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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1908)
KLAMATH Otiiclal Newspaper ot Klamath County VOL. XIII. REPUBLICAN. Official Newspaper of Klamath County KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 10, 1908. NO. 24 as fixed In Heillon 2, of Art lei« I, of N«> Qt'OItl *1 HlltltlMtN I F 4 VEH. I store. This was destroyed with all •aid charter. so uh to Include contig ■of their office fixtures, books and rec non* nn well ax adjacent territory, I \<»l Kiionjih UiliT I mtm to llohl n ords. The m«n from the lumber mills uni of Hie opinion that no power ex came to the assistance of the employ- Mo-ling. lets, either««! express or implied. In »•■» and prevented the spread of the (he Municipal Authorities of said The adjourned meeting of the Wa E. H Harriman camp down from i fire to the hotel and cottages. city. or the Electors thereof, to make ler Users Association, which was call Mr. Abbott states that railroad I his summer home Friday morning In HUcIl change except by and with the ¡company will probably put up a small ed for 2 o'clock p. tn . Friday, wa« Ills private laun«-h and was driven to It Is estimated tluit there are ap The largo number «if petitions for consent of u majority of th« electors Vice-President Hueck pro) imately 40.000 acres of excess th«* Hout hern Pacific headquarters, warehouse and office, but that there Sheriff Barnes was notified Tm-sd iy • I to City r'uumil Tuesday evening, lealdlng In the territory propose«! to very brief • ailed the meeting to order, ami upon land under the Klamath project. This oriivln.' th«f« shortly after noon. He will tie no need of any large build morning by Superintendent Wilson, •■<1 to tiro City Council I uh I evi'Ulltg, lie annexed [th« roll being culled II waa fouudijH laud that Is now held In private left almost Immediately after lunch- ings. The lumber company will build of the Klamath Indian Reservation, Is tbe most convincing evidence of PIERCE KVANH of the murder of a white man at Yal- a store near their saw mill. that they lacked 382 votes ut having •as of th« J Oil acres, • on und was taken down the river In lire rapid growth mid upbuilding of nax. The body was found Monday --------- ♦ --------- a quorum. The meellng adjourned the launch Lucetta. any on« person can Klamath Fall«. 1‘ermlts wore grant MAY HE HOTEL HAI.DUIN at rock point near Yalnax, and was < AKNIVAL QI EES. without tiny discussion. A representative of thf Hi-rald, right to under the ed to th>< following Tho« Martin, Th« walls of the rooms on tin* sec Saturday morning tickets will be partly covered up. It is not known Everyone present seemed to f«*«l who called ii | hhi Mr. Harriman short It miens that there for the ionatriulion of u modern on» ond. third and fourth floors of ths placed on sale for the Carnival Queen who the murdered man was, but It acre» of land which ly lM*fore fils departure was greeted story mol basement cottage tn block Halilwln block are bulng tinted, pre- »atlsfli'd with the result of the gath conttHil and It Is expected that the 1s believed ttiat a half br**ed Indian ering There was reully no busluess In a most friendly manner by the Hl In Klmiiuth Addition Henry Htout paratury to furnishing the rooms for railroad magnate Mt Harriman was ‘ people of Klamath county will wlt- by the name of William Barclay com for th» eotmtructlou of u fiauiu burn hotel pliriHises Slid light hoilM'kenp- jof important» to com« before the meeting. On« ot the Bouanxa stock- ttiim section osk**d if h« would consent to make a Int-M one of the liveliest campaigns mitted the crime. ou Canal slrax-t, .1 A White for the Illg Sheriff Barnes, Coroner Whitlock, holders expressed the feeling of the tract between the Water I sers Asso- statement as to railroad building In the history of the county. ■ ouatructtiin of n fratn» hlackamith Judge Buldwlu Is seriously consid land owners In the Upper country . fation and the R<s tarnation Service, through Central Oregon. In reply he Prosecuting Attorney Kuykendall and Any young lady, married or single, nhop 30x30 oil Main »treat between ering converting this big four story I atn glsd that we th«* land owner la glv«n sufficient op- said: There Is nothing that I can will be eligible to enter the contest. R. M. Richardson left for