Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1907)
KL A MA TH REPL BUCA X T ,,s Hor 2° n,‘ '* E. J. MURRAY, Editor LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON. TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE WE RECIPROCATE Klamath people reciprxwate the kin i |y intere»t in thi» section manife»te*l b> the F- rtland commercial l»»lie». Th« statement made in the Republican last week, copied from the Oreg' num, th.-1 all of these biwlise were giving encour agement to the excursion to la- run thi» week, show» that the spirit is right am! that Portland actually desire« to **< people placed on the lam! in this coun ty and I. estly want» a »hare >f the trials. It take» a week to make a visit to Klamath county and get a cur- rect idea of what we have, and it is not always possible to get a large number of persons to make the trip on a given date, but whether or not as many per sons arrive tomorrow as we should like to see come in on tbe "Klamath" it 1» gratifying to know that in this effort anJ in all other commendable things Kistnath scanty has the support of the mt-lrupuli» of the state. Tom Richardson of tbe Commercial Club was one of the |«arty that came to Kiamatu la*l year and was so favorably impressed with what he «aw that lie has been singing praises of this county since. We hot* he will be along this time, tat according to the dispatches is scheduled to be elsewhere. But our local Chamber of Commerce is linked into the powerful chain of Oregon IV- velopment I »-ague I mh I kw which was originated by M r. Richardson *nd in which oar fellow tow noman, Judge Baldwin is a vice president, and the good work is going on steadily through out the state in which we have a «hare. J. B. Labor, secretary of the Portland Board of Trade, is another »tale boost er whom we should like to see with the excursion, and who has not visited this county, but has been instrumental in distributing a great amount of advertis ing matter telling facts about Klamath. Ed C. Giltner, secretary of the Cham ber of Commerce has been in Klamath county several times but not since tbe present era of development came along, and we should like to have him com« now and note the change. The Cham ber of Commerce will soon have a fine display of Klamath county products, as well as printed matter, and after they shall have inspected what the soil pn* due«-» we will not be surprised^ to hear of the rooms being lock«-»! up and Secre tary Giltner, Assistant Secretary Moe- aassobn and Curator Miller all coming to spend a week in Klamatii Basin. Tbe editor of the Examiner evidently bad a very severe caae of grouch on last week, for he occupied considerable of bi* valuable editorial columns "ripping'* Klamath county up tbe back. In such work be hurts no one but himself and Lake county. The world is big enough fur both Klamath and Lake counties to occupy part of it without interfering with each others rights. Each has its special fields and each will grow. What helps one help« the other to a greater or 1 as degree. If brother MeUger will b ar this in mind ano devote tbe same a nount of energy and space to boosting Like county as he does to maligning Klamath he would get better results. Tbeee two countie« are too closely asso ciated to admit of either injuring the other, and the newspapers should lie tbe last toerigage in auch work. While more or less knocking will be done by individuals, tbe press should refrain from it. Mow’* This? l hv Excursion Xo excursion that ha* taen ru to this city has had the effective work tack O* it ms that t<> reach here tomorrow evening. Frank Ira White, who e -n- eeived tbe idea and • pushing the prop- o.tiui, 1» i i lot .