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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1920)
TAOK HKVKN THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FRIDAV, APRIL 30, 1 WE ARE NOW OPEN and READY (or BUSINESS White Pelican Garage Everything for the Automobile 99 MAAAMM MAAAAAAMMAMM CLAIMS WOMAN "KIDNAPPED" CHIEF u in LURED AWAY . ey T find only three with every battalion, ulmoHt 000 mun. During the ro- i trout of Hid Kulctink urmy, a 2,000- j mllo retirement, tluty were driven hoforo imichlnu guns lmt seldom bo- font rlll tiro, (leneral HakharofT, 'tho All-Ilusnian war minister anil chief of stuff, lio nit Icl , "lout tho army nl Omsk without aUlghl." i NEW YOIIK, Apr. 30. How nn army of 80,000 Kolctmk troop i "molted away'' by desertion to the nolnhovlkl, following a spcocli rondo to prisoners of war by Loon Trottky, PROSPECTOR GAVE TOMBSTONE NAME TOMtlBTONH, Aril., April 30. A 'prospector's curloUfl sense of humor I wiim roHpoiiHlblo for tho naming of In Omsk,' 8lbirlu, two das after that ''" '" which recently ha gotten city's ovacuatlon by thu All-Uusslan lnt lllu no"" dispatches bocauBO of forces, was told hero today by Major . th UM deporti-tlon trial being (lonoral I. Thord-Oray, a former of- bold boro. i Ucor of the IlrltlHh. Canadian nnd According to James F. Duncan. Mll-IlUBHlan armies Just returned who came horo In 1?"9, tho town merely a pile of unevenly ghnped rocka. THEATER PROVIDED MONTANA CONVICTS from Vladlvoittock. Trotzky, ho uald, addressing tho prlaonern h "comradea," aald thtjy would bo welcomed by thu red army If thoy cured to Join. Captive offi cers, be aald, who wanted to return to Kolcbnk would be given Hiifo ch id rt and 2,000 trublca each. A num ber of thu prlHonerH accepted the of fer and, returning to their own lined. wax founded In that year by Kd Srhloftnlln, n mining prospector. Srhleffelln called tils mine near the alto of tho proscnt courthouse "Tombstone mine," Duncan aald, be cause tho region wiih full of drab rocks that reaomblcd tombatonca. Tradition lina It, that Schlerfelln'a frlenda frequently milled blm for his faith In tho locality, ami told him1 lila tombatono DKEIt LOIH3I', Mont., Apr. 30. Governor Sam V. Stewart, with Mrs Stewart were gucats of honor ro contly at the opening performance at tbe"'Houao of Forget," tho recently eatubllshod theater In tho Montana stnto penitentiary. Warden Frunk Conley Is rcsponsi- blc, (n a large way, for tho theater, at which not only amateur perforro ancca will bo given, but whero pro feaalonala will appear. The theater la part of a program which ho la working out to mako the Deer Lodge working out to make tho Deer Lodge prison a model penal Inatltutlon. TOI'EKA, Kan., Apr. 30. Wheth er the legal supervision of a guar dlan-nt-law over an Indian la sup posed to Include the lattor'a matri monial venture, muat be decided by the Kutiaaa aupreme court In the ha beas corpua proceeding brought by Carl J. O'Hornett of Henrietta, Okla., to recover the custodianship of Jack- aon Harnett, 70, of Henrietta, Okla., a Creek Indian. Harnett, known as tho richest Indian In the world," owns oil lands, valued at more than $1,000,000. Under moat romantic clrcum atanci'B, Harnett laat February eloped and waa married to a young white woman, Mra. Anna Laura Lowe, at Coffoyvllle, Kan. O'Hornett chargca that tho old Indian's bride Is "an adventuress of the moat pronounced type," and that Bhe "kidnapped" Bar nett becauae of his wealth- BUSINESS CARDS MAMrMrMMMAMMMMSryWWMWWWWWV Klamath Falls Cyclery Wo handle tho beet In our line, such aa Motorcycles, Bicycles, Parts and Accessories, Goodyear, Pennsylvania and Diamond Tiros and Tubes. Tho houae of tho two and thrco wheelers, Includ ing Hariey-Davidson Service. ' O. E. BISMARK 115 8. Mb St. Klamath Fall AAAA-AAN,SAVWWMVWWVWW PROFESSIONAL CARDS -A'M-AA-AAAg-VaVMWWW FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Phono 434W. X-Ilny Laboratory Loomls Bldg., Klamath Fall NOTICE Wo open store every Tuesday and rriaay rrom io:oo a. m. to 4:00 p. m. Many are the good things we can show, A dollar saved la a dollar earn ed. In buying good thngs cheap as you may learn, you will never be In debt and have to skip if you buy your goods from LUCKY DICK & CO. 201 Klamath Ave. Corner of Cth St. UL'CII ISl'ILDING, T.H. . . ...... n. .