Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1901)
ami torli., r r. In I «s in g<s«| . ons. leni r* a|.|s ai tu a < .uri ut I <|iill» I bis siiiioin.ns is sei,e.| In iiiinli- «- t|.-n Ih,reni in tbr Ki »Miri Itri-i mi ■ »».•-» r-.1 limi Ili-tir» I. lieti •oli, Jlldge <.| thè lai ludi, 1.1I Instili t ut 1 jii girti. Iliadi datisi and filed in sani Court il d iwusi- ou tlu-27lli day id I a -1-inI - 1 I s HI al K lan. .il)i I aiI» Ori gliti iiiidwtiiili.iiid ordr 1 mi mai li* and tllod a» 4l-.1--r.11l n.iiioi a ihal lina anni u <«> Inolia Iti Itila .«>.-> I h 11 -11,||siicit olii < a I fill. w,*ek l'ir al» loiiMiiilive and silccrs ai»,- wi. k* troni II.i •.'.'•li dai ,*f |ti-,ein la-i libai thè dall-ol III, tirai pillili* « Itoli Ihereol as pi«-», ni»* I in -ani oidi-, XLAMATH REPUBLICAN limoli») 1 ALEX MARTIN, President E. R. REAMES, ALEX MARTIN JR., Vice President Cashier. ». IIVSE tí- SON, I o »> aim..« a*»»* W.I-S"* nii k-luv * ini un |-or N«*a <>< the H» \5orld l.llli la* •• liti! Ir*t III X hm IJI** >’, h I monili. Including |1fl* rriit* I" ’ Si lid .rr .’»■|«k''' blind * o r edition. w «ampi«* v»'l»' •'» I I I- lie Hull, till, ;j I V»n>iu >'• >-•" Ft.incl'*'»- '»otite | or Publication. r J i 1 I Cullections Attended to Promptly. Correspondence Invited. la parimeli! of tin* Interior, I ill*! » »Illi e at I akl*» |e w . • »regoli , January 3, l*«l|. Null.eia In 11 t.» ginn that Hie fui I KI IM III It.- NOTICE. DRS. HARGUS AND STRAW. low Illg lljllil'il X tiler lisa llltsl notil e ut PI MI*.' y »1» »v INI»'Ml I * I,la iiili iiiion to make linai proof 111 sup Noli, e is hereby given that there are » Uw- 1111'* "f P'linps anil Wind |***rt -d lila 1 i.liui. .11..I I hat -aid pl-ail hind, in tin* County rreasiiry for tin- gill» Ju-- ■ C. II. W itht « a lit ta- mad-- la-foi leih-mption ot tin* following Count» I '-lUIll» I lei k al OKFH K < hit woo« I A < f« * I’ruK Mt<»rr W.irrants protestisi on and prior to.Inly |.-tiu"l‘-t M-i" mi Fi-l.tiiart IH, II » it : attention to of the Eyr, Ear, If. IM»2: I U Voli, James quality •■»'I t»"1 »i'iAiitity i*» 1 iitere.i1 will 1 ease on the same from S’o*c and Ti>roat <«ia»M*a filini. H I n . i i;u. ti.. E», tins dale. leUitt'a Little F .iti.» Iliaci» KOI II NU », Nf , ai I , VIP, >1.1 .’ h C i 2 53rj 5? In 5251 5234 ft23f 52X3 />. Pf A WES, If. /). • i . iii I m little Ho t pilla- J I. I'.I. I Ip KI *• li 12 U . M 5232 51XI .*»155 .'«gr| .’«rJU .'»sd ’»»17 Apri 5240 5211 5212 5205 52111 fti«i*i ftntf 4*«’«., , U A brSI». Phystiian and Surgeon, psi; .'a«i't V II .’->11 5|Mti 51-«» 523s -urli Ulli* pi 's I* l»e Wil I » st',1 '« SIS .’«•12 .’x»7M «»7'1 5112 5132 61V7 < »tin t* rooms: 7 and M. Link ville Hotel -.'■■I -■ *. 5lu2 5210 5212 5213 .5217 6137 faitr Blaer» are very easily t • •Is 5III1 rr,5 t'Sis 5-jtai 5177 5125 5170 All calls answer,**! promptly day or • 111 •1, * ■ f - » . d ■ 1 ’,•>*> J night. 51 5*i 5211 521ft 522U .5221 I I ! >MI«11 Mt k lllltllllh 1 Mill> lin» 13th «I m V , aim; the ilo I and •"**-» er th'* coin-di. ' » family Molili, January J.’ ik I Physicians and Surgeons hdgrtt * bom» l«U t forget t I ■ •■ 1 -dy .1! 111 ..•4 Ih-i.t on I*. P"'l. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat- It vtiScully digest« the fund and aide Nature 10 un ngth mug and recon- Kngtiof the riliaunted dlgaatlte ur tila. it lithe latr«idlMNivrrvddig'-tl- utuxl touicr No other preparation an approach It in rfflcimcyt It In- •usuj rehevevaud permanently cure« ünpipaia. Indigestion, Heartburn, FUtuleoce, Sour btomacb. Nausea. Set Headache Gastralgia,Crami*»and koilMr result» of imprifect digestion, bw M e mh IU I»r«r ,u. .-i.iiisln. (In.ea ‘»«.-il«« Hoc«anaUuuidyiptpeia&ah»Hrv« MMtff C Devin axorcticoe*. Nullte for Publication. Is-palili hl Ihr !tih*fi<»r. I and I Ilin > Mt I m R cvi » k , « 'ri-|f«»ii, J m I i II miv 3, IWU. vit IfiVrh Ihm Ihr l«»l lllvr Illi« h '* ! IH«11« •* hl ili M k«’ filini hi MtlH , 4 •••I ! i IM t «Itili Jam«*« II. I,n»r»»l| < M-tttlv < I« »li <»1 l\ »Iti tilt I alii«, <hv., on I « i»« tut i Hi r*H|. vif : I.. Il I \ IM* • h 51.. lh«H 3«, T|» * « >r«TÍUi. Il«> l»Mhu Hit- In*»««*« |»iotf hi« « <-hHiilliol» f«*»l«|t*h< !• tii«»fi Mh<l «nil n at ion o| »Mid lnn«l, vn : I’liMtl«» 1’iibrtl »I Ik lhi'M. (hr . I. Surtiir » I l’»ilr I tkr.ih«’ , .1 I li lh%on. ol hlatii.ttli lati- (hr.; T !h%o|t, of fhlr I nk« Hr I M I H \ I 1 \ IX IC« AÍ>H. i *1111 in »i I’diNtr hercio ■slaiiMvr III.. ...u.i.l unt tiled agsmsl -I III II e »I..V-- . suit un U, I». * tile rìpllHtlu,. Ill .,t eullMS Ut I» I- ■ i-his,.»|v, »,,4. the 2-tli-la» '••rlll'ef, I 4,1, M. ,|,,,., |,n| lie ||„ ' tl»--*I»-Vi- l-litltli-d l'un,I, au> 1 "I tail 1 , sti-wr-r, |.>r want Iherrol ' l-'milifl will Hppi» I.* the l 0111! tor •Clief pr.u,. I |,„ ,„,.1 n.mplalllt. ' |'idgii...llt i ,, du. .mi, ,,| f um uu 1 inli-ri-.t lliercun at the rate ut ten l»-r «munii (tum md since the -■»'i I4» nt N.,y, uils'i, |H'm, also, the .V" ......... . .............. hum-».' fee». Jti Igniriit and illshursr- "ent,o| .mi m,,j ,|,n| >M|i| jn,|||l(lrnl ami o, m,. |(|>|| against ■•' .nil pt,-mi».-, iti-sciilivd m »aid »?'!C h " 'J"- '■•'•••"» B1.1t til«« ihorlgMgr tirili , i'''»ll|tilf herein against »aid E ' 1 "- - I mid I lu- -atm- • ', ' 1 ' ' and that claim <if 111 aniiiiist .ai l pri-miM-« I* de- , 1 ’ l-rmr to m,» claim or right ‘•ut. 'binile IU»,th, ili limi to . Ó , I'''""- - "i imv pait therrsd, ll'"1 'I'«* plaintiff have -i 1 other M HR \i 1 \ix R< • -! •». Sinici IO IlLI ISQl I s'! I»-piolineili of ili,. Interior, id Odile at Lukevlew. Oregon, Ih-, elider L», l’HHI. Nulice ia hctelr» given llist tlu fui* lownig liatni-d seltli-r lui" lilrsI noli *e of Ina mtentiori tu inske linai proof ili »tip- |airt -il hi» . lami, and timi »md pmof w ili la- made ladore J. II. Ilamaker, s. Coiiimi»*ioin-r at Roti ansa. * iregon, .Inoliar» 2>-, Itali, vi>: filigli L. Cloptnn I Xo I73t 1 m lite NI '., N'.. *4 ami M.»4 SWI4. .» ih - 23. Tp. l» - li 12 E. Ile nani,*» thè followmg wit- in ... . |o prove hi« contimioii» residence ii|sin nml ciiltiva!lori of sni-l land. » ir : .l.irgen L. >.ip|»*torti, ol IV.usura, lire, I .mie .1. Ilniininii ol lionati«», Oregon: I i.n I» l’.urk of lloiuinr.i < iu guli : Clia». II II ongliind. oi Itonanra. Oregon. !.. M. IIRAIT Vi N . Regmter. PAM RS. Tills season I here is a large death rate among children from croup ami lung I roubles. Prompt action will save the little ones from Illese ter- rlhle diseases, We know of nothing so certain to give Instant relief as S. T. ht MMKHH. < III! 