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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1948)
THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1.948 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SEC II PACI J . Fewer Cows In Oregon Give Bigger Milk Supply tlr I'AI I, W. HAKVKV J(. NA!,i;M, April U 01' Hi r iiuiii bar of dairy rowi nil the I'm! fin foul Itai not krpt ptwri with Ihr lnrrrHd ptuUtln. Yfl th milk irvtla art bring filled. Th Orrimi Ktnlr rullrgr Jon irrvlrp nyi Ihr rrtn U tlilt ImprovrmrnU In dairy nlock mill dairy pmi'llcm hvr rlunlly In. rrmard milk irmlm-Unn. l-'rwrr Htid hrttrr cuwi tiro living mcirn milk nnw ill n Iota of Mmrrr vtmu did brfurr. Th CKtrrmlnn nrrvlcr uUI In n Intriiiciil Unit dull ynii'ii hnvn hrcii rulllitir thi poor cow tiul of their hrnlfi (julto hrnvlly, rniwruily uliicc Shower Gift Suggestions .trie's allow ci i mo coniliiR up with the nt'iitonih of Jimr-month ot nmnlittfra. Thrrit me mwny rntrrUiinlnu wity In prmeiil ittftA, Hume Oinunnlrit llmt Auriit Hi'lrn Mine , mid lvm mnr uttKrtlnitn. A flothpftllnn rmi Iw atrimif mrowi Ihr room mid Ihr Kilt nrilrlm lor a howrr phntrd nloiiic Ihr llnr, rllhrr wrnpnoil r unwriipprd. Mnm mid jilim limy tin Inrlurird a gift mid thr hrhlr-rlnt will hnve ft uuy tlmr plcklim off thr Itrmt Imiiuliiy Othrr how it IdrtiN Ml Htlnr ftiiKirriiu frnturr n irrmiurr hunt with kiuhrn, bathroom, rrtlpc, li brary, itmrirt. or inlHt-rlliUirtiuit uKt thimr. For Idrim nf ilrrorntlon. Invita tion mid KnnirK for brlditl chowrrN. Minn Htlnti wr-lromr culls or Irtlcre to thr hutnr drmniri.llun ulilrtr. Psychiatry Goes To Dogs ATLANTA. April 27 W 8oinr tlmr, ay Dr. L. C. Mom ot Kurt Collin, t'ulo , doK Iktoiiic mrntnlly 111 ftollt B.vMM inllMK Willi JH-nplr. HriHT, nv Ir, Mwi. pyrhmiry I gollllC to thr doRii. Dr. Mojt, 111 mt nddiru prrpnrrd lor thr tmiloiml convention nf the American Anlmnl lloipltnl amotIii tlnn tirrr today, explained hr had rtachrd hli rnnilu-.lons nfirr ttudy inir hummi be 11111 a. Thrn hr added: "Kiplornllon of human behavior has Ird to thr In evitable conclusion thnl mentul Utn and rnvlronmenul Influence play a major rolr in Rhnplnx thr llvr of pel and othrr domestic anl maU." A blue or pamper inn by humans ran produce psychotic dy Dr. Mom continued, thntijch peoplo arr not allottrthrr to blnmr. Thr aiuorlntlnu of rtoca with nthrr doR. he rirclnred, enn produce men tal lllneiwefi, too. thr pntk number nf dnlry anlmnU win leiirhi'd In 11)44. 'lliry were eiiroiiiMttrd In rail their row by hluli frrd prlreN mid hlli liieut pilccH, The hlKh feed prlir nuulr It unprofitable to feed poor rowi. and the liluh ment prlrea mndn It proflliibtr to Hell the, poor cowi for liniubuiuer, l'tiiiilallnii 1p Hlnre 11M0 Orrgmt'i population Iihh Jumped 40 prr rent, while the milk produt'llon about the amr. In WanlihiKlon there Itai been a Imllar popnlatloii lurrraur, and a Unlit liMTeakr In milk, lint ciilifornln, with a 4:i prr cent population K'lln. hud a 23 per emit InrreitM) 111 milk. . The extension dervlcr doemi't think Die milk row population will fitiiy down. They expert mi In rii'iiKn biM'iiuie the number of younu dairy milmali now U nltnont at a record hlit". Kertlllzer Ammonia iimxrn a good fertlllxer If you can uet It, iayi Arthur H. Kln. C)HC rxteiinlon aolli eclulUt. It enn be lined ai a kbn by iiMiir ipecliil preMiuro rrpilpment. It t Injertrd three or four lnchei Into thr anl). It ran b lined aa a liquid by add Iiik H to the water In gravity fur row Irrljtnllnn nyntem. It can't be lined In Mprtnklrr Irrigation nyMemii brrmme the ammonia would enrap as gna before It contacted thr soil. Hlug Eradication llrre'i the beat way to get rid of hit In your garden. Iluv aome nirtaldebyde-ralrlum araenate fmm your red dealer, elthrr In fluke or prllrt form. Nnrrad It In Ihr evening fust before Ihr uliift rome out to have their din tier. II will be effective for two wrek If It doenn't rain. Il'f polaon, to krrp the khli ut of the garden after It baa been spread. Farm Pacts Farm facU: About 14.500 boxes of Oregon apples hnve been bought for the school lunch program imd for non-profit Institution. . . . The 1D4B rmventlnn f thr National Auocla tlon nf Marketing OffU-luN will be held In Portland. September 27. . NrwraMle dleaw. tlie dreaded pfultrv ailment, has been found (n I mi Oregon flocks, Agriculture offl I rials snv It has been brought In ! from other statrs. It pays to use the Want-Adit PUMICE TILE For Every Building Need "There i no Finer Pumice Tile Mode." . Klamath Pumice Tile Co. IMS l)rm Phont 4019 Big Eggs By Young Chicken a ' . JJ ff v . '--,'' e'. ' w i. . er . 