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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1920)
"Friday, APiuii 30, ieso TAGR TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON r i I! The Secret of a Superlative Tire The whole question of a super-tire is a matter of principles. Por there is nothing exclusive in the industry. No patents, no secret formulas prevent a conscientious maker from build ing the best But cost and competition modify ideals. Tfie Brunswick idea is to pay perfection's price and get it. That has been the Brunswick policy since 1845. 'And it ac counts for the growing preference for runswick Tires. Motorists expect the utmost from a tire bearing the name of Brunswick and get it You, too, will be convinced by your first Brunswick, that here is an extraordinary tire, and that more money cannot buy abetter. Better tires of their type are impossible or. better, tubes. That we guarantee. a Try .ONE Brunswick learn how it excel THE BRUNSWICK-BALKEUCOLLENDER CO. Portland Headquarters: 46-48 Fifth Street MINCES IN E ARMENIA TOLD ey i H Miss Mnudo Miller recently receiv ed the Interesting lottcr published below from Mrs. V. E, Hnmbo, wife of the Hov, W. K. Hnmbo, former pnfctor of the Christian church here,! Mho with her husband Is doing re lief work of the Near Knst ltellof commltteo In Armenia. Since Mrs. Ilnmbo wrote the let ter lust January the orphanage, which she describes has been shelled and burned by the Turks. Xlr. and Mrs. Hnmbo escaped and by travel- J lng "0 miles on foot their small' charges reached ft place of safety, according to press dispatches recently. The letter to Miss Miller follews: Haroumle, Near Hnghshc, Clllcla Turkey, Jan. 22, 1920. Dear Maude: Well here we arc In Asia Minor, tho last country In the world, I be lleve, I over expected to bo In. Tho was not necessary as 1 should do that anyway you being an American." ' Ha was delightfully pleasant and 1 wo enjoyed him very much. Tho I French govern? Clllcla so we are un I dor their government; tho Italians are In Korvlit and Kngllsh In Con stantinople. Turkey seemed to be quiet for awhile but now the unrest 1 has begun again ih you sco by tho things I have written. We sleep nt night with loaded gun liosldu the bed and my suit case Is pnekod with eatables for a sudden exit should It become necessary. Knjo) the Work I was Interrupted In this letter so am finishing It today, the. Sftth of Jnnuary Just four months since we 1 loft Now York. Mr. Ilnmbo Is well I and as far as the work goes wo enjoy I It Immensely for It Is such a worth while task. One day we wont to Ta-- ... ...I...... D....I ....... t.nMn l la Bl.Mll HUB WIII'IU I I1UI Mltp LfUlli. lb in nili-ii nn Interesting place, the gates of tho ancient city still remains and It Is called St. Taul's (late. We also vis ited Iconlum as you may rend In tho 14th Chapter of Acts. Wo saw thoro many Interesting places, one an old Greek church away down under the ground where they used to worshl? In secret. I would like to ask ou about so many peoplo thore. 1 nm always glad to hear tho nows. I'lense ro- mnMliAi. ita tn nnv nml nil Alir nlll call" came for us to go because of ' , . ,.,,.. . , ,.,.,. friends. Mr. llandsaker wrote us of I tho liberal giving for tho A. C.ll. N. I E. In Klamath We wore delighted J 1 our experience In the Orient, so wo answered It by going. I would llko to have run up to Klamath when wo reached Weed on our way to San Francisco but it was qulto Impossible We certainly would have enjoyed seeing you all. Tho letters tho peoplo sent mo from Klamath wore greatly appreciated on tho ship. It was In teresting to hear hpw the city wns growing. lu a Different World We are up hero lu tho Amonus Mountains ufetwecn Adana and Alep- hoping wo had n little share In prompting the gifts. So far wo have done very llttlo writing nn our time hns been more than occupied by the multitude of things that come up to look after. Wo are studying Turkish but do our work through Interpre ters. We are plckinf it up fast. ITiw Xb CnUntlcf If you have a little cnlhndcr of 1920 will you please send It to me .