Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1954)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY —STEM \Y TO THE HEART OR N HIRE'S EMPIRE Y OLI ME X M M BER 12 Industrial Group Aim Of Lions Club HOOSIER HOTSHOTS Chamber To Prepare Folder For Tourists School Vote Coming Mon A special election will be held in the school districts of Detroit, Idanha, Gates and Mill City Monday of next week, on the question of whether or not high schools of the three district* will be consolidated. This election is one of the most im portant to confront the voters of these three districts, and the effects of the outcome will be far reaching and will have a lasting effect on the Canyon area as a whole. All registrants of the three districts are asked to be sure and vote at the election. Weigh the facts honestly and vote tor the good of the students. Members fo the North Santiam Chamber of Commerce 75 strong, met at Stayton last Wednesday night with President Oliver Willis in the chair. Guests from the Salem chamber introduced were President William Hammond; Clay Cochran, executive secretary; Russell Dudley, Lou Ehrens, Ed Schreder and Wm. Whit- gone. The Chamber is having a six-page folder prepared which will show the recreational advantages of this area. These folders will be placed in the hands of tourist bureaus for distri bution. Softball Officers To Be The state highway department has | Chosen from Sponsors started woik on a 57-acre state park] About 15 -ofthall enthusiasts were site near Mehama, according to a re-1 present at the firehall Thursday port given by O. K. DeWitt. He said j night, to talk over plans for the com j that an access road into the park is I ing softball season. I expected to be ready by the time j At this meeting it was decided by j tourist season rolls around. When this i the group to pick the officers from | is developed it will be a splendid asset I ' sponsors of the softball teams in the After hosting one of the most suc- to the area. It is not believed at this j league. The ta-k before the committee cessful basketball tournaments in the I 1 time that tables or other facilities , at the present time is to line up the history of the sate, Coivallis and the' will be ready this season. Gates Woman’s Club sponsors. entire Willamette valley is now be-1 John A. Anderson, Portland, co- Five-year-old Edris Korop of Lane county practices lacing her W. R. Hutcheson stated: "With the Meets at Rynearson Home coming equally enthusiastic about . ordinator braces at the Easter Seal Society's hospital school for crippled of inventions, showed films fine showing made in our club dur GATES—Mrs. L. L. Rynearson staging a gigantic Exposition. children at Eugene, where youngsters from over 20 Oregon Counties on his work. He stated his office was ing the past two years, it would be a opened her home to membeis of the; The Greater Corvallis Industrial I glad to help would-be inventors get are enrolled. Helen Wood, occupational therapist, assists the child. shame not to put it over again this Gates Woman's club Thursday even Exposition from March 24 through 28 ( the prO(1ucts before the proper peopk> The annual blaster Seal sale, which finances the hospital school and year.” i .» x xi • . . — on an avont event sopnnil second nnlv only tn to tho the Pi^rtlan/J Portland I . in order ing, March 18 for the regular meeting. --- other projects, is now under way throughout Oregon. that they may be developed. Last year there were four teams Home show in Oregon, will bling over Mrs. Kenneth Martig presided at the , in the canyon league. Sponsors were: business session. It w-as voted to send a million dollars worth of home, farm Kelly Himber Sales, C. R. I., the a donation of $2.50 to the scholarship , and family exhibits to the Oregon DETROIT DAM WEATHER Engineers and a team sponsored by loan fund. Mrs. Stanley Vail spoke in State college armory. (Courtesy of Corps of Engineers) the club. Kelly’s won last year’s state behalf of the local Boy Scout troup [ Entertainment for the event-pack- Daily 7:30 A. M. Readings championship, and it was the second A A act AA Z4 ilt'A O X ’ O O and VS z4 MUvkfo 45, — asking the club * to as I ' A ed