Image provided by: Friends of Jacksonville's Historic Cemetery; Jacksonville, OR
About Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1903)
JACKSONVILL Vol. I SENTINEL JacKionville, JucK*on County, Oregon. Friday, Jcxly 31, 1903. Super inli-ndml'« Annual Report. I In pdlow Illg loll ss llopsis of tile all lilial it |w rt of ili* school» of I ack son Counts maile lis Su|ierintendeiit I*. II Palis to the Stat« Su|«er illlelldcnt J . II. A< kenn. hi : ( HSsl S. No ]-< r-oii» la Issi vii ages of I to Jll s I i * t ii'iding in < «aiuti , mal' . ' I !■' h male. ......... I:;.s rsnm.I.MIAT. No pupil» marki <l "R” on legist er male liilO, ft male liisii ................ 333.5 No pupil« marked "E” on registi r male 2d. fi male 121........................ 375 No pupils In -tween I and 2o s< ir» Oil reg., mile IK54, Iemale I Kni.. 37l<» No I I pupils uniti r il vrs on r< gis ti r. mali 2*i. (liliali 32............ .. 5« Tl. SI III Ms ( lose of ( luiut(luqmi Assembly. The Chautauqua Assembly closed at Ashland last Friday evening. In attend ance, r< < cipls and cxci Hence of program tt far exceede'l any pr« violi» assembly In Id in the city. W ith this season the Chautauqua Association is free of debt alld It I» now III such a pisitioli accord in.- Io tin st ale nielli of President Billings that tin- ass« mbly for n< xt year will lx- (•ven la tter than that of tills year. At tlu business Mr. G. F. Billings was re < lia ted pr< sclent this be- mg the tenth y< ar that he has lieeli givi n that merited honor, for he Ila-. Ix-en the main fai lor in tin- building up the Chau lampi.I t .S K'lation all'l of the sue. ess of its i. .«-mblii s. Serre arv T. A. Haves Itld Treasurer F. IE Carter were also re di lid to tln-ir respective office». The following is the full list of officers as dia t< d for tin- ensuing year: |l,s G.l- Billings Pr« sub nt. F. fl. t art r, Tri usurer. 51 T A I Ian s, S i ri tar v. No trai In rs emplosi d duriiig vear, in o' I!' li mah I ‘.’o No holding« ceitiii« ti or dj plomas, mali II limale 37............ No holding |st gta<!< 11 rtiln ates, VII I PR I.SIIiESTs. mah- 5, fi anale 13 ....................... . IH E. I >. Briggs, Ashland. No holding 2lid giade, male I fe II. C. Kinney, (»rants Pass. lli. d< ...... ..................... 27 If < <, di i . Roseburg. No holding 3id g.e'le, HI il- 2. le W. A < irter, ( »old Hili. 111 le 17 ......................... IB Mrs. Ila lie Johnson. Medford. 3i holding I limati grille cernii J. D. < liwa 11,1 entrai P «il ’ < iti s, f< male *> < '»us Newbury Jacksoi io holding jx-rmit« >, fi lli lie................ 15 Mis. p. Rojier. Pho ir o holding ci rt. ot1 Ills! ItUte litten- S. *»herinaii. Talent. Im; dan« c in yr, male 2»'i, fi «<1.. I. I .\A illits. K lam itii ii ti ii hers t.«k mg all local J. O. AA dlit -, Lakci ]Oi) journal, male 2»i. fi male 74.---- Lillian Julien, A r« k ATTI.Mi X NCR. I .E.M-.R M, TH I ST I . <» rMdls I m < n 1 mid 2U vrs J. R. Norris, Ehm r Patrick, D. H. not util tiding am school, male Jatksoii. G. AA . Trefreii, 11. 1.. AA lilted. «21, teina.e lini .................................. I 42« KI.SoMIS ITIUS VI. TRI STEES. No attending outside of «olili'I. 02» I« in de (Mi ......... 12« Mis A. F. Eddy. Baptist. Mrs. D. E Hyiic, Presbyterian. Whole No das salts tldalii'i ili sr 34«Ht»l •« Asslags- dally atti lldauci- ............. 2435*4 Pud Holmes Congregational. Mrs. J. I,. Downing, Methodist Epis si Iss l.l.l. s s l ui s. copal. No organized di*tru ts in county ... No disti ict» reporting......................... A.s-r.igcd N>> mos ptiblir school tallgllt III s r «3 .'|S No h gal voti r for ss'llool putp<--es in toni lime of rejairl ............ . I.IHM SMII.S. 2»iOO Mrs. E A Shi rw in. Episcopal, 11. 1. M> AViiliains. Catholic. Mrs Lucinda < laniard. Christian. Dr. D. M. Brower, Duukard. Roque Riser t ruitqrowers I nion. Tin regular meeting for July of the I otiti No Cooks oli liaitd 4<k»i Rogue River Fiuitgrowers Union was Total No Iwtoks I oiight in s r .......... L5OO hel<i at Medford last Satnrdav. Owing PRIX STI. Ss. IKMH.s. to the absetici ot Pr« sident Bennett and A’ice-President Meider, Rev. J. Mirley No of teachers employed mali t< male 10 11 was made tcmjior.iry chairman. There wi re about thirty fruitili« n pr< s nt and a No pupils enrolled; male 15, fe male «5 ............. 