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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1920)
1 4 ' t IA(1K THIUilO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON KKIDAV, APRHj 30, 102. AT THE liberty SUNDAY America's Favorite Dramatic Actor WILLIAM FARNUM in FEAR JAPANESE 1 PMDOllNffi jr & - -i ft J&kj ,; U JT "Ek- ' 'rL il feiHfcflk S&Mi&IPfcMi&S.l ;tt v "!'..& m THE ADVENTURER. WILLIAM FOX PRODUCTION "THE ADVENTURER" At the Liberty SUNDAY HON'OLl'Ll', T II , April 21 (Ily Mull ) Holiort W. Hhlnglo. territor ial senator mid member at tho lonls- latlvo commission which recently re turned from Washington. In nn opon luttor to tho Pacific Commurclnl Ad vertiser published hero today declar ed t lint ninny congressmen opposed opening of public lnndH In Hawaii to homcntoadlng bocnuso of Increasing numbers jf JnpnnoHe In tho territory obtaining Amnrlcnn citizenship. "Tho Unltod States Congress Is al most unanimously nvorso to tho grunting of homestead privileges on highly doveloped public lands In ttu territory of Hawaii, because It Is by no means satisfied of tho comploto slncorlty of Americanism In tho growing clans citizenship In these Is lands," tho luttor said, "1 alludo to Hawallan-born Jap- i .. . ..... .... nncne, inouHunuH ui wmuiii uiiuuuuy como Into tho sacred Inheritance of American citizenship. "Neither Congress nor I have any Intention of calling Into question tho loynlty of Hawallan-born Japaneso In this territory. Howevor, Amorlca learned a bitter lesson of nationali zation during the past flvo years, one of which cost doar In blood and Ideals." Tho problems Involved In efforts to obtain a homestcadlng law, wero bOBod upon a dcslro of tho territorial legislature to provldo some means for restoration of public lands to Hawaiian Public lands havo boon leased and control obtained by oth ers than HawallaiiB. To secure a re turn of tlioso lands, as expiration of loasos, to Hawnllans, a robnbllitatlon bill was submitted to Congress and urged by tho commission. E CLEAN-UP ' and PAINT-UP Abraham Lincoln said : "I like to see a man proud of the place he lives in." So do your neighbors ! Economy as well as pride, say: ' "Clean-up and Paint-up and Keep it up." We say: Come to us for everything you need in this worthy work. BROWN BROS. 1029 MAIN STREET Make a Trap! WMW. o AIillKIlTA Am IMl'UOIi KDMONTON, Alta., Apr. 10. (Ily Mall.) Tho schema to establish an air patrol of Alborta forost resorvca Kiddles! Do you wnnt to catch a mouse? Hero's a simple, diagram for a trap which cols 'om uvory Hum. A cardboard bo round bat box preferred. A piece of collision wrapping paper for n top ties with a string. Thou cut ft kqtinro X (No. G) and hung a p.oco of choose or calto directly ovor tho center. A thili bo.rd or strip runway for Mr. Mousu to got up to tho top. Ho walks out to get is supper, tho paper undor his weight nnd ho slips down into tho box trapped. will bo put into effect during tho coming summor, according to Col. R. H. Pnlmor, chlof flro rangor for tho uorthorn eoctlon of tho province. A Classified Ad will soil it. I Try it first Then decide 1 Pay Nothing Deposit Nothing Us for 30 Days Strops, anaves ana cleans with out removing the blade. Five hundred clean, comfortable enaves guaranteed from each dozen blades. Every A-utoStroft Razor net includes a fine leather, strop and 12 keen-cded blades. , Tak it homo with you or write n4 wj will mail it. )' 1 & o . . AT THfc lHbA 1 bKa n Louis (irantalro Inherited n timber kingdom from his fntbor nnd sot out to vlow his holdings through the oes of a lumbor-Jack. Ho wandered from camp to camp socking Informu' tlon. Tho north woods boro nn ovll nnwo that grow with each orgy of Im morality that flamed In tho camps whenever tho men acqulrod a Uttlo monoy. Orantalro uotorminoj 10 break tho brutes that load tho weak er men astrny, and to uso his own lists and muscles to do it. Ho started with LoBlnnc, tho bully of ono camp, who lusted for blood nnd marked tho faces of weaker men with tho calks of his boots to satisfy his craving to soo mon suffor. Grnn tnlro thrashed him nnd sont him whining into tho woods, plotting re venge Unite after brute foil boforo him. His strongth was greulor than any man's nnd only n woman could break down tho barriers of his rosorvo. In protty Annotto Bosseut ho found tho woman who lured him almost to death in his quest for lovo nnd honor. Tho story will bo told at tho Lib orty Thontro tonight when "Tho Br, to nroakor," tho Universal photo play, wilt show. Frank Mayo and Kathryn Adnins aro soon in tho stnr roles. An nd mlrnblo supporting cast lncludos Harry Northrup, Jack Curtis, Bur woll Hamrlck, Bort Sprotto, FranV Brownlee and Charles LoMoyno. If you saw your wife hugging to