five /4 days nights Will will L.. be furn- M.S.I.. Pool year in a row that the state tourna their sponsor's w-hich the club agreed i ished by the Hoosier Hot Shots of Elev. Max. Min. Pep. Date ment had been held here. I screen, radio TV and record fame. to do. 0.00 1525.36 J 53 33 March 15 Their clever routines of novelty Mrs. Martig, Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson 0.04 1526.07 March 16 55 34 W. E. Haynes passed away quietly March 17 and Mrs. Floyd Völkel were named music, mixed with hokum comedy, have 0.00 1562.32 42 31 County Superintendent as delegates to attend the meeting I made them an instant hit wherever at his home in Mill City early Satur March 18 1 42 o.o i 32 To Speak on Consolidation day morning, March 20, at the age of of the Oregon Federation of Womens (they have appeared 0.00 15M.74 31 March 19 55 Thieves made two trips to Santiam clubs, the meeting to be held April 8, Displays of interest to every mem 181 years. William Edward Haynes March 20 At Gates High School Fri. 0.03 ■ ■ i 50 33 in Forest Grove. ber of the family will be packed into | was born in Ticonderoga, New York, March 21 GATES—William Dolmyer, Linn 30 0.00 1527 111 Equipment Co., located at the Shake 52 Mrs. Philip Hess, Mrs. W. R. Hutch the Armory’s 40,000 square feet of on March 19, 1873. He came to Oregon March 22 0.00 1MB M Shack east of Mill City. On Friday County Superintendent of schools will 30 55 I in 1890 where he had lived ever since, night they removed a pane of glass eson and Mis. Albert Millsap were floor space. And to add to the comfort be in Gates Friday evening, March 2'5 0.00 1528.58 63 29 March 23 from the rear door to gain entrance at a meeting to be held at the high elected to serve as nominating com- 1 of thousands of people certain to tour except for an interval in Canada. ................. .. to the building. This time they took school at 8 o'clock. mitte to present a slate of two nomin 1the Exposition, the Armory will be Mr. and Mrs. Haynes were married 1 only one rebuilt chain saw. ees for each office at the April meet floored for the first time in the in Albany November 18, 1903, and He will speak on consolidation of Lyons Extension Unit ing, when election will be held. I Orville Britton, owner of the estab- the Gates and Mill City high schools. history of the spacious building. celebrated their golden wedding an Following adjournment two humor- For the kiddies, there will be tides* niversary with a reception at their • Holds March Meeting figured the robbers were all The meeting Is open to all members our readings were given by Mrs. Stah j on the toy train and the merry-go- i home in November, 1953. LYONS—The Lyons extension unit through, so replaced the broken glass of the Gates district. The question of ley Vail. Refreshments were served i round. And everyone will want to T Surviving, besides the widow, Susie, held their March meeting at the Re Saturday morning. The rear door was consolidation will be voted upon at by the hostess, Mrs. Rynearson, as see themselves on television through I is one daughter, Mrs. Ravmond Berry I bekah hall Friday at 10 o'clock with broken down Saturday night, and this a special election at the school Mon sisted by Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood and . the facilities of the two displays of i of Tillamook, and one grandson, Don- Bea Hiatt, Hazel Baldwin and Ruth I time the robbers took two chain saws, day, March 29. Mrs. Walter Thomas to the 13 mem colored-circuit TV. ' aid Berry, also of Tillamook. Two Edwards the lunch committee in bars, chains and other equipment. bers and a guest, Mrs. Alva McNamee Exposition dooi s will swing open at Isisteis and a brother also survive: charge. Rose Thayer and Evelyn Mr. Britton estimated the loss at of Portland. 