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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1901)
KLAHATH REPUBLICAN vol K I .A M VI II I \ U.S < Ht Eilt »N. TH I TIN|>A V .1 \ NT Mt Y 17. |'m|. ■ Mr* W hi Welsh of hairy I iuh I h -. very III- J ( I , Igli»..11 "I L>*d ii H»’-r In town tin* w«»-k. Hugh II I»'»•itili "f ri.-unl In»* •"•.•it un »Irk i* th«' riwiilt of measle*. | .1 straw hrotlier of l»t. Straw, malic .1 business 11'1» piacenti thinking men, whether tln-y are resi- dent* of Klamath count« or outside of it, that I li«- <ailv thing, th«* count» need* to giuliani.. the greatest fu ture of any county In lite «tute I* it railroad. With on. tin- count» will I*- tli.-great. * i hind* ilug and manu facturing center In il» parlili- state*. \t the M ci I i . h II k I biplM <.|kil clin I II Turala) • nevi Sunday, al II a in.. I tie M-rmoti II K Mmiiyer of Klamulli Agemv will I m - I*- oil 1 11. 11.HI*.. ,,f God. the 4nhr<l t‘“l»' on hi* fturii frun hi» líale of Heaven." \t 7 Jo p, nt., evangelistic me. ling of tin- Women'» ca*t«*m trip. •||i<. nullity court adjoutne«! on t'lirlktlan T'.-m|M rance I'nlmi, pro TtHwIay •" "" -",l *" gram !.. i'<m»l»t of »otig* recital hm* and an add re** on -The Personal lie- s|»*'lal »• »»lull- It I» t< |«.rt.*l Hot tllr U»»» III *l*.ii»llilllly . f th. On<- Who brink* " I..WII will !" Il»'- mill* ,l'** *1“' *1"1 < .un.' Mr thl* »' it they were last I large hi . iii ' h i of II.MI* ar.- re-* NO. In. THE BRICK STORE. Full Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Reames & Jennings, I*.tied to I m - prejiiirltig to .-migrai.- to the Grand thl* country from South \ frica dur Worth» Mainai of th- Eastern Mur ing the c.imln:' summer. Should •ill I». Inrv to att..|i<l Imlg«- next *ueh a colon» ........ I.i*!< tii < fregoli *urd Whether we get our lintel of o.ight to t theiii. f-i*t.-rn <rr.-gou p.i|M-r lii time or md. the Lord know*. Turala« • » ruing. Til*- Mnlfonl M ill pn>p «■-* Io re- Ini» pient i of r.*mi (or lliem and w||l I Mall: .lack*oii county ha* V* a geli- a ‘ •-ntciiarlan to her c|<-<l|t. munn-ratr Mrdford, 'wing <H**.iti*- te glad l o W< leotlie I ll. lll Other fini with tlx rr»ult ohi.ilinsl In lite er il Ihltig ili.- Porr» wili m ike a veri mh tlon* of the »tate lx>a*t of having' d. »Iralile ri i*» <>f e|t l/en* them. I'**. Im! nom* .-in- ipiltc *o re Mir fwlrrul e«-|i»u*. \* il.iicl'II llng Thcte I* little mark. ifilc a* .la.*|M-r F'.iirce, of Talent, Il I*. i .limi, io r. from It w lio*<* life tti-ord *p iu* the hundred doubt Itili Ih - »torni wh eh ha» badi 1141111 .1 We k .1 II*' had I h *».|I put* year Wr .in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Infoi no «I that collie u mile* to Pirrker’* station, making the trip in .'« hour*, all the way uphill. tin Sunday night the tired traveler* trudged their weary way Into the new town of S[H-neer erc«-k. Tlu-re. the same night, the-. t«Mik tin-stage md on Momiay morn ing were made happy by ttndlng Mr. v. ar* liit.-rveiilng t-etwe.-n th.