Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1901)
» LOCAL MASS frulli I. lanini h count i I net Imi fur dumnpes on a,. failure of the defendant water for Irrigui Ion of i i from him by t In* plaint it! v I'lof. It. V llopkltis 1*111111* over lower Colili ut,tallied ,| u from li-iian/.i Saturday, returning f Itltm. ‘lile colli f I. ' v is sumlay. Is-eause I he agent of tin ,1 \«»i in.* I Th- Smthi-rn < >r« K«'ii wl|o made the lease of th, si'his'l. h « at .-il at \ till.llld has .Ml in> authority t<> Idml tin* ,t< * enrollment of 17»». fiiinlsh the wall t tot |tti: p ELECTRIC w as 11 siskiv ou, at I >uns muir. Win. iiuvis of l.orella, . i.iiitnixxli in-r, suffered 4 jmi . i I i -is I ridai night. » .Is xu III II I* Hied. 11 Is rep« a t >-d l hat i le I w hli h eiimmciici d on \< day, never let up at Viri , i t hlny evening follow in;• d, p lili líes |,'i| feel ) of sllow ,|| || The Y reka Join mil sals th if lb,-f,4, now ilo id Is w Ii.*f n..,, |. «ho, thegreaf in is , i f sir w .1 is. i, , „a will e, rlahilv prove ills.isti .¡1( it rcjsirted at Tli'-tr a quarantine is nl quickly by warm rains it k liehrv'sl supjs sed inis' an Inch of «iter l„ . t|„., ■ J Ih«* dls»*iiw every |U Indies of .i, w I. must liave Is-eii fully six ini-lies lleani.-s and wife will le.m water, now held to a gt, p , xt.,,t in I day ■ fm < allf'irnla t>> I"- ah tlie s|l"W < hi the bard gr -Illi Weeks. | Hiring Ills si ay. froreti ts fiire I he IS Shoes I,wen will tile storni, Some of » Ur st ti-rta an piled up w it II smiW It w ill hale to Is- ha su h i nu* r vi I lc In-Ill pc. tally on the narrow W It pletely lilis ked by I I r,- >fs of bulldin,'s assist Mr • X Hie Best Assortment We Ever Shown Tlx- report circulated by friemln lt d Vshlaml the sii .w at Klamath Falls <*n tlu* SI h was tell feet lie, p M ,*s «*rr«»n« « hk A* a imittr-r of fw t , I hr Ml«»W .if l|U Unir during the storm rkm'drd -'ll Hie level. t till r.-.t |(e|airts from I. ik , during tin- storm O| M there w.m the h li Irsi -hat country tn n at |„ik. View »II. fall or b-,im|uirat I v* I) lip Id Etamlner gives Hi*' ; 1. nee of |t-v. I». T. ' siding elder of ti e M I F. I CIOS W), l.iki-vir* D El llllIlHT MiS’k. 'Ill 'riu' i Its Itisi 1 li H J «’n- mi Drv Goods Clothing and Groceries II came mar js-rislm in lie w as < >n t 111- st n tab of the al view ami I'aislev Fh JU at mils In i iti-goti, ami if Its patrona,'-- ii’cl's'k nt night li<* and t Is . ! mi usurati* wit h Its efforts. Its to libandoli tin h'-ts- sai « ' . ,. proprietors ought to ts.iiim* rich limit a I iiiiim - II- v ’I bi* roti rpriM* of sui'h a |M|x*r de after wading thrmigli mio .» and dritti serves III" ral Mlp)s>rt. for three hours carne o r* -s a i'ai-ic Thi'Crook County Journal, pub lish .1 at Prineville, issued hi rtr-rl- '•til \* v Year’s numls-r. It is de voted to a history of tin* county’s tie "ami shouted to nr «U*•«* the liiniatrv. tmt all In vain the place M.IM ll.lMlell. II til. illy I a wirr «w lnscrt«‘d It Inin the l-i'k and thr II'* struck a filateli and »• ' ipnii'ni ami a portrayal <-f Its re- diM,r rits'lii-d. siairr. and pros ¡reels In tsadi discoverer! a rimi oil lamp niltula tir form, m ally printed and replete with oil, it few i run,lis of br, ad II'* si" Illustrations. It Is a very creditable pieces of WiHsl. going, devoured the dry lin ai! that st roki- of enterprise. had Is-eii lying un ihr1 lutili- fnr nuny Th soii!Ii-lsmud train mi the \. w < cks, ami I bought It tlie swm-tai <>. It. Il had an unpleasant ,-»• mursi'l lie hail ever tasted '' Ihr» I" ri-o* ■ Is-iwo-n Aimdec ami lleno, after M*Veral hours, thè rlrlver fouml during th>- big storm two weeks ago. tu fin- Alf<>d| him and piloted him Ihe wind came so strong tliiil the place. Their tlu'V reinalmsl uni pass, i /i r eii.ieh ami freight car were lie»! morning, when after a Irarti lifted otl th»* track ami overturned. break fast Ibex ret art ned to l^aki-Vl'W Several of tin- pa sm tigers on la,aril were injured, num- "f them seriously, Mrrn! however. Mr. Brownvig of Astoria, »Im ha. Klamath Falls-Merrill Stage Line, W. W. HAZEN, Proprietor, EAST END, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGGV ? Jupcv iloj-d'S I>< hi nled by day, wrt-k or n. ntli ^*1 t '**4 J • Hay ami Grain bought ami ,o|<|. Passengers conveyed to all parts of Southern ( hegori and Northern California at the very lowest rates. I« i n li>*n* m i w,-,-ks looking over llrdurt'd prh’rs oil ••!«»< hli«»'. this i-i uni iy. started for homi- Mun ii.iv. lb* was iniH’li pleased with the < Usters In any style al I iw I mt ' i 1‘iintrv .mil Its futuri* pros [s-et a, anil restaurant. will return here In tin* spring to t*'r- 'the Klamath I-alls \nialeiir l’r> ni.ui'iitly |i»*afi*. At Un- same time malic company will pr> M-nt them®' his sun-in law ami family will come dy, " A Family Affair” at Merrill '« imi three other families, all of whom Tuesday evening, January will also timi home , hi re. 'I’lu* supreme court nt Its m -, loti at Salem two wicks ago reversed the ' asi-of <,i-o. a . Inirsee respondent vs. Ji ss,* |i. fair ap|M-lllilit ; lip|s-al Big Ihn I- of men's altri Iley s' suit»1 I niIT) ’ m . *1 * i i< HI ««►I <M|