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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1920)
vm?'f:fflm vf?t WUDAY, APRIL .10, 1020 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON VAOU MX Whe Clancy Kids r "YOU QOVS STOP TH at9 I' fcU TALKN& AN 'ot) TO jr. i SLEEP. I'VE 60Tf tT H TO GET UPJ-' 4 J VWf "i "W 1 'i. a H W wn p iPiii tmi i na ... . 1 JUP'C Wrt COifMrt ftC M KMiT I i jriAMfL-. W I UiliO D1DTV nV AKJV IWIt-.WUaTI iiv'"',''-,vw--.i'ul I . - . . I C- WW k VCMANCE DID YOU? J 1 T .ml r --' XN 661-MVBKorHER YOU'D 1 WW " Xktfm n VCHANC6 PIP YOU? ,J A J Bl DlO? A 0U6HTGR ATlCK'MP:nOMr flOMMf. Vkr i. flFi 0 '..iiHBflii? ' - Itii-t'-i . U mMBBBBBBBBBBBBBP.i .TBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBak A BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPB"BBiaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBarT jaBBBi BBl .BBBBI I W mBBBBlBBPVTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb. a " T" t 1 M I "?''v fi'BHP'an xnaaiiiiiiiiiiiH-BjijijijijBBjivBajijML iLiprnw jrHHiuiw .amv-" sv,BBiJK3mAsjijijijijijijijH iif i wj it- i ur t f i mv v. kia u'. kdff MJaHiiBBOTiwr w caaw- V7 :aaviiBBBK7 c-'j m. ..uii' .ul t.'HiEw nww- i ' " w i v 1 - i.At . f XiH ; 1 f - MmeX rViMWT 1131 A s-fc IB TW Y. I i ""i JraJ M "W-"' 1- M " -(! f:M I3'rt4'ft3R -jr -v -t . x. )?ai J-vtrT. iv "r I vwoimi" ib x -ra-,.n c T irim a ilv,,'i i Mr' ' there ' see what you V 1 1 OIDN'tI ll in n n B'J) I nun ' in u i I fi t ,rr;,tJ.i - TtS l VlLjHll D,l- D,D, SPfelDiDN'T LBLrHAT -STRAP? J Hon bacv n BeD.rit(?i(fHrI II fc&i ll i Aglefc- iljil: ,Q 5?SB PAYROLL TVAB By daTeloping Oregon inaanas reaoar-; oaa m ars attraoting oataida manafac tarars iato tho Stats By making oar prodaota aaperlatlraly good m are oreatlcg a demand for Ore Con gooda la tne mart of the orld. Qioa are ire adding to the payroll dol lare of Oregon and making Oregon the Ideal plaoe to live. Asaoolated Xndutrlee of Orego. 1 -.SflilW - BUCKEVK STATU HAS ALL IiSIBS OPTIMU ' 1 p. m. and to the farmer who still regulates his time piece by sun time 'it will be 12:30 p. m. COLUMBUS, Ohio, April 29. At-' This great difference In time is ter May 1. five recognized times will due to the fact that Ohio Is the di Eovern the habits flf the people Dividing line ' between Eastern and Ohio. Central time and the efforts of towns Never in the history of the stale 'and rities to "save an hour of daj has there been such an occasion for light." confusion In time in the state Whpj , it i3 2 p. m. at Stcubenville, residents i m of Cincinnati will say it is hot 12 o'clock noon. In Columbus It will ' e EASY to mm A Classified Ad will sell it. SALVATION ARMY MAKES KEN OF SCCjAL OUTCASTS wt:i known rule the Industrial man who poor house ; and rehabilitates him, makes him (over, gives him confidence in himself COLOIl . and turns him over to employment Vnim PDgv ijjid s.rr 1 1 1 1 1 n r n j' J n i n . i -'s &? class ot I U U 1 1 U i ii . I I Si 31 S I early finds his way to the i ELECTRICITY IS FUTURE FUEL PASADENA, Cat., Apr. 30. Solu tion of the fuel problems confront ing America through the uso ot elec tricity, will bo the dominating note ot the convention ot the National Electric Light Association, which will hold its annual sossion In this city from May IS to 21. Faromost among tho questions which tho National Eloctric Light Association Is endeavoring to work out are tho electrification ot steam railroads; tho inter-connection of tho lines of power generating com panies so that their production ca pacity can bo continually kept at the maximum; tho shifting of the elec trical load so that it can be nio&t scientifically and economically