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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1919)
TiiuiwDAY, BKPmamnn 4, lm THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rAcn two FOR SALE Touring Car, In Good Condition. A Real Bargain. Howie Garage :x.m: It's a Long way to walk It you aro out In tho country nnd find that tho repair work you bad dono does not stand up try us and you'll rldo and not walk. Hoagland & McCollum Wo buy nnd sell New nnd Second hand Cars. Spcnk to us beforo you buy. Wo can siivo you mon ey. Wntch fop our specials. One Year Ago Today in the War I IT HI Tho Omsk Provisional Government declared war on Germany. Hritlsh on westorn front advanced to within six miles of Cnmbral. General Gravos arrived at Vladivos tok to tako command of tho American forces. I Try 'cm. Herald Want Ads. OF SERVICE MEN Amalgamation of Women UelnUvrw of Service Mnn Will He Proposed lit n Conference of War Mothers to 1 lie Held Smm. Yes this is the shoe that gives you "E.xtra service every step com fort everv minute." Why? Because it is built rfgit'lo start with! Our first consideration has always been to put into evrj Buckhecht Army Shee: best itaur ials, wholehearted workmanship and lasting value. HECHT tf SHOE It is significant that the Buck hecht Army Shoe is worn by thous ands of men in all walks oflife. They have come to ap preciate its yield ing comfort, its' velvety feel, its wear-resisting qualities. And so w ill you once you treat your feet tO Bu'CK HECHT Armv Shoes. CK REG. U.S. IT BLACK GUNMETAL.MAHOGANY CALF OR INDIAN TAN CALF For Sale at K. K. K. Store, Bradley Shoe Store Manufacturer. BUCKINGHAM & HECHT San Francisco j,v,, --l LAST SHOWING TONIGHT Liberty Theatre PRESENTS ' MISS MABEL NORMAND . IN "MICKEY J? ;m:mmmmjmtMtmM i ? Mu.siinuniwMK.iTjnrajHj.KfaitaKtiMatBrv.r k w h hi mnmmmrmm u t vzrvrz f.i-r'-viF.,jr 'AtrAnww .t'jpr. mHiHn. mc V, 1-SVTS m I I j BALTIJIOKE, JId. Sopt. 4. Amnl ; gninntlon of nil organizations of wom en relatives of tho men 'nnd women I who served In tho United States army nnd navy during tho world war will tm) proposed nt tho second annual convention of tho War Mothers of-, .America which will bo held hero Oct-j I obor 7, 8, nnd 9. Tho call for tho convention of tho War Mothers, Just 1 sont out. Invites all organizations of ja similar nature- to attond tho con vention nnd join In tho formation of i n now body for which a now namo I may bo selected. Representatives of flvo othor or- gnnlzntlons besides tho War Mothors, including tho Daughters of Liberty, Women of Americnn Patriots, Wom en's Patriotic League- of America, Americnn Mothers of National De fenders nnd Sammies' Mothers have been asked to participate in the move ment for consolidation. Tho Baltimore chapter of the War Mothers of America la making pre parations for entertaining tho con vention. Several speakers of national prominences will bo Included In tho program and there will bo several social features. Mrs. A. W. Roach, acting national president, of Richmond, Ind., reports that Inrge delegations will ropresent nil the chaptors of tho War Mothers and 8ho has been In communication with officials of tho other organiza tions urging them to attend tho moot ing here. Twenty-soven states wore represented by delegates sent to tho first annunl convention held at Evans vllle, Ind., last September. - Among tho social features already planned by the Baltimore chapter Is a visit to Annapolis and the gover nor's home, automobile rides to Ever green, the Red Cross school for sol diers blinded during the war, a trip through Druid Hill Park and a visit to Johns Hopkins University. t T t t I & t t t T T f t T t T f t T T t Kl msith nil II n iq County FAIR OCTOBER 2 and!3,!il919 Kikrore Grove NEAR WILSON BRIDGE Artistic piano tuning and player work. Call Morgan at Earl Shepherd Co. Wt NOTICE There will be a regular meeting and Initiation of Rebekah lodge Thursday night. Team requested to be present By order of Noble Grand. 