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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1908)
KLAMATH Official Newspaper of Klamath County VOL. XIII. REPUBLICAN. Official Newspaper of Klamath County KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 3, 1908. NO. 23 III III II.D X VIVKiltll M I.D EXSE I’EDDI.I ItN I 4X<,El.I, I AIJ.EY MBWN. HO! FOIt THE < AltXIV 4L! Th«« mutter Is again being agitat The coni rari wish let on Tuesday Mrs l> Campbell and son, Walter, Ho* for the Carnival Klamath and work will i-oiiiiiienihi Hie morn 'd by merchants of the elty to pell departed Thursday for Medford for a Falls Is to have one that will be a Ing on a 28000 swimming lank and itlon the council to pass a pnddler'u I load of fruit. hummer for fun That everyone bath house on the Hot Springs tract ' license. Tills matter has been brought Miss Mabie coming to town Is going to have a F. T. Sanderson, of this city, ha» pur up several times, tulk'il over at sev day for th" Fa where she will good time Is the slogan of the com ¡resume her w< teacher In the mittee having In hand the prepara As predi'fill in It»-' Week « Hepuli chased is lot on the corner of the £s- eral meetings and finally dropped I public M'huol. The Reclamation Service started tion of the program of event». It Uinu. Ilon l ¡eoi ge X o I hiu I wat u'i planud" and Spring »tr««l opposite Th«' but« hers seem to |>" th« most III- They claim that Miss Plato I i«’ iiriwd bom«* was hard sledding to get the thing two teams on Saturday with men l'dnted «’ti» nil .fudge, to ntl tii < vi Ihs Hissin I.sundry, and has secured (teresled parties. Sunday from fl to move, but now that It is started it and supplies for the Clear Lake re» min y eau»« t hv the > «‘«Igmii i 'll ol u ten year leas« for I wo Inches of during th« »uiiinn-r mouths they aw water from the hot springs, or 25,000 obliged to curry stock on hand to b«'> n th«- guest looks as if every man. woman and ervoir site, where they will estab Judge Benson. Tl" uppolntm< ui luo, I ui'M'l the trad" of th<-lr regular i us- for some time. >hlld In the city Is going to give It lish camps. The first work to be done Kiven »allstsitlon to all iiieiiiiiei« 1 >ft I Kiillon» «.very 24 hours. The main swimming tank, which i toini-rs. They have their Ice chi-sts Miss I.ula Wilkerson soon departs a boost that will land It away ahead will be In Improving the wagon road th«* but und the public g '■nel ni!» I lie to h line tn r duties as teacher where of anything that was ever held in between Bonanza and the lake. . Iinouneeliient of the «n m will lie of concrete, will be 2 4 by 80 but It Is hard to keep meat very long It looks as If things will be lively she taught last year near Keno this county. vvus mud" lu«t Friday III Asforln feel, und the depili will be graduated without cold stoiaK1' f u< 11111'-» First t •, I Swingle return> <l home Thurs- feet Io 7 feet A smaller Ihlng a team will come Into town A meeting of the b'i»in«-s» men in the Bonanza country and that t iovi't nor < ‘humlierlulii was in thul frolli 2 day for l Medford, where be went to wax held Friday afternoon when a there will be a lot of woi k done thia ell) ultendlllK the It'g.ltlu. Ulld While tunk will also be bulli nlong the sides with neverul beef and th» cuutoniera, in.- meet hi. daughter. Oka who has l>ermanent organization was effected fall. The Service Is advertising for milking uh addi«'»» paused In the mid «'lids, und ulso private bulbs and lhe murk'-is ui<- dipeiidlng on sup >oiii i i ioi tin- l>ri«lg' ;o ro showers The waler will be piped plying. will lay In u stock of meat straits but will do the work tbem- b«««n visiting relatives in i'ortland for . by the the election of G. Hejtkemper. bids for the hauling of 100 tons of «our»«* of ivmaiks to any u disturne of looo feet und will run to lust two or thr«*« days The but jM'l. « so a« to save time Work was some i time. Jr., chairman, and Fred Houston, sec freight to Clear Lake dam, to be dre 'I have been unofficially Informed chers don't sell their supply and H J. 1» Walker ami family left for retary. A committee of four was ap llvered before the 1st of Decembv.