12 o’clock noon, March 24. Oregon ■ Mrs. C. C. Moi row and Mrs. M. G. Sexton were the project leaders and $1,000. It is covered by insurance. Governor Paul L. Patterson will as I Shepherd, both of Lebanon; and F. i demonstrated “Cake Making and sist in the opening day ceremonies H. Haynes, of McMinnville. Simple Decorations.” Plans were dis and will crown the Exposition queen. Services were conducted at the Mill cussed for the Homemakers Festival Les’s Tavern Wins Game City Christian church at 2 o’clock which will be held in Lebanon May 3. From Meander Inn Lyons Music Festival Tuesday afternoon, with Rev. Hugh Margaret McWhirk, Evelyn Sexton Mill City High School’s football and Les’s Tavern who is at the bottom basketball squads were honored at the To Be Held April 2 Jull, assisted by Rev. Noble Streeter, and JoAn Cruson were appointed as ' Outstanding talent will be on hand officiating. The Mill City Oddfellow nominating committee for the new of of the Santiam Shuffleboard League annual banquet given by the mothers pulled a surprise when they knocked in the recreation room of the school The Friendship Circle of the Pies- ' at the Lyons Musical Festival, Friday lodge was in chaige of the ceremony ficers for the coming year. over Meander Inn 156-143, putting Tuesday evening. The fathers of the byterian church met at the manse I evening, April 2 at the Mari-Linn at Fairview Cemetery. Mr. Haynes Attending the meeting were Mabel Tuesday evening, with Anita Becker 1 school gymnasium. Students from had been a member of the Oddfellow Downing, Beulah Fish, Elsie Myers, Meander in second place. boys were also guests. Master of and Betty Streeter as hostesses. Con Lyons and neighboring communities lodge for 44 years, having been inia- Jean Durland, Laura Sundquist, Alma Mill City Tavern rolled over Jerry's ceremonies was Howard Means, high ducting the business was Mary Tuers, will not compete against one another; ted December 11, 1910. He was treas Spellmeir, Freda Hiatt, Evelyn Julian, j to the tune of 209-128 and The Lake school principal. with Virginia Hoeye reading the min instead, their goal will be a standard urer of the Mill City lodge at the time Garnett Bassett, Dorothy Downer, took Cedars Tavern again, 185-140. The complete program was as fol utes. It was decided to send donations of perfection in musical achievement. of his passing. lows: talks on Mill City high school Mary Cruthers, Alice Huber, Martha Spillway had the bye. A versatile program has been ar to Korea through the church world Lawrence Poole was soloist, accom Cruson, Jacquie Smith, Alta Bodeker, I This week Less goes to Spillway, athletics, “past,” Richaid Anderson; service. It was voted to give $50 more I ranged, including Mari-Linn school panied by Grace Hutchinson. Margaret McWhirk and Theresa i The Lake comes to Bryon's and Jer “present,’’ Elton Gregory; and “fu toward finishing the Fellowship hall. representation along with vocal duets, ry’s goes to the Cedars. Meander Inn ture,” Richard Verbeck; “coach, wis Deister. — draws the bye. The program was under the direc piano, accordion and trumpet solos, dom,’ by Burton Boroughs and Jim League Standings tion of Maxine Hill, whose topic was baton twirling, tap dancing and or- Gates Junior-Senior Hale; representing the school board, Won Lost I Russell Kelly; school administiation, "Presbyterian Doctrine and Govern chestral numbers. Play To Be Staged Tonight Firemen’s Auxiliary Hold 1 Vernon Todd, superintendent; bans This two-hour program of fine en- 8 ment.” Devotionals were given by Mill City Tavern Meeting Thursday Night The Gates Junior-Senior class play, 8 2 quet speaker was Mr. Gilmore and Mary Kelly. Others assisting in the tertainment is being sponsoied by the Meander Inn The Mill City Firemen ’ s Auxiliary 3 special musical numbers by Jim Iholtz, 7 program were Marion Todd, Anita Lyons Methodist church. A free will “The Pennington Case,” a three-act held their regular meeting at the fire The Lake 5 , Jack Lake and Don Moffatt. 4 Becker, Bernice Gordon, Rev. and Mrs. offering »ill be taken with the pro I mystery, will be given at the Mill City hall Thursday evening, with Pat Cedars Tavern Theatre tonight (Thursday), at 8 o’ ceeds going into the building fund. Spillway Tavern 2 7 Noble Streeter. Honored on the A squad were Elton Lemke and Delores Stewart as host clock. 