- frha This space donated by The Star Drug Co. .. lnvA'l mi n ..nt ...... . nn . . . lOT WU littfVli b Will, UVI V1VII ll po in Charge of an Armenian orphan-1 .age of two hundred children, Tho. " ' , , . , . , ... .... , : . ... We spent our Chr stmns hero near I standards, tho attitude toward llfo, ' . ' , . . ,,, . , .. ... , . . I where Christ wns born. o hnd n leven tho material comforts nro of n . , .. , . . -,, ., . , , .. i. i tree for tho children, mado each ono ' uiuureiu wuriu. cvtir auer u suumeu possible that we might come to this Sold Oh An Unlimited Mileage Guarantee Basis H. S. WAKEFIELD Fourth St. and Klamath Ave. COAST RADIO STATION SAN FRANCISCO, April 29. Estab lishment of naval radio compass sta tions on the Pacific coast to prevent marine disasters in fog and permit all vessels equipped with radio, to maintain a 'true course, will soon be effected, It 'was announced here by Lieutenant Commander Scott D. Mc- Cangbey, district communication of ficer of the twelfth naval district. in so country on this expedition I had been eager for this great privilege' and yet this vivid expentancy was I mingled with nervous dread. I had wondered so much what tha peoplo in this country were like, who lived j in this land of blood-fiends and nev or ending killings. a handkerchief out of checked apron glnghnm, and put In it somo candy, nuts, raisins and nn orango and flvo littlo cookies; they recited and hnd j a littlo drama about Queen Esther. I received a cako of soap for my gift and was delighted as I forgot to bring out a bit of toilet soap. "Ood Illow Americans Wo think tho children very good what they have been This spot much of the time Is re- ... ' . . ., ,.. .. ,, . .considering reUQ UUU CUCUUOllUR WllU 1.11(3 UMIUIU, . . ... it . ii . i t I ... , , ' through. Wo distributed n bale of mountains above us and the plains ... . ...,,,, n i .... ...,, clothes sent out by tho lied Crow In below stretching away In tho dls ' , ., .... u . ., f .. ., Amorlca. You cant Imagine how tanco to Alexandretta and the ocean . , . , ,.. ,, . . , . .. . . , . 'much fun we had fitting up somo of The mountains at the back of iw and .. . ., ,7. . . . .. ,, , ... the boys and girls an dlt made thorn at the sides are covered with snow .,,... , . ..... , . ., . i so hnppy, I wish the peoplo who gave now, for it Is the winter time. yet'. ,. . ,,.., . . x. i them could have soen. Ono little oranges and roses are growing here.' ,, .. . , .. , ... ' B'rl got a basquo made at least thirty What makes the air so wonderful . , , . , , . ,, , . .. . . I years ago, she looked so cunning in 1 believe Is because the air constant- ,. , ' , ... , , " , , . , , .. . .. , it we laughed until our sides ached, ly travels from tho sea to the monn-1., ... . . . ., . uui muru wero iiivu luum iuv luiu TIMES: RECOVERS tains and back, acquiring the salti ness of the sea and the freshness of the hills. Some times we are sreerh less because of the wondrous beauty of the land, and yet at nlght-tlmo wts talk In subdued tones of the horrors of the present, of the glories of tho past. At bed time when I go around mado the children look nice nnd warm and say "God bless tha Amur leans." Now I must "really nnd tiuly" close, but such a lot of things I could soy it we were sitting together beside your cozy fire. This letter is for all the dear friends. It is very UKKOIIM SCHOOIj CUIUS UIXIKVE HKJtVANT PKOIII.K.M MAHYSVIM.E, Ohio, April 29. Mrs. LouIho Mltteudorf, matron In charge of tho Ohio Reformatory for Women hero, Is doing her part In re lieving tho domestic holp situation In tho state. She hnd from ISO to 200 girls nnd women under hor enrc. As thoro Is not enough work nt the Innff tutlon to keep thorn nil busy, she sends to housewives some of the nioro trusted girls. Ninety percent of tho girls work ing out hnve inn do good, according to Mrs. Mltteudorf. Many at thum within n short time liavo been rec ommended for pnrolo or pardon. HoiiBcwives receiving tho girls send tho wages to tho mutron who turn tho money ovor to tho girls when they nro discharged. Big Dance AT MALIN, OREGON.. SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 1, 1920 Music by Malin Orchestra A Classified Ad will sell It. NO HEADACHE OR NEURALGIA PAIN Get a 10 cent package of Dr. James' Headache Powders - and don't suffer. When your head aches you simply must have relief or you will go wild. It's ncudltbs to suffer when you can take a remedy like Dr. Jnincn' Head ache Powders and relieve the jmin and neuralgia at once. Send hoineone to IV 'rug storu now for a dim- package Q r, Jnnn, Hcadacln owdern. Don t HtllFui t ii a few mo win leel une- neauacue gone- meuralgiu paii. SUSANVILLE, Cal April 30. When George Tremain, a soldier from Lassen county, was caught in the flre of a German machine gun nest at the battle of the Argonne, ho received 38 separate wounds, 20 be ing of a serious nature, Tremain fell and lay on tho gtoui.