Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1954)
10—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Till RSDAY. M \KCII 35. 1954. Miscellaneous FOR SALE—Currins, calked boots, size 9li. Used only 17 days. Call Mill City 5502. ’ 13p FOR SALE—1952 Ford ton pickup. L(M c mileage, good tires. Heater and SEE ME for AVON products. Mrs. backup lights. Has masonite canopy. W. S. Hunter, Phone 3577, Mill Will sell for $1195. See Lois Scott, City. 9tf at First State Bank, .Mill City. 13p I WILL PAY $125.00 for Colt Re volvers weighing four pounds. Hugh Business Services Husted, Box 3, Mehama, Oregon. 12tf SEE US when in need of T. V. An tennas and supplies. We handle a WANT TO BUY—Wood heating complete line of Philco television stove in good condition for a reason sets. See us first. Stiffler Radio able price. Write box 29. Detroit, and Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mill Oiegon. 12p City. ltf Automobiles Ten cents per line each insertion. No advertisement accepted for less than 50 cent* per week. Count five words to the line in ordering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill City or mail your advertisement to The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, Oregon. Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, etc. will be run under "Special An nouncements” classification with a minimum charge of 50 cents per in- , serf ion. WE SELL BETTER CARS FOB LESS GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET STAYTON, ORtfUON IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME LITTLE ILLS MAKE i • True, that "little illoeae” you’ve been mentioning in • a offhand way, mey n,’’ teem to amount to much— just • few faint symptoms. Bot, neglected, these "littl* ills" can lead to big bills for doctors, medicines, etc; not so mention needless suffering and loss of precious time. Consult a Doctor now— you’ll save by it in the eodj And, of course, we hope you’ll bring his prescription to us careful compounding. KELLOM’S HAMBURGER STAND Delicious Hamburger Sandwiches Greaseless Doughnuts It costs a lot of money to feed elephant, hut it costs verv little put a NEW BATTERY IN YOUR CAR Ask for Phone 5.MI7 FOR SALE OR TRADE—Mill City Hotel, easy terms. See L. A. Rada, Mill City, Oregon. 8tf Open 6 a. m. to lip. m HOUSES FOR SALE — See Don Walker. Swift Addition, Mill City. 5tfc Closed Mondays FOR SALE 100 x 250 foot lot in Riv erview addition to Mill City. In quire at Mom and Pop s Cafe, Mill City. 6tf FOR SALE 2 bediooni home. Could easily be made three. Double plumb ing. good location with acreage. Garden soil and shade trees. Pos sible business location on highway. Low price, small down payment, balance like lent. Also have large I" ...( E. 1). Cooke. S. W. stn avtuiue. Mill City. 12tf YOU CAN still cook for $1.50 per Inegal Notices month on a modern automatic pro pane range; dean, fast, dependable. SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING Call Sam Bridges, Lyons, 295; (also NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in heating, water heaters, refiigerat- compliance with Section 111-831, O. tion, brooders and Norge appli C. L. A., to the legal voters of School ances. 9tf District No. 129J, of Linn-Marion State of Oregon, that a STUD LOGS WANTED Counties, SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING of 8 foot stud logs or multiples of 8 said District will be held at the School feet plus trim. Six inch 16 inch house, on the 2;>th day of March, 1954, diameter. at 2 until 9 o'clock in the afternoon, BURKLAND LUMBER CO. for the following objects: to vote on Phone Turner 1125 Evenings 2503 the question of consolidating school Turner or 2-7826 Salem. 46tf districts No. 21J, 123J, and 129J respectively, Linn and Marion Coun ities, Oiegon. The assets and liablii-I Home Appliances ties of each district are to become the FOR SALE Five foot Frigidaire in assets and liabilities of the consoli good condition, $5(1. Phone Lyons dated district. Dated this 29th day of Februa.y, 2834.—W. R. Stevens, Lyons, Ore- gan. 12p 1954. W. E. DOWNING, FOR SALE—Biltwell teal blue dav County Commissioner enport and chair. Fine quality FLOYD D. JENKS, fiieze. Can be sen at McCarthy County Commissioner Furniture in Mill City.— Mrs. Ione Attest: Love Thielke. 