1 < a > live interest tn the work of the Union was manifested. No private* liools........................... .■secretare Norcross read the bids for lu lioxcs that had la-cit received from the 1 INANC1 X 1. ST XTI.MI ST Ashland and (»raids Pass box factories Cash on hand July P.*(2 ........... »i;5|ti lu and alter c< iisidering the two bids the Union voted to accept th it of the Ash Rl-A Hl PTS. Re« «1 fr Co tri as, «list tax............ PG3,.i 02 1 land tutori and Stcrvtari N’orcros» wa» authorized to place an order for a car R< < d fr Co treas, co school fund.. 2P.tD .50 1 load of boxes at once, which arc to be Rec«l from rate Bills and tuition... 121 25 7715 351 delivered at Medford freight prc|>aid. Rc««l tr Co trias, state fumi.. (>th« r shipments of boxes are t<> 1x‘ at Reed Ir sale. Iionds an«l warrants. 13 2H tin same price alld to lx- delivered at alii Re« <1 tor librare fund.................... 12« 05 station in th« Rogue River valley freight Reed lor insurance, not losses . 3000 pre|iaid. A contract was placed with the Reid fr all othi r sources............. «2.5 40 Pacitic P.i|ier Compalix of Portland for a carload of fruit and box piijx-r. Horccc Total Nicholson of Mt «iforil was awanlcd the IHSHI RSHMI NTS. contract of supplying the Union with .50 I’d teachers wages............................. 35303 31 kegs of I h » x nails. More nails will lx- re I’d, rent of rixillis ami site.......... 2 B.5 quired but a later onler will lx- placed. Pc, fuel and school supplies ....... -loll) '.IB (tn a unanimous motion secretary AA’. Pd, repairs ami improvident»..... .«.«ii 25 II Norc ross was made business manager Pd, prin ami mt «in bonds ami of the Union to conduct all buy ing and warrants.......................................... 4'.«»7 '.»3 selling of fruit and to attend to all oilier 1 .SO 00 transactions of the Union, lie is to be P«l, insurance P«l, clerks salari............................. 712 85 paid a monthly salary to be fixed by the 35 tf.» I board of directors. Pd. librari biMiks ............................. P«l for all other |>ur|»oscs.............. 2302 44 A rate of 7 |x-r cent was fixed on all sales to lx- made bi file Union to defray Total.............................................. I«I32 ii« the ex|<*iis< sof handling. Should these Cash on hand July 1003................. 11503 thl charges not amount to that much the balance at the close of the season is to GENERAL. la- returned to the fruitmen. The Ash Estimated value of schoolhouses land Association l.i't year made a levy of and grounds................................... 83210 (HI . H-t |x-r cent mid was able to return 4 per Estimated value of school furni cent of it. ture and apparatus....................... 1 1527 <M> Tile date for tile Fruitgrowers conven Amt insurance on schoolhouses tion at Ja ksonville was changed from and other property....................... 40070 00 August 15 to Saturday, September 5. Average monthly salarv of male The Union adjourned to meet again in teachers.............................................. 55 Medford <ui tlu- last Saturday in August Average salary female teachers... 37 50 ' at 2 o’clock p. m. Average number of mills levied as dis trict tax. < .005«. 4 or Sale. Three new mowers mid one rake for lor Rent. sale, cash or trade. Going out of the Two fine store rooms, each 25x80 feet business anil will sell eheaji. in White-Thomas brick block, Medford, C hris U lrich , Jacksonville. Oregon. New, well furnished rooms, with a big wars house in the rear. Apply Surprise- egg whips, best on the mar to AA bite it Trowbridge. ket at Boy den’s hardware store, Medford. No. 12 teams and on»- saddle horse. Now he has 27 horses that are hardly enough for needed rest and if the industrial growth Jersv cow, fresh and flue milker, for of Jacksonville continues so that there is a < ertainty to the towns future pros- ■ale P.nquin of J.F. Miller. jx-rity Mr. Lewis will add not less than George Hoffman is assisting County naif a dozen teams to his barn this Assessor AA’ilbur Jom-s in making up the winter to lx: ready for the greater busi a* a ssinent