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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1919)
tEuentttg oiTtoiAii papkk o KLAMATH (X)UNTlf KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, J9.M ' Price, Five CcnU jiLir 1 3 iii FILLS INC 1 I I I 1 1 I I II II II 1 NlhlbUL unc rlettltural w tho work In 0110 district, who su)i (lint (ho poison campaign Hiivtnl I ho I crops on fiOOO ncniH tor u total suv- I lug of M6.000 to $'90,000. Tito monoy 'cost wna $310. Fair Menus llovlml. Itovlvnl of tho county fnlr nftur n Inpxo of hIi years It nnnthor token nt rovlvod Interest In things agricul tural, think Mr. McJntos'i. Prank i Button, county club leader, says that i fully 100 boys and girls have fom- l plotod tholr projects nml will oxhlli'.t results October 3 and :. Thc-so ex- n II Preai n,bU" w,u ba Jud"od Mlloajo ape College 1 1 -i-H-u. Minn Helen Cowrlll for Uom- Mtlc science and arts, and L. 3. A I- KLWTH ROUTE PRICE BALANCE T I POPULAR MAY BE REACHED over Hiimiiinrlrliu; tlm onllrii ugrl-, cultural situation, In ll sntlsfnrlory, u ml not only will tlm buying power or tlm agricultural HNtrlctH l iim plo, but tlmy will also have u sur plus for Investment." Review Rciource Mom Visitor Knter Oater I.ake by .rico Htabllltatlon at New Level I Klamath. Kntranre Tlmn the Other. Atmrou-lilnr. In llin Onlnlnn if the ATTKMITH TO TAKH LIFK OF KOYITIAN I'KKMIKlt. Two Travel This In Iong Time. Year Heaviest Never befora In the history of Crat- National Ilank of New York City. LONDON, Sept. 4. A bomb was Commerce of thrown at Huasoln Ruahdl Pasha, tho Kryptlan l'remlor at Alexandria, to day. The bomb was concealed In a bask- NltW YOIIK, Sept. i. Due to the pea bat did not Injure the M- er Lake haa travel bean eo heavy to ... ., . ,u ,..,. premier. A theological atudent waa len for Livestock. Tho Judge of the aeralc apot ai It haa thla year, ac """ '""uou " "" '"""" hla aaaallaat. rrulns will be named later, but nil cordlna to Information comnlled by which resulted In tho present high . Alex Sparrow, superintendent of Cra- prices, stabilization of prices at new gUTRKMH COUNCIL GRANTS s.MitrTV IS RICH indnea will ba specialists of groat ex. jjtfSCOUNlT W porlenco In Judging Oregon products and tholr recaonn ror tno placing win . if.. Trlole AIM ,0 of Ta,uo nd Int""1 l nl wno ,D-th OBWtr Haa ! hoar thDmi IK'iui- v. i. Scon,c d rocrcnM Ion resources ter Lake National Park. lords la approaching, la the opinion Vlsltora numbering 13,995 have expressed by tho National Dank of entered tho nark this year up to Sep- Commorco In Now York In Ha mar- tombcr 2nd. nnd 3,733 nutoa fiavo kot lettor In the Septombor laauo of AUSTRIA TWO MORK DAYS. PAItlS, Sept. 4. Th6 supreme council of tho poaco conference baa . ., more linportnnt place tilJ WP at flr8t K,anC0 a" C' i jfditoih, agricultural press olltor t it, 0KIOB Aurlcultural College. ,k, roproson- Hthi of the college experiment m- w tfd Lurow . woro notm, nH vorj. p,,aHimt ndjuncts tranco stations. Tmvol up to tho aamo Monthly XtbtMii "" , ,, T,lllllllir., to tlm fundamental of Klamath dnto lant year toUled 10,16 0,t Becue """"' ' FnllH. Mr. Mclntnsh taken nxrnptlnn if lu Tlirlr Operation. I lrv() Cobl,.H tfttomont that tho . I Pilot llutto Inn la ono of tho two bout hotoln In small towna In tlm Unltod -Ii the aplendld now proBroM of Htnt0H Dumlh Fall, agriculture holds ,o Uml ,,onop Jll)tljr ,KltonKI, to the White Pelican nt Klamnth Kails. Mr. Mcintosh, accompanied by tils wlfo, Is staying with his brothor-ln-law, O. 11. Cozad, nnd will leuvo In tho mornlne with tho Cozad family .' 