Yalnax Vih und loth streets This 1» Just brick Into a modern hotel. If this when be said: Immediately on receipt of the news. outaldo the tiro limit», S T. Bum Is don« he will rcilucc his Immense had no meeting. We have been work-1 port unity to sell his excess land, but give out at this time, hut develop Votes will be sold at five cents each, They were met there by Superintend Ing four years to get them to start on ' if he falls to do so. It .an then be ments will so<in show What 1« now and will be placed on sale with the mers fur th« eoiiHtruc slock of hardware mi that he can ent Wilson. An inquest will be held »lory, v room house on block move Illi* good« buck to the old lies the Upper Project, and now that they M|d f,„ h|(n t,y lhl. Association The b*lug done can be readily seen by different merchants throughout the and an effort made to ascertain the have .ommeut ed, wo do not waul «»lituate of tbe « xo - hs lands was made looking at the work being done '" county. The contest will clos« Sat II, <>n Fine and 7th tlon The first floor will I«* used for In reply to further questions Mr. urday. October 3rd, at noon, and tbe Identity of the murdered man. Campbell for th» com of a a dining room and a large com fort - anything done that might stop the H|ncs th« reduction hi th« amount of All efforts to reach Yalnax by tel work All we want Is to have them land which will be covered by the Harriman stated that plans for the result of the contest will be announc bungalow 30x3l( feet, 3, In aide lobbi An ••levator sill be put keep on i working." ephone have proven unavailing, as Central Oregon route and the Coos t'pper and Lower Projects, th« num ed on the following Monday. This block 3, In the Hot Spring» Addition, In and the bulldlnx made one of the the line Is down. Some believe that --------- *--------- ber of acres which the government Bay load were not fully developed will give the lucky young lady a week Mr« Horace Mitchell, addltloua to b**st «quipped hotels In the southern the perpetrators of the crime cut the in which CITY BI1IEFH. yet The California Northeastern ¡proposes to reclaim being 190,000. to prepare to receive the her residence In lot 6, In block 85, In part of the state. wire In several places In order to pre- guests of the KI a ninth Addition. The petition B II Pickett sit« In the city from | The matter of mndstlng the farmer* railroad will be rushed, so that Klam also have the city. The Queen will vent quick communication with tbe This large building la constructuil I In disposing of the lands they may ath Falls «an have water connection the privilege of choosing of J V Houlton for a permit to re after the stile of many of the large Bonansa Monday. In the words of Mr. six young ladles to act as her retain- authorities in this city. Up to the model tbe Opera House, was laid ov i modern hotels of the cities, and could M. F Orr, of Ixirella. Is sjiendlng have for sale, waa thoroughly dis right away. time of going to press no word has cussed at the recent meeting of the Harriman the rest of the road will era. er until the ndlourned meeting Thurs «UHlIy he mad» suitable for this pur- a few ituys In the city. Tne Queen will be provided with been received from the officers. be built intelligently." ‘ Directors of the Water Users Associa- day night, for further Information. |X1M* It has u frontage of 85 feet Mr» C T Darloy la vlaltlng Mr« Very little definite information royal robes, and will also have a , tlon. It Is expected that plans will Iteliglitetl With Yisit, Besld«» the regular bills allowed und with four floors could ea»lly at- M l> Wlllluma for a few days. beautiful booth where she and her could be learned from Mr. Wilson, be fully perfected so that action tan was the bill nt the Klamath Fall» < omodal«* a large patronage. In »leaking of his stay at Pelican C A Wettenberger I» n recent ar- be taken at the next regular meeting Bay. Mr. Harriman was enthusiastic ladies may hold court every evening as he was not willing to tell what he I ight A Water Company for furulili --------- •--------- rlval In tli« clty front Ixiuisvllle. It Is proposed to allow all members and said that he had a most enjoyable .taring carnival week. A grand ball knew over the phone, as there were Ing 613.000 gallon» of water tor LANGELL VAI.I.EY NKWM. will also