Image provided by: Friends of Jacksonville's Historic Cemetery; Jacksonville, OR
About Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1903)
New Industries tor Jacksonville. The Sentinel is receipt of a communi cation from J. M. Stone of Petaluma California, who wishes to buy or rent a grist mill. Mr. Stone claims to be a No Jar on the mar tirstclass miller and millwright ami able ket can equal it. to give references as to industry ami in Easily sealed. never tégrité. While the Sentinal would la- glad to welcome Mr. Stone to Jackson breaks. absolutely ville ami to h ive a flour mill pul in o| er- airtight, ami sold at ation in this town vet this paper can not lxdrock prices. Of recommend Jacksonville as a good the hundreds of jars location fora flour mill. Jacksonville has a grist mill and there was a time we sold last year no when it did a good business but that was complaint has been when large quantitiesof w heat wus grown made that th e y in this -ection. Hut wheat raising is a .broke easily or let thing of the past in thi-> valley and will never lie carried on to any extent again. the fruit spoil. W heat fields are giving away to orchards and alfalfa meadows ami the dairy ami __________________________ the line stock industries are alsoencroach- ing on the grain industry. The change in the agricultural conditions in the Rogue River Valley make a creamery or a fruitdrver a more profitable investment than a grist mill and tin- Sent mal is cqji - Handmade and soldered without strained to advise Mr. Stone or other acid so fruit cannot be poisoned. millets to not invest in Rogue River grist mill property, for it will prove un profitable. and lie but a hindrance to the prosperity of tin- valley. The Sentinel has received i sition from a Medford man worthy of consideration by the Jackson Hardware ville Progressive Association at their OrEgon meeting next Wednesday evening, and Medford I that is the establishment of a fruit dryer in Jacksonville. The plan of this mnn is to put in a small dryer at once, so as lo handle the fruit of this vicinity this a o. fall and then enlarge it as the business w arrants. There is sufficient fruit in this locality and in the Applegate to make a O dryer a self-sustaining investment for the present and when fruit raising be comes a general industry in this part of I i Jackson countv, as it is sure t<> iavoine It by re.i'on of Z the perfect z k soil *1 and climate "sS?1 * I conditions that are to be had here, it will become one of the most profitable industries. The dryer can be made the forerunner of a i.nit cannery, an in dustry that will have a big payroll ami bring prosjierity to both the town ami the I country. Canned fruit Never Spoils in the Sealing fruit Jar TIN FRUIT CANS D. H. Miller RYAN’S JACKSONVILLE, - OREGON FOR Table Linens, Napkins Towels and Crashes Also stamped and plain linens for fancy work QUALITIES THE BEST RYAN’S PRICES THE LOWEST Jacksonville O regon OREGON Suogr S hort L ine ano U nion P acific THREE TRAINS to the EAST DAILV from PORTLAND Through Pullman stand.ird am! Tourist sleeping cars dailv to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; tourist sleeping cars daily to Kansas City; through Pullm in tourist sleeping cars (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, reclin ing chair cars (seats free) to the East dailv. D epart T ime S chedules From Portland. A rrive Miss Ella Dodge, who taught a very successful spring term of school in the Lake Creek district, commenced a second term in the same district last Monday. Try City Drug Store for Soap. SuPt. Daily returned Thursday from visiting the various schools on the tipjx r Rogue river and he will be at his office in the court house for this week finishing up his r< j»>rt to the state superintendent. James McPherson, who has a fine farm on Griffin creek. 55 acres of which Chicago Salt Lake, Denqer, is in fruit, was in Jacksonville Wednes Portland Ft> Worth. Omaha. Special Kansas City, St. 4:30 p m day. Mr. McPherson says that his fruit prospects were never better, ami as ‘.1:20 p. m. Louis, Chicago and the outlook for good prices is certain via Hunt- East. he is quite certain he is in a very com ington fortable state of mind. Mr. McPherson Atlantic Salt Lake. Deliver. is a member of the board of directors of Express Worth. < »maha, the Rogue River Fruitgrowers I nion. M:).»p. tn. Kansas City, St. 10:30 a m Mr. McPherson is very hof>eful of the via Hunt- Louis, Chicago and success of the Union and of the great ington East. advantages that it will lie to the fruit- men of Jackson county. Of theae ad- Walla Walla. Lew- vantages the principal will be the elim- St. Paul iston, Spokane, inating of from two to three middle Fast Mail W’allace, Pullman, 6 p. m. Minneapolis. St. 7:35 a in men's profits, the drain that is now affect ing the Rogue River fruitgrowers more v’a Paul, Duluth. Mil- than any other one loss, the securing Spokane waukee, Chicago of lower freight rates by shipping in big and East. quantities, the buying by wholesale of boxes, spray material and spraying pumjis, and the securing of a uniform grade of packing. Mr. McPherson thinks that it w ill be but a few years un til every orchardist in Rogue River Tickets Eaet via all rail, or boat and rail Valley will be a member of the Union. via Portland. Miss Winifred Fleming, who with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Fleming and family, when former residents of FROM PORTLAND. Jackson county, having a farm near _ __ Engle Point, was in Medford ami Central Point last w< ek visiting frie nds • All sailing dates 8 p. m. subject to change. 4 p. m. and Saturday she left for Newjxirt where she will enjoy tne ocean breeze for a For San Francisco- time. Miss Fleming is one of the sail every five days successful teachers of Lake county, for her last school getting a salary of #05 jar month. Her parents reside at New Daily ex. C olumbia R iver . Pine Creek in Lake county where her 4 p. m. Sunday except father is farming. Mr. Fleming was 8 p. m. To Astoria and formerly school superintendent of that Saturda y waylandings Sunday county, but he is now devoting his time 10 p. m. | to fruit and vegetables. Of the Fleming A. L. CRAIG, Gen. Pas. Agt., boys, Albert is deputy sheriff, Herschel Portland, Oregon is a successful m> reliant, Luther is study ing medicine ami will graduate next George Force and Frank Silva were in spring at a San Francisco medical Jacksonville Wednesday for confection college, William is a stockman, and er* and other goods which they bought Walter and Theodore are prosperous Dora, the other daughter, of' Al. Learned of the Hoss Kandy fanners. blit her „ Kitchen for a stand which they will con was married a few years ago duct at a dance to be given this Friday hnsbaml is now dead and she is at home with her parents. evening at the Palmer Creek grove. for from 70 Hours PORTLAND to CHICAGO No Change of Cars. Ocean and River Schedule MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO MEDFORD BRANCH l>. I. IAWI0N. Mgr. Largest Stock of hrm Machinery in South ern Oregon. Complete line of Vehicles, embracing Idem and freight Wagons, Spring Wagons, Car riages, Buggies, Etc. Haying and Harvesting Machinery, Horse forks and Wire Hope. A FULL LINE OF CENERAL SUPPLIES Send the Sentinel to your distant rela tives and friendsand let them know that 1 the old town has awakened from its dreams and is now once mon upon the I map as one of the growing, hustling I towns of Southern Oregon.