-. iI'oinmeu'cd on driving the pile» Mon Hint Judge Benson bus teslKned und through colls In the building so as spoils. In u couple of days th»-se day for the abutments Th« con- th«- huckleberry patch last week to pointed, consisted of Messrs. Helt- The freight will consist of hardware, If tills Is correct I wunt to niinoun«« to heul the dressing room) and ra kemi>er. Houston.Sugarman and Mur harness, gasoline, oil, tents, dyna to you flint I will iippulnt Io fill th» dure th« h'-ut to the necessary same customers will be bn> k to III» . st ruction of piers and headgate« will be gone sonie time. I bill« her uml i-xpeet him l«i have u JI F Swingle left with a party for ray. Th. latter found it Impossible mite, machinery, boilers, engines, be i oiiiui'-io til ul once, the cement vio uni) u loi hoi Asioi luu Ilon » uuni h for bulblug Til«' coni ret«« lank will be complet complete slock. Th«* butcher«« f.-el fur will' h Is now being h;«iil«*d In from Crater lake ami the huckb-berry to give the carnival any further at ruck crushing machinery, groceries, Georgi* Nuland, w ho i» now u resident jusllfieil In iiikliiK thul they pro It'alor by wagons. pat' b and expect to be out for some tention and resigned, leaving the com supplies, etc. of Klamath Full» 1 tun usuai» you ed within fort) duys, und Mr. Snudar It'M'ted. Ill View of lhe fait Ihut they soil slut«'» that lie especia lo have Blds are also b'lng advertised, for tin.'- Young Mr. Swingle Is a bant- mitte« to consist of the first three. Th" order has been ls-u<-d that Hint It Kives m» pleasure to make this are paying rent and tax«** Into the ,,f < on-l<l' i able ability, having President Bishop was called Into the supplying 5000 pounds of dour, 8000 then* Is to I»* no delay, and th« state niimiutu I'liieut The uiinoum i'liii'iit the building completed by Ih» first I city treasury. They do not f«'«-l that ment of parti«*» who an* in a position demons! f .«ted this fact last winter by meeting and stated that nt a meeting pounds of meat, 2500 pounds bam, «vus lendved with »"huliie pli'uaure o( th» year. Tin. contract for the 'll Is Just < "iiipelltlon to allow out- , lo know, that the line will be com- the number of cougars and other wild of the board of directors of the Fair bacon and lard. Also 425 juniper by the vast uilttleni''. filled ns It wa> coikii 'I k woik was let to Earl Sharp sld'-rs to come In whenever they feel ' plet'-d to ibis city by Christmas is animals he killed, and expect» to de Association it was decided to hold a telephone poles, wire and other sup by the host of friends of Mr Noland. The contract for I he carpenter work like It am) knock their business out not only pocalble hut probable. Three vote considerable of hl» time to hunt- county fair in conjunction with the plies. These supplies are to be de- will I»' let In a few days, as nothing \ll of the Astoria papers spoke I i I k I i I) | llvered at Klamath Falls, at dates fur them Even If u tax sus col dredger, are*now working on the cut Ing No doubt his party will neither carnival, and that the sum of 2300' of Mr Noland and the populnrlly of run bn done on the building until the I lert'-d from peddlers It would luti tank I» finished. ranging from September 12, to De want for m-at on the trip or for the had been appropriated for premiums. : across the marsh. Two more liuve the ai'iMiliilnii'ni amount to linin' In bwn ordered, one by th'* Southern irit. 'Kiing stories and thrilling ad- This was good news Io the commit cember 1. Mr Noland has been u resident of Xotli i' Io High w< loe*) Students. ¡the tux lhe bull liers I This begins to look like business Pacific and one by the Mason Con veiiiuri ;i ■ told by experienced hunt- tee. as It made it certain that this this county foi abolit two years, and Th«1 Klamath County High School pay. would be a sufficient Inducement to for the Upper country. The farmers struction Company. This will make 1 era. durliiK tliut time Ims KKlIiered mound Ailol her business I hut I» affected I .pen» for th«' régulai full term Hept V timber fire on the mountain south get the farmers to bring in a fine col of that section have wafted patiently five dredges, and II is stated that th< hlm u wide circle uf staunch friends, I 41Ii Ill-sides tin* t'Wulur college Is tlic fruit business This Is eVen mursli work will lie-completed ready of l.arige|| valley started some time lection of farm products. for four years for this news and they to whom th» aniioum i'iiii'iit of hl» ap asi wlili 'for rails Within sixty days. There is during the past week. I pii'paratory « ourse consisting of das I more unjust than Is the rase The Carnival is goinp to last for are