Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1954)
■ local THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THEM ENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHW YY —(.ATEM \Y TO THE HEART OR N YTl RE’S EMPIRE VOLUME X NUMBER 11 $2.50 a Year, JQç a Copy MILL CITY’ OREGON, TH! RSDAY. M \R( II IS, 1951 Philippi Tire Has William s. Ketchum Softball Meet New Color Wall Dies Tuesday Night ^ere Tonight It will be noted from these figures that Process for Tires schools with larger enrollments can edu Facts on School Consolidation Are Given by Commitee from 3 Districts passed ----- a«aj . William S. Ketchum passe. suddenly Tuesday evening. March 16, on the way to a Salem hospital. Mr. Ketchum, who was the step father of Raymot) Roberts, was time keeper for Hamomnd Lumber Co. for many years at old Camp 26. He was 83 years old last August 6, and was born at New Richmond, Ohio in 1870. Funeral services will be held at Weddle Funeral Home in Stayton at 1:30 Saturday with interment at Fair view cemetery at Gates. k J W. R. Hutcheson, Gates, yesterday called a meeting of all those interested Following is an article containing in softball, for tonight (Thursday! facts and figures on the consolidation is at 8 o’clock in the Mill City fire hall. Something new in tire color is now A meeting was held here Tuesday cate the pupils for less at the same time (Offt-ied sue of the school districts of Detroit- today's motorists, says ’Phil night, but only a small crowd turned giving them a better school. Other ad ippi Tire Service at Mehama, who for Idanha, Gates and Mill City at an elec out. Hutch stated Wednesday that vantages to be gained by consolidating the past 12 years have been in busi- tion that has been called in the three dist more interest will have to be shown nes in their plant in that location. if a good league is to be produced her« the high schools are: ricts for Monday, March 29. Polls at the Color-Wall tires are now offered in this coming season. A board of di 1. Better music program. election will be open from 2 until 9 p. m. eight shades including white. The rectors will be elected at the meeting 2. Vocational subjects such as auto 1 colors are reds, greens, blues, and on that day. These facts have been com tonight. and are said to blend with It is rumored now that an exhibition mechanics, metal shop, woodworking, yellow, piled by a committee of three men, one the shades now used by major car Detroit and Stayton Girls 1 softball game will be played here mechanical drawing, home making, busi companies. from each of the above districts. They Win Spelling Match Here j about April 24. but at the time of go- Any tire can be processed by ap ness education, etc. were selected at a meeting of the three From areas nearly 50 miles apart, 1 ing to press this could not be verified. crude colored rubber stock to 3. Administrative costs can be substan plying school boards in January. th* sidewalls in a special vulcanizing the champion spellers of five ele • * • tially reduced. I pruceaa according to an announcement mentary schools converged here for The combined school boards of Detroit, 4. Wider choice of subjects such as for by Philippi Tires Service. In addition the semi-finals of the Statesman- I to the sidewall, a black curb guard KSLM spelling contest at the grade | Gates and Mill City voted to present the eign languages, advanced mathematics, and beauty ring is also applied, giving school gym. proposition of consolidation of the three shorthand, physics, chemistry, art, pub the finisher! tire the “new” narrow Taking the top two places, and thus now scheduled to take part in the districts to the voters. In order to as appearance. lic speaking, journalism, etc. grand finals at Salem March 24, were Used black and white sidewalls can semble the facts concerning the consol 5. More than one section of required be converted in a few hours time to two eighth Following is a resume of the Oregon grade gills, Claudette Ol idation a committee was appointed and courses will be offered to enable students any of the various colors mentioned son, 13, a pupil of Mrs. Eulalia L. State “B” basketball tourntment, the following information was obtained. to arrange their schedules to suit their »bôve »nd the company guarantees Macbeth of Stayton, and Cara Lee played in Salem this past weekend. First Round. 