Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1907)
REPORT SEMI-ANNUAL .„uy Jutlg« • ••'•¿Y;......................................................... «M elpr«M ana •••« .......... T,’.alary an>l deputy hire /„fl . .alary and «lof-uty Ime ' joi pr laon» ra ................................................................. -a,ur»r*» ••. • ............................ T t L.1. «alary ami deputy hire ',,.i bup'i «|,,y ¿¿laalonrr • «alary........ ........................ ............ .1 bridge«, liimla’r an<l material ¿¿er'. InqUMt................................................................. filli Y t > • a • ’ • • • • • • • • ■ • •••••»•>»«».»..« .......... eater ami Ivleplion« charge« S>tF rn,,r....................... ■ ........................... m H«»»1.................... ..................................... I ROH OUR EXCHANGES (Bonanza Bulletin] I be Bonanza Creamery paid the farmer« 1714.31 for cream for tlie month .. 4 43H 31 , 1 <>f September. The only regret is that Ito 1 1 • here are not more enlerpriaea like tliia . 1117!» 17 io ths rouiity» .. 17AM 75 .. I>»4 !»3 Bolts At j||yf Or«*goh, on Tlmro- <M till day, October 3, fiai;, t<) Mr ami Mr». .. 731 00 .. S»MI 00 I rank Obenchain, a «on. 19b t'<4) lawrenie Griffin, of Bly, rwij v<*<| .. 3*3 71 .. Ilfifi 32 wor«i that hl» w ife, Mr». Grillin, wlio is Mailing j« Ja.k.on county, gave birth ’.’17 Id to a «on laat week. .. Kt .. *171 •Ml«’ •»f*"'"’ ............................................................. gfi|.pr..prlati»n................................................................... ., i..r • b»1 I'*1 ' falling tlnoiigl, lirrdgi- Mgal ....................................................... ^aadl»< ......................................................................... II «<> «TJ f*o 00 00 |B <10 IBI ft'» VI »'M |0 .’» IMI -’ll 00 2 JG .Vi I a»t week Frank of beef cattle to S price paid wa* a little Iwtter than »lx .. .........«Die »ill »-• weighed at the Dalton ranch at Tule lake. If" than left without further theft, though the till containing | !l waa right at hand. The brae«» and hit uaed in performing the burglary wa« atolen from the blacksmith «hop of F. P. Slate arid wa« not returned. The au- thoritleaaay that they are pretty aure of the man wlw» did it, and have about eultlcient evidence u|e«n which to l»a»e bi« arreat. • • • Tutsi amount of « a«h collwt»! J Treasurer, April •• May Jun« July August Sept, 1 4 |t«>7 » •• ” " •• . Total amount <»( caali ¡»all Treasurer to at Ueagun, ' k I7 i I •»* 33M 11 20 »52 50 337 in 341H Wft U3'«fM 30 'to •aaly ol Klamath i l,Rla> < 'i—n. bain Ml«-riff and ex Officm Tat Colloctor »(Klamath i cutin t y*. <1<> hereby «vrtify that th« al- <*• rej»>rt 1« r>>rrw t ami true, and that th« U-uit« »tail'd a« c.iflacled ar« th« true am• unta coll«cl«al, ami that If»«- warn« liaa as pan! 1» th« County Ttraeurrr. MI.AS OllENCIIAIN, Hwnfl am I Tai Collector of Klamath County, Dragon. I*atad at Klamath <>r*r>n. itriulwr let, IMC. SIIMI-ANM AI. STATÜHENT ^uii ■annua! «tatement of the County Trea.urer of Klamath County, Oregon, Uw «ii month« ending on the dOtli day of SenU’iuliet, A. D. 1UV7, ol money« eirwt and paid out, t><etlirr with lialance un hand on alxive date. —---------- Balance on Amounts re- Amount« alarne ¡«id out on band, OcL i haml ceiled tr<>m all accounts. 1, 1907 pm i, lu» »7 all «ourcr«. Mil ) .t.