-I I....1 .1 tt.t.l.,.. !, Iw. .,,...1.1 (1,1.1 lOlll WniH i roiiny IIIUI uuilU. tviiuill , nun "" ituum m iummiuuui two weeks, rionoral Tbord-Gray said, hero. After the prospector had mndOj Kolbhak had practically no army and hla fortuno hero, In goodnntured n fow months later wiih executed. Irony-bo la aald to have named tho' General Thord-Oray went to 81- town uftor tho fato that bad been li.irlA with u ftmailiiiri iiliQilltlon tirotllctud' for lllllli I and wna taken prisoner by the Hoi-, Rchluffelln was found iloaii In a nbeylkl when they captured Vludlv6- log tabid In Iho atnto qf Washington stock, llcfore leaving, IWo attempts, May l2, ISO". According to his ho said, were innllo to assassinate wlahf, Ills body was brought back him. to hla 'tombatono" and burled nenr Toward the last, ho aald, tho Ilol- boro.' Ilia pick-ax and other tools kthoVlkl troops showed better morale were burled with him. Abovo the HONOLULU, T. H., Apr. 13. (By Mall.) During the year 1919 there wore 792 dwellings and 11? business structures put up In Honolulu at a cost of $4,4 10,015, according to tho building inspector'; . figures, Just published. than Kolchuk'H men. They also had one machine gun for every 20 men, he Mid, whereas tho Kolchak army gntvo hla frlenda erected a simple monument, fashioned after the rude manner of n prospector's claim stake SEWARD, Alaska, Apr. . (By Mall.) N'cwb of the death by freez ing of Dick Fullerton, pioneer of the Kluuno Lake district in Southwest ern Yukon Territory, has Just reach ed Seward. Fullerton's body was found on the shore of the lake by Tom Dixon, a rancher, American league pitchers wilt have to go some to stop Detroit's heavy hlttlng outfield. Iiat season Ave of Jennings' gardeners bit for .31. for bo .lowest to 3S4 for Cobb, the highest. n -t rr AT HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE Saturday, May 1 Under the auspices of the Klamath Falls Boxing" Commission Rounds of High Class BOXING DOORS OPEN AT 7:00 P. M. C. C. liRO'VKR Republican candldato for nomination District Attorney, Klamatn county. May 21, 1920. ''Preservation of .Rights; Prevention of Wrongs." Aiir. It Ib believed by the Moslems that at tho Judgment day painters will be required to furnish with souls all representations of human beings which they have made. Falling Inl this ordeal, they wilt lose their own souls as a forfeit for their presump tlous Imitation of the work of the Creator. Whisky, which five hundred years ago was used chiefly as a medicine", was originally manufactured exclus ively in Scotland, the term being con-' lined to tho liquors distilled In the Highlands from barley. PHONE 39 327 MAIN STREET POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT JOHN FARNELIj announces his candidacy for tho re publican nomination as sheriff of Klamath county. If elected I will always remember that I am your ser vant, not your master. Adv. LANDS! LANDS! flu. folt&Wlntt lands, mostly graz ing In character, are offered for quick sale at low price, invum ownorship of grazing lands has be come a necessity. With proper care tho native graE3es soon return and flourish Select irom mis urn euvu lands as adjoin you, or that you can use. You can uuy mem iur ;imc ... t.nn Mm met nf hnmnstcuilinK. I1IUIV n.. .w .w -- - "!... . SU of NEVi and E'A Of Sfcft Ol Sec. 10-40-12 B. W. M. NWtf; NEW of NEtf. S Ot NEU of Soc. 16-40-12 E. W. M. EV4 of SWU of Sec. 20, BS of NWtt of Sec. 29, oil In 39 S., R. 8 E. W. M. T r,l. 3 unit 7 nf SM. 12 (eXCODt 50 tt ntt iVib north sldfi of said Let 7) and Lot 1 Of Soc. 13-38-8 k. w. m. EH of NE4 of Sec. 7. v oi NWtt of Sec. 8-39-11 E. W. M. ewti nf SEW of Sec. 27: NW14 of NEVi of Sec. 34-38-9 E. W. M. NW'4 of Sec. 17-36-l!i k. w. m. NW of Sec. 19. 