bank A Trust Com Do you intend to become u teacher? The turn your properly over in a short ting in the logs on ititi government wit : signed to be of assistance to High pan y'a Building time. Oregon State Normal Schools at AHhlarid, The land. tli<- lumber of which Is being school students who intend to teach, PHONE «14 Klamath Basin Irrigated Latitili Co. used to build the flume on the canal. Monmouth and WcHton oiler exceptional but feel that they cannot afford to , of the 7-2tf KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Upstairs Republican Block Mr. Davis Is In the city to get a few inducements to students preparing to leave home to fit themselves for the : SE A4. supplies. He says ho expects to get Sec. M Al teach Her of rstalogus or other Informal Ion a<l<l mu ihr nrisildoni, R. C. Anderson, of .Merrill, was In work. This would be specially advan ÜW roaporllvs «.hiril«. or MorrWary of th.. Hoard. arid the contract finished In about two town Friday to attend the meeting tageous to Klamath county, where 8<*c. of the Water i'aers Association. .Mr. weeks. students have to travel so far to at ¡the E ’i of the N E ’«. 28, Township 3 7 S.. R. 13 E AA M.. Anderson and family have been A. Helming A- Co., fur merchants, tend tbe Normal. Even the school | r?t"Ashland Is’severafdays travel dhe “ntalaillg In all 320 acres; that the spending several weeks on a camping | pays highest cash prices for all kinds THE LAND MAN tant, and is inconvenient for students ^v'' f'ituy care and cus trli> in California, and says he does i of hides and furs. Headquarters at tody of the minor children of said not know anything alaiut the crops1 American Hotel. tf to visit home. I ARC.» STCATALOG JONES CA1H SToàr Small tracts of well located title It »4 With the new course It practically marriage, and that the d«-fendant con in the Merrill country as his boys I X.« . Mr,.,, List your land for sale with this Mail Order H o « m < m tribute toward the nurture and edu have been attending to that t.iarsh lands offered for one week nt » ”*• mm , l„ Ah» North weal cuts off a year in the Normal. With office; we have buyers for all C«l«lu( ECONOMIZE THRO JONES 820 per acre. Abel Ady tf GROCERIES the completion of the course a certi cation of sal'i «.'blldten the sum ot The famous Nettleton shoe, for classes of Klamath County Th« Hu, « m Guide Hardwfiffi, Dry Lonrl* and The Steam Laundry has In Its em h J' c * '4 all kitwix ficate is issued, which w’ll be honored 8500 00 men. are to be found at the Boston F.osl and Osk St, property. .» t'fiulgf M- I Ihly Also that the defendant pay in the in any state Normal school in lieu PORTLAND, QH, I 4< -l. fi Store, which has the exclusive agency ploy two experienced laundrymen to NG I OR CATALOG the "York prescribed in pedagogy in plaintiff the sum of 11.1 on to ni**«*t for them. The Nettleton shoe for look after the washing and fancy 8 20 » 17 the freshman year. Tbe opinion is her immediate Indebtedness and fl50 grace, comfort and ease has no equal l,o,1’nK also expressed thst msuy who take for ™ts and attorneys’ fees of this for wearing qualities It cannot I h * The only acreage adjacent to Maje Carter, of Ashland, met with Plaintiff prays foi •'•■neral re K Ismath Falls for siile in small this course will become so Interested suit surpassed. a painful accident Iasi Thursday on lief. In It that they will eventually take up tracts. More than a score of Beaver Ciii'k In ilils loiinty, and his Tile staff of leaclielH fol Illi* lily This summons is published In the You will Enjoy people have secured sites for more advanced work in one of the ASHLAND, ORE. schools Is now complete The last wounds may even yet prove very ser homes. regular Normal schools. Student« Klamath Falls Republican, a weekly two vacancies were filled on Friday. ious. He had arrived only a day or newspaper, printed and pulillsh«*d at who take this course could fill tem SOMETHING SPECIAL Miss Baker, of Kansas, who has been two before the accident at the proa- porary vacancies In the common Klamath Fulls, Oregon, by order of «T»ect lie had been employed to do awl it . NEW gfio.iKKi IIITLDING 0a«/SM« aatf Shnnhttul TnMttg. tHona.h in the county for some time, has been •»<1 anara«/. schools, and thus would gain more Hou. George Noland, judge of said some woik on, coming direct from rhe < 01.1.EGE OF LIBERAL ARTS are the beat buys on the market Court, and dated Br-ptember 9, I9o8 secured to teach the Third grade. exprlence and be the mans of pre 6 MONTHS SCHOLARSHIP M d» ill«! deathiied of his brother Ernest nfTers thorough InstruiHon of high The first publication to be made on The Fifth grade will be fil.ed by .Miss » MONTHS SCHOLARSHIP . ftM 00 venting greot inconvenience und pos at Klamath Falla, when In some man qiiiilliy. < oiii-M s also In Oratory, Dona Bell, who has been teaching In the 10th day of September, 1908. sibly the dismissal ot some of the NOTE THE SPECIAL ner not learned, a number of caps Music, '1 lii'oltigy. Touching, Metili Ine, the Medford schools. BENSON tr STONE. All« w I hiwcui «« nine month« x holar. Claeses for a few days exploded. Both of his legs were bad I jiw , mid In tli« Academy. •nl|> «nd «nur Sapiemlwr 7 will 1« •ntlllxl to th« 9-10-10-22 Attorneys for Plsintlff eomblnioi rour.. to J,,ly 1 iwti intludlng Ladles! Have your Fall and Wlu- ly lacerated. He was taken to ills For catalogue address, i'”"’.'?"" 50 Tlihslv«« >vu an «itrw ter garments made n<-w Try the home In AHhland.and at last accounts month Invvailsitaand oom« PREHIDENT FLETCHER HOMAN THE LAND MAN AA'atcb for the big RetnoTtl Sale Bee A4)’ for aviL lai da. Ct STEAM LAUNDRY. 8-2O-9-17 was doing well.—-Yreka Journal. , . SALEM, OREGON. al tbe BOSTON STAME. Address P. RITNIiR, President. give you full instructions regarding shipping. Every box n»*j3t be mark ed plainly with the grower's naim and address and name of variety. "No better work for horticulture than this can be done; the success of this part of your county exhibit will depend upon your efforts, and I be lieve your County Court will allow your expenses for the time necessary if you present the matter properly to It." St MMONS. T GUN STORE ----- •----- T. W. STEPHENS C. C. BROWER Oregon Normal Schools FRANK IRA WHITE C. L. STARR Salem, Ore. Enterprise Tracts Going to College? Willamette University Mills Addition Lots FRANK IRA WHITE » I H Í I ------- ÿ mid huí I cb . ----Í Two Club a F SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS Agricultural College BICYCLES * * * ASHimi) COMIBMI CöLLECt *