«nd and will > mo d mil with the visitors. Ho IS tan • birding tie eilisen» of Portland «nd surrounding country with l»Mial cords and taautilully •anted circular«. urging them to take advantage of the excursion to visit die greatest section in tbe state. In uidition to this he ia u»mg up a g'»*l deal of space in the Oregonian telling ol the wonders of Klamath County ltis such work that produce« result», and to Mr. White is due a great deal of credit (or the effective and productive adver tising that this county is getting Church Services M. K. CUt Rt H I»r. b. T. Singer, of Ashland, i« in the There is always a welcome for you at city v Kiting old friend«. Grace M. E. church m their tempoiarv place of worship, one block north of KENO Public School building. Sunday Services: Keuo situated in the boutbe<n part <>( Klamath County, on the Bible School.................................... 10 a. m. Klamath river, at the terminus <vt P caching......................................... Il a. m. navigation. Two steamers land here; Preaching........................................... A p. m. mail, express and |>a«M-iigers are Epworth League .................. . 7:15p. m. transferred from tiie stage to the A hearty welcome to all, ixiat at this point. Adjoining Keno P. COX KLIN. Pastor. on the west is a large twit of timber, BAPTIST CHIBCU and on the east ia a large body oi Preaching services next Sunday al 11 marsh land*. Near Keno, on the o'clock a. tn. and N o'clock p. tn. bun- river, k immense water power. Tele day school at 10 o’clock and B. Y. I*, U. phone connection« with all part« of t the country. Ila» a g>»>d school, two at 7 :15 p. m. Everyone invited. store« and tw<> saw mills. At the Opera House The Clark Bi->graph company will ap pear at tiie opera house Thursday, Fri day and Saturday evenings. Thu com pany has l<een here before and gave ex cellent »atisfaction. Since it« !a»t ap pearance here several specialties have been aJded, and it promt»»*« lu ta une of the muet interesting performance« ul the season. A. H. Naftzger went to ban Francisco Saturday on business. He was accom panied as far as,Bray by D.B. Campbell, who returned Monday. Mr. Campbell «cate* that railroad work ia beiog pus lie-1 with al! possible vigor, ami that unless unforeseen difficulties arise trains ought to be running into Dorris by the first of the year. That is only 2D mile, from Klamath Falla, twelve mile« of which ia by boat, so that the winter will not bold the terror for the traveler that it formerly did. Th« Bird Got Wlss. A gentleman by way of a Joke placed a golf ball in tbe nest of his ancient parrot. Polly sat with exemplary pa tience on her novel egg and appeared pretty nearly heartbroken when tbe weeks went by and she found herself unrewarded. At last she could stand it no longer. A terrible screeching brought her owner downstairs at 4 o'clock In tbe morning. "What's tbe matter, Polly Y* he asked as he noticed that the bird's beak was ch!ppe<l through trying to get at the In terior. "Matter!” screetched Polly. ‘ "Great Scott, I'm bunkered ¡"-London i Tele- graph. Pedestrian Rights. Only In Great Britain, ao far as I We ‘>tn One Hundred Dollars Ke ««rd for know, does tbe law hold that a foot an, caae of catarrh that cannot be cured by passenger has an equal right to tbe Hall’s Catarrh Care. highway with the wheeled traffic and F. J. CHENEY A Co.. Toledo. O. that It is tbe duty of the driver of tbe We. th« I nderslgned, have known F. J. latter to avoid at all costa the former, Cbeney for tbe last 15 years, and believe him even if he haa to do so at conaiderahls perfectly honorable In ail business transac In lions and financially able to carry out any ob inconvenience and often danger. other countries, on the contrary. It is ligation« mole by hl« Arm. the duty of the pedestrian to give way WALDINU, KIN5AN4 MARVIN, Whole vale Druggista. Toledo, O. to the wheeled traffic.—Atlanta Con Hail s Catarrh Cure la taken internally, act stitution. ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of tbe vystetn. Testimonial! sent free Price *5 cents per bottle, gold by all Drug fists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con«H, atlon A well known authority'on Rheums- ti»m give« the trailers <4 a large New York <laily pa|«*r the following vnlnnble, vet simple and harmless prowription, which any one can pie|<aie at home: Fluid Extract Dandoli,m, one-hall ounce: C<>mjK>uti<l Kai gun, one ounce, C«Nii|H«an<l Svrup >«*r »aparilla, three ounce« Mi* by shaking «<■11 in a tatti«», and take a tea«poou(ul alter each meal ami at l*edtime. lie state» that the ingrtslivnl« can le oluaimsl from any good prescription pharmacy at small coat, ami, Iwlng a v«*getablr extraction, aiv liarmlv». I«» take. Tin« plea-ant mixture, if taken regu larly bo a few d.iv«, 1« >aid tooxervume almost any ca«- <d llbriimati«iii. Tbe pain and swelling, u any, <hmini»b<*» witb each Jose, until |«*rmanent result« are obtained, and without injuring the • loinacb. \\ lule there ate many »>»■ called Rheumatism remedies, patent medicines,etc., some ol which do gne relief, lew tvally give permanent re«ults, and the stave will, n > doubt. I* greatly appreciated by many »iitlvrer» here at this time. Inquiry al tbe drug «tores of thi- neigh tarho»<l elicit» the mlormatioii that these drugs are harmless and can be bought s«|>ar*tely, or the druggiMv here will mix tbe |>re«eriplivn for uur reader» it asked to. Jone« the blacksmith ba« built a new tarn on In* lot and 1« digging a well and making needed improvements. bam Pool ha* In nber on the ground to build a new bouse. He *ay<i that if he can't buy a lot 1.« will build in the street. Why make your OUTI N( J ELAN NEL HARM ENTs When you can get them just as cheap and just LIKE MOTHER MAKES TXT ♦ 1 i I ____________________ Mi' I E BRICK STORE C9 X «{« «I« 4« 4» 4> 4« »I« »,« 4« «-I« »r »¡» »t-.»,* E 4 4,4*1, J Bray to Dorri* Bal lwin and llughe« «tarte I ilicir •tag« line tat«ecu llray an<i I Kirrt« Wednesday lliortiing The set'!' I i.. ta dally, an l the equipment >• i.-i-t» o! ta • ihr««' «eatad ng». It K th" inten- ti >u of the new company l<> gne tl •erviee an I H I« quite likeh that a g • «I bu«me«« Wtll ta built Up het «revu the tw>< pumi». Ibi« once iu»re give« th« nubile the choice of two routes in and out of thi« city- the old one via gania and the nra mie eia Teter • land mg, Durria ami Bray. ■ BUSINESS \C0LLE6E/^ With « Th»« I« ihr hi r«|*ti«r ha« i11 « ' '»»gr •tag. i, ili« *t«(r of m glim* iLw Iwnrtll •*( the» Hl tiet iti«|if\.t( 4 | »MJ» Our taruity I« nuiip.wd <>( ijl(. |W„ «ted l»«>m the l««l ai>'l It Mt. It« Bu«in«M traihmg <>l a Cnlvertity gf«.|r Have you Ui.; ul re. I | r Informât „ l’ri»«te ta- rriart- it. t. ..»»•. r l*ay or Night b>«>l'« w»«*e •<» €>••• U wasMMsavoM * vsktm ers «»own ah » orrr Volk» for Publiai Ion 4|«t<*e ulttev, tafcvvi«* atv r. iwt Nul.r* h»f«by gi«rn ihai in r>tu|-. «n«» with tbr ptt»k isl»*n» of lb« net ul f t grrea ol June 3. IK71. entlUr«| An er 4 L»r In* •« • «>4 limber land« to th« «•.«»•• »>4 <• if«*ruia <>f« <-»n. Mevnda «ti«1 Wa«hingi.»n Tvffltary. a« r «tr ndo«! Ii> a'.l th« Public latul atftte« by •«-1 of Atk«u«l ♦. I jkf ;. K< m « > lla<«r u! |K>U* « •nl«r. < aunty of ntat* of Mm«» •ota. ba« Ibi« day 8l««l In thia of Be« b«r • worn atatwmrut %.» Trwa toy tn* purrh«*« «*.* th* Lot« 1.1. tn and it qf *«•«• X«. M. tn So.»« It No • K MW and wilt «Hl*f p* I to show that th* laud *s»u<b< 1« n»*»r« valuabl* tor ita titntwr or «t«*t»* than for agricultural |*uf|**ia«a and to r«tabii«h h«r claim to «aid .anl b*f>»r* th* trier a of Klamath «'»««inty at hi« ofBre at Klamath FaHa. Oregon Tu***lay. the LMh day of (>><*aibar. i»r Mhe nam*-« a* w line «art Waiter A nd*r . Hoy Ai-terwm Jam«» *hilc«.afub and < .«fvnee ||ag«r all of F«r««t. <>t rg«?t1 Any and all |mr«on« r.aiming ad«*r «eiy th* at»*«* 4w«cribo4 land« are to their cia m» tn thia ofiri on or before aaid ♦uth gay of Uccetnber. IW K-A U4 J X. W AT*»^ . ««gtatar Blackey Hitchcock «ay» h« I« going to cut 11**1 curd« ol Wood and deliver it on the river. Bob Garret of Ashland was io Keoo Monday looking after the stage biBineae. X. P. Edwards i« preparing to move on to his newly puicbaoed ranch down the river. L. U Mill« and lady were visiting relative« in Keno on Monday. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the btate >4 Ore gon tor the County ol Klamath. Jani»« B. Burns, Plaintiff, vs 'Julia E. Burns, Ttefendant. To Julia E. Burns, the delendaat. In the name of the State of Oregon You are hereby required to ap|*ear' and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or lie-' I lore Thursday the 21st day of Xovem-' her, l'JV7, being the last day of the time prescribed in the order lor publi cation of this summons, and if you fail ao to answer, for want thereof, the | plaintiff will apply to tbe Court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to- wit: Fur a decree dissolving the bond» at matrimony existing tatwron plain tiff and defendant, and for auch other and further relief as in equity may be I meet and proper. This «umnions ia serve«! by publication in the "Klamath Republican,” by order of Hon. Henry ' I.. Benson, Judge of the Circuit Court for tbe County of Klamath, date«! the Hth (1 of Ocp,^ iW whirb order requires that this summons ta published once a week for six succes sive weeks from the 10th lay of October, HMJ7, said day taing the first day of publication of said summon«, « 10-10-11-21 J.C. RL'TENIC, I Attorney tor Plaintiff. Poor Old Soil An astronomer says that an enor moua dark planet Is rushing toward the aun and that the Impact, which Is NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD 1 to take place ia a few thousand years, OF EQUALIZATION will be frlgbtfci Great Caesar! If $10 Reward Notice is hereby given that on Mon that's the case. Old 8ol atari,is a g<xxl < day, the 21 “t day of October, 1W7, the chance of having the spots knocker! same taing the third Monday in said out of him. — MoFrlstown Times Will lie paid for the return of dark month and the day fixed by law for tbe brown mare, white strip on face, brand What Ma Said. meeting of said I ward, the Board of ed 7B (connected, on left hip. Return Little Girl (to lady visitor)—Please, Equalization will, at M o'clock a. tn., t > C. D. Willson. Klamath Falls, Ore. Miss Jawerer, let me see your tongue. meet at the office of the County Clerk of 10-10-11-7 • Miss J. (surprised)—Wby, my dear? Klamath County, Oregon, and publicly Little Ciri—Why, ma said you'd no examine tiie Assessment Rolls of nai<i »nd of 1 tongue.—London Sketch. $io Reward County and correct all errors in valua We never enjoy perfect happiness. tion, description or qualities of lands, Our most fortunate successes are min Lots or other property. The undersigned will pay the a ta ve gled with anifnmn. Some anxieties al- All persons interested are hereby reward to tbe person getting up the way» perplex the reality of our sa'Js notified to app<*sr tafore said Board ol fo'l iw ing animal and notifying him. I faction Cornel He. Equalization at the tini« mid plme i imt nvmu m a rinur ill tiJf sorrelrgelding, live years old, weight fill) designated. and wept bitterly, ft waa the longest or !K<0, branded N on left shoulder, right By order of lion. J. B. • « ri Mi th, Conn- hind fool white and some white in face. time before I could realize that It was tv Judge of Klamath County, Oregon. T who had sent In the complaint to the Address II. (». BUrtbEY, [BEAL] GEO. CHAHTAIN, board of health."-.Sew York Pr<-ss. County Clerk. Klamath Wholesale Liquor House Exclusively Wholesale Complete Stock of WINIiS, LIQUORS, BEERS PORTER and Ale. DOMESTIC and in PORTED CIOARS Family Department Bar Fixtures, Ftc. Special arrangements will be made for family trade. All orders will be delivered free of charge. A complete line of Bar Fixtures will always be carried and orders will be filled on short notice. A trial order will prove that we can be of service to you ALL GOODS OF FINEST QUALITY Klamath Wholesale Liquor House BRICK STORE BLOCK Klamath Falls, Oregon 'ON'S Proprietors \o \i:v M linage