36-15 E. W. M. SW of Sec. 16, 41 S. 13 E. W. M. W of NEK and SEVi of NEU of Sec. 16-40-9 E. W. M. SEV4 of SW of K'c. 20; N4 of NWVi and NW'4 of NE'4 of Sec. 29, all in 40-8. irru of th NWU. N"4 of the SW4 of Sec. 3, 38-13 E. W. M. Wii of the SE"4 or sec is-u-s E. W. M. (land only) N of the NE4 ot Se'c. 30-40-8 B. W. M. SW of the N'EU, Sec. 34-38-10 E. W. M. NW'4; NEV4 of NE"4.nd S'A of NEV4 of Sec. 16-40-12 E. W. M. NWV4 ot NWVi of Soc. 10-41-li E. tt M. NW'4 of Soc. 16-40-13 E. W. M. SEV4 of tho NWU and lots 1 and 2, Sec 18-40-13 E. W, M. SV6 of NVf, of Sec 21-33-S E. W. M. NWVi of SWVi of Sec. 2I-3S-9 E. W. M. SEVi of Sec 27-36-13 E. W. M. For information seo or write the undersigned. DO IT NOW! CHILCOTE & SMITH, 27-1 Klamath Falls, Oregon. W. E. McABOY Builds anything in tliti cabinet line, Doors, Screens, etc. Shop at 110 Eighth St. J. C. CLEGHORN Civil Engineer and Surveyor Office 617 Main Bt, Pbenea: Office 160, Rea. 1923 O. K. FEED & SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken of all stock placed in our barn. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and exchanged. VWWifftAAtAA DENTISTS P Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE 8M 4 , y ' --" Dr. P. ML Noel PBONE 4 f Orer Cnderwood'a 'Seventh and Mai Street tXiJJU'U'Mnnr'r-l'i'i' !! t kVArAMAMAAAWVWWWV DR. a A. MASSEY Fourth and Pine Sts. In Warren Hnnt Hospital Oft. Phone 497 Res. Phone 86M WWWWWWWWVWMM KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Klada of Spriag Repair lng New One Made to Order Axle Straightening and Blackaml thing ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 209-T 017 Klamath Ave. i iWVMWNW... STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE REDDING, CALIF. M. J. Tvtonicy, Manager Phono Matu 70 Whon in neod of loggers or any kind of help wrlto, wiro or phono tJils office KeildliiK's LoadliiK Agency Phone 460 Ice Cream 729 Main 8t. Candles PASTIME Jack Monrow, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco. Soft Drinks, Peel and Illlllanls Darbor Shop in Connection OUR MOTTO "Courtesy and Service" A Herald Want Ail will sell It. MINERAL BATHS Dr. Maud Ingcrsoll Hnwlcy Chiropractic Physician First National Dank Building Entrance, Room 5 ASHLAND, OREGON WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY R17 MulB ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager S3h9Smk EX-SERVICE MEN, ATTENTION! The regular meetings of Klamath Post No. 8, American Legion, will be held at 8 o'clock p. m at tho City Hall in Klamath Falls, on tho second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. All Comrades are In vited. Those desiring to loin the Post may secure 'application blanks from O. K. Van Riper, Fred Nicholson, or T. H. Carnahan, all ot Klamath tram FRBD NICHOLSON, Secretary DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist L O. O. P. Building PHONE 01 PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Case Mra. Rosa McDaaiela, 301 High St Phone 455 MMAaaMVWVWM Office Rhone 177W Res 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Surgeon White Building Klamath Falls Oregon DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 I. O. O. F. Temple E. D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phones 17W Rooms 1 and 2 17R White Building SHASTA VISTA SANITARIUM 420 Main St. (New Bldg. Later) DR. A. A. SOULE, 420 Main 1909. Main 151-J 151-M DR. T.C CAMPBELL THVSICIAN AND SURGEON I. O. O. F. Building .U Phone 200 Residence White Pelican Hotel Residence Phone 6. DR. L. L. TRUAX WARREN BUNT HOSPITAL Day Phone, 407 Night Phone, BO SAW MILL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders of mod ern Saw Mills, Planing Mills, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals, and reports made. Dredging. We' contract to build' any class of a building and Install machinery of any kind.,. Drafting ot any kind done. Blue Prints made. PHONE 14W Office in K. D. Building I am now prepared to furnUh Shasta Sand from the Hoey, Cam., sand and gravel pit, In any quantity that may be desired by contractors and builders. AL F. GRAHAM Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C. E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabinet Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine Klamath Lodge No'. 137 I. O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each week at I. O, O. F. hall, 5th ami Mntn streets. Hyman Weschlor, N. O.; W. C. Wells, Secretary: W. D. Cofor, Treasurer. Ewauna Encampment No. 46, I. O 0. F., meets Tuesday night ot each; wook ut 1. O. O. F, ball. W. H. North, C P.; W. D. Cofor. Scribe; Frod Uuesing, Treasurer, NEW CITY LAUNDRY finished work flat work rough dry; h "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" PHONE 154 Corner Main and Confer