Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1954)
8—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, MARCH 25. 1951. Don Mitchell To Oppose Walt Norblad for Congress Miles D. Hoeye Located On Ship Near Guam New Barber Shop To Open Here About First of April JERRY’S CORNER . . . Miles D. Hoeye, fireman, USN, son . A new barber shop, to be located of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hoeye of j next to the Mill City Meat Market is Donnell (Don) Mitchell, 31-year-old Mill City is serving aboard ’he escort , After May 1st you’ll have War II veteran and business man of ves.-el USS Hanna which operates out expected to be opened here about the first of April, according to Glen and Mrs. John Plambeek are Willamina, will oppose Walter Nor- of Guam as a search and rescue ves-1 Heai ing, who is now living in Stayton. To decide THURSDAY ONLY i spending several days this week in sei. March 25 “ Are all fishermen liars. Mr. Hearing operated a barber shop home of their son i Corvallis at the The Hanna is on 24-hour alert and in Gates at one time, and is no new ON THE STAGE and family. Dr. and Mis. Hans Plam- Or do all liars fish? coopeiates with the U. S. Air Force in | comer to this area. He plans to move I beck. They were driven over Sunday Gates High School cases of ship or plane disasters his family here. I by their daughter, Mrs. Else Allen of Today is the day to buy aiound the Guam area. Junior-Senior Play i Salem. Recently the ship took a special A new Chevrolet or a c Far Eastern cruise for a week of rest Jerry Kutsch Now Located The Pennington Case Better used car. Eugene Thornley, son of Mr. and and recreation in Japan. The ship also Mrs. Melvin Case of this city, who • Comedy-Mystery visited the Pacific Islands of Truk, In Korea With X Corps has been home on a 30-day furlough ; Ponape and Chichi Jima. Curtain at 8:00 Private Jerry T. Kutch, 18, son of left Monday for Ft. Lewis, from Jerry- Mr. and Mrs. T. Kutch of Lyons, where he will be shipped to Japan. FRIDAY Oregon, is serving with the corps in Gene Teague Chevrolet His brother, Lawrence Thornley will Korea. SATURADY be home about April 1 from Ft. Bel- ; Stayton, Oregon The X Corps, one of three in the March 26-27 voir, Va., where he has been attend- j Eighth Army, coordinates an inten By Boots < hampion ing a surveying school. He is with ' JOHN WAYNE in Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Smith of sive post-truce training program fdf I the army engineer corps. j Idanha, accompanied by Mrs. Guy UN units under its control. HONDO Private Kutch, a member of the Moore of Detroit, motored to Corval Santiam Rebekah lodge met in regu lis Sunday, March 21 where they at maintenance company, was graduated lar session at the lodge hall W'ednes- I tended the National League Postmast form Newport, Oregon, high schoool HILLTOP KIDS MATINEE day night with Noble Grand Eva Duf- j ers dinner held at the Corvallis hotel. last June. fy presiding. Following the business | 2:00 P. M. SATURDAY About 40 were in attendance. session, refreshments were served in I Eddie Lechot, formerly of Idanha Fellowship Hall Gets the dining room. Serving on the com SUNDAY, MONDAY mittee, the St. Patrick's day motif blad in the November election for and Detroit, is now stationed at Lack Spring Facelifting Job March 28-29 being effectively used at the tables, | Congressman from the 1st district. land Airforce Base, Santonio, Texas. The Fellowship hall of the Mill City were Mrs. W. H. Davis, Mrs. Burton | Mitchell, life-long Democrat, is un His aunt, Mrs. Louise Kelly of Ed RACHEL L. CARSON'S A FRIENDLY STORE monds, Washington reports Eddie en I >esbyterian church has been redecor opposed in his own primary. Boroughs, Mrs. Lester Mason, and THE SEA AROUND THAT GIVES— Mitchell made the decision to enter listed in the Airforce in February and ated during this past week. Ceiling Mrs. W. F. Misner. US S & H GREEN STAMPS the political race when he was urged left for Camp March 2. He is restricted and walls were refinished with a sand by Democratic leaders in the first dis to base for his first four weeks of coat, and the floors w'ere covered Plus Mehama Resident Gets basic training, and would like to hear with asphalt tile. trict and by state party officials. MARIE WILSON in IT S POSSIBLE— Along with the installation of the $3,500 For Auto Injuries from friends in this area. His address MARRY ME AGAIN is A B Warren E. Lechot, AF 1949- oil furnace, greater comfort and beau If Winston Churchill Bernice Longfellow, Mehama, was Removal of Garbage and Show starts 5:00 I’. M. Sunday i 2779, Fit 240, Sqd. 3740, LAFB, San ty is being enjoyed by the community awarded a $3,500 judgement by the Refuse From Highways Lived in Mill City group and church gioups meeting Antonio, Texas.. Marion county* circuit court recently TUESDAY, there. He would trade with us Costs Large Sum Yearly Mrs. Earl Layman, who underwent 1 for injuries she received in a car ac WEDNESDAY, It costs Oregon $14.11 a mile to re- . major surgery Wednesday morning, cident near here October 15. WHY DON’T YOU? Defendants were E. L. and Del- move garbage and refuse from its j March 17 at a Salem hospital, was re March 30-31 leased Sunday, and is convalescing at loo Late To Classify 7,328 miles of state maintained, high? lora Stiff and Edward L. Stiff, jr., ON THE HIGHWAY JENNIFER JONES I all of Washington state, She had ways during 