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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1924)
Page Eight THE KLAMATH NEWS Hoyt Pleads with Those Who Would Wear Stays p.y I1KDD.V HOYT (Fashion Kd.tor. I n 4 Pre) Slender waUia are la they say l;r:nK i n reducer and cor-j set stay! Now I the lime fur all voiue't let come t t'e a d of t-e ' low wsixtline! Fr h tic't wsis.s are slowly hut surely crr-p.n back Into s'y.'e asa'n. And that means corseis! And discomfort! And even:ualiy perhaps the nldc uim hour-gla f sure. Wa'.all nes term to be f jl!o-, 'n t'je h;ph water" :tua et J by hems, bo'.is. sleeve and wht not, but ra:her endure the high rust cf llvins. my dear. 1'ian a hljta ne. S.iou'd the nor mal wa'ntline actually return . there will be weeping and walling i and rolling on floors for moat of j in wll f.nd that we have curves that we never suspected when we tie a stria belt about our no-longer wasplike equators. We w'-H appear as matronly as cur mothers.. We will have to shorten our pares when dancing with the young sbieks of our own age ere we dolose to onlookers too clumsy hips. We will face a winter of star vation with flapper figures as our goal. And even the flapper will turn away the dish of marshnial loar Ice cream as they begin t- add up thalr rsllories. Ms!d-n ladies with clothes-pin inure will look like 19H belles com pared to many of us "under twenties" who have been breath ing deeply through uncoraeled diaphragms the last fw years. filtapUue "Frouta' Kven now we find the "cullap i.U" fure maMnt Its a pre tr ance the figures wkh the atra'cht ." I tie and H i collapsible "front" iffect. Th"e who can manage tie col bv4.ble front are In luck aa many of us lark the powers of the con tortionist. However, we see among the recent sponsors of the high-waist line, girle. wJo man age to flatten out cup'd I'ke abdomen at a, moment's notice. Of course, one can flatten the front figure somewhat bv stand ing up s:ra!ghtly with ehuldr erect hut that Is hound to add "chest" to one's figure a disas trous effect In these days of pronVnent shoulder blades and flat chesta. Watch the Mirror Let your mirrors be your guide, my slaters! If yon wish to remain uncorseted st'ck to the low waistline or the heltlesa frock. For if we begin to de velop a' line again, we will surely return to the long-boned corset which restricts our free dom while restricting our sur plus avoirdupois. Why go back to the day when we tied our cor set strings to the doorknob as we pulled like dray horses tn the op posite direction None but the brave deserve the high walstMne. And rer ta'nly none but the very slender will attempt to elevate the waist which now occurs any place be- Wween the knees and she hip. 1 Women have nut d'esaed so sen ! rbly In years aa fchsy do now, i with, the entire weight of frocka falling from the shoulders and witn no confinement about the hodv which restrlrta Xa natural freedem. AUo. women have never appeared o youthful In figure. Kven very stout person nave ao-Vevcd a atralghtllne ef fect fn the modern silhouette where formerly, in yeara paat. hey bulged out I'ke pot sues from the grest northwest. It has een sa'd bv ds'fcntrs who are urg'ng resumption of the h'gh waLatline that lu'-ahsped frocks rake alt women look exactly alike. This may be true but if we return to p'.iched-ln wi!. lines every glr w II look like her own- mother, In figure, at least. WORLD FLIERS FINISH FLIGHT AROUND GLOBE