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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1948)
SEC. II PACE 2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1948 4-H Clubs Prepare For Spring Fair County club are crowding for , hnnora with 100 per cm completed work for the Klamath county 4-H " club three-day sprint" fair which will lUrt Thursday at the falr t ground.. The fair will open brijht and ' early Thnnday with exhlhlt judirlnf .itii, m.. followed by de monitra- tlnns of project bv club member k and contlnulnr with contest dem ', onatratlona throughout the entire i ahow. There will be plenty to see. with ! eereral contents in progress, almul- taneouKly, display of crafts and hand work and special explanatory exhibits. i Conking, sewing, lenthercraft and forestry displays are being arranged today, Wednesday, and record books kept by the clubs will be shown. A special program will climax ' the show Sntnrdav night with t Nicholas E. Long, Rotarlan and local r business man as master of cere ' monies. " Style Revue A style revue featuring Penny ' Mundlln, S. and Marilyn Mack. 5. as Junior models, and club members modeling dresses made bv them selves, will be a highlight of the eve ning. Judging the clothes shown will be Mrs. Wlnnlfred K. Glllen and Mrs. Oeraldlne Danri. assistant state club leaders. Mrs. Oillen Is former Klamath county home demonstra tion agent. . The entire fair Is open to the pub lic free of charge and the public is cordially Invited by 4-H Club Agent Francis Skinner and Joan Howell, assistant agent, to attend. Activity will all be centered in the exhibit building at the fairgrounds Doors will remain open Friday and Saturday evenings and events will be continued for visitors who cannot attend during the day. Foux-H News; The Merrill Baby Beef club met at the Merrill high school on Thurs day, April 8. The president, Billy Oaaser, called the meeting to order. It was decided to have a public card party to raise funds for the club. This party will be held Thurs day, April 29 in the recreation room. There will be door awards. The poster committee will meet at the home of Bill Hill. Saturday, to make posters. The ticket com mittee Is going to make tickets to , sell. Members present were Billy Gas aer. Fa ye Gasser, Hilery Winebar ger, LUa Winebarger. Keith Wine barger, Jimmy Walker, Bill Hill, Dean Hill, Dick Reeves, Robert Wilson, Danny Barry, Jackie Barry, Bhirley Graybeal, Marjorie Flaugh, and the leader, Mr. Winebarger. The meeting was adjourned to meet Friday, April 16. Danny Barry, News Reporter. 4-H club girls are ready with their floral prints, stripes and may be a few plaids, to present a real spring style show for the public next Saturday evening at the fair grounds as a climax to the three day 4-H club fair of 4-H club proj ect planned for next Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. 8neak previews of the dresses In dicate favoritism for pastel plaids for everything from cotton work dresses to cotton formats. The style revue will also Include street dres ses and wool outfits. Girls start their clothing work with hand work and their second year project Is a cotton house dress and apron. From then on, the girls may make any type of dress they prefer, such as cotton school dres ses, wool dresses, wool suite and for mal party dresses. The public Is Invited to attend the style revue program Saturday evening, April 24, at 7:30. The fair building will be open during the three days as w ell as Friday and Saturday evenings. Special contests and demonstration contests will be carried on throughout the three days. In the spring 4-H boys and girls turn their thoughts to the 4-H club fair which is coming up April 22, 33, and 24. Local merchants have been more than generous in their donations for the fair. Those who have given special awards and help Include Anita's Frocks, Art