be given in honor of her too many Indian phones connected Oet bargains ut tbe Boston Store of the Association to list lands they time, and that his entire family were street sprinkling. The bill amounted D Campbell and sons sold their Sale will contlnue for awblle lunger. majesty and the committee propose with the line and he did not wish ’ may have for sale with tlie Secretary delighted with their visit "At this to $124 and waa for water used on beef rattle to Mr Mitchell of Klam- to make this one ot the sweiiest af them to hear. It is believed that Bar 'of the Association, with a complete W. II. Wall, of Keno, catne up last the »iroet« during the summer. time," he said, "no definite plans had nth Falls. clay and another Indian did the deed. description and price. These lists been made for the future improve fairs of the season. Hl reel light» were ordered In on Will Htvvens and Dan Nichols are Monday accompanied by his mother. The Carnival Committee will have Barclay Is a half breed, weight about I will be arranged and printed and sent West Main street near Elliotts and hauling lumber for building the big ments at Pelican Bay.” It has been full charge of the contest, and will 1«5 pounds and Is 5 feet 10 Inches J. C. Mitchell, the cuttleman. In In the shingle mill, and a petition for bridge In Langell valley. the clty looking nfti-r Ills stock bu»l- lout Io the farming s«»ctlons of the reimrted that agents of Mr Harriman announce results every few days, so tall. He wore a stubby mustache and > East a fire bydrant on Mill street, near bav« been securing options on several II II Burnham threshed his grain Sess The Reclamation Service has re- thousand acres in the immediate vi that the public will be posted as to generally wears spectacles. He left Moore's power house, was granted this week. E II llamaby and wife returned the standing of the different contest the reservation two days ago headed mid the hydrant ordered Inatailed on Walter Bu< kmaster was down from Monday, from the huckleberry patch. cently established a branch Colonlsa- cinity of his resort, for the puriiose ants at all times. for Alturas, and had with him an In tlon office In Chicago and they can a four Inch main of building a city on the lake, but Mr. his plait* last Hunday visiting and do They brought buck Do gallons of the dian boy, 17 years of age, named The proceeds ot the contest will be use these Hats to good advantage, to Harriman would not deny or afflrm The »tract committee was ordered ing business at Bonanxa. berries used to defray the necessary expense Ally Hardy. He Is known in Modoc supply Information to homeseekers. to view the property for the purpose the reports. Henry Vinson, ths oldest settler In of providing the Queen with her royal county and the sheriff has been noti Huie at the Boston Store will con A nominal cost will be charged for of opening up Hlxth street near the Langell valley, found Juniper stumps Wants To Come Back. garments,and suitable quarters where fied to arrest him if he makes his ap tinue for mime tin«* longer, owing to listing the land In order to cover th.- city limits, and report at the adjourn wlieu he first came here that had been When he was asked If he would she and her ladles may receive the pearance there. ¡the delay In purchasing lot for our expense of printing and sending out return next year, Mr. Harriman said: ed meeting Th« Council authorised < at a great many years ------- <------- ! tn-w building the lists so that it will not be a bur 1 Next year is a long way off, but public. the purchase ot ¡00 feet of 2 *9 Inch Walter amt Will Campbell were Al Harrison, charged with petty ----------- ♦ ----------- C W Given and wife and Ml«» Lula hose for the fire department. nothing would please me better than | delivering beef to the Horton ranch and Jane Given are recent arrival* den on the Association. larceny, was found guilty in the Po NEWS FROM KENO. It is not the Intention or purpose to come back again next summer."