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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1920)
.p r w'fcW FRIDAY, APRIL J0, 1020 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I'AOR KIOIIT -o:: w PERSONAL MENTION Vftfttttf WMWWtWt1ttnTTmTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTl T r 1 T I TTTTi , I. ' -o I f ; i i a a 6 i a d ai hi El $500 FOR A SLOGAN Paul Lambert has returned from a I business visit In ltoguc Kivor valley. A. 1 Turpln ami family havo ro-l k t turned from Modesto where- thoy'fl tl Ci T" J D. L. I spent the past six months. ThoyivH The Slurges Tire and Rub-' through ,n tholr car nnd M1Mct $ ber Company offers $500 in ,0 remain In Klamath Falls. m cash for the best slogan or s. i. TooKor is transacting bust- f j trade device, advertising the.ness in town today from his homo l T.-A in lUaUT. ,U MiuiK.a ws.w i Ten words are the limit of I the slogan, but brevity will count with the judges. The contest runs for seven weeks, closing at midnight, May 30. No communications received after that hour will be considered. Anybody can enter. The slogan or trade device must express tersely the su periority of Sturges Tire Sole over Retreading, which was tried and found want ing. Mail , your -answers to Sturges Tire & Rubber Com pany, Oakland, California. That's the factory. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY K. Wlnnard nro,j Tl Mr. nnd Mrs. H in the city today from tholr homo In Lorella. They brought back their little grandson, Frank Fleet, who has been visiting In the country for the past few weoks. Mrs. Harold Doll, who has been spendtng the past month visiting at the homo of her parents, pr. and! Mrs. W. A. Leonard, expects to re turn to her homo in Los Angeles to morrow. B. F. Tracy, who has been identl- Bed with tho firm of Nathan-Dohr- mann in San Francisco for a long time, has taken a position with the Baldwin Hardware company. MrfMWV WHITE PELICAN GRILL JY1LL OPEN With a special dinner at 5:30 o'clock tomorrow evening, the new electric grill of tho White Pelican hotel will bo opened to tho public. under the management of A. D. Short. The grill will operate under tho supervision of N. C. Johnson, new steward at me local nosioiry. WOULD YOU SAVE 25 .per cent on your Urine exnpnaps? The CT.ioh Savings Plan will do it. Klamath ' formerly head waiter at the Portola Cash Grocery. 30-3 , Louvre In San Francisco. FOR SALE 4-room plastered house The management of the White, on paved street, stoUe foundation,! Pelican ha3 been preparing for the has two bed rooms, bath, toilet, sink, 'opening for several weeks and a'l lots of built In features. Only 12500 Terms. ALSO FOR SALE Ranch of 120 acres with good improvements. 4-room J. T. WARD & CO.. 125 North 7th Street. the appointments of tho new dining room are in keeping with tho ideals of high class service. During the winter months it was possible to care plastered house, good cellar, barn I for the patrons of the hotel in a SilWb."SurfS2: rM J"?""1 rT; tem'poraS ed, deep soil, no alkali, good drain-' Improvised as a dining room, but age, 65 acres in alfalfa, 50 seres with the increase of patronage and plowed and harrowed. On dally auto the approach of the tourist season Stage Hue. J90 per acre. Im, -mnlo nrrnmmnd'nHnn was nf-c- Icessary. The grill will cater to par- 30-1 .ties of all kinds from the largest L Danouei crow us 10 me toaieai ui TURNISHED ROOM Washington Sf. for- rent. 59 I, uncheon parties. .30 FOR RENT-r-Two furnished rooms for desirable parties. W. A. Del- zell, 1185 Crescent Ave. 30-1 LONG CANOE TIUP FOR SALE Desirable lots close In. Also some of the best ranch land In tho valley. T. It. WATTKRS, Real Estate, 620 Majgi, phone 170M. 30-1 25 CENTS SAVED on every dollar you spend for groceries. The Cash Savings Plan will do it. Klamath Cash Grocery. 