entitled to the good things they pointment lm» Kiven milch satisfac '«liai modern Isiiguage and sclentifi«- ¡other mrchants, us lhe p«-ddl»rs com» very little water on th«* tiiursh this E. C Lyon is Improving his plact one week end there is foing to be are about to receive. They have tion For upwards of a quarter of courses. ili" lllKh school offers a from Ashland und outside th» county. A watched the work being prosecuted year and the embankment is settling by,' ¡earing the ground of sage brush something uolng every minute a century Mr Noland has been a complete business course, IncludiUg The people of Klamath Falls have almost us faut as It Is being thrown Mr S'-dg" Is hauling lumber for a street Carnival is something of a nov on the Lower project, and seen the prominent figure before the bur of shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, b<en fortunate this year In being new barn on hl» homestead. elty to the majority of the people of farmers in this basin reap the bene Oregon, having been counsel In some up. Every able io get anything In th» fruit line I l> llamaker and wife were visit the county, but those who have ever fits, through Irrigation, of the ad The ohJ<-< t of rushing th» building of Hi» moil famous eases In the state and modern business form High school student In Klamath Co In Klamath Falls which Is carried lu of th» concrete bridge across the ing In luingell valley last Saturday. attended one are entbii-lastlc over vance in the price of their lands. Ih* I» peculiarly well fitted to cap «'ullforuia markets. ' This has al la entitled to the»" privileges free of th<* California .Messrs Cline and Swingle return the event, for they knov that it is Now their turn has come and many ably fill the lilgli office to which he channel before the track reach«»« the charge It I» hoped every one may , ways Iwen «obi at a very reasonable ed from the Imsrhutes Monday. one of the finest fun and amusement of the land owners, who have spent water, is so ax to have a crossing hus been a|i|iolnted, having by Ills Fruit Is very perishable and take udvantuKe of them Parent» price long experlenc«* and close study stor ready by th«- time the cut at the. The thr«*»hing machine will begin producers of the day. An elaborate the best part of their lives living on ar» urged to start their children at has to lie i m ned over every day or Downlnx ranch is finish«-«! This will operation« this week. program is to be mapped out, in dry ranches, will feel disposed to sell ed away a fund of legal training that els«' It In a total loss Wagons are the Ix'Klunlng of th«* term An enterprising paper In a pros which every section of the count;* will out and take it easy. The next year will Kreatly aid him In his work take nearly sixty days and when it During the week beginning Sept eomlng in from Ashland slth a load Bonanza. Fort will see many changes in the owner is completed, the st«*el gang can com perous and thriving village recently be taken care of. The oath of offic«» was administer 7tli, Mr Butcher will !»■ In his office of fruit and taking trad» from our mence laying track across the marsh. referred to a corresjiondent as Inane Klamath and Merrill da.s are to be ship of lands in the upper country. ed to Judge Xoland Monday morning In th«' Iliaci« school building w here h< merchants who are carry Ing thous The mile and a half of dyke thrown and was also very cmpllmentary oth held and i is certain that they will There are more cheap lands in that by Judge Benson, It beltiK hl« last will be glad to confer with st udent», ands of dollars worth of sto< k. The»*- The paper referred to Is a excite a greater amount of rivalry section than in any other part of the lip tn' the Adams dr«-dge between erwise official act and parents reKai ding the work of ptsldlers do riot spend a cent here her«* und the new race track is ready 2 8-column paper and Its last issue than they did last yeai. Bonanza county and many good bargains can Benson and Htone have engaged a and even bring their own horse fis I ’d the school. for the rails. From thereto Midland 'had five rolumM of local reading declares that it Is going to walk off still be picked up. This is realized liandMims »ulto of rooms In the Amer ♦ ♦ i with everything this year, while rep by the investors, many of whom have 1st the Hopkins ranch Is a level stretch matter. This must be Inanity too. ican Batik A Trust