-I in an exposed position for 12 hours before being rescued. When finally carried to a field hospital his injuries were pronounced fatal and for weeks he hovered near to death in hns-' pltals In Franco. The amputation of both leg8 was anticipated for nearly a year, but healing was- finally accomplished, and now ho can walk with the uid of crunches. Tremain was permitted to come from Letterman general hospital few days ago to visit his parents. AfH no T VlAVa "tin tYtfL nn . a che last thing before going to hed to, : ., , " -' " i"- v i- a .., .ready writer" but I Iovo you nil and , feel that yon aro behind ub In this i groat work. Tray for us and Ho will I answer. Write directing to Adana, Clllcla, Turkey, care Dr. Nesbitt The Mlko O'Dowd-Johnny Wilson linitt nn A T o i ft In w..AAn,i .i ...ontH vou I ", , w "' " " "i-i-- i uw jn, ,,;r, the largest crowd that ever attended a tight In Boston. Western Floral Shop m:avj: youii OltUKIt JOIt ri.OWI!H in poraon if nt nil possible. A visit hero will show haw thoroughly wo nre prepared to meet any floral need from flowers for tho tablo to tho decoration of tho largo! church for feast, festival or wedding. Our cut flowon are received fresh every day. You will find your favorlto hero at ull times in tho per fection of Its beauty: Mod erate prices are tho Invari able rulo. SIRS. Ii. O. MOORB 702 Main --x fM rtlW tuck" In my one hnndred and six teen girls and look Into their Bleep ling faces knowing there Is not ono who has not lost a father, mother, brother or sister by the knife of the deadly Turk, my heart rebels, and as I hasten along tho long verandahs from one dormatory to another I hastily draw my coat aroud the lit tle lantern lest the light should at tract a watching Turk nnd I too should fall. One Main Survivor We are twelve miles from a rail road station in a little village noted for tho massacres of 1909 and 1915, there Is only one Armenian man hero over thirty-five, all tho others have been killed or died in exile. Four teen Armenians wero killed two weeks ago twelvo miles from hero In a village and their families taken to the Turk's homes. The French camo to look into tho matter. As wo wero tho only peoplo hero besides natives they camo to us.. Ono night Just at dark a French cnptaln camo with part of a regiment of Armenian and French eoldlera. Our rooms wero i filled with them. Tlioy were on their Uvny to Investigate tho Turk village I whoro tho Armenians had been klll- ed. AVo served tea .and coffee and Amorlcnn graham crackors to them i They went away 'nnd wo found tlioy dlil not got to tho vlllngo oh tho rivor this Hldo was vory wldo and deep and the Turks hnd taken tho' ferry so tlioy could not got across, Tho noxt day a French lieutenant camo with thlrt-two Fronch soldiers and gunrded us night and day. Soon after tho French Governor Andre camo with his attendants. Wo onter talned lilm and his lieutenant; ho could speak a littlo Rngllsh so wo got on fine and ho praised our Amer ican cooking. Ho said tho American Consul had telegraphed to him to take care of us, but ko said "tkat Chambees. Affectionately, KATE C. It AM BO. A carious feature of tho theatres in Australia is that they nre mostly nil equipped .with billard rooms. FEDERAL RESERVE MEMBERSHIP THAT 1m jet another future of the First National Hank uhlrll Im Imruicfiitif li . ...... ..1 ... . . - i-".. luiiuiiumij nuu Iff I UNIumcrN. ),, It plnct-N behind tills bank a rtwrvolr of rrMourn-n totjillnR more tJmn TWO WMJON DOMUW, thiM in MiritiR wafoty on tho one liund and Hcrvirrnbillty on the other. You may be nuio Hint no run mipply rvrry HciiHonublo nnd reasonable rcqiiiieiiient. Ftei 'National Bank i KLAMATH FALLS OREGON u II 1 1 ii i ii I I i w BUY A T t t t t t r r r r t ? t t .a. T v " MADE IN EAMATH FALLS " PRODUCT Windows Cupboards Doors Bookcases, Screens Seats Frames Cabinets Panels Cedar-Chests WE MANUFACTURE Showcases Counters Shelving Tables Wall Cases Mouldings Flooring Rustic Scroll Saw and Lathe Work T T T t T' T T t T ? T t T t T T Lakeside Lumber Company Dealers in Lumber, Shingles, Cement, Roofing, Glass, Cedar Posts Wall Board and Builders' Supplies ' MILL AND YARDS KLAMATH AVE.. AND CENTER S1 PHONE 128 . X t T T 1 ;mJhoXKKK jTnvr'"''AAAAA"iVivrrVAVriviri