7...., A 7-mniilh-ald pullrt lulrf llinc thrra Xi Hlie brlonci to Mri. in llell, blM l.rlml drive. Not the ruler In the box meaiurr the two rKi lis lnrhr In Irnctli. Three Methods Used In Removal Of Alkali Crusis Br A I, KVrHTH Boll C onrrvllon Hrrvlre Bll In trld or cnil-ari(l reitloni are oftrn mHtle unproductive by tlie xurniilUon of ult, nenerally ot MKllum, left by tlie evaiMirntlon of ground vntrr. Bometlmeii the ac ciimulntloti Is In tlie form of a while powder nn the Kround aurfnee railed white rtlkitU. Another form Indlrated by the )reence of brown or blark arena on the nurture Is culled blark nlknll and l the more harmful of the two. Black color result! from the destruction of or Kanlc matter, to In aolb) containing little or no organic matter the "black" alkali can be present with out the characteristic black color. Both the black and white alkalis make crop production difficult or Impossible without some measures for their removal being taken. Removal of alkali may be divided Into three steps, all of which may be required In severe cases. Drain age Is essential and should lower the water table four to eight feet below the surface depending on the soil, the finer the soil the deeper the drain. This lowering of the water table makes possible a re versal of the conditions which orig inally caused the alkali accumula tion. White alkali areas may usu ally be leached clean when the soil Is sandy and permeable without the addition of any chemicals or soil amendments. loathing u also ef fective with finer soils containing considerable calcium, but finer soils, and clays with a tow calcium content require additional treat ment before the harmful elements can be removed. Bulfur and gypsum are tws sub stances showing greatest promise for reclaiming alkali areas. Their addition provides material for chem ical action which results In the for mation of soluble compounds of the offending sodium while making the soil more permeable. Bulfur Is especially valuable on soils con taining calcium while the gypsum Is required on soils lacking calcium. Leaching now becomes possible be cause of the formation of soluble sodium salts and the change of soil structure caused by action of the added calcium. Tills method of alkali removal re quires large amounts of sulfur or gypsum In order to be effective. Bevere accumulations may take up to a ton and a half of sulfur or as high as ten tons of gypsum per acre making alkali a very expensive com panion. Specific prescription de pends on a soil anlayals. Preven tion Is of course much less expensive but In many Irrigated areas Is too long delayed. One other metnod of alkali re moval much less expensive than either the sulfur or the gypsum treatment Is the addition of large quantities of organic matter to the topsoll. Manure, straw (clover straw lis better than grain strawt weeds, or any other crop or animal residue .1 thi eiA$s '.V'JrLi A-B Cllequot Club Eskimo ft- JJt I 9 m Cooler le smooth end tDrTi? delicious party beverage. jfaA-r Sy tefly lemon-flavored I 'Xi-A -fEf refresher, It Is et I (rNJ ' 4 ft h "sad of Its class I kl 'V' 3 I I alone or as e mixer. I 1 , " - Enjoy It In the full-QUART. I ' full-value bottle. I kfj Jk-SSjTk erne Her sixes. ; Mi.QUOVf Clicquot Club ! WAj&1 Bottling Co. f" ONE MILLION OF THESE PENS SOLD IN A MONTH! A Revolutionary BALL POINT PEN THEY'RE NEW! THEY'RE BETTER! They Hold 4 Times More Ink and ARE EASIER FLOWING! WAR DEVELOPED PRECISION TOOLING and Mass Production Has Made It Possible To Turn Out These Superb, Handsomely Styled For PURSE or POCKCT 'Ask Lynn Roycroft bouf Standard Inmranc GOLDEN YEARS' PIAH 1 He will give j you full details oo theiniur ance plan that enables you to retire with life income. Stamiaiid