Company's build si Itlol s A< < IDI XI. XEWN FROM KEXO. Work on the Clear I-ake road is resentatives of Fort Klamath and invested their money in lands there I of sag«* brush, and It is reported that ing Carpenter» ar« now at work Dr (* It Hay, wife, two sons and Turn Grubb has built u new »talli«- Erii kson A Petterson have sublet the I'rogressing with all possible speed Merrill who have been in the city since the announcement of the com- remodeling the riuims and geltlnx ,'laughter. Mabl«*. who left on the I h tat ion his lot. and the government is going right state that if Bonanza d -es what it Ziencement of work on the Clear Lake work of grading this to them In readiness for Hi«1 new firm l'U'lKetl. Tower» and t-mnpanv have I Tuesday morning had quite an expe Tents arc being put ahead regardless of the calamity says It will be going some, tor they dam. The walls will be lo'wly tlntinl und up returned from ih» mountain» nini re rience <>n their trip from Medford to -♦ think something along the same line Arthur howler» and wouldbes. started on Tuesday at tb« rooms handsomely furnished ttori ii good time notwithstanding «’rater Lake. They started out with ¡Lewis place four miles below town Housebreaking and theft are occa themselves. One of lhe lurge rooms will be used Al Melhase has purchased ten acres an automobile, but this broke down th«'y «*nc««iitered some storms. It is a case of Ho! for the Carniv- of the Enterprise tract from Frank Maney Bros ar«* moving their r outht sionally indulged In by some heart- for a law library and reception room. Thos McCormick and family have 'and they were obliged to secure a reprobates in our community. al. boys! Twill be the greatest ever Ira White. The properiy faces en and nten from th« government work lonnectltiK with two private offices gone to th«- C imi » Buy country to visit 'team t<> continue their trip to the as fast as they can finish there, and Justice In its full capacity should be i for Klamath Falls and for Klamath the macadam road a little over a It Is planned to make these the begl with Geo Morgan's folks und to hark lake On their return as they were county. new men are arriving every night on given such characters. • qiilppvit legal offi<«>» In Nouthsrn mile from town. Mr. Vb-'haco will coming down the steep mountain this at lhe country. Beef cattle are selling at five and th«* boat, bllhsl to Maney Bros. It Is Oregon. -------- ♦--------- build this fall and move his family aldo of the lake, th«* tongu«* of th«* Duve Ford bus taken the con not know n how large a crew they will six cents, but some of the farmers re- ♦ Judge W. H. Harris, who recently here so that the children can attend waKon becam«* loos«* and the team to carry the mull from T«*«'teni I work on this job, but It will be suffi fus»*d to sell at that price. came here from California and leased school. MFIIIIII.L RECORD ITEM«,. ran away down th«' hill. The occu ItiK I«* Keno twice per day. The ■ Dave Vinson was over to the Res cient to complete the grade by the Parties who have been through Mrs O F Demur« st went to «lie conipam lut» dlaregarded the orders pants of th«* rlK were thrown out. time the mursli work is done. Man er« ation to buy cattle last week, but the Houston Hotel, has decided to Falls the first of the week to engage of th«- l'osiul Ilepurtment In regard Mrs. Hay had her hip badly hurt and ey Bros will have the government owing to the high prices asked-made return to the practice of law and will the county state that the recent frost enter into partnership with City At has done considerable damage to the Miss rooms for her daughter. Miss Pearl, to two malls a day for some Hm», th«' others were bruised up. contract finish«-«! soon and then they no purchases. torney John Irwin. Mr. Harris was potatoes in the lower part of the val the Mabie wkh worst Injured, being and her son. Master Herbert. who will but It uppears that they have come Harvesting 1» all done and thresh can put their entire out tit on the rail compelled to give up his practice two ley, especially on the lower ground. to thi'li milk and now It is likely thul thrown on 1er face and having her attend tlo* High schiail there ing will begin this week in the val road work. years ago on account of his health. The potato flelds nearer town and Ed Brown, the Cornell sheep man, Keno will get liei mail according I« I law broke. ley. ♦ The climate of this county