-l ,| «aty Mehuni Fund ..... -I» School F und ............. »t» il. S. kund.......... iFuawi ..................... tate Fund «•on Tag Sale« Fund Hy Library Fund ,.. •math Fall« Fund *«4 Diat No. I Fund • « s • 44 4 9 44 *• 4 M »I •• *4 34.KM 4M IH,VIA 73 M 33 7,301 B) a,77tt 35 44 77 1/7 M* tel »16 71 50 2,4«>5 82 45 31 b 806 3 713 MtJ 1W5 307 70 49 *1 72 no M • 13.01» 4v 3,|te (tt 2,'Vni «1 1, A’« MU 1,104 43 35 U0 HM K5 3 33 M.329 5« 13,501 04 10 on 1 ,u30 1«) 141 16 1T8 113 13 15 01 MÄ V4 m |23,N74 bV I5.K37 38 1,418 23 7,1*43 41 613 90 10,175 V» 13 5V1 04 30 00 17 25 75 00 3 4V 15 Ut) MV.’ 83 50 00 220 61 »23,980 4.266 2.727 7,142 2.6V7 7V 177 3»l 74 619 3M 4M 73 76 24 77 5v 60 A3 21 L. J. itrrlwr drove *J75 head <>l fine fat l«-«-l cattle through Merrill laat Satur- «lay. lucidently Mr. Gerlier put in a go<«| wor<! for the fair, and aai<! he ex pected it to la- the very Iw-wt yet. Joe. PrtiVoet and family of McCloud, California, paaaed through tin« city la«» bumiay on their way to Poe valley, where they will make their home in the future, having purcba««-d the Tom Wise man place. Mitchell Bro», drove about 401 head o( cattle through the city thia week. These cattle were bought for the Gray- «on Ow trig» Meat com ¡»any of Oakland, Calif. Merrill ba» aecn no better cattle thia year than the Mitchell drove, and there have te-en «everal thousand head here thia fall. 87 96 54 19 Our representative will be ^lad to show you the various syles and explain their merits. Be sure and see the PAGE at KLAMATH COUNTV FAIR OCTOBER 17-18-1Q GADDIS & DIXON. i LBANY Klamath Falls, Oregon Paid-Up Capital gAVING is the first great principle of success. It creates independence, it gives a young man standing, fills him with vigor, it estimates him with the proper energy, in fact it brings him the best part of any success—happi ness and contentment. J. W. SIEMENS, Proprietor. •*)* - *,è** w We Invite Your Account and Pay 3 Pêr Cent on Time Deposits ALBANY CQLLtQE, ALBANY, 0RE80N KLAMATH BARBER SHOP a Cbc Tirsi Crust $ Savings Bank ì te i te Awiwmlr- Ij, A.ll^t.t. yi.rtael ut C. mmeer-tal ( —<lo«lr>« laelnd.&a U m « I T”'*'’“ ..!•< --------- ....... I l.r**rh*. iseiaaia . naU.BMii^ ‘™- arleaca, ace., ... all nwS M ,hl r —a latino that haa won C**?"" ------- ’ rcuuu«u fr»r our I <rwat«w| n.»o »ni w- — fraa ------------- —. « • L rip i-/« who cannot I f I O. W. WHITE, President J. w. SIEMENS, Cashier GEO. T. BALDWIN-, Vice-Pres W. A. DELZELL, As«t. Cashier M ason & S lough Fresh from the Far to the Can in Maine Preferred Stock Sweet Corn i> packed for u* there becaua* the Maine toil and climate combine to produce the rweetett, tendereit, mo>t delicious com in the world) canned right in thia wonderful com garden—gathered and packed the tame day, with original crupneu and «weetneM perfectly preierved. Thu u the »ecret of “«weet com goodness’* Preferred Stock Canned Goods P m M Wkurerwr U m B m * ar« Or««ra Tie ert}—PREFERRED STOCK—•tfrGnar'i ILL«« A LXW1S, Whole.*!« Ororer«. POBTLAWD. OB BOON. V. S A. |72,*>M ftft >•» of Oregon. ABSTRACTERS choice lino of Invest menta tlx tit w'lll make tlxe purchaser money Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON A. SLOUGH a»ty of Klamath. I. L. Aha Lewi«, County Treasurer of Klamath County. Statu of Oregon, do <*rtlfy that the h,r»r>lng la a true and correct atatmnent of th« amount« ,”f'l, paid <>ut, and remaining on haml in the County 1 reasnrv of «aid county fho >11 tmmth« ending on th«- 'loth day ■»( Scptonila'r, A. It, 1007. Witne»» my hand tliia Kth day <»f October, A. I»., 1907. I,. ALVA LEWIS, County Treasurer. ®»ul-Annual Summary cf the financial comlltion of the ( minty of Klamath, rORTLAND, OltKOON BEHNKE WALKER STUDENTS SUCCEED. WHY? Il W. HKIINKK, Pre». • SEND FOR CATALIX1HH 1. M. W.M.KKK, Prin. 4’» "I Oregon, on the dnth day of September. A 1». !'