1 .iAiittlnaa ntflllV . . .. lieu. "Binicert aim "" ' for Hums, whoro ho will visit tno total men rtcognlio tho Import- nrnoy county branch station. been reglsturod nt tho various en- the bank magazine, tho Commcrroidocldod to grant tho request of tho The bank says: G2 Visitors ..i. I, .iln rnnvlrtlon nf lliii IiiihI. nenn world that hli;h, or at least rls- nnd 2,424 machines. More visitors entered tho park by ,K prcoH( nro ,)V,ioncc8 of (l tiK.lx"co wny or Kiamain Fans during tno month of August than any othor route Sightseers numbering 3,410 and 873 nutomobllun entered tho Austrian poaco dologatlon far n delay of two days In time, before presenting tho Aimtrlun answor to terms of WILSON'S PLAN . . ..... nn.l llvnatnrW nil UNCI IMBi wu' """ " tulet of the substantial tripod on tllct the permanont prosperity of , ' Biaith Falls rcU aHjrlculturo, tamberlog ind manufucturliiK." Kitnre laid these foundations In n t!tlr way, Mr. Mcintosh thinks. Tlti 59 miles of virgin forest rich In unbroken stretch of merchantable timber on the welt, vast stretches of limtoek and hay and grain land to itP,,rPNOnnUvis of Worker Auk for SU TS WORKERS Ibiilroml Wngo Uo-Ailjustnicnt In Arrorihuu-o With tlm President's Plan for Hhoiimeii. factory situation. This conviction has a basis In fact. In that high or rising prices stimulate Increased pro- iliipllvn ii ml rniiiinnrnlnl nrtlvltv. park by wny of Klamath Falls last 0ur ,,,,, CCB nru ungU0Btlontt,llyj month. Tho Medford entrance totnlod ., ,.., , ..,.i..,.,.. , J MOVH INTO NKW IfOMK. 2,sri4 people nnd 718 automobiles. Tourists In tho numhor nt 769 nnd tho product of a world-wide curtail moot of production and Incroutu'il Mr, nnd Mrs. Don Holding and Mr. Holding's mother moved Into the new bungalow yestorduy that Mr. Holding recently purchased In Nichols addi tion. A garar:o will bo built nlong- Zcuinu Z io -"." "' ''wr'' tho "attractive bungalow, which " """" BUU" " - "-"'wi, finished promises to bo ono of llmu life; of an Increase In the clr.,Ulo nmny allrncUvo bomM , tnc LUiiiiuiK inuuiuiii mill uii uiuiiniuu of credit which tho conflict through which tho world has Just passed ren dered Inevitable ;aud of the Increas ed margins of profit doomed neces- tie MM, and the mighty water Iran- iportitlon and power between, only the Intelligent co-onllnntlon at the tudi of man Is necessary to the do- ttlopment of a great manufacturing uldlitributlnc center j WA8mNaT0N. Sept. 1. Itoiire- Ulni Awaire Watenuiy. sontntlvea of 000,000 members of tlm "You hare three triple nlllnncos," Cnltud Ilrotliorhnnd of mnlnteuanco Vr. Mcintosh aald, "anyone of which ()f way and railroad shop laborers, !i forth millions Thu first I have mvn usked tho railroad wage board already mentioned farming, In m- to uilJiiHt wngos In iirconlanro with Met and