Tn:KiAvKPT KLAMATH FALLS Saturday, September A 'Grandstand Chair Scats on Sale atfnT' ' . IV I (Continued from Page (Hie) were two neurs ahead of their schedule. Half an hour earlier an escort of 16 planes sailed est to meet the filers. The planea. with world fl'ers In the lesd. flew In perfect columns of three. While "crossing the trail" will not be official until the filer reach Santa Mon'ca where the i f fit northward sorted the I pianr ware nirrn inuiai iryoma nre ana were tiovn rrom nere to Santa Monica. The parents of L'eut. Smith and the mother of Lieut Harding greeted the fUers here. The latest sporting news In cluding the Coaat and Msjar league ball games are published la The Klamath News. 58 OlFFVrv .1 A 1 GREATEST 4 RING r BMW r r f avaa - I r "Sa. , ' . ai r BSBBB-BW t" ii v m m mm- bissjsssbb- a II -C lajaa" M71 HAasaosjsjsu Of CVtMTS INTMtUrt OTTHt ONiy AMOUCAN WUNCUS Over Two Thousar.d Vi:d Animals . .IE WILD ANIMAL PERFORMERS TlttS JLL OTHER SHOWS OOMQINED CV MEET THE GREATEST MOVIE 0 STAR OF-THEM ALL-V 1 iAf Mnrvnui.. in n i llUt riHtil IN HIM5ELFM yj s& i SQUARE DEAL'S GIGANTIC SALE 1,500 Articles to Choose From Look Over the Items in this Mammoth Sale WE HAVE TO MOVE October the first we will no longer be in our old location, but will be situated in our beautiful new home just across the street, next doer to the Pine Tretf Theatre. This store is being decor ated and remodeled just for us, that we may have a pleasing store for our old customers and the many new ones we have gained. We can't stay in our old location any longer we have to move so that is why we are having this sale just to give our friends an opportunity tb take advantage of our hard luck and get twice value received that they have ever gotten on any other simil'ar occasion. , , This is absolutely the largest Drug Sale that has ever been given in Klamath Falls. Never again will you have the opportunity to acquire drugs at such a low price and still get the quality that you have bren getting in every-day buying. This sale will last this week, starting Tuesday, the 23rd, and ending Saturday, the 27th. Come and buy early, then you will not have to buy things that have been picked over. We have here below a few of the things listed. Check them over closely a nd compare them. Sundries $2.73 81. 2-1 S2.73 9I.OO Curling 70.- h:U' 4.21 57c .23 0.75 tii.lVi ..XHM.1 $1.23 Off MruiKht off. Il!)TTLK $2.57 2. $2.8:1 5c Tooth IItukIi..: '2ic One of thcHc Tooth ltrulin Tree with each tunkaKe of t'hlorcxlixo Toolli last'. $2.5(1 (loth ItruHhea 81.08 (loth Hruxhe 2-17 Cloth Brushes 03 Marcelle Irons $!.SM Kh-ctrlc Curling irons $.J.M Klfctrir Irons $1.20 Hair Unixhc $.5l Hlr ItruHh.-s 83c Hair Itrushcs .. VAXITV CASKS ((inline I4-iitlicr Chhos SfiJU Vanity CH( 1J43 Vanity Case $8.23 Vanity Caxe $12.30 Vanity Casp $:t.5(t Hath Hack Itrush 73c Auto Washing Kruxh :k- I'OCKKT. KVIVKK Genuine Tcmnereil 'Monlwl Ktwl All Knives 25 RAZORS A are wllitu; all ediro razors one-thlnl LfXCII KITS WITH $:l.(H LtiiK-fi Kit ..... $:t.23 Lunch Kit $2.73 liiin.h Kit VACI I M HOTTLKS $I2.5 Vanty Cose $8.03 $1.75 Hottl. s 1.51 $3.50 Hot ties 2.81 CIOCKS Itcduotion on All Chx-ks Special rmlui'tions on thee: $1.75 Clocks $3.27 $1.50 Clocks $1.02 IVORY This Iwuiitlfiil genuine Iy roll ne Irory, wiiite In color, with Queen Ann bevel straight grain an-1 artistic model, going at one-third off and lower. If will be worth your while to do your slmjurtng early on this, because tltt-y can not no. Kittly last long at these low prices. Just as n suggestion il might be to your advantage to do a little Clirlstnias shop ping now. Perfumes $2.00 Nile Blossom Ex tract $ j .fi $2.50 Vogue Perfume ....