2:30 Thursday needs 1 Proces8e<l tires against fading and Whitten, 12, whose teacher is Albert Five resolutions were adopted by the Harrisburg walked over Heppner z. ,5 , . ,, 1 • 1 , , . . cracking of shade. This process has W. Warby of Detroit. joint boards to guide the consolidated 6. Teachers in small high schools must been tested and approved by Dupont The first prize, a Webster’s Colleg 69-50. Terry Woods and LeWayne iate dictionary went to Claudette, Crabb led the win with 19 and 13 board in the event of consolidation: frequently teach in as many as four fields, laboratories. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph O. points respectively. Two tournej’ re 1. The new board to consist of one mem Few teachers are prepared to do - this job - ! elusive . p ’» i 1, pp ' T' re S e T vic *. has the -- - - - r r - franchise for this process for Olson of Stayton, the second place cords were set: 58 fouls were called to ber from each district and two members well and the results are poor teaching and I the western half of the State of Ore- winner being the daughter of Mr. and top the old record of 56. set in 1960, and Harrisburg’s 27 points on free at large (The present census of the pro* Mrs. Noyes Whitten of Idanha. disorderly classes. In the larger schools gon. Recipient of the third place certi throws broke the record of 24, set posed district would make it a second every teacher can be selected on the basis ! ficate in the semi-finals was Loreen in that same game of 1950. class district and a board of three mem of his college training and major subjects 3:15 Thursday Littau, 12. a seventh grader at Shaw bers. When the census reached 1,000 Elgin downed Talent 58-48. Guards under Mrs. Helen Sawyer, the parents and will teach in his major field only. being Mr. and Mrs. Littau of Route 1, i Ed Hug and Ron Miller led Elgin with children two more members would be 7. Club work, which is an important I Aumsville. In fourth position was i , 16 and 15 points respectively. Jim elected at large making a board of five part of every good school, is largely ne I Lewis Atkinson, 13, in the eighth McAbee was high for Talent with 14. members.) See item No. 8 below. 7:30 Thursday glected in the smaller schools because of Celebrating their 55th wedding an grade room of Harley Branigar at Powers eked out a 49-47 decision Aumsville, the son of Mr. and Mis. 2. Each elementary school to retain its the lack of advisors to lead the groups. niversary at their home here last I | Russell Atkinson of Aumsville Fin over Knanpa. Bob Walker led Powers were Mr. and Mrs. Whllace own name and location. Larger schools can make extensive use of weekend ishing in fifth place was Naomi Tay I with 21 points. Evor Kumpula scored Hoeye. A quiet family get-together 3. Transportation for all extra-cur 22 for Knappa. The game was won in clubs. was held. Wallace Hoeye and Ida May lor, 13, in Mrs. Donald Sheythe s eighth grade room in Mill City, and an overtime. ricular activities be provided by the con 8. At a special board of the Mill City Large were married in Albany on daughter 8:45 Thursday of the John Taylors. solidated district. district, held January 21, 1954, it was March 13, 1899, and have made Mill Host principal was Vernon Todd, Ione stormed over Mill City 66 td Qty their home ever since, except for 4 All assets and liabilites of the re and master of ceremonies was Dave 50. Duane Baker sparked the victor« voted unanimously that should the con short intervals. 