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About Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1903)
y /**w Xî lb JACKSONVILLE V SENTINEL JaclUonville, JacK»on County, Oregon. Friday, July 17, 1903 Vol. 1 but Dr. Robinson thinks it is |»>s«il»l« that he may g i n his health, Mr. Blatt l adies and * is one of the )»iom < rs of Oregon am! has Is « n a miner by trade ami had all the No pr< -.«< liiug service» will I m * held nt ii)»« mid downs of a miners life, Imt he Gentlemen’s the M. J. « hureh next Sunday. hail I h - cii fairly su< cc»sful mid has a com Iferfxrt llanna went to Grunts Pass petency laid up. II«' has no family. Wrdncsdav evening to retnuin until Silt- Word has I m en rei civi <1 from Jtwlge urdav on a visit with friend». II inna that lie will probably adjourn SI m L wimm I for »ale bv the Iowa Lumlicr circuit court at Grants Pass on Saturday oiii)mv ut their nidi for '■»> «cuts per of this wet k Th«-d«M*kct is very short C load uml it tin tr luuilwr yard for fl ,<-r and the few crininal cases up for hearing load. . . * were quickly dl»|*»»«*<l of by District Booth’! Ideal Kids Stacy Adams’ $5.00 Corona A Nl M. Gault, manager ot tile Medford Attorney A. F. R« am« », who by getting bi» evidence» in •«• convin< ingly got each Machine Shop. w in Jacksonville this, Patents Fitdav overhauling the gasoline engine id the tlirt-i aceuM-d js-rson» to pl« ««I guilty, and Judge Hanna at once | ms ««-<I nt S I* I»< Rol.aitin'» |Hiniping »tution. senten«*«*» upon th« m; John Knupp for Tei is, camp stoves «ml camping uten |xtinting a gun st another | m r»«»n was $3.50, $4 and $5 sil« ut Boyden's lianlwure «tore, Mad* given a fine <»f F-1’ ami co»t; M. M t..rd 2t R1« hard for house breaking was given Now that Rev S II. Jone* has returned two years in the penitentiary and A. B. ifi «r «trvicc« by him will 1« resumed Iw for stealing a Im vcle «»tie year in tin* penitentiary. Itoth Jmlge Hanna at the I’n »bvterian church. There will ami District Attorney Rritiics are ex- la- a rv>> i Snmlav evening at •* o’«'«a*k to viInch he extends a cordial invitation to pected home tin» Saturday. all to alt« ml. Ja* k««»nville Lmlgr No. 10 I. <>. O. F., John Spiker, a Montana mining man will hold an installation <»f officer« this Saturday evening. The work will he un- who is inter« »lad in the Apph gate i*»»ptx*r •listru t, < aine in fr«an Watkins Tucwlny •ler the «barge of Di»trict l»eputy F. M. Wilson of M««Word «ml those to I m - in t<> r« ina.n alioul a week in Ja> ksoinille stall« «1 arc John lluffer. Jr.. N. (»., Eu when lie will again rvturn to hi» claim« gene Thompson, V. G.; Silas J. Day, I UWBMMNBSWMS USWB on Squaw crick. treasurer, .«ml S. I*. I n -R o I mhihi , srere* | Prospector», cau>|a*r«. iimla-rlaml crui« tary. Following the installation a light er» will find our sl«M'k of »tuple and lunch will hr srrved. Monday evening The elevt nth annual assembly of the as I xk Angleles and had a most delightful fancy gr«» cries «pi tc complete, ami the R c I m kalis will hold their installation. ' South« m < >reg«»n Chautauqu i Association trip. Thursday evening a reception was i>ric« s al way «tlie lowest at Numin’s, Jack- which will Is- <x>n«!tK'te«l by Mrs. Mam* | I m gan NVe«1m «day at Ashland mid will gi.xen Rev. and Mrs. Jones in the lecture ■onville. line I»<«x. district <!e|»uty. The «»ffievrs lie in »• »»ion until Friday of next week. room of the Presbyterian church that was Mr ami Mr«. Samuil VanD'kc and to l*e in>tal!e<l will l»c Mr«. Alice Ulrich, Those attending from Jacksonville re very largely attended by members of noble grind; Mrs. Fran«*«« Wilson, vice port th«- assembly fully up to the former Rev. Jones' church and by the citizens ilnldr* n of I’lncnix |s««s««l through Jack* •onville Friday