«)7. ’••rranta drawn on the County Treaaurer, aAd outatandmg and nn- paid '............ $ 9.«)(S tm ,M(*inatei|.amount of interewt accrued thereon ............ •••• **377 03 31014’09 T<Xal liabllitiM Jlwn'l" m banda of Onanty Treaaunu Malleable of ■ ounfy i M ( - ’•'tniated unpaid current.taxM appli™'»!« I" ll,e l"‘Jr"H”’1 °* Connty _ "■traut« ........ .............. ...................................... ‘'"R t BUSINESS COLLEGE They are l rained tor bu«ino«« la a bu«lne«».|lke way. Placed S.M pupil» Into lucrative poalUons during laic year. Why not enroll In a reputable achool that place« all of it« gradua e«' SEMI-ANNUAL SUMMARY ME« THE PAGE FENCE ’ Wednesday night, «ometitne l-etwem Qcanliness and Good Work midnight and 5 a. m.. a burglar entered Guaranteed. the Mint Saloon by buringout a panel in the liack door, And using the same Also Agent for LONDON AND method, <>|>ened the 50 cent slot ma chine and took therefrom about |50. . LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO. 36 17 1,602 75 671 N6 676 42 159 2 Investigate Page Woven Wire Fence N. S. Merrill la»t week aold three yearling abort horn calve* for ^’»0 each, and one three-yearxild «bort born bull for flOtl, w hich eliowa that there ia I money in thoroughbred cattle. The abort liorna are in great demand in thia county at the pri -i-nt time. Mr. Mer rill liua deinon«tratr<! that there it- money in gferden truck and chicken« rained in Klamath county ; on one-fifth of an acre of land he rainwl one ton of onion« for which In- find« a reazly mar ket at ti', «•••nt» a jHitimi. If thia can be i l»-at< n »nywheri- on earth the Ke.-ord 1* op*-n to conviction. Mm. Merrill alao' receive»! |'.i a dozen (or Plymouth ifo< k : chirken«, Winch were pur< ha«<-*l byC.' - Wan-on, the cattle buyer, and «hlp|ied i by him to Sacramento. I lu-ie lia. I>e< ii »oun. misunderstand ing among the people In re»|ie«-t to the of the < lear laika reservoir cite. Qjjgr*« ciani Inal Ion............................... .................. .. The bid tendere.1 by the »heet. men ha. h>»i«e ami I «• I ci |*t»«e .... ' 6a bl nut I* <.|i acceptetf ami it is almost cer I Mtot*rt*,r . . . n.lini puhlialiing ... 1.17 Oft ' tain I hat it will not lie accepted. Engi- | ^ty ruad ... ................................................... «30 i heure Murphy, lleimy ami hander« have I I t*l ♦ » • l-’»l to r*on,mended that the l»td lie rejected I ARMI.WS Ol MODERATI; Ml.ANS Tala am «ont of «•laitue allow <• I and drawn lirnifi 2-. 1 ami it prolmbly will lie. The approval OI I I PCD KADI OPPORTUNITY lMUn i"'K un|«ald Count» W arrant« on the lai day of < »ctol »er 1907 » ’»IO7H OS or r«-je< lion of su, h hid» he* with the »¿raste*! interrai accrued Iberniti _ M377 ______ III ^tefary of the Interior, not with the An unuiual opportunity i> offered the _i local official* of the Keclamation Ser- Talai amount of unpaid County Warrant* farmer of n^oiferate mean« to aecure a j U' i vicf , home in the Ijiketide Tract located on 4, uf Oregon. I If "■• probably not anticipated by the North «boro of Tule Laho. The . f*!*» the cattlemen nr other citizen» intereat- land now offere«! for «ale conaiata of waty 1,1 Klamath. ......... , «Lor by the engineers, that «heepmen tl,w> ( ha.ta n. t .mnty < l-rk of the ( ..tI1,ty „( Klamath. State of Oregon, would hid for the jai.turw :WW acrea of irrigable land lying under . .rtl ly tl al tbr l .i. , ..g i. a w ie ar. I rrr. t »tatement «.I the niiml-r -■ - . - . 