26 points but Mill Citv’s Elton spective districts be assumed by the new solidation issue pass, one member from Members of the family attending Host, manager of KSLM. Paul Har with Gregory topped that with 27. vey Jr., of Salem was chief judge. district. (See Item No. 9 Below.) Mill City would resign at the end of the the reunion included Mr. and Mrs. Wards were called by Wendell Webb. Consolation Carter, Eirgene; Mr. and 5. Name of the new consolidated high 2:30 Friday—Knappa oozed past fscal year, (June 30th.) This would create IfflNftnan Mrs. Dean Hoeye, Stayton; and Del Heppner 51-50, Bob Hunt led Knap- school be The Santiam Canyon High two board vacancies, since one other bert and Donald Hoeye of Mill City. pa's scoring with 18. , School, or an appropriate name not in member’s term expires June 30th. One The parents went to Stayton to see 3:45 Friday—Talent clobbered Mill the Dan Hoeye family, as he was just I corporating the name of any of the com of these vacancies would be filled by a home temporarily following a serious City 65-38.. Al Hoffman led Talent with 19 points. Talent led 12-0 after munities. Detroit resident and the other by a Gates operation at the Veterans' hospital. four minutes of the first period, Comparable costs per high school pupil citizen to allow for equal community re Calling on the Hoeyes Sunday after The 1954 Easter Seal campaign of ( only Early in the third quarter Mill City noon were Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne for high schools in various districts for presentation on the consolidated board. Rambo and family, who are cousins. the Oregon Society for Crippled Child Coach Burton Boroughs jerked the the school year were: (1952-53) ren and Adults opened today, Thurs •farting five and the subs played the 9. The reasoning in item 4 of the adopt day. throughout Marion county. rest of the game. High scorer for the District Amount Pupils ed resolutions is that when any commun Mari-Linn PTO Meets The sale will continue though East losers was Phil Carey with 11. Gates $1,205.18 29 ity needs new or additional facilities, all At School Tuesday Evening er Sunday. April 18, according to L. Semi-Finals Detroit 941.91 38 communities would share in the expendi LYONS — The regular monthly A. Rowan, chaiiman for Marion coun 7:30 Friday—Harrisburg edged 42-40. DeWayne Crabb scored Mill City 568.61 115 ture: hence, all should share in the pres meeting of the Mari-Linn PTO was ty.A total of 26,745 Easter Seal letters Powers 16 and Phil Estergard 14 points for held at the schoolhouse Tuesday even Stayton 477.54 252 ent assets and liabilities. will be mailed in Marion county dur the winners. Powers’ Bob Walker ing. Following the regular business ing the next few days. The mailing topped them, however, with 19 count« I Vern Alvin Promoted meeting Mrs. Peggy Hatfield, a repre- I for the entire state will be approxi-' ers. 8:45 Friday—Ione squeezed by- Ei- sentative from the Red Cross office in ■ mately 450,000 letters. By M & M Plywood Co. Mr. Rowan expressed hope that gin 18-45. Ed Hug dropped in 12 of Albany was present and showed a I DETROIT—Vern Alvin, manager of picture ‘‘You Were There.” She also Marion county “will respond gener- the losers' points to counter Richard the M & M Plywood Co., of Idanha, stressed the need of membership and ■ ously so that the many services the Rea’s 12 point effort which was high has been put in charge of all timber the benefits of gamma globulin, stat society provides for the state’s crip- for Ione. Mill City Girl Scout Troop No. 36, operations for the M & M Woodwork Annual election of officers was ( on solation under the leadership of Edythe ing Company in Oregon, Washington held at the PTA meeting held last ing that if you were a member “You pel children and adults can continue Saturday and possibly expand. ” afternoon —Knappa eased Means, is taking part in the National and California. The promotion went week, with the following being elected Were There” in the much needed dis The sale of Easter Seals provides over talent to win the consolation aster of the flooded district and where Girl Scout cookie sale which will last into effect the first of the week. for next year: President, Mrs. How the society with nearly all of its series 53-49. Evor Kumpula dunked 21 through March 27. The local troop For the present Mr. Alvin's head ard Means, 1st vice-president, Mrs. Al disaster strikes. of the winning points. The losers' A skit, “In the Little Red School funds, and the returns are used to: will have two cookie booths in the quarters will be at Idanha where he Nesbitt; 2nd vice president, Earl high scorers were Al Hoffman with 1. Operate the Children's Hospital downtown sections of Mill City this has resided since coming here in 1945. Loucks; secretary, Mrs. Roy Epper house” was presented by the teaching School in Eugene, where children from 14 and Jim McAbee with 13. riaff, with Mrs. Hazel Worth as the Saturday, from morning until early Ray Watkins succeeds him as plant son. and treasurer, Mrs. Lee Bassett. Finals more than 20 Oregon counties are re-1 afternoon. I manager at Idanha. Fathers' night was observed with teacher and the rest of the teachers ceiving special care, treatment and 7:30 Saturday—Powers nipped El- as pupils. Proceeds from this sale wj|] go to the fathers furnishing entertainment 1 gin 42-38 to snap third place in the education; further camping, to help support the and refreshments. 