factory work Another the principles laid down by I'roftliliint equally remarkable U tho trl-trans Wilson In approving adjustments for portatlon sjitem- water, hlgh-wiiyn tho railroad shopmen. nd railways, The tun lakes will Tho men said thoy ugreod with potltlrely Insure that tho untouched Prosiilcut Wilson that there should foresta on tho eastern Cascade slopes hi no wngo IncruusuK while tho gov- illl find their way to the world mar- ornmont wns trying to bring back ted through Klamuth Kails mllln nonnnl conditions to tho rountry and factories. Itallroails aro building However thoy said thoy desired to Ucaoii railroads are demanded and imvn tho Inoqunlltlos In pay on tho profitable tonnage awaits their ro- different rullroud HystoiiiB corrected. operation, Oood roads are doubtless m tie bluest problem of all but Is In ;..-., J ii:. FBtkr m procai of solution win, no miia ,,r Succeed. His father as tore now hard surface within the United States Senator tltyllmlts, I om told." Park by way of tho ICast entrance. Despite tho poor condition of tho ronds loading to Crator Lake Nation al Park the nttendnnro has shown nn Increase each year, according to Mr. 8pnrrow. Indications aro that tho nrwnnlntn tntntn flf fills fmnimn will III coed all other years by big margins.. Mnr.y to meet the risks Involved In a Mr. Sparrow Is an enthusiastic r)oA ot rlBln ',rlco' Ttho orft of supporter of tho movement to com- t"vaganco which has followed tho plolo tho road to Diamond lako from restrictions of war has also been n tho rlin of Crater Lake In order that fnct"r ln rls,nK ,rlcofl- whol l'"' tho former boauty spot can bo made """J l,uollc """' ot only will- accessible to Crator Mko National '"B. ,,ut wloim to purchase, regurd Park Visitors. Recently Btophpn T. ! loHB ot C08t. I,rlc,i8 respond as u ro- Mnthor. director of nntlonnl parks, "t ' what appears to bo a shortage along with Madison Grant. New York "' h",c w''" iuHiirod by demand mlllionnlro and sportimnn, Investlgnt- "Kvon though actual hostilities oil tho feasibility of tho linking of urn now ten months behind us, the Dlnmond Lake with Crater l.nko. causes which have nistilleil In pi-oi- They woro favorably Impressed with nt prices aro largely operative, nnd Company. tho proposition. Mr. Mnthor Intends u seems likely thut stabilization at rapidly growing district. NEW TESTIMONY GIVEN IN CASE THOUSANDS HEAR WILSON DELIVER FIRST ADDRESS. Nation's Chief Executir Speaks at Columbus PLEADS FOR TREATY Treaty Will lie Accepted," 8aa President' Declares Treaty Is At tempt to night Wrong of Ktarope. "If league of Nations Is Not Ae veptol Wo Will lie Unfaithful." PORTLAND, Bopt. 4. Ouy Onb rlolson, chief Investigator for tho cougroHHlonnl spruco Invostlgntlon rommlttoe, testified that tli Ameri can Inloniallonal ('orporatlon, nf which John I). Itynii Is thu director, owns all tho stock of Amslnclc nnd iwmm presenting the proposition to tlm ail- thorltlihi In Washington WOMAN LEAVES HOME IN KLAMATH FALLS. POLICE NOTIFIED a new price love) Is approaching "In periods of rapidly riving prlei s the commercial iimi lluaurlul 'iWivlty resulting Is likely to Increase out of proportion to thu growth In pioiluc tlvo