'limite < oligli < lire. It can also sh, i ifT of Ivi.i.II.lili 1 omit í. ' »tegoli. la- relied u | m > ii in grlp|>e mid nil ■| li<-Three V t i iniiedy. • A Pillili- throat amt lung troubles of adults. ly NfT.itr" will Is- giteli .il Houston's Pleasant to take. .1. I.. Padgett X liotisr .hint Hin I*. IWH. Solis. Notice la lurch» given I shall I, • eo||i|w-ll'd In* let » In Collect nil delllupient tiles after I lie I 51 h <lay nf February, iwul. I >.i!e«l, KI 1m.1th Fills. Ore., this I d II da» of January, limi. Big line of nirii’h und l*») *’ Killt# at I hi IT) Rtnl rarefili attention ♦«» all order* J. B. MOORE, Proprietor of Freight Wagons. Everything done with neatness and di»|-atcli HOTEL BARBER SHOP, J W. SIEMENS. Prop. Cleanliness and Good Work Guaranteed. Nut kt- I or Publikation. |*«|«||f % |ort*«*|o*«r j. n. nooRE, Notice I or Publkation. Ik*pnrHitriil of th«* lii!rrt<»r, I j» tn I < Hfh’i* al I «ki-vir« , Orrtfffti |X*««itiU r IM, BMtl. Xotlii* 1« lirfrliV glVrll that lit* i«»l* lowihBf •»•nic<l «k lthT l»ii« für-1 hotirr of hi« ihtrntioh to tiiakr finml pr»«»l in au|>* | m » i I <»f hi« i laiin. nii'l (hat *.ti«l proof Will !«• tllRih* iH-forr Jillltrp II |hl«**o||, (‘ouniy (*l«*rk, Mt klMiimtl I all«, < >r., on JrthiiMf > I?'*. IWl, via: llnrvry I.. Trtrm, II. I: Xo 2101. ho th«« >K'4 ShL of *4.17 X1 '4 of XI 'a. of Src. 21» U ‘ of XU '4 olfsv. 21. Il* 40 * . It. H. I Will Mr 1., < >rr|ftth. I lr tuaiii«*« th«* fol low mg w itn»***»*« to provr hl« rontintioti«» fr»hlt*in«' u | m » ii an<| rultivattoii of »ni<i laml via: K . I . I'.idtfrtt. of Krho, (in* l»,i-ii : U. I Met 'olluiii, of Krno tirrtfon, II. Mi'»uph«i', of krlto. < »rrtfoll ; A I. laMVitt. kliiiit.ith Falla. *>r«»i;<»n, I »I M M<>\* ••• »I Iki-emU-r, listo. II. II. 5 « s \ «I s I « hi in., Count» rriasiirer. Also Agent for LONDON AND LANCASfURE HRE INS. CO. Notke I or Publikation. IS-partnient of Interior, land < »Ilice Ht laikeview Oregon, Ih-ccmln-r 21, limi. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing -naniist settler ha* tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in suptiort ot Ins claim, and that said proof »«ill la- made la-fore Jas. II. Iiriseoll, County Clerk, at Klamath Falls. Oregon, on January 2W, 11**1 vis: John A. Koonts Il E No 17.52 for tlieS1., KE1,. EL. MV1, Sec I.TpfdS It !• E. lie names the following witnesses to prove Ina continu ous residence uimn and cultivalion of «aid lami, vi«: E. N. Colson, of Klam ath Falls. Oregon; J. T. Henley, of Klamath Falls, Oregon; Ed. Ream, of Klamath Falla. Oregon ; (J. W. J. Wil son,of Klamath Falls, Oregon. E. M. R hattsim , Register. Pepaln preparations often fail to ' relieve indigestion Iwcause they can digest only albuminous foods. There is one preparation that digests all classes of food, and that is Kodol Ihspepsia Cure. It cures the worst cases of indigestion and gives instant in relief, for it digests what you eat. J. L. Padgett X Sons.