her bosom a bundlo of old lovo let tors, and sho rofusod to show them to you, what would you think? And Mrs. Young Wlfo, if you saw your husband doing tho samo thing, what would bo your condition of mind? An answer, which led to a remark ablo complication of ovonts, Is given in "Wives nnd Othor Wlvos," of which Mary Miles MIntor Is tho star, to bo shown at tho Liberty Theatre on Saturday. "Wlvos nnd Othor Wlvos" aro you ono of thorn? Or, to you, Mr. Man In which class Is yours? Soo this wonderfully diverting .plcturo n snllent losson and you will bo an- sworod fully, and laugh when you havo boon onllghtonod. VVMVVMVIVVWVWWWW' I II. It. nETiPS MINING ANCHORAGE, Alaska, April 18. (By Mall) That construction of tho govcrnmont rnllroad has greatly stimulated mining activities along tho lino, Is deelnred In tho curront Josuo of tho Alaska Railroad Rocord, which points to proposod now devel opment In tho TalkootnR, Cache Crook, Falls Crook and othor dis tricts nB an oxnmpla of tho practical intorcst mining mon nro taking In tho road construction. A largo quantity of machinery CASH SAVINGS PUN OUR CASH SAVING PLAN WILL GO INTO EFFECT May 15, 1920 Prices under oar Cash Saving Plan or Wholesale Price 2V Tomatoes, Puree, the can 14c 2Vli Hokes Solid Pack, the can 19c Meco Corn, the can 15c Our Taste, extra special corn, the can 25c Sunkissed Corn, the can 19c Sunkissed Catsup, pt 25c Sunkissed Bartlett Pears, the can45c Sunkissed Melba Peaches, the can .;41c Sunkissed Yellow Clings, sliced, the can 41c 50 Pounds Anchor Flour. $2.78 Retail Prices MAAMA 2y2 Tomatoes, Puree, the can 19c 2iu Hokes Solid Pack, the can .24c Meco Corn, the can 19c Our Taste, extra special corn, the can 30c Sunkissed Corn, the can 24c Sunkissed Catsup, pt 34c Sunkissed Barlett Pears, the can..57c Sunkissed Melba Peaches, the can,. 51c Sunkissed Yellow Clings, sliced, the can 51c 50 Pounds Anchor Flour. $3.20 ' CALL AND MAKE APPLICATION OR SEND IN NOW AND WE WILL HELP YOU CUT THE HIGH COST OF LIVING Klamath Cash Grocery Phone 420 QUALITY STORE 117 Main -tjyJsjyj-irifrf,A-ttt UNIFORM RULES FOR PLANT QUARANTINE SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Apr. 29. Measures to co-ordlnato plant quarautlno restrictions of 11 western states, tho Canadian province of British Columbia, territory of Hawaii and tho northern district of Baja (Lower California) will bo consid ered nt tho socond annual meeting of tho westorn plant quarantine board to bo held hero May 11 to 13. G. H. Hecko, director of agricul ture for California, is president of tha board and tho meeting call camo from his otflco nl Sacramento. Gov ernor Simon Bamberger of Utah has ncccptod an invitation to address tho hoard. Tho organization was founded at RIvorsido, Callfornln, in May 1919, and tho mombership is made up of quarantine officers. Its purpose, as announced at the time of formation, Is to erect a barrier against importa tion west of the Rocky mountains of plant pests and diseases that have not already found root on tho Pacific slope. The bost means of accomp lishing this purpose, it was agreed, it through uniform quarantine re strictions. Methods of enforcing restrictions will bo one of the chief topics at the May conference. According to one authority, a wo man's feet should be to her height in the proportion of fourteen to ono hundred that is, as nearly as pos sible one-seventh of tho height. In certain parts of tho New He brides the girls who hope to becoma a wife must have her upper front teeth knocked out" on reaching the age of maturity generally about thirteen years. This operation Is per formed by an old woman, who give either one smashing blow, with. stone or several lighter taps. It tha girl refuses the ordeal she remains unmarried and the scorn of all tho beholders. LIFT OFF CORNS! Apply few drops then lift .sore, touchy corns off with fingers ffl V V Don't ouffor! A tiny botUo of Prooaono costs but a fow cjnts i.t tny drug rtoro. Apply a fow drops on tho toughened calluses or "lmrd sklu" ou bottom of feet, then lift those painful spots right off with fincors. When you poel oft corns or cal luses with Froezono tho okln beneath THERE IS A REASON WHY GOODYEAR MANUFACTURES AN AVERAGE OF 20,000 SMALL SIZE TIRES PER DAY These 30x3, 30x3 and 31x4 Clincher tires are built in the Goodyear Plant No. 2 at Akron which is the world's largest factoiy devoted exclusively to the construction of these sizes. CHAEACTERISTIC GOODYEAR QUAILTY IS BUILT INTO THESE TIRES . Our SERVICE Helps You Get the Last Mile Out. Ml KaX 'In THE (Sfe whiteT mz&2 ELICAN Jy THE OFFICIAL ly'ST AUTO BlUt BOOK. f AND CALIFORNIA STATE AUTO ASSOCIATION GARAGE 3 i ' (jS : i Star Drug Cempan: will bo forwarded to tho dlffereut 1b loft pink and healthy, nnd never