2 Í Gregory, Alfred Waid, Maurice Child, Refreshments were served to Mrs. Jerry’s Tavern esses. Characters in the play are Jonas , 9 Arlo Tuers, Mrs. Delos Hoeye, Mrs. Mill City Churches Plan 8 Delmer Syverson, Jack Les’s Tavern Melting, Pennington, Herb Romey; Connie Pen- 1 During the business meeting memb Charles Kelly, Mrs. Glen Gordon, Mrs. For Holy Week Services Brooks Crosier, Phillip Carey, Richard ers voted to donate $5 towards send nington, Loretta Stahlman; Emily, I D. B. Hill, Mrs. Vernon Todd, Mrs. Thomas, Edward Giegory and Dick The Mill City chuiches are again ing a gift from Mill City to Girl's Deanna Smith; Kent Warren, John Richard Becker. Mrs. Howsrd Becker, planning Holy Week services, to be Crook. State. After the business meeting Mrs. Wendell Heller and Rev. and I held between Palm Sunday and Easter. , Bainhardt; Alice Warren, Patty Stew cards were played. Prizes were won B squad members: Maurie Bassett, Mrs. Noble Streeter. •Services this year will be at the art; Loring Barber, Danny Evans; by Maudie Flatman, Betty Shaw, Eva 1 Larry Harington, Charles Kuhlman. ; Susan Grey, Lois Evans; Dr. Nyles Community church and will meet each : Edward Leach, Lloyd Ross, Robert Agee and Phyllis Flatman. Mary night at 7:30. Members and friends' | Lovejoy, David Vail; Thomas Burt, I Raila and Barbara Morris were pre I Stettner, John Thompson, Ralph Jull, | Gordon Devine. Orville Nygaard Heads New- of all churches are invited. The American Legion birthday din ' Denny Sheythe, Donald Lemke and sented a birthday gift from the Aux The congregation of the Mehama 1 In the production cast are, stage 1 iliary. Lunch was served. ner will be held at the Legion hall here I Laie Walczak. Gates Fire Department properties and lighting crew, Marvin Staticians aie: Frances Johnson, at 6:30 Saturday night. At this time GATES—A meeting of the newly Presbyterian chuich has been busy! Haun. Irvin Tucker, Gordon Devine. charter members of the organization Dorothy Steinfelt, Richard Verbeck. organized Gates Fire department was preparing for the forthcoming dedica Royal Schaer, Ray Beamish and Ken- i Three Tracts of Timber will be honored, as w ill all Past Com Jim Cuthbert, Dale Andreassen and neld in the fire hall Tuesday evening, tion of their new- building on Palm I ny Johnson. Sold for Rij<ht of Way manders and Presidents of the Auxili 1 Richard Anderson. Maich 16. Election of officers was Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. This I The make-up crew is composed of Those on the footbal squad honored ary. Members and guests are invited. held and Orville Nygaard was elected past week the sanctuary was finished Pat Sewart, Junita Thomas, Lor- i For Electric Co-Op in texture paint in a light green color. I ( were: Richard Anderson, Al Ward, Ernest Ragsdale, a charter member of Logging operation are under way to president. Floyd Völkel is secretary etta Stahlman and Loise Evans. the organization, who joined while in I Dale Andreassen, Elton Gregory, treasurer. A. T. Barnhardt, Elmer Floyd Völkel Appointed Costumes are in charge of May Hay clear right of way on the Little North Fork, following a sale of three tim •ervice in France during War I will i Richard Verbeck, Richard Thomas, Klutke and Dick Parker were appoint wood and Ellen Change Phillip Carey, Jimmie Caudle, Brooks ber tracts recently in Stayton. Sale be present. ee members of the grievance commit Postmaster at Gates Rex Herron and David Moore are in I Following the dinner and entertain I Crosier, Ralph Jull, Jack Melting, GATES — Floyd Völkel received charge of programs and publicity. | price was higher than anticipated, ac- tee. Joe Joaquin will still act as fire Denny Sheythe, Maurie Bassett, Dick chief and L. L. (Red) Rynearson is »ord Saturday morning from Wash-' Usher» will be Annie Howel), Donna-I cording to Walt Bell. who conducted ment, dancing will be enjoyed with i Crook, Edward Gregory, Donald El Jim Iholtz and Jack Lake furnishing now assistant chief. It was decided to :ngton, D. C. that his appointment to I lee Oliver, Louise Haun, Sallie Cropp. i the oral auction. lingson, Dean Glunz, Edward Leach, Tract one and two went to Freies the music. the office of Postmaster at Gates had . hold fire drills every two weeks. I Lloyd Ross, Robert Stettner, John Lumber company. The Capitol Lumb- The department has purchased a been confirmed by the Senate March ' Thompson, Harold Kliewer, Terry er