-dawn thcmwlve* in Klamath Falla. and t lie d< If II of ! tie llilli feint II cen tim-lh-r while at s.m Fram'laco pur- tury. Mr. Foiirce rc»idc* with Mr. chiiM-d a m-w planet and a large IU-c*oii. of Talent, and md w Ith*taml- quantity of other maehlm-rv fur his ing hi* ndianccrl year*, lie i» hah-, planing mill and *a*h and door f.u • »tout amt h.-arty ami earn* hl* living lory at Klamath Fall*. mudi of Northern < 'allf'.rtllu ari I |».r timi* of Solitili rn <fregiai In II* grlp »Ine.-t‘le l*t of .lanuary I* thè m<*t M im Inn.« Egan. one of the m - ir tlat ha* I m ' i - u i-ip-rl.-m.*! teu-li -;» .it hlam itli \,--i»’y. Hi- »Iti .- whltr* men Ita».- Intiat.ifed thè -lini here siuiril.n on her ret irn country. <ibi M-ttl.-r* t.-ll of a wln- hii 4 i «il I Washing - li, 11. < ti r III th<- early .">o* Iti thè late . co In manual latwir. I'ln* latter fact I* Tti- count court gra ne t two lliri tliat w a» a oit a» «everc. Ini! the remarkable feature. To I»- aid«* I diMit llrcnse - 14*1 w«*-k, viz: to Ihlnk Hi.-depili <>f » iiow In thl* y.-ar to (M-rform manual lalx.r at mi lark ll.wbin at Fort Klamath uml of pini evc-ed* tliat wlileli f.-ll tlieu. ed an age M-etil* quit«- out of the or Hub ' i . m ii .V Vrmstrmig at Merrill. der of thing*. However. h<- |M-rf<>riim Tin- I. il. i >. F. and I.elxk ali V filli I» l«-t -n i o.i ,-t.s* which. If III* work ipiltc a* well a* many much liMlge* held .1 t-dti! ln»t.dial Ion of of -r •»«.»» * wip ipproprlnto •ll.i'i’o to yoiing.-r men. lie followed tin- M-a licer» In th<-lr luill Tliuisdiry evening, pnitiih* lighting. m art .uul water for thirty-two year*, and t«».k | m H In »urli eci.-miililc» After January I«. xivtrui* n Kl.iuatli Indian r«-*«-rva- the Mexican war. In one of hl* Ille IlietiilM-r* re palled to the opera Hun. hand* he Carrie* itiel*!.-.! In the »kill ll.iUM- W here th.-v an enjoy aide Matrlcd. by Ile». • s. st<«kwe|| a »in.ill bull. I *>r »hot which he re- »up|M-r and dam e. I. <i. O. F. urti. .«IJanuary Ii. |to|. .it the resid.tic»- ccliisl In an engagement at lluena cera arc arc: W W Hazen. N.I«.; .1. ■f »I.*. • litri w in ir li Fall*. \ l*ta lie lui* chewed toliaivo *ince F. ti.H-ll.-r, \ I. ; Win. Terrill. S.*-.; Mr. KMrkk Bartow tn Mi*» Lilli«- lie wa* *ix year* old, lint ha* seldom J. W si.-m.-n* I r. i*. ; W. IL t 'lark, llakkltM. t».th of Klamath comity, Htnoked. lie never drank lliptor of W ir. :<<>*>. I. Ilumplir. ». i on. : Wai- • in*. any kind. lac.- Baldwin, t'liup.; J. V. lioUMtoll. V I*. Illtrpiild, one of the met- Il s \ i, : f; F straw. I, s. N. I.,; .1 F. i.ocller returned from hl* .iianlauf llmi.mzi ha* pill In u gu* li<*i. W Hiadh-y. It. S. S, ; V. E. san FtanciNco trip on »lond.iv. lie plant to light hi* »tore uml M-veral Humphrey. I. s s. ; s. T summer*. had a pleasant time at that city, and ■>ther building* in town. The hotel I. <1.; lt<.s» Hovd. O. ti. when he » for home did md liuslm-»* lion* » will also Th.- »m>W Ido-k.lde. which com- proliahly nalize the hard wading »■iti !«'lighted in tllr ».line way. al»*ut tin- flr*l of the month. through mio » drift* In-fore hi1 got tnunty < Irtk briscoli returned on He cam.- from san FianeiM-o I* now I m Ing ripidi» » and h.-n-. Munday, after a severe trip aer.