rolls. ness of next snmmt-r. Mrs. AA’ui. M. Colvig arrived home Fri District Attonerv A. E. Reatnes and day fr «m kock Point, where she had Mrs Reames r< turned Thursday from a stop|«ed on her way from Portland, to trip to Waldo. They went by way of s | h nd the week with her mother, Mrs. (»rants Pass going by private conveyance Birdseye. and had Mr and Mis. (7. C. Howland as Mrs. M ugly and her daughter, Miss their guests. The trip was partially for Morita, AAisley Kahler and Dr. Geo. an outing and jiartiall v for business, as Kahler will leave Monday for an outing Mr. Reames is the two-third owner in a at Wagner Springs. Mr Wesley K ihler placer mine on the Illinois river. Mr. is steadily regaining his health from his Kearnes is having a tubular elevation put late illness and he hiqxrsthat the outing in a’ his mine which enable them to reach b< d rock to lx-tter advantage. The clean will fully restore his strength. up was very satisfactory this spring and Miss Josephine Orth will arrive home with the better facilities that they will Sumlai from an extended visit have for handling the gravel, they exj«ect in San Francisco. Accompanying Miss abetter output this next season. They Orth will lx- Mrs. Arthur Baxter, of that have a fine head of water of 3700 inches. i iry , who comes for a visit with Jackson ville friends and to join her husband, I he Bl ue I edqe Deal Oil. who is taking an outing al Cinnabar Dr. J F. Reddv, who holds the claims Springs. on the Blue Ledge copjxrr claims, an •liss Susie Brooks, a daughter of the nounces tha* his deal with Mr. Clark is late E. C. Brooks, was in Jacksonville off for the present. Mr. Clark in releas Thursday on a short visit to her step ing the property gave Dr. Reddy to un mother, Mrs. E. C. Brooks. Miss derstand that it was not because he con Brooks resides in Massachusetts and is sidered it worthless that he declined to on a visit to this coast. She is at present buy it but it was for another reason that sl ipping in Ashland and on her visit she hl did not disclose. As it would Cost was a< i oinpamed by Frank C. S.mpsoii oier |3,<)00-< iii < i to put in a smelter it is and Miss AA'innifrcd Bolton, of that city. thought that Mr. Clark feared that he Charles Basye returned AA’idnesdav could not raise the money as the recent from Missouri Fiat, lie cutting short his crash in stocks on the New A'ork market visit as his broken leg made it impossible h is mule the raising of money by L-onds for him to travel als/ut as he expected a little uncertain. Th«- camp has Been discontinued and and sitting ar mill in a country home all the men except the few packing up got to be too monotonuos for him. He had though a very pleas mt trip and he the diamond drill n 1 the camp equip feels much better and lie thinks that his ment have come out to Jacksonville. Supt. Harvy is expected to reach Jack leg is improving in goixl sha|«. sonville Saturday with 'he teams bring Owen Keegan is taking a months ing 'll drill plan'., which will probably va< itton fiom his duties a» janitor at the be shipjied back toS'nkaiie. court house and Monday he went to House for Rent. Tollman Springs, where hi- will camp and enjoy life in the woods. In the A four room house with or without years gone by Mr. Keegan w is a noted stable. Apply to P. J. Ryan, Jackson hunter and a fronti*. rsmati and each ville, (fregon. y ear he takes a hunting trip. He has Box factors foreman Wanted. with him Clifford Dunnington and Harry Lewis and the boys took with An experienced man is wanted to take thim guns, ammunition and fishing the foremanship of the new Jacksonville tackle in plenty and will have a good box factory. time quite certainly. I owa L i mber C ompany . xz LOCAL NOTES. X? The |>ayroll has brought life back to Jacksonville. There is plentv of proof ofthat. Three years George ago Lewis could not secure business enough for his livery st.ibl to keep work for four Marriage licenses have been granted by the county clerk this week to Frank C. Simpson and AA’innifred M. Bolton, and to Guert L. McCall and Katie 1 low ird. Riddance Sale of Summer Hats Your pick from the window display of Crash and Straw Hats for 25 cents THE NUNAN-TAYLOR CO JACKSONVILLE, - OREGON