activity on which It must ulti mately ho based Although the act- "" "" ' tin I physical udjustineut of Atnoilian Tho family of Mrs. J H Puck Is uroductlon to post-war doin;indn has wonted over hor nppuruut iIIhiiii-( )U(,n IUOr taplil thun tlio mnut oiitl- penraiicu frcm her homo at 741 roulil hnvo hoped, production nut avenue, on September I'd. Mr m ()( y()l Xpandod to what must Peck snld today that his wlfo loft tho m, lH m,riiial post-wur level, house about 11 o'clock for a llttlol ..jir0Hpurty lH nul ,mHSt,iu WIllK, liressod III ll llgni liihiumi liotiso dress nnd bareheaded. Since; that time Mrs. Peek has never boon COLUMHUB, O., Bopt. 4. "When, thu treaty of peace Is accepted tho men In khaki will never have to cross tho sons again," aald President Wilson this morning, In his first ad dress In his couutry-wldo tour in tho Interests of tho peace treaty, Laagua of Nations and domestic problems. A crowd of 4,000 peoplo Jammed tho hall In which tho President spoke. Thousands woro unable to gain entrance to honr tho nation's executive In his first apeuh of his ex tended tour. Treaty Punishes Germany "My purpose Is to go out and re port to my fellow countrymon, who are tho only peoplo that I owo nny ropnrt to," said Presldont Wilson, in opunlnb' his splendid addross. "Tha. treaty ot penco undertakes to pun ish C-orniany, but has no thought to overwhelmingly crush any groat peo pie. Restraint has been oxerclsod there Is no provision In It for mak ing the reparation greater than Oer muny cun pay." Throughout his ml dross President Wilson guvo his hearers to tinilor nttiml that he had no doubt that thu treaty of pence would be signed. "I Iln further declared that Ilrlga- iller-doueral IHstjuo is president of the latter cnutpnny nt salary ofay when It Is accepted, becauso It $:I0,000 yearly. Iln said that tho American International Corporation owns hnlf of thu stock of tho Shuns t'nry Company, which with tho Kor baugli company, built tho Clnllan County Railroad, KLKH .MKHT TONIfWT. The third member of tho triple re-, "eli building material, Mr. Mc tan pointed out wood, brick and How. The streets ure Jammed with i ""He, much of which Is one of these wtwlili iielng hurried nn truck unci "ion o ome building Rlto , Mail I'mlrrMaiid Agrliiillure. I young coininonwoaltli like n ' J" man must tlrst find Itself he " Pro can he ure mid rapid T place of DKrlniltiire miiHt ho nil wnioo4aaitthofolloRiininl thu r. delates ilepaiinimu of agrlrulturo "'0,nng In this fjnr-Ht i: Thnni , county ugent says tint He farm nwfo-oiioiBiinK lieaiiily lu this placing their informal ion at JJhpoMl or tho UKiirulturlHtH iiml I In tl.o solution t tho big JJm of ,u,rftfl production Kf,"."10 r"1""1 H,,,t' "" ' WfarmlMB, ,mi if row urn' B' yi emailed nn.l morn , J'Jw for lf.f ,,,, ,,' filW mm nrnanlxfl.1 f. '" fwlltin t in f IP5 ..., '"" '"II M'l llllll , lar ff "" lnr'""(', ' ' y,,),,,H HeillllOl' IIhvM KIWiw n, ,' ,";n''How.oiir iifd, Hi,' Hnnuliii'litl Ikiihiih hihiiii Id hiiiih Hi., i.. tUur hY in"-" Willi' iiuiunilly lo llin KlIiiiiM fainlly r hoard from. Tho police have boon notified, and everything Is being donu to gather clues of her whereabouts. It Is thought thut there