** In a few day*, unie»* a new luitch of to \*hlaml and tiler, found that the the in.itmt.iln» In eurnpatiy of other Miow Colne*, we will I h - olici- more III A*hland route aen«** the mountain* returning pilgrim*. frinii \ »bland full touch with th.- world aero*» the wa* blocked. \ft«-r remaining at 1* came part of the way on »now mountain*. Tin long delay In get- \»h!aml several day*. In- started on Mbr*. part of the way waded, uml ting |va|M-r* pul * u* away l»-hlnd In TI iiiim I. iv of last week on foot and -luring th., lialane.. »>( the journey the in.itt.-r of m w*. Pa|M-r* pub- »now »lu*-* fur thl* place in cimipiny *aafortunate enough to tide. llslied on the first dav* of January with County t'lerk Iiriscull and Fred Mr. laden inali contractor, com- ar,- with few exception* tin- hulk of stahlinan. I'ln-snow they eame over uenda lion. It. \. Emmltt in the what »»<• now get. Il I* like reullng or through wa* from ■> to ■ fi-et deep liifhwt terni* tor In* I iln-ral compera- ancient hist rv. hut it I* nc«'e**ary i mi the level, and a* the snow *i;m-* bun In ovrtcomlng On- miow lilock- and useful tokceptraek of how things did md work g."*l. they tmik them «Ir <m the \»bland Klamath fall* have I h - cii getting mi In the interval. otT and waded through the l»-*t they "r. lb-1liormi-diii appreciate* Mr. The mall whicli »taited out of Ash could. The first night they *tup|*sl ^"miltt'» l'tTort» and rightly hrllevc* land on .lanuaty 2 for Klamath Falls at Howard's place. !-• miles out.. to lie <,n,. Of t|l)t |n,mt public- ■ 1« now, (TncMlay, Jan. 15.) *tIII' The next night, i Friday night.) tliev ' •pirited uu>n In the state. MUiiewhcre in the mountain». Imt got as fat a* liailey s place mi Jenny ting th- th ishlng»* on !x. Ir»'» sih o.i .it Iti li K admitted by \l «. nlne-len'h* of may get here lH-fore thl* i pajier I* la- creek, siturday night they Itediic.-d prices mi clothing. liutTv’*. I<) .st t5*€RIBE«S. <>ur weekly installments of auxil- llary sheets from Portland do md vet arrive, and hence we again li.iv«. to issue a small paper. Two of such pu'kages are Miinewiiere lietween Portland and this place and tempor arily stalled in t he mountain*. But we hope and lielleve that thl* chronic constipation of things will end Ix-for«- next week. Bargain* in «ivercoaf* at IhifTy's. Pt-rsmis who suffer from indig«-*- tion can not expect to live long I**- cause they cannot eat the fiM»i re quirt'd to nourish the I mm I v and the products of the undigested fomls they eat poiMin the b|<»»l. It is import ant to cure indigestion as mhui as po*»lble. and the l*-*t metliml of do ing tld* I* to use the preparation known as Kodol Ityspepwia Cure. It digest* what you eat and restores all the digestive organs to |*-rf«*-t health. .1. Pndgett A Sons. Bargains in overcoats at huffy's. For New* of the W orld Head the San Francisco Bulletin. Fifty cents |»cr month, including large 2' pagi Sunday edition. Send for sample copy to The Bulletin, k.33. Kearney St.. San Francisco. See the comedy. “A Family Af fair." at Merrill. January 22nd. Ivon't forget the coimsiy at the had i ipera llous«'on January IN. 1901.