morning on their way to grand; Mi«» F.nima Helms, finan« isl sec sears in fact in some respects it is the in general of Jacksonville. It was a most Little Applegate win re ibex will «{» ml a retary and Mrs. Mammir l»<>« recording b» «t yet hcl«t by the Association. Were happy event and shows the appreciation few «lav« at the h<>mc of Mr, ami Mr». Mi rrtarv. Tlic R< t«rkah« t«ai will have transportation facilities lartter there in which Rev. Jones is held in this town a lunch following thrtr installation wouhl la* a large attendance from Jack as well as the cordial and hospitable feel Arthur Klcinhamm* r. work. sonville and vicinity. The railroa«l ing, with which strangers are made wel Mr«. C (»rater of Hilt. Cal.. visited time lor the afternoon north bound train come to Jacksonville. The Sentinel, Clarence llafer suj» nntcmlcnt of th« Jack»» nville on business Thiir«dav ami leave» Ashland before the afternoon without meaning to flatte., can say that sawmill ol the Iowa Lumlwr C<nn|sinv, Friday ol tin» week. Mr». Grater i« in ■cssion closes, while to attend the eve Mrs. Jones made a most favorable im charge of the lsM««luig house ol the llllt will Icavv Sumlay l«»r a three weeks trip ■ ning «c«»ion on«- ha» to remain in Ash pression by her grace and attainments to his home st Council lUuff«. Iowa. Mr. I l.nmla-r cotnpitiv. which i«con«lucte«l bv land until 4 o’clock the next morning ami Rev. Jones is held by his Jackson Haler will H" bv way of San I ran« iwx«, , the Mee Bros., six mile« from Cole», Cal. < when- hr will stop l«»r a couple of «lays | I m fore a train goes north, To drive ville friends to lx* a very fortunate man W. I., william« a former Jacksonville on l»u»ine«» for In» <-oni|Mnv. During to Ashland in a vehicle is more of a in securing her for a life coui{>anion. hoy i« here on a short business trip con hi« al»«rncr hi« l»rothcr, F.«lgar llafer, task than most I a «»pie care to undertake A reception committee composed of Mrs. tnj> J. W. Robinson. Mrs. Gus Newbury. ini <» ««I the roiiml nected with the estate of hi» mother, the suprnnt« n«!cnt of the company's planing f<>r the lat< Mrs Moral. Mr. Williams now re mill, will have charge of tn«* entire plant through the stifling «lust of a Jackson Mrs. John F. Miller and Miss Sutton saw that Mrs. Jones was made known to <>f the com|«tnv, «»n Augu«t 1st then- Cpunty road is enough to choke the en wili l«e a meeting at thecominny's hea«l- thus:.<sin of the most ardent Cbautauciuen those attending, and they also made it quarters in Council Rhitfs of th e stock- Were the road« more macadamize«! *<» a |M>int to see that there was not a dull holders of the low i Luinl«cr Company, that there would he no dust, or were mom«.nt during the entire evening for nt which time it will lie <lcci«le«l a« to there train» at seasonable hours, there all present and right well did they suc what will t>c done in regard to putting would In* a large number of Jacksonville ceed for it was truly a time of mirth and Fruit was served by in a new wiwmill here. While nothing people attcml the Chautauqua each day. good feeling. a t-osiHon to Imi «*n tilling » contract i«>r Lerma Ulrich, Mary Colvig and Clara a laiilding of any kind. They can snpfdy definite I* known a« to the plan« of the Rev. S II. Jones and his bride arrived Elmer ami the young ladies were kept company vet it i« almo«t certain that on short notice the la st quality of «va in Jacksonville Tuesday from the wedding busy the entire evening for their punch som-d dress« <| lumlicr, mouldings, tunieil tlieir ucw mill will la* built in Jackson- tour in California. Tliev went as far south was delicious and refreshing. work, casings, dopr an«l window frames, ville and along »wle the railroad track. Jacksonville will be well