3-2t STELLA MANG. T t T T t t Two Thousand Dollars in Cash Prizes and Purses Agricultural, Industrial and Stock Exhibits. Sports, Racing and Amusements for all. Speaking by Men of Note. Tractor and Power Machinery demonstration. The biggest get-together meeting of the year. t T T T ? T T T T T T T T T T T t t T T T T T T ? T T T T T T T . .. r V r r ? : & PLAN TO BE THERE PLAN TO EXHIBIT October 2 and 3, 1919 I Jt JL f t t T t t t i A m: 7 7 I Glass of Hot Water Before Breakfast a Splendid Habit Open sluices of the system each morning and wash away the poisonous, stagnant matter. wmmm 1 i' K'MWrfF- $w 'it '. -- rvrtr v r ttea jSiA3t:'? x A?. '' ?' sfs " . jr . iV'vw ai'TTi m Kimgr. ?.w rlt ..tztiMj&MW'' ,...,u tfs&iX.- .iJtot. tm Vlt vtxMW'A'? ,T"VJ S t. .".-. Xri-iFA'-. Z.l'-'Atitt .riSAi. i!s4ttlMASil',SM-?1A.L The Picture You Will Never Forget Matinees ..,. 10 and 25 Cents Evenings .,.,.., , ,...,.... IS and 35 Cents I Those or Ud who mo uccu.stomed lu feol dull and heavy when we arise; splitting headache, Bluffy from a cod, foul tongue, nusly bieath, acid stom ach, lamo back, can, tnuteud, both look anil lecl as (rebh an a dulsy by wash i of tho pultons and toxins from tho nody with phosphated hot water each morning. Wo Hhould drink, before breakfast, a ghiBh of ical hot water with a tea bpoonful of limestone phosphnto In it to Hush from the momacli, liver, kid neys and ten yards of bowels the pre vious day's indigestible waste, houi bllu und polhonouH tuxlns; thus cleans ing, Hwi'Citniiiug and purifying tho en tlto alimentary tract before putting moin food into the stomach. Tho action or llmetunno phosphate and lint water on an empty stomach Is wonderfully Invigorating. It cleans out nil the sour fermentations, kuhob, wiiHte and acidity and glvs one n Hplemllld npimtlto for IniiaKfast and It U said in he but a little while until tho iohoh bugln to apprar In the Klicnkh. A iu.irtor pound of linioHtone DhoHphnlit will cost very llttln ai the Iflllir, ulfil,! Iillt iu UflI1r,l.iiit li .riulln unoiio who Is bothered with blloim- naps, rnnstlpaillon, Htoitmch irmiblu oi liimimullHiii u ical nnthiiHlnNt on the siihjoct of Inininnl Hniillatinii. Try It, nnd you are auxin ml that you will loolt boitor and feci imitor In uvitry wn iHlinrllv Ailv IIA ' hl ' I",; 'U.r.'i i rnvVjK.ift.jini,t. t,t..,, . , t. ,Ht , i. .!'(l,5iJxa ss-wiM!r'ii!ffl;:T '! i Hii. ,jy mu $$& p'S'lPs9:tN. i ! iiiiuuii, ? p m m Ti " 'i 1 1 19 W, l i I I . ' r ',;1!'!I! E i Pil i.'l"" 'i in llli i I "ni mvm 1 1' mi i1' , .. ""w,)iwt'(Yy. 'Ill' m ' CnnyritfM iv Tohsuo to. VOU can't help cutting loose joy us 1 remarks every time you flush your smokesnot with Prince Albert it hits you so fair and square. It's a scuttle full of jimmy nine and cirrarette mnkin's sunshine and as satlSty- ing as it is delightful every hour of the twenty-four I It's never too late to-hop into the Prince Albert pleasure pasture! For, P. A. is trigger-ready to give you more tobacco fun than you ever had in your smokecareer. Thut's because it has the quality. Quick as you know Prince Albert you'll write it down that P. A. did not bite your tongue or parch your throiii. And, it never will! For, our exclusive patented proceu cuts out bite and parch. Try it for what ails four tonguoi loppy reil Uaga, tiJy mil tin; lirwdsoma uovnii nnd hajf "!""' '!a liiiimJitii umllluit clever, pincttcal pound ciyatal ulasulmmistcir u Joi3 mnitlunrr tup tlmt lieepi tha tobacco In uch pertent conaw R. J. Rfivnoldjt Tohnticn Comrmnv. Winston-Snlcm, N. C. SULPHUR Let ug make, up your pool car Murphey's Feed & Seed Store The price is right i26 south sb st - n