de voted to meet tho demands at tho time ot tho greatest requirements; the development of the avallahlo hydro-electric energy as rapidly as con struction can bo Qnnnced, and tho application ot all modern methods toward making tho generation of electricity by steam, produce tho highest potentiality, for tho amount of fuel consumed. Financing of tho unprecedented requirements which conditions havo j thru3t upon tho 5,500 electric genor ' atlng companies of America, brings tho banking Interests of the country in very close touch with tho electric man who will represent tho National Association at the convention horo, according to II. H. Ballard, president of the organization. He said today that he expected a very largo attend ance of bankers and their represent atives. He estimates that about 4,000 prominent financial and ele' trical men will come to this city next month. John B. Miller, head of one of tho panics of the west will be Conven tion Chairman. ASSORTMENT OF Domestic and Imported Spring Woolens Now on Display. KUBkBUIl i J hbbbw i T,l itin PAIintw n tti.k Ulnl.t of Oregon for Klamath County In tho Mattor ot tho Estatu of A. S. Moorland, Docoaaod. Notice Is horoby given to tho cre ditors ot tho above ostntu mid nil pontons having claims ngaliml tho same, to proaont such claim, prop erly v5rlfl0(l, together with tho proper vouchors supporting the same, within nix months from tho date horvof to tho undersigned adminis trator of said CHtato at tho Klamath State bank, Main street. Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon. Dated April 9, 1920. FRANK JlOOItLAND, Administrator ot said Estate. Apr 9-l-23-J0-May 7 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Perfect Fit Guaranteed CHAS. J. CIZEK MERCHANT TAILOR 518 Main Street PULLMANS FOR SHRINRRS PORTLAND, Ore., Apr, 30. Spec ial trains are to be parked In Ihe con- vnrr t.i v pnivn iinir AM) I I'STItK WITH S4GF TEat enlbIcs lm to sustain himself, j 'enrnf,I;rtIana to ho"se Part ol 50- AND SULPHUR When you darken your- hair with Eage Tea and Sulphur, no one 'can tell, because It's done 'so' naturally, so The County Government makes Its "down and outs" habitual indigents. It n?akc3 them a monthly aUowauce cf money or gocJs for which it re quires no service The Salvation Army takes the same evenly. Preparing this mixture, man and gives him, not money, but though, at home Is mussy and trouble-1 won;. some. For 50 cents you cr.n buy at any rdug store the ready-to-use prep aration, improved by the addition of other ingredients, called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." You just dampen a sponge or soft brush' with It and draw this through your hair, .taking one small strand at a time. Bj xr.ornlng all gray hair disappears, and, after another application or two, your ialr becomes beautifully darkened, glosjy and luxuriant. Gray, faded hair, though no dis grace, is a sign of old age, and as we all desire a youthful and attractive appearanco, get busy at once with Wyeth's Sage and-Sulphur Compound and look year? younger It fays him money for his work, and renews in htm the knowledge that conscious and directed effort Is entitled to and will bring him commensurate return. It bathes him and wins him again to clean habit and thought. It builds up his strength and his morale until he Is fit again for the fight, with tho world. Then it finds him 'employment and sends him forth to work that he Is fitted to do. Here In a nut shell is the story of the Salvation Army's Industrial Homes and the story of the Industrial Iome In Portland, where scores of men frcjn all over the state have found themselves. 