has been along the foothills have hardly been The accident liapp< ned Saturila), I» having Ills spring dip of wool, tie orders. Ed S«'dge lost a fine mare last week HAKKIMAX I.IHI S, so beneficial that he says he feels touched. It Is believed, however, and the part« iiime on to the Agency tween 2.1.000 nn<l 30,000 pounds, —♦----- Parties who came down from Peli by falling Into a well that was cov- like a new man, and this determined that the damage done will not pre LnndiiiK taking th» boat for Klamath hauh'd to Merrill and stored, await i HTOItAGE. can Bay Wednesday state that the'en d over with light boards. him in resuming his profession and vent the potatoes from maturing. ing shipment to the market. Crlsler A Stilts have purchased the Falla, arriving here late Monday Harriman party Is busy packing up remaining permanently in Klatnath Dr. Hamilton attended the Mr and Mr» N 8 Met rill have re property on th«* n<>rthw«*»t corner of night. The County Court met in regular and getting ready to leave their sum DAIRY ITEMS. Falls. The new firm expect to have turned ns far as Dorris and convey Malli mid Seventh streets, on which I young lady and the party left on th«* mer home. It is stated that the en- B. S. Grigsby was in Dairy Tuesday their offices in the Withrow-Melhase session Wednesday. Several road pe boat Tuesday morning for Medford, ances left today fur that place to they will construct a two story build titions will receive the attention of tire party will com«* by way of Klam- He'say s he will have about half as building. bring them In. Mrs Merrill » health Ing The lot has a front age on Main when* Miss Hay will receive further ath Falls and will probably arrive in the Court this session. The county much grain as he had last year. Is not Improved and the return Jour Mt reel of 45 feet, and It la pro|a>sed treatment from Dr. Pickle, th«* fam- th«* city ataiut noon today. Mrs. L. C. Sisemore came down road which was established eight They Mrs. Brown, of Klatnath Falls, is ney will lie a sever«' trial to her Io build the full width of the lot with lly physician. will probably only spend a short time visiting at the luinii' of her brother. from Fort Klamath on Tuesday ac- years ago below Henleys, where the ♦ O T McKendree was In town vns- it depth of 70 or 75 f«*et. com pun led by her two sons. The boys road turns off to the Stukel bridge liere.just long enough to enable them Win Wight. terday en route from Lakeview to limit in Three Counties, The building will be used for their to get luncheon. I*. II. Gray has leased the John are on their way to Berkeley, Calif., has been found to not comply with San Francisco. Mr. McKendree »ny» meat business and n cold storage ('barbs and Herb Baldwin and Mr. Harriman arrived In Klamath Shook ranch including dairy cattle, where they will enter school. Mrs. the lines of the recent survey by many Lake county sheep men are plant. Mr. Crlsler slates that tlo-y Fi link Sargent returned Saturday Falls on Ills way to the Ixrdge on Sat and ««ill no«, have near fifty cows to I Sisemore accompanied them as far as County Surveyor Williams. There holding their mutton sheep and wool are having the plana drawn for the from a three w«*eks hunting trip in urday. August Mh. At that time it milk. .Mr. Shook will move to Bon Weed. Mr. and Mrs. Sisemore will is quite a legal point involved but it for higher |«rlc«*s. As a consequence building und expect to let the i on- the mountains, They traveled with was stateil that h«* only expected to go to Berkeley later to spend the will probably be satisfactorily adjust anza in th«* near future. money Is plentiful in bank vaults tract tut uh to build I Ills fall pack horsi's anti I were gone lhr«*e remain two w«*eks, but his stay has ed by the Court. The Drews and Becks and some winter. weeks, during which time they hunt lengthened until nearly a month has Olliers m upper Yonna were deliver led in the mountains in the Northern passed. This would indicate that lie ing tieef cattle on Tu<*sday. ¡part of Klamath, on the Rogut* river has enjoyed his outing in th«* Klam Jlrs N. 8. Drew and son. Jesse, In Jackson, and In Douglas county. nth regions. Parties who have seen started to Ashland Thursday after' They claim that they had the time of Mr. Harriman recently state that he fruit. » Ihelr lives and are already planning is much Improved in health and is Brown Michael and company re