2. Provide a summer camp for crip state tourney. Bob Walker led Pow- activities of the council office, and Meander Inn leading In pled children near Reedsport, where era with 21 points. Ed Hug scored 17 their own troop will receive a bonus Shuffleboard league American legion Is 35 I youngsters can enjoy the outdoors for the losers. on each box of cookies sold. The girls 8:45 Saturday—Harrisburg snipped DETROIT—In last Fridays even under careful and expert supervision; Years Old This Week hope for the full support of the area, 3. Maintain a Craft Shop for the Ione’s 25 game winning streak 69 to ing’s League shuffleboard tounament Members of the Mill City American this being their first sale in several game, the Lake won by 31 points over Handicapped in Portland, where ar 63. Harrisburg also set the tourney years and their only means of raising In charge of the Woman's club Legion Post No. 159 this week have I the Spillway, the score being 170-139. ticles made by physically handicapped record for highest scoring in the funds. meeting at Fellowship Hall Tuesday taken a half page in The Enterprise The game was played on Spillway’s are marketed to the public; championship game, passing up the The girls, who are in competition night were the Campfire Girls, under in commemoration of the organiza board in Idanha. The Cedars drew the 4. Operate a speech center in Port old mark of 63, set by Echo last year. tion's 35th birthday anniversary. The with one another are Frances Ward, the supervision of Mrs. Delos Hoeye land, which provide« speech therapy Phil Estergard topped the new state bye. Zita Crosier, Sherry Hansen. Evelyn and other local leaders. Both the pro advertisement is sponsored by Legion for persons with speech problem*, champions with 19 points. Duane Next Friday's League games are Taylor, Gloria Klecker. Nancy Porter, gram and serving of refreshments members in this area, who own their as follows: Cedars vs. Lake. Lake's and Baker of lone fixed a new three game own business establishments. and Rosalee Bassett. were taken care of by the girls. scoring record with 24 points for a 5. Provide medical and surgical board. Spillway draw« the bye. The Legion is planning a birthday In connection with the girls' na party to be held at the hall on March In non-league games played Sun care for individuals unable to qualify total of 62. All Star Team day, Davit’ all man team, in a for assistance from any other agency, tional birthday project, there was a Voters Approve Spending of collection plate for small sewing no 27th w-hen all past Commanders and return Byron All five men chosen by sportswrit game. vs. Detroit men at the either public or private. presidents of the Legion post will be $90.000 Fund at Election Many special events are planned in ers for the "B” star quint are tions or small change to be sent to honored All charter members will be Lake, won by 13 points. Score was [ Marion county during the Easter Seal guards DeWayne Crabb. Harrisburg; people abroad through the American given special recognition at thia meet 150-137. Held Here Monday Duane Baker, Ione; Ed Hug. Elgin; In the battle of the sexes. Mill City, I Sale period. Friends Service Committee. A World Voters of School District No. 129-J Fashion show was held with five con ing. Evor Kumpula, Knappa; Bob Walker, Detroit Girls, vs Mill City. Detroit voted Monday to appropriate the num tinents (Europe, North America, men, for the men a 16 point win, for Merton Cox Heads Founder Powers. of $90,000 of unexpended and unap South America. Africa, and Asia) be-' The second team: Terry Woods