000 visitors expected hero while tho Imperial Council Session of the Mys tic Shrine is In conference, Juno 22 to 24, during Roso Festival weok. IRRIGATION PROJECTS FOR CANADIAN PROVINCE BROWN AND OX-BI.COD SHOE POLISHES BEST FOR HOMU SHINES SAVE THE LEATHER THE BIO VALUE PACKAGES Alto PASTES and LIQUIDS for Black. Tan anAVThitmKhr,, i IRK F. F. TMI1BV COJUORATJONS tTO. BWTAIO, H, T. CALGARY, Alta., Apr. 19. (By Mall.) Proposals for now Irriga tion undertakings, Involving tho ex penditure of many millions of dol lars and which will serve vast aroas of land in Alberta, aro said to bo re ceiving favorable consideration from provincial and Dominion authorities. The projects will extend from the Rocky Mountains to the Saskatche wan border, and from tho interna tional boundry lino diagonally north east to a point about duo east of Cal gary on the Saskatchewan bordor. Failure of crops in many unlrri gated sections during tho last two dry years is said to havo boon re sponsible for a revived Interest in ir rigation as insurance for crop sue cess. SAW SPOILED . VANCOUVER, B. C, Apr. 30. An old fashioned cannon hall, ot tho 25-lb. variety, used many years ago on this coast by the admiralty ships, caused tho Falso Creek Lumber com pany a loss of ,$250 tho other day. It was embedded In the center ot a huge log cut at Duncan bay Tho tree had grown around tho ball and concealed it so well that It was not discovered until tho saw struck It. The missllo must havo boon dis charged many years ago by a passing warship. In tho County Court of tho Stnta ot Orogon for Klamath County. In tho Matter of tho Estate ot Ma tilda Whittle. Docoasod. Notlco Is horoby given that the undersigned executor of the above ontltlod ostuto has filed his final ac count ot tho administration of said estato In tho abovo entitled court and that Saturday tho 8th dny of May, 1920, at 4 o'clock p. m. of said day, In tho courtroom ot Raid court In tho county courthouse nt Klamath Falls, Oregon, hnvo boon flxud us tho tlmo and place for tho sottlemiMtt of said account and tho hoarlng ot said roport, on or before which tlmu any porson. Interested In said estate may appear and file his uxcdptloiTs to said account and .contest tho same. Dated April 9, 1920. J. W. SIEMENS. SR., Executor of said Estato. Apr 9-16-23-30-My 7 SUMMONS FOR PURLICATION - Kcjulty No. 1173 PAINTING Practical Painting, Alumlnuralng of all Iron fixtures, Furnlturo Roflnlsh- ing and gonoral contracting. H. C. TUTHILL 1)1 a Roso St. SELL NURSERY STOCK FOR US WOMAN SENTENCED FOR "BOOTLEGGING" PITTSBURG, Kan., Apr. 30. As tho result ot a raid In which officers found In tho sollar of hor houso 14 cases of whisky, Mrs. Jcnnlo Pozbun, a widow and inothor of four depend ent children, must sorvo an indoter min ite sentence at tho womnn's farm-prison at Lansing. Doclaring that Mrs. Pozhun had given "falao testimony" at tho trial, Judge A. 3. refused to entertain n plea 'Inn the bo granted a parole, Mrs. Pozhun testified that nho did not know who placed tho whisky in her collar. Offlcura testlffod that tho only entrance io the collar was a trap door undor a bed in Mrs. rozhuu'n bedroom. Good torritory open. Terms at tractive. Writo for contract und In formation Immediately. SALEM NURSERY COMPANY, 1030 Chomokota St., Salem, Ore. 1C-301 TIKES SUITS TO FLUSHJIDH Eat loss meat If you fool Ilock- achy or liavo Bladder trouble. Meat forms uric acid which ex cites and overworks tho kldnoys In their efforts to filter it from the system. Regular eaters ot moat must flush tho kldnoys occustonnlly. You must rellovo thorn like you ro- novo your bowels; removing nil tho acids, wasto and poison, eiso you feel i dull misery in the kidney