another trip for next year. As they «'ontpletely rested, and undoubtedly turned from the berry patch Sunday- traveled with pack horses they only will In* much more tit for flu* strenu with a good supply of berries, and kill«-«! what game they could use, ni ous life of Wall street, w'lere lie will reports plenty of berries left in the resist the op- though they could not go on his departure from his Klam woods, with lots of people on the portunlty when they got a good ath lionu'. trail leading that way. chance at a big bear, Besides the * Rev. Barnes will preach his fare- DEGINNING with Saturday, Julv bear they killed several deer and had FORENT El HF. w-ll sermon here next Sunday. plenty of venison for the entir«* trip ii,l have decided to hold Satur The forest til«* in the vicinity of I* II. Gray will lose a good horse ---------- *---------- Hound Ink«* northwest of her«* has by a kick from another horse. days as Bargain Days. Each and XEW TEACHERS. i broken out anew mid Is bsyoud the Dennis Provo from Poe valley was every Saturday thereafter, different FOR Another vacancy has occurred I In control of the tire wardens. J. Y. trading In liatry Monday. goods will be put on sale at bargain th«« staff of t«*achers In the city < Johnson, one of the Wey erhaeuser 1’ II Gray will move to the Shook schools. Miss Anna Beeson, who was men. sent in Wednesday for a crew ranch on Wednesday. prices, and it will be to your special engaged to tench the Third grade, to help tight the fire. Chas. Baldwin Dave Shook has r«*centl.v installed benefit to keep your “eye peeled” will be unable to take the school. She left at !• o'clock with a team and a hydraulic ram on his place, and has been spending the summer at eight men. anil watch for future announcements. says it is doing tine. Mr. Shook has th«* seashore and her physician ad Several flroH have been In this sec some tine springs and altogether the vises her that the elevation here Is tion for some weeks, but they iiaye best ranch In th«- county too high and sill* will have to reside been kept under control. A party In n lower country. of men were lighting fir«« in that dis Circuit Judge Nolaud Issued ills On Saturday, July ii , there will be Minn Anna Applegate lias been en- trict last week, but returned to town first official order Wednesday when j gaged to tench the Sixth grade In after putting It out. Since then, reductions on everything in the house I place of Miss Hidings, who will nut however. It has start' d up again and Attorney Evans secured the order ol the Court appointing R. 8 Smith (excepting contract goods) and it will j lie here is uow doing consldurabl«* damage. Examiner of Titles, on the application pay anyone wanting things in the ♦ The men on the ground have been I of 8 Robinson to register title KLAMATH FALLS j Hurry A Hunter, president of the unable to do anything and were corn- to certain lands, against H. Rings jewelry line to call. The Hunter Land Company, arrived Tues pellod to send for assistance and others As proof that the Judge day from Minneapolis Mr. Hunter late fire Is near Clover creak will make a bright record, he signed ------- • ----------- Is here to atteud to the suit Involving his first order in red Ink ¡th«* taxation of the Oregon A Callfor- I. N. I’utterson and u Mr. Smith, Attorney C. F. Stone bus let the | nla Land Company land in Kinmath two Southern Pacific men. are In the ! county. This property Is now owned city today. Mr. Patterson lias been contract to Lawrence Watson for the by th«« Hunter Land Co. C F Stun«« Hight of Way Agent for the South construction uf Ills residence on lots LEADING WATCHMAKER aw JEWELER nud Thon Drake represent th«« county ern Pacific for over 20 years. He Is 1 and 2, block 38. In the Hot Springs Republican Block In the suit while It 8. Smith Is the accompanied on his visit by his wife addition The property faces on th« Work was commenced attorney for the Luntl Company Ev Mr Smith has charge of all the con Esplanade. idence will probably be submitted to tracts for painting depots and build today on the foundation for a 7-room 'bungalow to cost *2400. ings for the railroad company. the Referee today. NOLAND IS APPOINTED TRAINS INTO CITY BY CHRISTMAS WORK BEGINS ON CLEAR LAKE DAM i K ---- »-------- The Real Thing GO GILLETTES FURNITURE As a Starter Sewing Machines, etc G.Heitkemper,Jr. Our goods are attractive, also the prices • » t *■ «