represented lath »ml dimension timlwr* of any site. at the Grand Lodges of Workmen and Car loads a «|sn ialty. the I »egret* of Honor which meet in Port Clifton McArthur of Portland arrived land next Tuesday. The delegation from in Jacksonville Thursday to *|x*n«l a cou hen- which will leave Sunday will l>e ple of «lav» with hisrotiMU, Mr». John S. made up of Mr. and Mrs. Colvig. Mr. ami Orth, aft« r which In will go to Stirling Mrs. C. I.. Reantes. Mrs. Arthur Haney * to visit at the home of hi« uncle, Hon. ami Adam Schmidt. Mrs. Haney goes as II. H. Ankeny. Mr McArthur I» one «»I delegate to the Ix-gree of Honor grand the bright voting Journalist* «»f the »late lodge and Mr. Schmidt and Reames as and Ison the Oregonian «tati. delegate to the A. O. U. W. grand lodge. Mr. ami Mrs. Colvig are each officers in Cha«. Ihmfonl. who i» the hustling the grand lodges of the two orders. Mr. drayman for Ja« k »onville, ha» h««l *•> Colvig being chairman of the judiciary much w«»rk «»flere«l. especially outside committee of the Workmen and Mrs. Mc«lf«>rd hauling to the country »ml to SI per Dot Hnlf pillions Colvig living grand chief of ceremonies that he has decided to put on another 1 (Hf •• •• in the Degree of Honor. fjmirts team, which will l>e lian«lle«l by hi* son. Mr. ami Mrs. Reuben Robinson returned Charles. Monday Mr. Ihinfor«! went to Pints Monday from their bridal trip and that Medford and lanight a fine heavy wagon Porcclnin lined Jnr through I». T. Ijiwton of Mitchell, evening tliev were given'a serenade by tin ir friends to whom icecream and Lewis A* Slav« r Company. II«* ha« «»nr caps 25 “ cigars were served. For the present extra horse ami lie will buy another orn Mr. and Mrs. Robinson'will be at home* ai on« e ami lie fitted up for all the haul at the Taylor House. ing that come» hi» way. A new :>'2xll Haiti wagon, never used Rn«ine<o with the Jacksonville Livery but to haul eight loads of lumber, and Stable has shown the same increase that paint not even scratched. Sold at a liar business in all other lines in Jacksonville gain. Stored at Jacksonville Livery li.«-. cspeHenccd an«l While Ge® N» Stable. Inquire of G eo . L ewis . Lewis llic proprietor ha« a very complete line of rigs vet he fonivi nee«l for more I he Coming [ vent. and he has lately added another buggy, Chautauqua at Ashland, July I ’» 24. hack .«ml a heavy wagon to his ontfit. Eleventh year; Great speakers—Senator Mr. Lewi« has one of the b«-«t equipp'd 1 »oliver. Congressman Champ Clark. livery stable in Southern Oregon, and Germaine, the magician, and others. his driving teams can I m * dcpen«le«l on as Fine schools; better and better; reduced go« rs an«l to get there in less than ii time rates on R. R. Come and bring “the and a half, and not keep one oil the roa«l Prices ftlwai •s f/ic lowest, folks." Write Secretarv. at a freight team puce. • G. F. B illings . Joseph Blatt is quite sick nt his home oti south Oregon street with dropsy mid Box factors foreman Wanted. Thursday his distress hviimv so great An ex|x*rienced man is wanted to take that Dr. Robinson drew from him about the foremauship of the new Jacksonville it gallon ami a hai* of fluid, which great box factory. ly rcleivcil him. As Mr. Blatt isTHyems I owa L umber C ompany . old his age is rather against his recovery, LOCAL NOTES. Swell Shoes A? X V Perfect Fitters and Long For Ladies A: k No. IO in plain toes are very stylish. Wearers For Gentlemen are very nifty. Crossett’s Shoes that make life’s walk easy are all made with Over Weight, White Oak Soles. World beaters for Style and Durability. TAYLER T he Medford, Mason’s Fruit Jars Caps and Rubbers • Special Prices on Large Lots Large assortment of Crockery, Glassware, Wood and Wil low ware. NUN AN , JacKson ville FITTER Oregon *