company, Salem, was high bidder «:ren which will be placed on a tower 18. Official notice of his appointment I Miss Elizabeth Knight to IxM-al Men Attend State . Muir, Dale Walczak, Kenneth Epper- on the third tract. or. top of the fire hal. The siren will from the division of postmasters, post I Marry Law renre E. Poole son, I-ee Arnold and Rodney Goble, be connected with the Mill City tele office department, would be received ' Mrs. Althea A. Knight of Fort I Bids for the three tracts totaled Softball Meet in Portland ' manager. »<52,569. phone office and will be blown at noon in a few days. At a meeting of the state softball as Je-se Haywood has been acting post, Benton. Montana, announces che en-1 each day. The department is interested sociation held in Portland Sunday, Interurban Telephone Co. gagement of her daughter. Mia* Nina r. raising funds for the purpose of master since the retirement of Mrs. | Blood mobile Coming to Ralph Guynes of Oregon City was Elizabeth to Lawrence Edwin Poole, ot of Mill City. purchasing helmets, boots and turnout Walter Brisbin after many yea I Mill City in April reelected as president of the group. Buys Detroit Exchange ats. Means of raising this fund were sei vice in the office. Interurban Telephone Company was Miss Knight is the daughter of the Under the sponsorship of the Ma- Frank Doane of Forest Grove, was discussed. late Ly«le F. Knight, and a graduate | sonic lodge here a bloodmobile will be named vice president and Spike Franz authorized Tuesday by Chat les H. License Examiner To Be of the Fort Benton high school. Since in Mil) City the latter part of April, of Pendleton, was elected as a dir Heltzel public utilities commissioner Here Thursday. April 1st Teenage Dances Being July. 1953, Mis* Knight has been em according to Vem Clark, who is gen ector at large. Ken Kerr of Oregon to purchase the Detroit Telephone Co. A drivers license examiner will I be ployed by the Marion County ASC eral chairman. City was elected as state director and from Ella Johnson. Held Here Friday Nights on duty in Mill City, Thursday, A| piil office in Salem. The phone system involved serves While the Moodmobile is being spon- Jim Dimit will serve as secretary- A teenage dance was held in the 1. at the fira hall between the hours of Detroit and vicinity. The Interurban Mr. Poole i* the son of Mr. and sored by the Masonic order all organ treasurer. .nail here St. Patrick s night, with a 9 and 4. Those attending the meeting from company operates in Marion and Linn Mrs. James E Poole of this city and al izations and individual* in the area Persons wishing original licenses or graduate of the Mill City high school. I are asked to donate blood to this this area were W. R Hutcheson of counties, with its principal exchange arge crowd enjoying a fine time. Police officials state the crowd war permits to drive are asked to file The wedding will take place in early worthy cause More details will be Gates, Carl Kelly, Bob Dombrowski in Silverton their applications early in the day. well behaved. June. Purchase price was listed a' »35 000. and Charles KeRy, all of Mill City. given later as to time of arrival. At the Lions club Monday night, during the board of directors meeting it was decided to appoint an industrial committee to work towards getting more industries in this area, giving a year around work to men and in gen eral working for the permanent de velopment of this part of the canyon. The committee had not been appointed at the time of going to press, but it was understood that membersip would not necessarily be limited to members of the Lions club. Other business coming before the board was planning for the coming talent show the latter part of next month. As yet only a few have reg istered for the show. Shields ReMine was appointed to act as master of J ceremonies. The nominating committee officers for the coming year is made i up of Vernon Todd, chairman; Carl Kelly, Shields ReMine and Lee Ross. Corvallis Exposition Open for 5-Day Run i Funeral Tuesday Thieves Take Saws, Supplies Saturday Night School Sports Squads Hold Annual Banquet Friendship Circle Meets Tuesday Nite Legion Birthday To Be Observed Sat. Night