! \n iirdlnaiim for a Hawker's LI- I thia week. Mrs. Fox returned Sunday from lice Court and he was fined $40 and from Kansas, who will probably lo of the Association to engage In the cense was presented to th» Council, In Excellent Health. We had a fine shower Bunday. San Francisco with her little boy, costs by Judge Leavitt. The costs cate In thia county. i real estate business, but as the organ- nnd It was thought necessary to make Mr. Harriman is quite a different [ who has been In the hospital having amounted to $18.70. Allen Sloan re It has been Insinuated that 1 had Marlon Barnes, a brother of Sheriff Izatloti Is composed of tie farmers of looking man than on his arrival here. -ome additions snd corrections. The stretched that cucumber to make it covered the pair of boots and blan matter was laid over until Thursday three f«<*t long Not at all. my dear Barnes, who has te-en visiting here our county, there Is no reason why The mountain br«?exes, combined with his ear treated. His hearing has been • kets, which were stolen, but the other improved and Is all right now. • venlng, wh«n the revised petition air. Il Is known as the snake <u i for a few days, left Monday p lu they should not do anything which the out of door exercise on horseback Miss Ruth Doten is having good articles are missing. ¡for his home at Lakeview ¡might benefit themselves. The Asso and rowing on the lake, has put new will be presented. Tbe meeting ad cum tier It Is claimed that Harrison has his success with her eating apartment. journed until Thursday evening.when ' Robert and James Malone are al Ml»» Donna lt«ll arrived on Sun ciations of other projects are meeting life luto his being and he looks as If Second Hand Store full of old junk they will lake action on ths ordinance woi k for t’ncle Ham on the Cleat day from her home nt Brownsboro, with success along this line and are he had lost five to ten years of bls She feeds as many as seventy-five persons a day and all go away well and articles of every conceivable de nnd transact any other business that luike Dam road Oregon, and will have charge of the assisting their members In many age. He has a nice healthy color In scription, which it is believed have satisfied with their Investment. ways. Some of the projects report his face and has taken on consider may come before the body. Our valley Is destined to be in a Fifth grad« In the city schools. mostly been purchased for small Miss Pitney, from Junction City, that this plan does not Interfere with Councilmen Obenchain and Sntider- thriving condition now that all doubt able flesh. It is safe to say that on Oregon, has opened school In Keno sums from young boys ot the city. Famllli*» who have work that stu -on. who were appoint'd n committi*«' ha« been dispelled concerning Irriga dents might du to earn all or part of the business of the real estate men. his return to the heat of the East, he this°weelt" It Is alleged that many ot the arti Io make an Investigation and get an tion We have just the right toll for their board would confer a favor by but rather that the two are ot mater will wish many times for just one of cles have been stolen or picked up Eugene Spencer has been appoint ial assistance to each other. opinion ou extending the city limit» raising an abundance of everything phoning the High School principal. the cool evenings at the Klamath lake ed postmaster for the new office call- and taken to the store and sold. Tiie Many inquiries are coming In to home. pre»ente«l to th«* Council th» written und with plvuty of water we ar» not Willis Virgil came down Sunday tbe Association in regard to secur 1 ed Wantpus at Spencer's ranch on police will Investigate the matter and opinion of Judge Pierce Evan», which to lie sneezed at. After leaving Weed in his private . Tuesday. He has filled out his bond if any evidence can be obtained ot from Pelican Bay with one of Mr ing lands under the project and the 1« to III» effect that outside propert y car, Mr. Harriman will go north, Since haying Is over and the rush blsdeallng with boys under age, com cannot be annexed without the con- Is past. a contagious fever known na Harriman's automobiles, which he Secretary Is kept quite busy answer making his first stop at Medford, and the same will be forwarded at plaint will be made. t<Mik to Dorris to tie shipped to Port once. Mr. Spencer says he will have ing these letters. The pamphlet re where he has agreed to spend a few »»nt of the cl ••ctors t ««Idina thereon, the Bear and Huckleberry fever la land. l a mall line established from Pokeg- cently compiled by Mr. Helleman.sOf thnt hr City Attorney Irwin stated