Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1954)
Mrs. Martha Hiatt went to Leban- | H00D00 Bowl above Detroit. The 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISETHCRSDAY, M ARCH 25. 1954. on Saturday where she will spend time was spent toboganning and play some time at the home of her son-in- ing in the snow. Scouts making the law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. trip were Charles Atteberry, Johnie Fowler Clothes Dryers BOUCHES By Eva Bressler Leonard Thoma. Mrs. Hiatt has been Hi ldges, Kenneth Kanoff, Johnie Tra and I Mr. and Mrs. Eail Zander at the home of her son, Percy Hiatt, han, Jerry Craig, David Trahan, Billie ♦ daughter, Miss Margaret Zander and ’ for some time. Nash, Micheál Cruson, Jerry Mohler, ♦ Colored Fryers her fiancee, Thomas Chitwood, from Laure Lee and Kay Adams of Pa- • Freddie Sutherlin, Lynn Scott, Jerry ♦ 319 Went Washington Street. Dressed to Order Seattle and Issaquah, Washington cific City, are spending their spring ' Gustafson, Etrol McWhirk and Gar;, ♦ i OPEN SUNDAYS AND Custom Killing were recent guests at the W. R. and . vacation at the home of their grand- Thayer. ♦ Albert Stevens homes. paients, Mr. and Mrs. James Hol- Santiam Valley grange • held their EVENINGS Mr. and Mis. George Hubbard from linghead. social meeting at the hall Friday ♦ Telephone 66M Phone Lyons 678 LYONS PLUMBING Eugene spent the weekend in Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Clem Chase and Mr. evening with Mr. and Mr-. Jake Myers STAYTON OREGON at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chase w-ere called to 1 the committee in charge. Cards furn Mehama, Oregon Phone 1634 Lyons, Ore. Flugene by the death of Ronald Cha-e j ished the entertainment for the even and Mrs. George Huffman. who passed away there. He was the I ing with four tables of 500 in play. son of Mr. and Mrs. Clem Chase and High scores were held by Mrs. Albert brother of Floyd Chase. Bass and Frank Basl, low by Mrs. Wallace Power has gone to Cali May Patton and Roy Basl and Mrs. fornia to return with Mrs. Power, who Elmer Taylor drew the traveling has spent some time at the home of prize. their daughter and family at Stock- Mr. and Mrs. Ear) Allen spent ton. After visiting at the home of Saturday night and Sunday at the During Our Exciting the daughter, they visited a son a coast. They were at DeLake overnight. Downey, and old friends at Glendale. 1 Miss Joy Kuiken is spending hei Guy Hartle, superintendent at the spring vacation at the home of her M & M Woodwoiking plant in Lyons mother, Mrs. Elva Kuiken. Miss made a business trip to Longview, i Kuiken is a teacher in the Spiingfield Washington Wednesday. i schools. Mrs. Hugh Johnston and infant son.! Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Brassfield and , returned home Friday from Salem son, Bob, returned Saturday evening Memorial hospital. after a two month’s vacation trip. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing weie They spent much of their time with Wednesday guests at the home of Mr. telatives in Fre.-no, California, They ramt up . . . clean up . .. and Mr.«. Glen Blegen at Lowell. They also visited in Yuma, Arizona. beautify your home inside returned home Thursday. Mrs. Alvin Johnston and son, Gene and out now, during our Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huber, Dennis, Wegner of Lakeside, Oregon spent Boysen Colorizer Carnival Donna and Darrell and his mother, several days at the home of her par- 4. ZS. Choose from 1.322 lively Mrs. Alice Huber went to Portland | ents> Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Toland. Ad- Colorizer colors . .. from Sunday whei e they w-ere dinner guests | jjtional Saturday evening dinner delicate pastels to deep at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George , guests were another daughter, Mrs. tones. March 24 through Keeley, a daughter of Mrs. Alice Hugh Gavette and family of Harris- April 3. Huber and sister of Donald. While1 burg. lucre is no doubt about it—ralbits need two there they visited Vine Mathaney, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thiel spent I feeds if they arc to produce as profitably as they brother-in-law of Alice Huber, who is 1 several days at North Bend on the confined to the hospital with a broken lcoast. Mr. and Mrs. George Scheuch- might. ’1*P- . | enflug of Albany, friends of the The doe and her litter need Albers RABBIT Orin Morgan, principal of the Mari- 1 Thiel’s weie in charge of the store FAMILY RATION because here the fast, eco Linn