and the girls, no comment. propriated moneys on hand as a ing represented. Hawaii was also re The Wilamette League all woman's Service Group for Hospital Phil Estergard of Harrisburg; Jim special fund. At a meeting held recently in Stay McAbee, Talent; Robert Hunt, Knap game vs. Detroit scheduled for March presented. The cookies served also This money can now he used to represented the various countries. ton, Merton Cox was elected to serve pa; Richard Rea, Ione. II was postponed as president of the Founder Service acquire sites, build, improve and equip Miniature houses for the diferent na The sportsmanship trophy went to league Standing* buildings and grounds in this district. tionalities were on display. IXMt organization, succeeding I. E. Peter Elgin, second in sportsmanship to Won The Bonneville Power administra Meander Inn The vote W»J 57 for and 4 against. ! The Campfire Leaders' Association Ione, and third to Heppner. 8 1 son of this city. Paul Kirsch was elected vice presi 1 7 announce that they will hold a cooked tion awarded a contract for a $128,661 Mill City Tavern 6 3 dent and G. W. DeJardin was re Film on Lumbering Shown food «ale Saturday. March 27 at the substation on the Santiam river near The Lake Rainbow Girls Meet at Lyons Tuesday to the City Electric Cedars Tavern 4 elected as secretary. 4 former Hinz Coffee shop. Co., and Nottingham Construction Co. Spillway Tavern This organization is an auxiliary of At Lions Club Meeting 7 2 I>odee Hall Here Wednesday Following the usual dinner at Fel of Boise, Idaho. the Santiam Memorial Hospital, and Jerry’» Tavern « 2 Marilyn Assembly of Order of Rain The plant, to be energized in Au !,*«'« Tavern among its activities is collecting de lowship hall Monday evening the Applications for Aid in 1 8 bow for Girls met at the lodge hall in gust, wi|] provide new interconnec linquent subscription accounts, get Lions club members were shown a film regular session Wednesday evening Controlling Tansy Ragwort tions with Mountain State Power ting new subscriptions and sponsoring on lumbering. The film was brought Mill City Water Supply ■with Penny Gould presiding as worthy to the club by Martin Hansen, who of benefits for the organization. Co., and the Benton-Lincoln Electric Must Be Filed Before Apr. 1 advisor. Mrs. Wna. B Shuey, mother went to Salem to secure the film for Co-op. It will also provide peak ca Free of Contamination advisor, announced that the girls will the evening. According to V. G. Rogers of Lynns pacity for serving power loads for A letter mi received this week by PT('tears About $50 conduct the ’’lily sale” for the Nation farmers wishing PMA assistance in Salem and the Upper Willamette Val Mayor J. C The picture showed the difference C. Kimmel, notifying the al Society for Crippled Children on controlling tansy ragwort, a poisonous ley area. city council that the Mill City water On Benefit Danre Saturday in methods of logging used in pioneer April 10 Lyons. Idanha. Detroit, and weed, must file their application with The Mill City PTA cleared about days and the modem methods used The grading of the Santiam substa •upply is free of coliform bacteria in Gates are also in this district. the PMA office in Albany before tion site has already been completed every »ample examined by the State $50 at their dance held at the high today. Modem methods use nearly all Rainbow girls of the various com April 1. parts of the log. school gym Saturday night. and work is now under way on the Board of Health. munities will place containers for Those in thia area may file therr construction of a control house by I-ee Bassett, the newest member of About 130 people were present. Mu Samples are sent to the health de donations in the business houses in applications for assistance with Mi. contrs-tor Wall. Bartram and Sand partment each month during the sic was furnished by Stubby Mills and the club won the pot of fortune thii their vicinity. week. Rogers. « his orchestra. ford. year. Harrisburg New Cage Champs 55th Wedding Date Observed by Hoeyes Easter Seal Sale Campaign Opened Girl Scouts Selling Cookies This Week Mrs. H. Means to To Head PTA Group Girl Scouts In Charge Womans Club Meet Contract Let on Lyons Substation