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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1907)
ss al Get your Exhibits ready for the County Fair on October 17=18=19 otsn wrui nt« revolver me arm was ¿oatmtis of ki . amath falls broken Indr -d. Il was so nearly »ev err,| ih«t for a time there was no hops y«lt(V>>r Vew. I know you <)<> of ««ring It A. O. U. W— Linkville , %rigt>t>-r« II»« do you know It? The fn -e had no sootier reached the Lodge No. 110 meets in the Nett<l‘»>r <>h. ,>.ur wife tell« what garrison than one of th«- women who A . O. U. W. hall every Tues fw> tell her to my wife, and «tre tells bated Mrs f»owning and coveted Ew as Iwtrutt Tribù««? or» went to the major and told him day evening. Visiting Broth that during his absrm-r there had l~-en ers always welcome. Walter U-nn«»x. M. W. an affair l<-tw<en Ewers ami his wife J. W. Siemens, Recorder. T?>r same evening. at a supper held to rrtel>rete the victory, the commander of t|i<- post »‘ongrwtulated I »owning on Evangeline Ixdgc No. AH Ih-gree of hl« a<hlcirment and refrrrvd In glow Honor Lodge meets in the A. <». U. W. (Original ) I Ing term« to hl« having saved the life hall every second and fourth ThurwisM There we« In the t'ultrd Ktato« army 'of Lieutenant Ewers at the expense of in the month. Nancy N . White, C. of lr Jesse Marple, Recorder. ssm year« ago a woman n b<> kept up n< srly having lost an arm 1 »owning « running fllrtalk»n with so. ond Iles- colored and «aid that he did not regret Iraant« frr«b from West |*r>|nt When having eared a life, but hr did regret W. 0. W. Ewauna Camp. No. '»9, W. t ws graduate J«»lr>«-.t «be drup|»<-<! the that that life could not have l»srn oth 0. W.. meets every Tuesday evening «•» »hr ha<| attached to her and took er than Ewrra A hush cam« over the at 7 :30 o'clock at Sanderson's hall. All •> th<> last i-orner The Aral fell re assembly. Kwrra. who was present, neighbors cordially invited. Bvvel the last flattered Hut no one arose from his seat and left the room C. K. Brandenburg, Clerk. ♦rev thought of loving the lady except The nrit morning he forwarded hla ter bust« n«l. resignation through his commanding of I. O. O. F.—Klamath Thro- sere together nt a western Hivr lodge No. 137 meets ¡"•< Major end Mr» !x»wulng and Ewers wrote his flam-re an account every Wednesday even Lieutenant Ewers Upon Ewers' ar of the affair, which might have been ing In the A. O. U. W. rival Mr» Downing dismissed the accepted could It hare reached her hall. C. B.Clandenning, F»uagster In favor and took up Kwrra without her mind having tieen prevt N. G. Geo. L. Hum* ■hl» made It embarrassing for Kwrra. ously prejudiced. The woman who had phrey, Secretary. Major I »owning took a great fancy Informed Major D«»wnlng knew of '« him and Kwrra was In terror lest EwerW flamer and wrote her an anon O. E. S —Aloha Chapter No.61, meets th» wife abouki ««»inpremloe him with ymoua letter stating that her lover in the Masonic ball every get and and ter husband Heslifra. Kwrra was en was flirting with one <»f the officers' fourth Tuesday evenings la seek menth. MM to « lovely girl tn the e»«t who whes Therefore when Ewers' letter I Christine Murdoch, W. M. Jennie E. •t*»rt»d hl« whole heart was reel red hla eiplanation was re Kearnes. Secretary. At West |*nint cadets are trained In ject ,-d ■high «lamian) of honor and chivalry Ewanna Encampment No. 46,1.0.0.F. Ewers' resignation waa accepted, and Encampment meets first and third ■•ws. who waa e»|»ectelty amenable he went no one knew when» Certain ,0 »m li training, found himself be ly he waa never aren again in the Unit Fridays of each month in the A. O. U. Nssa two flrre honor with respect to ed Ulates Ills Hances relented and W. hall. C. C. Brower, C. P. Geo. L. Humphrey, Scribe. * brother officer, chivalry In warding wished to communicate with him. bat M- « woman's attentions Not for she could And no trace of him A. F. A A. M.