hours as the guest of the local com going Ho* rounds. L. Jacobs Tuesday computed the Willis Virgil expecta to leave for the Reclamation Service, has been mercial dub, take an automobile ride ama to Keno by way ot Wampus. had received an opinion from the At ----------*--------- Keno has had no mail from the purchase ot 54 feet on the rear of ¡Golden, Colorado, where he will enter very useful In answering inquiries as torney General. which was along the with the Medfordites and give them south for four days. This is the kind his lot on the corner of Third and MOVING AWAY. the Mining Bchool. Ho will take the the Information It contalus is reliable a little talk. tutme Uni-«. Mr. Evana' opinion la as of mail service we are getting. There Main streets. He now owns 44 feet p. Conklin, pastor M. E. Church. three year course In mechanical and and hotneseekers have full confidence follow»: From Medford the Harriman train will be some complaints made soon front by 100 feet deep on which he Is offering his household goods at pri mining engineering. In the statements made. Those who To Messrs l ibencbnl'ii and Sanderson will proceed to Eugene, where the will build a modern Ore proof store C T. Day, Chief Electrician for the are satisfied with the advantages of distinguished railroad magnate will if we don't get our mail on time, "Gentlemen: After the careful ex vati* sale. CtMik stove, roller-top desk, and office building. The building There is no excuse for this organ, dresser. chairs, rugs, etc . etc. delay and this section are now desirous of se Southern Pacific, who has been In amination of the Inw In general, re again be entertained by the business will be constructed six feet back from Prsaby- we don't expect to stand it very long. Pine and 2nd. near charge of the telegraph office during curing Information as to prices and men of the university town. lating to Municipal Cnrprallona. nnd Corner the property line In order to give 12 It Mr Harriman's visit, left Monday lauds for sale. This is where the land ch n rch. lorian ----------- ♦ ----------- more particularly as to the |»iwer» Albany boosters" will next give listed with the Association can be Mr. Harriman the glad hand, he bar-i Miss Alice Applegate left Monday feet for sidewalk. In conformity with ¡morning for San Francisco. and dulie delegated to Hie City ot the other business houses In that used to advantage. Nell Canipbell has let the contract Klamath Falla by Its charter of dale Ing already accepted their Invitation I’- nl f°r Lakeview, where she will block. T.J.Arnold, of Olene, had his ankle ----------- • ---------- February 13, I'.oi.’i, and other laws to J. 1 I.. Cunningham for a modern broken Saturday. He was butcher to Slop over for a little while. From |teach xhool this winter. She went ----- «------ OFFICIAL COUNTY MAP. ■ elallng thereto, nnd as to the extent bungalow to be built on lot 3, In ¡ Ing hogs und one of the animals fell there he will proceed to Portland for w,,h Marlon Barnes, who is returning Miss Lula Wilkerson, ot Langell of am h laws. anil In so fur as they block 3, of the Hot Springs addition i<m his leg. fracturing the ankle. Dr. a consultation with General Manager home after bringing his daughter Before Its adjournment the Com J. P O'Brien, who has been finishing here on her way to school at Port- valley, went to Keno Monday, where relate to a < liange of the present es The contract price Is $1000. Work ' Hamilton was called and reduci*<l the she will teach school. missioners and County Judge put the work, started by Mr Kruttsch- land. tablished boundary line» of «aid olty, will commence at once fracture. their signatures and otiiclal approval nltt. of making a thorough investiga Mrs. M. J. Thompson and H. C. on the new map, which has been I Itenlck and wife, the mother, broth draw n by the Klamath County Ab- tion of the Company's lines in Ore er-in-law and sister, of J. B. Melton, stract Companv. The Court several gon. are in the city from their home at weeks ago entered into a contract ¡Ukiah, Calif. It Is stated that Mrs. for a number of the maps, and I Illi: DESTROYS POKEGAMA. i Thompson cam«' here for the purpose Tuesday's action put the ipproval of Fire practically wiped out Pokeg- of furnishing ball for the release ot | the Court on the map submitted and ama. the terminus