$1.73 $2 30 PHvoll Special for this sale, only $1.65 All dollar Perfumes 65c V :SMKTIQUKS Dnv Ilrook Face Powder, 50r size S3c Xyal Kace Powder, 80c size now on sale only SOe Nyal Department XOTr-Tliese Xyal prep arations will only be on sale in this store during oar large clearance sale. 25p Xyal Perspirlne Jelly IRc 30c Xyal Kace Powder SOc 50c Xyal Rheuiniitic Retne lies Sf)c 25e Xyal Pln lieliever 18" 3e Xyal Chill Tonic 33c -V Xyal Itch Ointment 18c mc Xyal Iti'nuty Halm Sue SOe Xyal Stone Root C'omp 89c $1.00 Xyal Rheumatic .Treatment 80c Xyal's products wl'l only be sold during tills sale, Re member, no others can sell cheaper. Square Deal Remedies Sqnni enl C'.ltl Cream, lrge 50 r Jar ... SOe Square Irat Peroxide Van. Ishlng Cream; will not smart face; Lurgo Jar 30c Clamrftti Cliinale Ceeim. Tta number Is the best opportunity In our cos. metle sale. Stock up sow and save that complexion. If soothes and softens t'-e sk'n. 5r Inittle now dar ing the sale, three for 50c ftOe Square Ileal A I it Kind Cream Srtr 2V Square Ienl Cold Tal lets ITr 23e Stpiare Heal I.lver Hlls 17c 60k Square Deal Kidney Pills Mr Square Deal Cough Syrup 4Sc; two for 5c 75c Square Deal I.lver Tonic 57c $1.00 Square Deal Alter native 80c 25e Square Deal Tooth Paste 8c 30 r Sqiinre Deal Tooth Paste 0c 35c Suare Deal Klectrlc Liniment 2J1:1 65c rkiusre Deal White Miiititent 57c 35c. Kmhrocntion Liniment 2.1c Rubber Aprons .4.1c 73c Aprons , $1.00 Aprons $1.35 Aprons $1.25 Aprons .......07c .......S3- 08c D!e. Rubber Goods Ksm'ly Hot Wafer IbHtle $1.63; two for $1.03 Paris Watrr Hot lies, $2.00: two for $2.01 'lliese Water Dottle are of Uie highest . qurlily and can not lie duplicated for tlieir or iginal price. $;l.23 VMor Combination Syringe ; $2 07 $2 21 Davol Family Com b;natlon Syringe $ Xow Is the chance to fct Rubber C.lores for your house cleaning. 7R Cienn;ne Perclia Rul lier Gloves '. 47c $1.21 Household Face Hollies .. 7c Here Is a Knockout! You have always wanted a inxMl Dune wi are Koing to 1 offer purses of pure leather at, a 21 reduction. Indies' Purses, fancy silk. at one-half ,ff. Indies' leather purses at one-third off. Stationery $1.00 Ihixc at 73c 1. 30 Imxcs at l ,;!l 5e Ik)xs at rt4! .V boxes at I1 3c Pencil Tabs, 3 for one d'nie 3e Pencil Tabs 4c 3 for IV 10c Ink tabs, Ihree for 23c And all Stationery rliiccl In proMrtion. Pencils 4ct thn-e for M" C-"rayftfsr-5 -atraSsSst.- Veterinary Necewitiei $I.(M Vr. Korlneck's To",f C'n"sules ,Sc Or Dr. liorlnirk's ftoiir lUnicdr Calvrs ltV Worm Pnvrdii-s ntU- Kow Pliyslr S" 3: Dr. Korlneck's CJsll Reuirily 'c 4e sixe - 75c sl. flOr Dl-tcmixr llemi'dy $I.(K sle $121 Kow Kiinlltiner...0 (Of sle V?. HOr nioph-a-lJi4ne 'c 5c Clover's ( omlltlon Pills for Do(ts tfi.21 (.lover's niHtcinpcr .-dlclne for DK J,'r 50c II. F. . Ui-c I'owtler 3c 35c I se 1-onse Powdcr... 3c ftllc Wilbur's link Ec m Cure - $I.(HI Wilbur's CJas Colic C".e 5;c Flea Destroyer . ; 21c Tlulfi rd's MncV 21e I.miium' s HiNif Ointment $2.00 Fli'tnl"K' Hpavin l.liiuiil 2 V Pauf Ill's I ""'"' Powder 21c lime's ('",",1,", .V Dr. nm' 1 "",,r...,5c 1'iiii-a-f cla a7c ale siw ..le ..$l." ..lf ...17c i.3 s .e noi. Stcevant's 89c HOe Colt.mKirt n-- , J7e 25C X'!?'!'iLj" -