—Klamath would he Injure Major Down Several years after the Indian out ■<; not for worlds would he put a 1 break, during which three events oc Ixidge No. 77. Meets second ■d«ht ufN>n Major Downing's wife curred. Major Downing was made lien snd fourth Mondays of each Wt» Downing kept herself within tenant ««»Ionol ami placed In command month in the Masonic Hall. W. T. ™,B‘l» tin h«r husband was ordere«! . of the post where his wife had mine«! bhive, W. M. W. Bowdoin, Secretary. T with it portion of the command to j Ewers Gm» «lay a friendly Indian 6it the Indians As noon «< he wa» chief sent to the post a number of artl K. of P.—Klamath Lodge No. »6 f*» 'he lady laid opsn alege to Ewers cle« that had t>een taken from the meets in Sanderson's hall everv Mon Wllef rams to the poor fellow In an whites during a long period Among day evening. Bert Bamber, C. C. *'*t lo take the remainder of the them was a bag of written documents John Y. Tipton, K. of R. and 8. '”11111»nd nill| g,, support of Mo of different kind«. There were govern Y Piwnlng tin the way Ewers wn» ment amt army dispatches and private M. W. of A.—Ixxlge meets in the '’'lined t„ »«nd back a report of tn- tetters A. O. U. W. hall every first and third "hnatkin he had gath«>re<l »» to th* Major Downing examined them per Wednesday in the month. "“"■ ii outbreak amt sent with It a let aonally and among the letter» cams W. IL Melaughlin, Consul *10 Mrs Downing In It hr took _ W. A. I'hel|>s,£lerk. O’- upon one addressed to his wife She ’"’,1 to tnlk very plainly to her. tell had partly convln«-e«| him that Ewers °* "er frankly that tie waa engaged to had forced hl» attention» upon her. but Pros|H'rity Relx»kah Lodge No. 104 I uv « m | and on hla return bo then» ha«l nlwnys l»een some doubt In l.O.O. F. meets in the A.O. U. W. hla mlud After deliberating whether et|»ect Hint they meet merely hall everv first and third Wednesdays K'liunlntnmr« and friend». The b«< should give the letter to hla wife or in the month. Mary E. Fish, N. G. ........... the report ami the read it he decided on the latter course, Ixirinda M. Sauber, Secretary. Pr *•» kllhxl on the way Hl» body lie read what Ewer» had written Mrs found, scnlped. but he Imd lww»n Downing complaining of her conduct Foresters of America— F.wanna Camp, ^dere.i nf everything ho wore or nnd tolling her of hla engagement to No. 61, meets in the A. O. U. W. hall another. every second and fourth Fridays in the Major Downing sent the letter to the month. * day» later Ewers joined Ms C. 1». Will.ton, 0. K. girl who waa to have married Ewers. 'Owning, ami the major resolved to E. E. Jamison, Rec. Sec. *''k the Indians. But the Imllnn» She mad«» a renewed «loaperate effort to llml him. but II was unaueceaaftll. .,,P°,i him before h«» wn» ready Women oi W<x«lcraft, Ewanna Circle I ,'r'1 "«ht followed, which resulted Ttie major never opened Ills lipa to his No. 647, meets every second anti fourth wife with rognr«! to the matter. He th» being driven off. and continued to live with her as he would Friday in ¡Sanderson'» hall. Mrs. Dollie Virgil, G. N. hll "nvlng turned the scale. ''"'■'I them, burnml their vlllng«- and have lived with a wax figure, he a matt of marble She eontlnmxl her tllrta n l*aes. During th«» fight Fraternal Order of Eagles meets hl, ir ,‘nw'ihig an«- Ewers lying on tloiut till »he was »<• "hi «hd ugly that the second lieutenants would hide to every Mondav evening at 8 o'chx-k in 'iti n" ’,"'l,,n over him rnlalng a A <». V. W Hall. Henry Boivin, W. ee» «mt of her wnv Incleave Ills skull Hprlng I*. Otto Heidrich, Sec. i.uviLLt: u. rniLLirs 'orwiird, the ninjor caught th«» * 0,1 hla teft drill aud allot tin: In- Th« S«cr«< Out. Xilgt. r, I |,a«r let »«■• rrl« ay wife I tell her r«crything from An Irreparable Damage. $ » JL n JI Few Words Concerning flood Printing D I ID it ever occur to you that nine men out of every ten judged your stand- I ing in the commercial world by the stationery you used? Such is a fact If you use cheap, shoddy printing, such as many printing offices give you, devoid of * merit, then your correspondents will put you down as a has-been and irresponsible. GOOD PRINTING has been our motto for years and in quality we refuse to; be ex celled. And our prices are right One Brade-Chat the Best Try us with your next order. We have the latest styles of type and competent men to execute the work in the latest approved style. I 4 THE REPUBLICAN D0WN-T0-DATE PRINTERS Phone 31 REPUBLICAN BLOCK KLAMATH FALLS A? to J