could bo no other hashi, That basis Is production Vol ume of business In tons and dou'ii and bules Is Its true measure. Them Is now no ftiiidumontul reason to d. ter production ,nnd not until It has Increased to Its now pimcn-Uino pin portions ran wo rest In the assiirancu 1 111(11 us HIT lis us iiiimin mi Km ' All Klks uio urged to bo present nt the Importuut meeting of tho Klks Lodge in tho local clubrooms tonight, Hopei to Reduce Cost of Wheat sr?roxn:?5 rjrKsrwav?K' rooBon than that her health was very, . ... concerned, the war had, to cans,, Mrs, Peck lo leave UH,H nM0 ,lt() ,,,Hl0.y, To 1H ()l "I"' ! Mr. Pork Is very nnl"Hl1V0Py Bl ,, W0IIWII mduslrlally tluit anyone niiio io uiniw u hkih upon hlu wife's dlsnppoaraiico commiiulcato with him. will AMERICANS TO HOLD m i yv firm. '! urrnAt.u . . j;jeor()rsll,rr.,,g)tllr,mnl(. flp'Z,,,:,r'',1 ' '"wi, u..nT f0lrill Is a r.i.....i...liu (,,u'!r'10(l'f''i''riiiirMlilHf(ildM!Tliii now Heiinlor NIkIiih NiiyM llml Wihuf.',1""1 "'("Irroln unlet IiIh iirliiolpul olulm l populurJly in U(m 1 ,"?'IW"M rhl llmlrfliiMiii Uml ho In liitohiflor iiiiw llmt wo- West VIrKllilu. rlemilor Hlnpliun n, ICIIdnu illnil, nml hlu hoii Ihivld wiih iippolnleil lo (III out Uio unoxplrml loriii. 'I'lion Duvlil, who ul Unit Uiuo wiim nn oiilioi' In lliu in my In I'rmii!" wiih nliicloil for tlm next full lurm or comiiieiclally ouiiloyod must pio-i dm lo capacity. Not only Is pin iliietlou essential, hut capital must hnj aeciimulatoil nt a rale nipld enough i lo offset tho (Instruction which took, ADDED TERRITORY1"'1""" '? "v" y"i- Tim cohhuiu ., i Iiik publle must lecognlro that it urn COIILKN'C, Sopt I Murshall Km- not coiillnuo linlelliiltoly lliu iuiiIo of illiiunil Koch, eoiiiinniiilor of tho allied oxpoiidlliim which followed lis ii ic , forces, IwiH iloeldod lo oxloml llin lor- netlon from (ho wdMrinlnl of war,1 rltory that will be hold poriniiiioiilly but thai lliriri ror pbrsoonl bminflt Is by tho American forces on Ilio Rhino. Ins ohsimiinl uh llirll'l for rmo's conn Tlio urea will ho twice ns largo ss'iry W'lion itvmy liullvhlunl nijmlilo tho en itory Unit was fonuorly iiiiiliu'of g'llnrul omploymont Is iirodiirlug """to. Km ii . " """' "inns "N . VWrin Mr. Thorn- moil vole, This pliotoKmpli was luknii Noviirnl days iiko In Wanhliig- r"l"'fl of dm !vui(fr f (on. ho Ainorlniii Jurisdiction slum (ho last cniiilmt division loft for homo. ... ,i ' AUTHORITIES WILL HUNT FOR BANDITS WABIIINOTON, Hnpl. 4. -Rogrnl over Ilio firing lit Ilio American Army nlrilmM on lliu hordor Tun-uliiy morning wiih iixirHoi today by Ilio Mexican Uovomiiinnl, AHiiirminiH worn hIviw U h iloiuulmoiit loduy Uml mi Imiuodliilu IiivouIIkiiIIoii will ho nmilo hy Mox. Hill llllUlOllllllH wllh view lo it mil. iNfimlory nilJiiNlnuiiiL of lliu iiiutUir. HVhhlVtXN HKLIiH INTKIIIMT If, II, Wiikoflold, Jolnt'proiirloloror thu JXmIku gunigu on Kmirlli uml Kluiniilli iivimuu with h. )'). Hiilllymi, liuu purnliuHiul Ilio latler'u InUirmilN, Mr, Hulllvmi will uiwrntu u Jllmy Horvlcu In Kluinutli roll. io capacity uml upending connenn lively, our ocoiiomle mliusimom w he romplnlo" Tlio steady oxpaiisloii of (noiluc live iicIIvIIIoh duiiiiK Ilio month