roglon, sharp pains In tho back or Jiclc head ache dlzzlnoss, your stomach sours, tonguo is coated and when tho woathor la had you havo rhoumatlc twingos. Tho urino is cloudy, full of sedlmont; tho channolu often get Irritated, obliging you to got up two or thrco times during tho night. To neutralize theso irritating nclds and flush off iho body's urinous wasto get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; tako a tablenpoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a tow days and your kldnoys will .then act fine and Plodder disorders disa ppear This famous salts is made (rom the acid of crapes and lomon lulco, comhlnod with llthlu, and hns Docii used for generations to cloan and ntlmulato hIiikkIhIi kldnoys and stop bladdor irritation, Jud Salts is inexpensive, harmless audmakod a dullghtful, oftorvoscont llthla- wator drink which millions .of mon and women tuke now and thon, thus avoIdliiK serious kldnoy and bladder di loosen. In tho Circuit Court of the Stuto of Oregon, for Klumath County. N. II. Bogtto. Plaintiff, vs Howard Larkln, E. II. Larkln, E. Howard Larkln. Rolln Larkln, Holland Lar kln. Lewis R. Larkln, Gertrude Alio man, Edna T. BoardBloo, Iola E. Larkln, Ralph Larkln. thu unknown heirs of tho persons nbovo named, and all persons unknown having or claiming to havo any right, title, ostnto or Intorost ndverso to plaintiff In or to tho real proporty doicrllied horeln, Dofondants. In tho namo of the Rtni -' n. ' gen: To Howard Larkln, B. H. Larkln, E. Howard Lurklu, Itollu Lnrkln, Holland Lnrkln, LowIh R. Larkln, Gortrudo AUeman, Edna T. Hoards lee, Iola E. Lnrkln, Ralph Larkln, tho unknown holrs of thn nnrantm abovo named, and all persons un- Known nnving or claiming to have any right, tltlo, ostnto or Interest advorso to plaintiff In or to tho teal proporty described heroin, Defend ants. You are hereby required to apppfr uuu uiiHwor mo uompinlnt filed against you in tho abovo entitled suit, on or boforo May 28, 1920, that being tho las;, day ot tho tlma pro scribed In tho Ordor for Publication of this summons. And If you fall so to answer or appoar, for want thoro of, tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho rollof prayed for i:i his complaint on file horeln, to-wlt: That dofondnnts and each of them bo. required to Bot forth tho naturo pf his or hor claim, right, ostnto or interest In tho premlsos horeln des cribed; thnt it bo doclarod and ad judged that (lefoudantH and oach ot thorn havo no estnto, claim or lotor ost In tho promises described as fol fel fol eows: Situate in Klamath County, Ore gon; Lots Flvo (5) and Six (0) of Section Elghtoon (18), and Lots Six (6), Sovon (7), Eight (8) and Nino (9) of Section Sovon (7), in Town ship Forty-ono (41) South, Rnngo Elovon (11) East, of Wlllamotto Mo rldlan, containing Ono Hundred Fifty-eight and Six Hundredths (168.06) Acres. And thnt you bo forovor onjolnod una uonnrreu rrorn assorting any claim whatovor to said promises, ad vorso to plaintiff, for plaintiff's costs and disbursements incurred In this suit and for such other and further rmioi as to uio court mnv nnnm equitable. This summons Is sorvod by pub lication thereof, In tho Evonlng Ilprald, n dally nowspapor, printed, published and of gonoral circulation In Klaniaili County. Orocnn. liv mH,.r ui wiu iionoraijio d. v. Kuykendall, Judgo of tho abovo ontltlod Court, mndo nnd oxoctitcd April 12, 1920, which naid oidor requires that this HHmmonii bo published onco u wook. for six weuks Tho ihito of tho first publication of this summons Is nrll 1G, 1920. ' R. 0. GROESDECK. Attornoy for Plaintiff, Address Klamath Fnlla, Oregon. Apr. 10-23-30-7-14-21-28 In tho