12tf E. G. ARNOLD, County Judge. FOR SALE—6x9 and 12x18 all wool W. H. DOLMYER, Co. Superintendent Publish March 4-11-18-25. grey frieze broadloom rugs and pads. Like new, used only a few months. Will sell at big reduction. When vou need Call The Enterprise 2651 or Don PRINTING Moffatt residence at 905, Mill City. W. N SIMMONS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Mill City Tax Consultant Auditor Bookkeeping. Accounting and Tax Service ( orner 3rd and Morion -I H ld\ OREGON Phone 4114 P. O. Box 1321 Gooch Logging Supply "Everything for toe Logger" BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP Phone 1141 Phone 116 Sweet Home, Philomath Branch Store at Lyons THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE SALEM « Has Eeverything for Your OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies Phone 3-4534 141 N. Commercial Street Hemorrhoids *PIII$° "Prolapse1 No Operation—No Hospitalization CONVENIENT CREDIT FREE DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET DR. R. REYNOLDS CLINIC NATUROPATH—PRO'TC ?VrT 1144 Cantar Street Salem, Oregcn Auto Repair Work tiotpoint appliance service ,J Also ( empiete Service on all makes Ranges and Water Heaters FOR SALE—Like new propane gas water heater. Inquire at The En terprise office. 12tf Welding and Auto Parts OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Silver Saddle Garage ’On old highway Phone 908 MILL CITY, OREGON Mill City Enterprise STAYTON MILL CITY MEAT MARKET FROZEN FOODS Shux Electric Phone 2961 I FOOD LOCKERS Quality Job Printing at AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR WORK Salem Sand & Gravel Co HEAVY HAULING Phone Stayton (Wright Truck Line) 2125 I AUTO PARTS Jenkins Hardware Lubrication, Mashing Waxing Fishin' Tackle Headquarters New Stock Spinning Reels Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment BRYANT’S EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION Contracting and Rental Ph. SALEM Dav 3-9408 Nite 2-4400 Les's Tavern When you come here you can be assured of good treatment in a pleasant atmosphere. Mak* it a habit to visit us dailv. GOOD MUSIC SHUFFLEBOARD Meet your friends here for the Best In Beverages BILL” GRAHAM. Owner TEXACO SERVICE We Give S&H Green Stamps Phone 3202 Mill City Shuffleboard Good Music MEANDER INN WHERE FRIENDS MEET On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY, OREGON George “Sparky” Bitter I BILLGUIER, Proprietor Quality Meats and Groceries FOR SALE—Simmons Hide-A-Bed. Just like new. Cost $300. Sell for less and on terms too.—Call at The Enterprise office or phone 905. tf I ALL WORK GUARANTEED Telephone 2651 FOR SALE—Late model electric range in good condition. Also dining MILL CITY ENTERPRISE table.—E. D. Cooke, S. W. Sth avenue in Mill City. 12tf Silver Saddle GATES TIRES and BATTERIES AUTO SUPPLIES *-3 mile west of Mehama, Oregon 3tf Viv's Steak House RESTAURANT FOR SALE Just re decorated. Doing good business. Lo cated in Oddfellow Building in Mill City Inquire at Mom & Pop’s Cafe. 12tf FOR SALE—Gia-s and grain hay 40c and 70c per bale. Baled with FOR REN T—Furnished two and salt. Etzel Brothers, Rt. 1, Box 234, three room apartments. Phone 1707. Stayton. Phone 14F71 or 16F84. 12 D. B. Hill, Mill Citv. tf REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY — Clean ueeieu FOR RENT—Furnished 2 bedroom Douglas fir notes, delivered u C. E. Coville, Broker duplex. Electric range, water heat Lvons vard. For further informa Glen Shelton, Salesman I er, refrigerator, automatic washer.; tion call or write Allen Gould 1424 Ph. 2207 Filbert Ave.. Lebanon, phone 5745 West side Mill City In Mill City. Contact by mail: H. C. Puget Timber Co of Oregon 24tf Baltimore, Star Route. Redmond. 9tf FOR SALE — Small, three-room FOR SALE Boys’ tan dress suit, like house and lot in Shaw’s addition to new. Size 10-12. $12.00—Phone Mill Mill City. Will seii cheap. Inquire MILL CITY City 2651. tf at Mom and Pop’s Cafe, Mill City. DISPOSAL SERVICE WORK WANTED—Painting, interior _______ or exterior, also concrete work, $1.75 Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. Card of Thanks per hour or bv contract. All work weekly pickuns $1.50 per month guaranteed. K. W. Hunt. Phone We wish to express our sincere Also light hauling 2808, Mill City._______________ 12p thanks to friends for their kind as sistance and words of comfort at the Leonard Herman Phone 3952 Sawmill LOGS WANTED time of the death of our father and Top prices for Second Growth husband, Ed Haynes. It will be re STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. membered always.—Mrs. Ed Haynes ‘■z west of Mehama. Oregon 51 tf and Mrs R. H. Berry. o handlet Ih» cats when »! Batte ri« t aie low Phone 903 — MILL CITY STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. For Rent PREKEIPTIOMS SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Small or large tiacts Either cash or stumpage bas's i GOOD COFFEE Open daily 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Open Sundays 4 p. m. to 8 p. f.. MILL CITY, OREGON Salem W A NT TO B U Y TIMBE R TYPEWRITERS AND ADDfNG Ma chines We sell. rent. Repair and swap all makes. Trade vour old machine towards a new one. ROEN. 456 Court St . Salem. Real Estate SIM) FLEX CONOLON AÍT1ONGLASS RE EG IL » Regular Reels MIT( IIEUS CENTAURS BENORAS GARCIAS AI REX FRELINE NYOLITE Get your license here S&H Green Stamps