Insurance Company Lynn Roycroft 412 Main St. Klamath Falls. Ore. School Room Color Studied 8T. PETKRBBUROH. Fla.. April 22 WV-The direction from which a classroom Its natural light should be a prime factor In select ing the color It should be painted, the Southeastern School Lighting Institute here was told. Itussell Bhenhard of Cleveland. O.. made tlie following recommenda tions: For southern exposures, where there Is plenty of warm, yellow sun shine the "cool color" blue. For western exposures green to compete with the red afternoon sun. For northern e x p o s u r e tan shades to offset the blue of the north sky. For eastern exposures grey. spread over the alkali spot and disked Into the surface being care ful not to bury the organic matter completely. The decomposing organic matter Improves soil structure making It possible to leach out whatever salts are soluble. Probably the most effective treat ment I a combination of the organic and gypsum where the soil is low ln calcium; remembering that for any method good drainage comes first. To Buy, Sell or Trade. It pays to read Herald and News Classified Ads ! it pays to Advertise! ' LEARN THE TRUTH ABOUT KAISER FRAZER AUTOMOBILES Talk to our many owners or see usl CLARK MOTOR CO. 631 go. th Fhone Bile A'oif) lor immediate delivery! The new 1948 KAISER and FRAZER Klamath Falls Delivered Price Equipped: KAIHKR FRAZF.R (with overdrive) $2438 $2695 No Increoie In Price Liberal Allowance for your used car No trade-in required You pay the regular price, no can loaded with accessories Liberal Finance Plan through Motor Invest ment Company Factory Approved Service and Parts COME IN TODAY AND COMPARE THE RIDE em N-'-- YOUR FAVORITE KENTUCKY BRAND IS'AVAILABLE Iagain? Sunny Brook Kentucky Whiskey-A Blend AN0. Today, Old Sunny Brook is your bejf buy for value and 1 flavor! For rich Kentucky quality that coifs no more than' ordinary brands, "Come over on the Sunny Brook MdVl Enjoy the wfiiskey that's Cjwjp!L ca tfc, Uami? NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS COKPORATIOK, NEW YORK 86 PROOFl5X GRAIN NEUTRAL. SPIRIT 1 iv- Now!Ss?30 r. A Pint LP IMS REG. 2 YEAR GUARANTEE Compare With Others Selling At $.75 $4 E.00 O AND JBLaP Nationally ADVERTISED Made by America's Largest Manufacturer of Better PENS NOW SELLING FROM And Have Your Name Engraved! 2 DAYS ONLY FRIDAY and SATURDAY 0) ft Hrul 51 23 and 24 WAGGONER DRUG CO. Corner 9th and Main Klamath Falls From its styling to its stamina... ' from its road-action to its ride... m:kz lip SUISSE' I Nowhtr li btauty llk thlil Nw ityllngl Nw coloal Nw upholttary fabrlal All this added to tht baiic BigCar luxury of Chv rolcl'i famovi Body by Flthvr. Rmtmbr ffiii body It oxelvilvt to Chtvrolot and hlghrpricd cart. Youll onjoy much OrtaUr comfort In Chavrolat for 1948. M bring you tho Hg Cor rid lng-i moot h nti end rood ttaadlnatt of tho Unitlitd Kn-Action Gliding Rid. Anorhor faaturo found only In Chovrolot and mora oxpantlvo cart. First in all-round quality in the entire low-price field! How you and your family will enjoy ownership of this newer, tmarltr, finer Chevrolet for. 19481 It brings you BIG-CAR QUALITY not in one item only, but in every phase of styling, engineering and con struction and brings it to you AT LOWEST COST, as well. That is why more people drive Chevrolets, according to official nationwide registrations and more people want Chevrolets, according to seven Independent nationwide surveys than any other make of car. That Is why you, too, will agree that CHEVROLET AND ONLY CHEVROLET IS FIRST in all round valuel Hart's powtr, acctltrorlon and dependability that will thrill tha most xperienctd driver. It'i ttia vniqu performonc with conomy of Chev rolet'! VotvalnHaad angina Amar ko't mott thoroughly proved auto motive power plant, Volve-ln-Head nglnat, too, ore axclutiva to Chev rolet and costlier care. Jwit ot you will And no equal for Chevrolet dollar-value, so you will And no oqual for our authorized Chevrolet tervict. Safeguard your transportation by bringing your preterit car t) vi for skilled tarvfea, now and ot regular Inter vols, ponding delivery of your nt Chevrel ASHLEY CMEL1LET 410 So. 6th Phone 4113