Jus tlflDH coiilliiiioil conlKlencii In a gi'iul'l uul loliini lo iioi'iuul rmnlllloiiH,1 Cmmiioi'io Alonlhly siiys, In m'Kuii). lo lliu iigilciilliinil nil uul foil fi says J "Wlillu ho cri mitlook is not uv JTWK53 sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH ' ' 1 aHsaHsaBBHsBBBBBaHaBal will bo accepted," declured the Pres ident lu tones thut left no doubt of his sincerity. AllciuplK to Right Wrongs The President declared that tho treaty Is nn attempt, to right tho wrongs of Ktiropo, and that In IiIh hiimhlo opinion It Is n mensurable Hiii'cess, in praising tho treaty pro vision for tho International Labor Orcunlzutlon to hold Its first meeting' lu Washington In October, Wilson siildi "And let me tell you, It will meet, whether tho treaty Is ratified by then or not," lo said that the labor section or tho treaty fulfilled thu tardy realiza tion of the statesmen that thorn could bo no good government or poaco unless tho people thomsolvcs wniii HUtislled, Treaty Aids Small Nations Referring to thu League of Na tions, the executive wald that tho covenant was formed lu fulfillment, of it promfNn Unit tlio United iUulnu was lighting lo "mid Ilio IiiisImchh of bloodshed forever" Ho further do I'liiiiul (hut not In I'stuhlUh tho Imigiio would ho uufnlllifiil lo Ihoso who Imvn died. "Thu treaty will I mil' u way tho cliulim of oppiuhhIoii uml will give Nimill mitlomillUim u right lo llvn UieJr own IIvdh," "Don't let imm pull Uio treaty I don n," said lliu J'l'ewlilunt In Ills Html ' nliiii "llin'l Ilium iiilureiir,iu.iiil. ,,,.., ,,,,,, , ,, ,,,..,,, ,,,...,.,........ ft " An Iio lofl Uio crowded hull u Clilnmmin Hlmiiiml suvnnti tlmeii, "VVImt "boul HJiHiiUiiig7" I'riiHlilniit Wilson did not hem- lilm. good us l wuu six weeks hh Umro lias been it tomlmic Huilously lo over-iiHtlinalo tho mifuymublo us. jmciu of lliu sflmiiloo, Thn 'W'uhI for ii wjmui crop of 04,0,000 hiiuliuis is h wo tmr Urn mlh ma to for thu supio ilulo u your w, mid wlillu Ilio roni nity osllmuio s below Ihut for IVIH, n in UH lurKU yield, 8,7BH,0U,00 bushels, Ouh will prolmhly oven yo be muy n u'vuruKO yuld, 'i'lio col Ion crop will ho nhorl, bill this fuel must jm coo sldorcd lu rolutloh to (ho lugy mry Mr. iUmo) (i, hommvull nt Ntw York, mwly polfld nwlnlnnl. crolury nt li tmwry, lm lmo p polnlmi lo Uio rommllloo nt Ion mil' powmod lo oypoml w billion dollur lo rudiiru Mm t-i4 nt wlmuL . n i m mmmtm w mmvm MiW, ))r, MllwlM Milwt, willow nt Uio mu r, litmry 0, Mwt, )m n luriod to Klumuln lbi uml l rtwiiy lo WOlVH lw PHllenl a( Unr officii III Uio Vhllu Dulldisr, WAHiimnroN, i. a., Hnpi, i, U win propound loduy by Ilio itonuto forclKll rolulloiM rommllleo llmt Co IPsnlullon of ruUllrnllnii of Uio pnuro ironly bo mloplml, mid Uml Uio irnuly bu onlurml roporlml to Uio wmio. 1011 AUrlTIIAMAN HOWIUM iii) 'iv wmmMY iNwmmwN. mmKMMY, C'l Hopt, 4,-Omi Ii ii ml rod odlar, rnmrly nil of lliflm lumi owimn or (urnwr In Atislrnllu, mo ImlitK mini hy Ilio Kovnmnont nt AiulrHlln Id IUii llnlvmlly of C'aIIN ornlti, for ImlnUiK U lion mUliiK, lr liHullim, mid nlfulfu hmwIiih, ll wm Htmouncml loduy hy nn, Thorna I'DWlli limit nt tlm t'olliwi of ArU (ulturor , S" ' : m )S 113 tin M '! I