of the Klamath I I I her son, but that Mr. Melton refused I made It the official map of the coun Lak* Railroad in Klamath county, GO TO i to be balled out. J. B. Melton Is ty. Fridai night. The depot, warehouse, i being held In tho county jail on a The tnap which is to be about 40x »tore, postoffice and offices of the Al charge of burglary. His ball wb *I|>4 Inches, will be lithographed and goma Lumber Company were burned ¡ placed at $5000. DEGINNING with Saturday, July printed In colors and will be ready to the ground. The loss of goods will Tho Chamber of Commerce nnd a for distribution inside of a month. amount to $1000 and the buildings ii,l have decided to hold Satur [number of the business men are mak- The price of the maps will probably were worth $3000. days as Bargain Days. Each and i Ing arrangements for the entertain be about $10. The fire started at 5:30 Friday ev- FOR every Saturday thereafter, different ment of the visitors. Sente doubt was ■nlng and was caused by the explo- felt as to whether the Navigation dou of a gasoline tank, E. T. Ab- goods will be put on sale at bargain Company would be able to handle I holt. General Managei of the road, prices, and it will lie to your special The two year old daughter ot Mr. states that he was filling two five gal- ■ this number of people In addition to benefit to keep your "eye peeled” the regular travel, which has been nnd Mrs. Henry Low. who had been Ion cans with gasoline from a tank quite large of late, The passengers sick for a week, died Friday even He hud filled one of the runs and was and watch for future announcements. have to transfer now at the bar three ing at the American House. Mr. and just returning with the second one. miles below th«* city. The boat Com ! Mrs. Low started last week on a trip when he noticed a flame of Are com-j pany say that they will take care of | to Fort Klamath, and when they Ing from tin- tank The gasoline was ¡reached this city the baby was taken ■■• uttered ovei the building and It Sewing Machines, etc. [nil the passengers that come in. It Is believed that a great many ot sick and they were compelled to stop spread in an Instant Mr. Abbott <>n Saturday, July n. there will be the visitors are coming here with the here. The baby has been at the ho was not more than four feet from reductions on everything in the house Intention of Investing, and a number tel under the doctor's care over since. the tauk when the fire started, and II (excepting contract goods) and it will of trips will lie made IntoUhe conn- Tho funeral was held nt ;* o’clock is considered tnlraeulous that he was i try to give them a chance of soelng p. m. Saturday from Whitlock's un not burned lie says that lie is un-1 pay anyone wanting things in the KLAMATH FALLS the agricultural lands. A trip will I dortaklng parlors, interment was able to explain how he escaped There jewelry line to call. probably be made to the Upper Lake made at the Klamath Falls cemetery was no fire anywhere around and Mr. ______________ Abbott says he was the only person | --------- ♦--------- I To the Editor: R. H. Dunbar, secretary ot the in the vicinity when the Are started.' I Please answer these questions and Chamber of Commerce, has received Quite an amout of freight was stor [oblige many: 1st.—Can a man word from Portland stating that ft Is ed In the warehouse, which had not Our goods are attractive, also the prices a on his own premises without a hunt icertain that fifty people will be here been taken away since the freight er's license? 2nd Can A hunt on [on the excursion which leaves Port i teams were taken off the road. Thia LEADING WATCHMAKER JEWELER ¡B's premises with B's permission I land tomorrow. It Is said that sev « as n total loss. It Is estimated that, < without a license? enty-five people will probably come, .the value of the freight would Republican Block The Game Laws of the state pro but that they are certain of fifty. The amount to $1200 or $1500. The | vide that no hunting can bo done excursionista will arrive In Klamath Algoma Lumber Company had about [ | Falls Monday evening. a $2500 stock Of supplies In their j j without a hunter's license. T* ■r CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS MURDERED AT YAINAX I The Real Thing GILLETTES FURNÍTURE As a Starter (i.tieitkemper,Jr.