Needlework shop, Bert ram's Jewelry store. Bud's Camera hop, Buster Brown Shoe store, Cameo shop, Cascade Home Fur nishings, Currln's Drug. Cut Rate Drug store, Dick Reeders Men tore, The Emporium, Falls Appul ance, Fyocks Electric shop, Garce Ions, General Paint Inc., Goellcrs, Gun Store, Hal's Sport Shop, Har dy's Men store, Harwln's Jewelry tore. The Emporium, Falls Appli Clothing, Jewel and Gift shop, Klamath Variety store. LaPolntes, Leon. Long's apparel. Matt Flnni gan Sporting Goods, Merle Norman LOGGERS BUY ZENITH TIRES GUARANTEED In writing for months against t. Blowout! I. HralMo (-') I. Ro4 Hilar. Limim. GUARANTEE Aaaln.t D.fecllT. W.rkmsnihlp or M.l.rlsl BEACON SERVICE STATION 1201 E. Main Phone S30I 1 Miss Lucy W. 7th, Champion Reaistered Femol Annus I '' i "A ': Mvy t ' I 'i'-.1 ' , V Ben Hilton llrfth Aberdeen Angus breeder of Grants Pass paid S1000 for the rhamp female at the dhow and sale Sunday and .Monday. The heifer a owned by C.erald I). and Vivian E. WW, Malin cattle raisers. West is at Miss Lucy's head. studio, Miller's department store, j on their head scarfs. A design Is Mode O Day. Model Shoe store. embroidered in each corner of the Newberry's. Paylcss Drug store. Rente's Jewelry store. Rickys Jewel ers, Roger's Jewelry store, Rudy's Men s store. Sears Roebuck Com pany, Shaw Stationery company, Singer Sewing Machine company. Spencer's. Star Drug store. Tots to Teens, The Luggage Shop. Uhlig's Electric store. Waggoner s Drug store. Woods Drug store. Your Store Inc.. Foley Manufacturing company, Klamath Flower Shop. Joan Howell, Asst. Club Agent. scarf. The next meeting will be April 20 and we hope to have our work completed for the fair by then. Geraldlne Hendrix, News Reporter. Judge V 1 III The Smoke Eaters of Bly have not been meeting because the lead er. Joe Kendall was absent. The last meeting was April 2. The leader advised when to turn in record books and exhibits. He also told about the biscuit baking contest and the poster contest for the county spring lair, April 23, 23. and 24. Smoke Eaters went to the Sprague River national park. The club will practice cooking biscuits over the campfire. The club will also cook bean-hole beans and practice other requirements of camp cooking. Norman winningnam. News Reporter. Mrs. Mabel Mack, assistant home The Busy Bee club of Malm had i demonstration agent at Oregon special meeting Tuesday, April state college, will be In Klamath 13. The leader said that record j Falls April 30 to assist In the books were to be completed by April fourth annual Home makers Festi- 18. Most of the girls are working 1 val to be held here. Palace Guard To Recruit Women TOKYO. April 32 (. The palace guard, once the roughest, toughest outfit In all Japan, is to get women recruits. The reason: women may be more polite to visitors than the 4M) gruff voiced policemen now guarding the moat encircled palace. The Imperial household cautious ly announced the addition of the women 20 to 30 of them. The Jap anese received the news with In credulity. "Cheesecake around the palace" sr.orted one westernlred Japanese. Placement Makes Kitchen Work Easier Maximum convenience for the hxiiieiiuiker at her work Is the aim of the step-suvlng kitchen, planned primarily lor the tiuni home, which whs recently exhibited at the U. S. department of nurlctiltuie. Counters are 36 Inches from the floor, revolving cupboards In the corners of the U kitchen utlllte all storuge space, dinners are close to the counter, and pull-out boards un der the mixing counter lock Into place. Vegetable bins are built above and to the right of the sink, knllo rack and utensil cupboard are also at the right, and a garbage hatch in the counter sced. tip efficiency at the vegetable preparation center. A 12-page fully Illustrated publi cation eilllllei: "A Step-Saving U Kitchen (M. P. Mil) describes this kitchen and single