school and Miss Vivian Boyce | while they were away. nomical production of meat is the important music teacher, spent Friday in Port-1 paul Johnston, Carroll and George thing. land where they attended the Oregon from Culver, visited friends in Lyons But breeding animals should be kept in good Educational conference meeting. The , Friday. The Johnstons are former condition without fattening. This is where Al pupils at Mari-Linn enjoyed a spring I residents of this community, bers RABBIT BREEDERS PAKS are needed. vacation Fiiday. I Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Berry and son, Get your rabbits on the Albers Two-Feed The annual silver tea sponsored by Jimmie of Glendale, Oregon, spent 100% Pure House Paint, per gallon Program today, and watch the difference it the Womens Society of Christian the weekend at the home of his par makes. service, ( wa- held at the church last ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Berry. Shake and Rustic Paint, per gallon 4.44 Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Harold They also visited other relatives while ' Call or visit our store. Sheriff, Mrs. Ivan Smith and Mrs. here. Plasolux Enamel, per quart 2-30 i Donald McWhirk in charge. The table Mr. and Mrs. Ramie Mai tell were committee, Mrs. James Hollingshead host and hostess for a dinner at their , Dreem Flat, per gallon i and Mrs. Willard Hartnell had the home Sunday, March 21 honoring her I tables beautifully decorated with mother, Mrs. Pearl Averill on her ' (White only, colors slightly higher) spring flowers. Devotions were led by birthday anniversary. She was the re , Mrs. George Clipfell, Mrs. Roy Gret- cipient of many lovely gifts and beau- I | tie of Salem, was the guest speaker tiful flowers. Covers were laid for the ' ' of the afternoon. Music was furnished honoied guest, Mrs. Averill, Mr. and i , by Myrna Loring, a student at Wil- Mrs. Charles Sch wader of Junction | » Special Booklet “Gay Color Feeds Grinding and Mixing Machinery ! lamette University of Salem. City, Mrs. Burrell White, Daphne, | Schemes for Week-end Decorators.’’ 2H actual paint The pre-school mothers held their Jennifer and Tony, George Owens of i 'seeds Custom Cleaning Hardware chips , . . tips on easier painting . . interior color meeting at the home of Mrs. Ken Newport, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan I combinations. HURRY! Supplies are limited! Seed Marketing Petroleum Products Golliet in Mehama. A general dis Mitsch, Susan and Meredith of Leb- | Fertiliser cussion was held and a nominating anon, Mi. and Mrs. Loren Chamber-I Household Appliances committee was appointed to select the lain, Mr. and Mrs. Ramie Martell, new officers for next year. Timothy and Tommy of Lyons. Sun- I Mrs. Albert Bass enteitained the day callers were Mr. and Mrs. Bill | STAYTON, OREGO Telephone 5024 afternoon card club with her party Chamberlin, Laurie, Linda and Mary | held at the Rebekah hall Wednesday of Lebanon. 1 afternoon. Several tables of 500 fol lowed a 1:30 dessert luncheon. High score was held by Mrs. Orville Down ing, low by Mis. Inez Ring and Mrs. Fail Helemn drew the traveling prize. Fourteen Boy Scouts with Leonard Cruson in charge assisted by Donald McWhirk, spent overnight Friday at Raleigh Harold LYONS Heating Installations Electric Supplies Montag Ranges Peerless Pumps FLORIST and NURSERY PÂÎNT UP...CLEAN UP... BOYSEN Carnival! ( LOOK AT THtSf SPIC/AL CARNIVAL VALUfS! 4.98 Santiam Fanners Co-op free ... FREE... Balloons for the kiddies KELLY LUMBER SALES Authorized Shopsmith Dealer Open Saturdays East City Limits, Hiway 222, Phone 6803, Mill Cty MARC H 26 and 27 Specials for Friday and Saturday TRY GtockfAs OF1 GCNEZAl MlttS NEWEST ONE-DISH DINNER Dutch Pantry SPAM 12 oz. GOLD MEDAL FLOUR WESSON OIL . . CARNATION MILK 10 "’-99c Quart 59c 2 tall cans 29c SHORTENING Swift’s .Jewel 3 pound tin 50c coupon in each package ALASKA SALMON Woitmg time is wasted time You con hove hoi water waiting for you with on outomot.c electric water heater The cost is little and the convenience is greot, because No. 1. Tall Tin electric woter heoreri ore marvels of efficiency. TUNA FISH FLYING CLOU) Solid I’ack 49c Enjoy trouble free hot water service rn your home ..storting now1 1 T1 »‘i TOMATOES per pound ELECTR/C WATER HEATER .. THE BEST MOVE YOU CAN MAKE TÎ 1 V Mountain States Power v. ——— - ■ - . ■ ■ ________________________ Open Daily 8:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M. Closed Sundays and Holidays HILL TOP MARKET Telephone 2711 Mill City. Oregon.