30-5 WANTED Good clean rags at Pio neer Printing and Stationery Co., 126 Main. 9c per pound. 30-1 . PORTLAND, Ore., April 30. A trip of 650 miles in a canoe, through Idaho,- Washington, and Oregon, on the Snake nnd Columbia rivets, is planned by A. O. Dauman, Lewiston, Idaho, merchant, this summer, ac cording to a letter received from him b the chamber of commerce here. He IntcmU to go from Lewiston to Pasco, Wash., on tho Snake river, thence down the Columbia to this city. . . II NOTICE TO DOG owners IF YOU ARE CONTEMPLATING in- stalling a loose leaf ledger call and In conformance with the provr .see the famous Nulier Fle:ipo3t line Ions of the city ordinance providing at Pioneer Printing and Stationery that a license or $1.50 b-3 paid on company. 1-26 Maln St., or phoms male dogs and $3.00 on fauialo doijs, 22W and wo wjll be glad torsend our all. dog owners within tho inenrpor loose leaf expert ' 30-3 ated limits of Klamath Falls aro u . thereby notified that such license is FOR SALC rord Gedan.'-run two'due and payable, immediately, and months; -starter, demountable that steps will be taken at onco for rims, tires gdod,- one new spare tire, ' tho impounding of all unlicensed license. This caras,'it stands -would dogs and their destruction according cost ;il50 new. My price J95'i., to the provisions of the ordinance. See George Carroll, Mecca Peel lnll. Dog owners are asked to call at or phone 243. " CO the police, department and pay tho 11- . - .cense fee. FOUND Ladies sold' watch, initial Xlie ordinance will be strictly en- on case. Call at Herald office and l forced. Parties having dogs on Identify. ' ' 30-tf which they do not care to pay a 11- ' cense are asked o bring them in. HAVE YOU made that application? jThey will be disposed of. Cash Savings Plan. Klamath Cash' H. S. ' Grocery. 30-5,30-3 FOR SALE Good apartment house. easy terms. J. A. Lyle, 607" High, 30 FOR SALE Chevrolette 5-passen- ger, good condition, $400 no siore, no less. Inquire operator Star Theatre. - ""30-3 FOR SALE Some hand-lialnted and other odd pieces'. of fancy dlsncs. C. A. Plath, over Star Drug Store. 30 WILSON, Chief of Police. A- t : t t i tt 1 DON'T PUT THIS OFF Make ap plication now. Cash' Savings Plan. Klamath Cash Grocery. 30-5 $10.00 REWARD Strayed from ranch of Louie Sqhmltz, 3 miles east of Klamath Falls, ' 2 bay mares, 4 and 6 years did, weight ahout'900. Smallest ono has,roached,mano; other one. had shoes on. Branded lazy R on stifle. Deliver to O. K. Barn. J, W Moor man. 30-3 TOMORROW'S DRESS VALUES WILL PROVE THE AMAZEMENT OF ALL at S! JVVS'S'"iSV"wNi'VvV''VS'VN f-" " -ia?i Nv MMWMVWVWWWWWWMV MAMAAAAAAMAAAAAMAAAAAAAAVVVVVVVMMSVMWVWVMVVVVVVMWWMVWVVWVVVVVVMMS,' A SALE QF DRESSES THAT INCLUDE EVERY ONE OF THE SEASON'S FAVORED NOVELTIES IN MODEL. SATIN, CREPE DE CHINE, GEORGETTE AND TAFFETA FOR SPRING AND Si SUMMER WEAR. TO GO AT $29.50 THESE EXCEPTIONALLY FINE DRESSES INCLUDE ALL THE MOST DISTINCTIVE MODES, BUT ARE IN DESIGNS SHpWN EXCLUSIVELY BY US, AND IN AVERY LARGE VARIETY OF STYLES TO BECOMLNGtfY SUIT EVERY PERSONALITY. $ WHEN YOU SEE THEM 'YOU WILL RECOGNIZE INSTANTLY THAT THEY ARE PRICED FAR BELOW THEIR NORMAL VALUES. THEY LEAVE THE UNMISTAKABLE IMPRESS OF THE COSTLIEST OF STYLE CREATIONS. THEY COME IN A BIG VARIETY OF STYLES AND COLORS, AND SPECIALLY PRICED FOR SATURDAY'S SALE AT ... ... . . ... . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. , . X . I. , ... $29.50 n fttffittttUiftttttttttUt H"t-4-4"H ..iM.WS..V,.A...V.'....A.'.AA...A..,.. I'i'i'i 'T 1 1 ! ,:.:X":k"M":.'J''M-i-hi-hi hiiiiihhih- i ir 1 " nil . w i - mi m i" j.:. i . I -. I M IHGnnST STANDARD rRODUtTTIONS I M . TEItWILLIGKH & PATRICK, PROPS. m 1 1 STAR TODAY TOMORROW I "EVERYWOMAN " I il I ni ihe most 'elaborate picture ever filmed 111 m .. MAI INEE J'ACII DAY I TWO 'COMPLWJK SHOWS EACII NIGHT NEW ENGINE COMING FOR' STRAHORNJROAD, Fearlhat traffic on tho Strahorn railroa'dTwouId be sacrificed' to con struction, while tho Hlldebrand ex tension 'is building, is allayed by tho announcement mai anomor anu heavier 'engine Is on the road and oxpectofT'to, arrive soon.!. ' The road has only one onglho now and it is .attempting to keep matorial on the ground for construction and also- to handle tho growpg" traffic, a task that is dally bocpmlng mora strenuous. Tho new cnglno will bo omployed in u-ain servico entiroly, and tho Jlghtor ongino will bo used on construction. coniiEoxio.v Horaco Cox, and not Austin Cox', was tho brother of E. P, Cox, rocopi ont of scholarship award at tho Uni vorsity"; recently, the Herald is in formed. Horace Cox was electrocut ed whllo working on a power line nt tho corner of Ninth and Jefferson streets here a few years ego. Austin Cox Is a cousin of El P. Cox and lives at AVcndling, Ore. 'WE'Vi'HEIC ItEPORT OREGON Rain lorilghl and 'Sat urday; cooler in east, westerly winds. SHASTA VIEW ITEMS It is surely a, busy time on tho Tulo Lake land with teams and tractor onithe move early and lato, tho lattor running day and night. . Tho burial of tho infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs. O, E. Hunt, which was born Sunday, April 18, took placo Mon day. April 19', at tho Malln cemotory. Short services were hold at tho grave. The family havo tho sym pathy of all in this sorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Chrlstonson and mothor, Mrs. A. Tumor, of Klamath Falls, wore guests at II. E. Wilson's ojio day rocontly. Mrs. Turner re mained for a fow days visit with hor daughters, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Kirkpatrick and tho last of tho wook Mr. and Mrs. Wilson took her homo. Tho ladles of tho Helping Hand society will bo entertained by Mrs. John Zblndon Wednosday7 May Bth. P.oy Foglo and family, C. M. Kirk patrick nnd family, H. B. Wilson and family arid J. L. Balloy and wlfo spent Sunday at O. W. Myers. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Book are epond Ing a tow days at O E. Hunt's. Mrs. Books'lidlplng care for Mrs Hunt, who Is gaining nicely, James Ottitman was qui to serious ly injured ono day last wook wlion his team ran nwny. C. W. Bailey was on tho sick list last week but Is ablo to b out again. LIBERTY THEATRE t THE TICK OF TIIK PICTURES ' AND A NEW ONE EVERY DAY r - lJvvvvrrMVvvvvnrwVvvvxAvMJ'uJf If. W. POOLE, Owner HARRY nOREL, Musical Director TONIGHT ONLY The McCIoud River Lumber Camp Story "THE BRUTE BREAKER" Don't Miss Seeing TJio HcnHudonni running of wild rnpltls In a frail canoe Tho lilfc forcxt flro weno Tho three big fljclitH in (ho lumber camp Ana tho views of Mt. Shasta, One of those funny lion comedies "LOJDSE LIONS, AND FAST LOVERS" On Sunday wo win havo America's favorite actor AVILIJAM FAItNIJM, In ' "THE ADVENTURER" MATINEE EVERY DAY '!