copies are now for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington 3ft. D. C. Loan copies of this publication are available at the office of the home demonstration agent, room 20, post oi l ice mulcting. The first comet of 19-48 was dis covered In the constellation of Her cules. Of the tenth magnitude and thus too faint to be seen wtth the naked eye. the comet has a notice able tall. Scrapbook Judging Set Home extension unit scrapbook. to be exhibited at the llomeinakers' Festival on April 30 will be Judged by this score chart, announced by Mrs. Frederick Mnikwnrdt. county scrapbook exhibit chairman. 1. Number of Inches of newsprint, 20 points. 3. Radio participation by mem bers narrative!, 20 points. 3. Pictures newsprint or snaps. li points. 4. Originality. IS points. 5. General appearance. 10 points. 6. Narrative of special activities (unpublished), 15 points. 7. Awards of various kinds, S points. Judges at the contest will be Mrs. Mabel Mack, assistant state home d monstratlon leader from Oregon Stnte college. Joy niggs. The Her ald and News, and one other per son to be selected later. A kitchen radio will be awarded the winner of the unit scrapbook contest. Minneapolis - Holine Farm Machinery Just Received Slat Bottoms For Tumblebug Plows and Gehl Pickup Hay Choppers have one in stock, drop in and look it over. Campbell Bros. Implement Company at Merrill - Lakeview Junction Phone 6594 320 So. 6th Ph. SIM SPECIAL! DOUBLE BUNK BEDS' Can be used at 2 separata beds. Going fast at this price, JL Q C - So7af Only let FOLDING END 3 STEEL COTS m A rral bargain at only a 9 1 Vtaa Ma J Ma? i CONTROL WEEDS on Your Farm with this LOW COST SPRAYER... OfM-man operation Immtdioto pfoy hut-off, no drip. 1 10-gallon tank Troubl-fro motor ond pump Spring-mounted usponiion aifo Light weight, won't crush crop 16-ft. boom, ootilr odjuttod ftuggtd farm traflor 25-ft. hot, rokiU for hand tp raying Weeds disappear miraculously from grain fields, pastures, fence rows treated with this new sprayer. Uses minimum of water, applies concentrates evenly at 2li gallons per acre ... treating AS acres without re filling. No drip after shut -off eliminates waste. The most modern, low.vnlume sprayer available today, SPRAY-KITE is priced right . . . pyt for ittelf through increased yields. Don't be without it! SPRAY-RITE foravTaiUo' Concfafrolf ipriyr 595 " )lrt, IficfmKnf a Immediate Delivery O-R-T-H-O 2,4-D Weed Killer Garrison Equipment Co. 1948 So. 6th St. Phont 7312 f U. SNENAVY 35 HAMMOCKS II m nun t itna NEW! Vy 1-Mon Air Force Tent 1 II Haa heavy flour, nvlon II Jl yT S Only 3.95 . NEW! Canvas Folding COTS Hrarv duly C.I. SALE! Umbrella TENTS Vail df Khxtrl dhtititf tnt durk. Hal wwn-ln floor, rvtr window, moaqultc. oronf front flap! 9x9-ft. Umbrella tent 35.95 Dill-ft. I'mbrrlta Irnt 42.50 Axil -ft. Zlpp.r Front 45.50 PI WALL AND PYRAMID TENTS 16x16 Pyramid, no polet or pegs 34.50 14x14 Wall, poles ond pegs 47.50 8x10 Wall (white or O.D.) 22.95 9x9 Wall, no poles or pegs 19.50 7x7 Wall, no poles or pegs 17.95 16x32 Double squad tent 44.50 Mail Orders and C.O.D.'s Filled Pramptly-Add Postaga BUFFALO FORGE Jtrjc. 39.50 a rloHfout Hem. Jut the Hunt site for farm DM, For only 17 95 SHOTGUN SHELLS SPECIAL! Remington Brand 12 ga. tkctft load Only 31.00 Case "Latco" Navy . Flavor Seal Pop-Up Toaster Mess Trays Dutch Ovens "Guaranteed" Ju, one dh 0ny 16.95 fjp," 89c 4.95 You ore cordially Invited to drop in and look ever our store. We have re-arranged it to add to your con venience. Thousands of items to choose from. Extension Unit News Hha.ta-llmnnlalc The aliaita-Hnmeilala axtoiiaWm mill held lla lait Hireling at tlir lionia of Mr. J, V. Pennon nil April Id, Willi 16 meiiiuvri jmd one lliient attending. After til. meet lug waa opened by the olmlrniBii, Mn. C, Wllllum. and roll call taken by the cemiiirv. Mrs. W. M. Clark, til. iioinhiathig