1 1 the Adam« canal, a part of the Klamath g «a. out of claim« allowed bv the County Court ol «aid County lor th.- «iz ' ThrTul« Ijke company, a cattle com- Project, an<l admirably located along tclbtei big o tlie 5otli «lay ol he| lemt- r. I •>?. on wfiat account the »am.- I an), originally bid F’>(J0 for Hie privi- the «hore of the lake. It ia rich aage- «;li>»cl. an l the amount of warrant« drawn, and the amount of warrant* l-gt- lor uun year. Thia uaa the only HWeiiM at“l unpaid a« the »ame appear tip>.ri the record» of my office and In bid an>l waa not accepted, ft being to«» brush an l gra-« land, part of it being lit cultivation. It will lie aold in tract« to , official <u»U»ly. Kiln.»» my band an.! Die «eal of Die Count» Court of «aid County thia ’»th low. liid« were then called for, (ora •uit pnrchaaeri and on aatiafactory I tl.ten year leaae, and the company bid term«. ^aftKtol«». A. 1’ B a >7. The alieepmen, evidently antici MKALJ GEo. CHASTAIN, For particular« call on or add re««, J. County Clerk pating that Mr. Italian would «imply Frank A lam«, manager Lakeaide Com- ! J ' ' I ' > 1 • Walk<r, multiply hie flr«l bid by 3, bid »1511. puny, Tule laike, Oregon. 10-17-tf I Deputy. liegardle*« of llie cotnparaUva right« of • beep and cattlemen, the leaaing of that 5111 kill A si Ml.ASM Al REPORT range f >r ahe«p would la- diaaitroue to a > bhef.t! • fetui Annual •!»<>«ing am »unt ol Iase« colle« ted and pahl Ia’r’percentage of the landowner« un •Yffiwf«», liuti» A|»tU 1*1 tu Hept. 1**.**, {OrluaKr der the upper project, anti the engi ia tin Hit c , Incted. April. 4 71 neer» »I the Reclamation Service know •A Ma» , ........ .. J 7 no thia. Hence their action in recom • lw«t ” ” April .................................. '■ M « |W> •' *’ April ftH ,3M mending the rejection of the bbl. " Mai ........................ ... ... 50 04 • •• •' •• June ........ h n (Merrill liecord’ Jul» ................................ 20 • )w»> '• •• April............ . .. . ............................... *»31113 N. S Merrill, Win. Merrill and wife •• May........ ................................. . .............................. 34*5 47 •ml Mr«. Hcoggin, left Friday for Gra«« • * *’ June .... i July ................ . BBS SO latke. N. s. returned home Sunday Auguat.............. ............. 377 in while the other« went on to their home ** Seplamlier ................ . ............. 34V4 M in Coluaa City, California. jbWl ««If ciarliti* ' • I» 1 Examine KLAMATH FALLS MACHINE SHOP FFe are prepared to do BLACKSMITHING and MACHINE WORK. done promptly. New School Supplies Repair Work of all kinds We guarantee all our work to be first class and at Satisfactory Prices. BETWEEN 6th AND 7th ON WALNUT Tablets, Pencils, Pencil Boxes, Etc. |255«H 53 Tot«| resource« for tlie* CHITWOOD DRUG 0 COMPANY ¿¿FURS: HIDES 1*1 rai»h. IO to 50J tuore .mnner for you to «hip Raw Fnro ami Hide« to us thaato home. Write for Price luut. Market Report. Hhippin« T m »> and al«out our | HUNTERS’&TRAPPERS’GUIDE.’tX^ ’>0 page«. Irathur bound, K*t thiag <>u thu aubject ««er written llIu«traUa< al! Pur Animal« All bout Trappur«' 8«cr«te. Dtooys. Tr»pa Own* I aw « H o * «nd wb*ru to trap, «nd to b*"«ia a •••<•- (■•saful trapper h u a rogvlar Rnry> I >p«d>a Pric«, t.' Tu our <‘uab>mnr«. |l >i. H i I m tanntd into beautiful K-b«4 Our Magnetic Bart an i Oa-ny alVv t* am wait Ip lr«pa • ’ W p«r tswffi, Shi» »our Hi d»« «nd Fur» to u* aul highj»t pnow Aadvruvh Brva>, PepL 85 Mlnavap«Ua,MUui»«B s li