County Court of tho Statu ot Oregon for Klumath County. In the mattor of tho eatntu ot Emiiin Jackson Wilson, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that tho undurslgned administrator of thu abovo entitled ostnto has filed his final account ot tho administration of said estato In tho uhouv entitled court and that Saturday, tho first duy of May, 1920, nt 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, In tho courtroom ot said court rti tho courthouse nt Klamath Palls, Oregon, havo been llxnd as thn tlmo nnd place for tho Nottlomont nt said account nnd tho hoarlng of said report, on or huforo which tlmo any person Interested In said estnto may appoar nnd file his exceptions to said account and contest tho anmo. Duted April 2. 1920. ROBERT WILSON. Administrator of tho Estnto ot Emma Jackson Wilson, . Docoasod. Apr 2-9-1C-23.30 NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS TO PURCHASE SEWER BONDS Sealed bids will bo rocolvod by tho Common Council of tho City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, until Mon day, tho 10th day of May, 1920, at thu hour of S o'clock p. m, ot said day, nt tho City Hall In tho City ot Klamath Fals, Orogon. at which tlmu nnd plncu proposals to purchaso will bu npeuod nnd considered, for tho purchaso ot $50,735.00 City ot Klamath Falls (lonornl Obligation bonds, payable 20 yunrs from dato ot Issuo, bearing a rata of Interest not to exceed C por cent mr annum, In torost pnynblo soml-nnnually, princi pal nnd Interest pnynblo nt tho Oro gon Fiscal Agency In Now York, slato of Now York, or at tho ofllcoof tho Treasurer of said City as deter mined by tho purchaser nnd tho Common Council. These bonds nro to bo Issued In denominations ot ono thousand dollars (S1000.00 oach. and to bo numborod from ono (1) to flfty-ono (51) Inclusive. Said bonds nro to bo Issuod In, pur suance of Ordinance No. 498 of tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Said bonds nro to bo Issuod for tho purposo of Installation of a Sower Systom In tho torritory known ns Mills Addition of said city, In accord ance with tho plans, specifications nnd estimates of tho City Englneor on fllo In tho office of tho Pollco Judgo ot said city. Each proposal to purchaso said bonds must bo ac companied" by a chock of 5 por cent of tho amount of proposal, cortlflod by sonio responsible bank payable to tho city of Klamath Falls. Proposal must bo sealed and ondorsod (pro posals to purchaso Sowed bonds.) Said bonds nro to bo sold for cash paid down nt dato of dollvory. Tho Common Council ot said city to .ro- sorvo tho right to reject any nnd all proposnls to purchaso Bald bonds. ' Dated nt Klamath Falls, Ore. April 8, 1920. Slgnod, A. L. LEAVITT. Apr. 8-May 8. A Classified Ad will sell it. ATTENTION: , FARMERS, CON TRACTORS AND TRUCK USERS. Unltod Motora Sorvico Company Is offorlng for sulo direct to tho usora, tho United Motor Trucks in 1, 2, 3 v4 and 5 ton slzos and 6 ton tract ors. Big discount, aavo tho agent's commission. For prices nnd dis counts, write Thomas Handles, caro Unltod Motors Sorvico Company, 20 North 15th St., Portland. Orogon. tt Warren Hunt Hospital A Claaaiflod Ad will, soil It, A thoroughly onulnnod Inntltuiinn affording unoxcollod facllltloa for tho sclontlflo troatmont by hoapltal moth oda of medical, Burglcal and obatet rlcal casea. Tho now nnd raodorn fireproof build ing contains privato rooms for bod and ambulatory casos, complotoly equipped examination and troatmont rooms, Roontgon Ray, clinical and research laboratorloa. STAFF WARREN HUNT, M. D. h. L. TRUAX, M. D. GEO. A. MASSEY. M. D. AND PWH ST3., KLAMATH 'FALLS, oniU. TELEPHONE 497' AMBULANCE SERVICE