t'onimltleea reMrt waa given aa fol low.: Mrs. O, Williams waa elected I'liatrinan for another year, Mrs. N Pialey. vlr. chairman, and Mia. O Kendall, aecretnry-treasurer. The program-planning luncheon to be served by till" mitt on May 14 waa dtacuaKed and turned over to the committee. Mrs. K. P. Katon. Mra. M. Hhell and Mra. H. It. Wood aro for completion. After a pot Unit luncheon, high lighted by a birthday cake with aix candlea, cut and served by Jranule Enton. tome pictures were taken for the K'rapbook. The meeting was then turned over to Mra, W. Harney. Installing officer. A cor sage waa pinned 011 Mrs. llai'scy and each of the new and out-going of ficers by Mrs. J. Puglll. The rest of the afternoon was de. voted to a surprise stork shower for one of the members. Mra. V. V Ocnrge, who received manv lovrly presenta and a real surprise. Henley ' Homemakers festival set for April So was stressed when 34 women of Henley unit met Thursday at the home of Mra. Alvln Cheyne. Mrs. Cheyne and Mrs. Jim Craw, ford prepared and served a verv delectable meal of oriental steak on steamed rice, Hongkong grapefruit salad, rolls and almonds. Roll call was answered with each tilling the project that most bene fitted her. A party planning exhibit Is planned by the unit for the festi val. Mrs. Htanley Kendall, pub licity chairman, was apoolnled to have charge of the scrapbook, and KEYED To 8f you OUT OF DEBT tot SysHm put fwr MsMfof ffofft M ynooK kyd 9fdt. 90 fan oyto cownfloM MNCaiWuf rtflfsl fKOtf vv W LAND BANK LOANS H. E. HAMAKER, Socty., Treos. Loomis Bldg. Ph. 6476 Mra. Cllttord Kelly, die hobby table. New officer Installed were Mra lluford lloyd, chairman: Mrs. ,1. V. Hhouf, vice ciiiilnnaii; Mrs. fill find Kelly, sccretiiry-lrnisurer. Kach woman whs presented with a love ly corsage, Mra. Howard Jackson, outgoing chalniuiu, cxprosneil her apprecia tion to the unit for Its cooperation and her pleasure III tending the club this past year. In return the group gave her 11 rousing applause for her service rendered so well. Mrs. Alvln Cheyne waa pleasantly surprised when the unit pienentrd her with a sliollcr. The next meeting will be April 30 at the Methodist church. mil) vicrroitiA. 11 c. April n tern Harry Lewis, olhcrwlsn known a Harry Felnklcsleln has been arrralruV ami Is being held al the rriiuest otr l.os Angeles police. Police said thai he faces chargei of obtaining money by false ptclcmcs. I.lltlo Ads aet Hlg ftcault. II.. the Herald and New Want-Adsl KIRBY Vacuum Cleaners Lifetime Guarantee Frrto Demonstration rinme fl'iOO HOt Ksplaiiaile DIPINDAILI AORICULTURAL CHIMICALS WEEDS MUST GO SO CROPS CAN GROW Weeds CAN be readily controlled efficiently and eco nomically. Why let we.ds reduce your farm income? There is a reliable Dow Weed Killer to fit into your weed control program. 2-4 Dow Weed Killer (Powder) 2-4 Dow Weed Killer (Liquid) Esteron Dust Esteron 44 See your dealer or write THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO 1..H4., W.lfclfif'. Distributed in the Klamath Basin by J.W. KERNS 734 South 6th Phone 4197 Local Application Available by Bruce Campbell CLOSE-OUT SALE KLAMATH BASIN CO-OP TULELAKE STORE Everything Drastically Reduced! SAVE UP TO 50 . . . Many items at Cost! IfnTTCfTW AftVC COOKING UTENSILS, nJJO& TT 4I&JE.? pressure cookers, etc. ELECTRIC jt; A DDT A1aIaO7C Home freeiers, ranges, wator heat--tMT iT JLlPl VCi9 en, electric irons, waffle Irons, toasters, fans, electric motors, heaters, water systems and many other miscellaneous electrical items. HARDWARE - HANDTOOLS Corpentors' tools, mechanics' tools, and garden tools. FARM SUPPLIES Fencing, staples, wire, tractor discs, sprayers and many other farm supplies. Sale Starts Monday, April 26 We will be closed all day Saturday in preparation for this great sale! ALL ITEMS MUST GO! ALL SALE ITEMS STRICTLY CASH! Klamath Basin Co-op TULELAKE, CALIF. 1