1953, according to a re the home of her uncle and aunt, the FOR SALE-—1953 GMC pickup, 4- port lecently issued by the State Joy Dakes in Salem. She plans on asked $15,000. Phone 3206 speed transmission, deluxe cab, ra CHARLTON HESTON in | retuining to her home in Detroit Sun- . Highway Commission. dio and heater. Will sell for $1050. MILL CITY Total expenditure for highway l day. Elmer Klutke, Gates. Phone 4523, RUBY (JENTRY The food sale sponsored by the | housecleaning in 1952 was $103,400 STORK CLUB Mill City. 13P Willing Workers club of Idanha, and This cost included the tegular cleaning Births Recorded at Santiam Memorial held at Davis store Tuesday was a of rights-of-ways and the servicing of NEWS A son to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kline, 349 garbage containers strategically success. Proceeds went into the gen Stayton, March 11. and waysides. Laigest cost was for eral fund. The club has completed 18 A daughter, Lori Ann, to Mr. and bed bags for the Vets hospital at Doors Open at 7:00 P. M. Mrs. Lawrence E. Wilson, Rt 1, parks along U. S. Highway 101, the coastal route, totaling just over $4,000. I Roseburg, and future plans are to 1 Complete show can be aren ini Lyons on March 12. In addition, the Oregon State Parks make scuffies for the veterans. time up to 8:30 To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gordon of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rutherford and Division of the Highway Department Gates, a boy, March 16. He has been spent $8,900 for garbage disposal at family, of Portland, were visitors in named William Glenn. 73 location in the state roadside parks Detroit from Wednesday of last week, I port recently issued by the State over the weekend. If in need of office forms see us—Enterprise Office Lt. Commander Robert W. and placed along the highway system. In all the Highway Department Mrs. Dart, were overnight visitors in | SPEC IALIZING IN DINNERS spent $112,300 in 1953 to keep its Detroit and Idanha Wednesday. While TRY OUT A NEW SINGER SEWING .MAC HINE highways and facilities clean for the here they stayed at the Calzetta Mo CLOSED MONDAY AND TUESDAY convenience and enjoyment of the | tel. Bob is well known here här, Seven day FREE TRIAL in your home. When in need ing moved here from Bend in the traveling public. of service far your machine or »hen you need a new or spiing of 1945 at which time he was —Serving Your Favorite Cocktails— used Sew ing Machine, Call or Write a business associate of the Len Davis’s in the Roy Newport Tavern, later • Trass Mark of TH* SINGER MSO. CO. known as the Canyon Club, in the old town of Detroit. At that time Bob was a reserve in Ltolod >>■ »«* lebp*o»« book onl^ Uodor SINGS» SIWINU MACHINS CO. the navy and when called back into service, sold his interest to the Davis’s. 130 N. Commercial Phone 3-3512 SALEM, OREGON He just returned from Korea, and was enroute to visit his mother, Mrs. Edith Dart, »’ho resides in the Meto- lious river area, and with his father, Lewis Dart, who resides at Taft. He is on a week’s leave, and will report to Washington, D. C. for further orders. About 75 people from up and down the Canyon attended the North San tiam Chamber of Commerce meeting held at the Stayton high school Wed nesday, March 17. Eight representa tives were from this area.* Repot ts were made on the progress of the film ing of the N'oith Santiam area. The filming of the area is to encourage vacationinsts. Two important elections are on the agenda for this month. The Idanha Rural Fire Protection A REAL COMBINATION District will hold an election Friday, March 26 from 5 to 8 at the fire hall And at an exceptionally low price in Idanha to determine whether the City of Detroit shall be annexed as ' (Large tin) part of the file district. In an election held January 11 at the Idanha fire hall, the Idanha Rural Fire Protection district by a unani mous vote of 10 annexed the City of i Idanha as part of the fire district. Used only a short while, Like new Registered voters residing in the The stove cost $239 and the refrigerator $269. City of Idanha and the district of Idanha for 90 days, are eligible to cast a vote in Friday’s election. Come and see them On Monday, March 29 an election on school consolidation will be held at We’ll sell them each for Table ready the Detroit school from 2 to 9 p. m. in the schools’ library room. 20 ounce In last Friday evening.- league See us for other good buys in shuffleboard tournament. The lmk< trounced the Cedars with a 45 point NEW AND USED FURNITURE lead, score 185-140. The game was played at The Lake. Spillway drew the bye. 9 Next Friday's League games will be played as follows: Cedars vs Jerry's Phone 4561 GATES, OREGON Tavern, Detroit. Lake vs Mill City Tavern, Byron's board. Les’s vs. Spillway. Idanha board. Sunday's non-league game schedul ed between Davies Tavern of Stayton With cheese sauce and the Cedars was postponed. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Palmer announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Lillian Ruth Palmer, to Lyle F. Mackey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mackey. The bi ide-elect is a graduate of Sacred Heart Acadenv' and is em You pay ^*00 ployed at the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co., in Salem. Her fiance only $ 14 ounce 9 Cans is a graduate of Salem high school A WEEK! bottles ¿ Campbells and is employed at the Pack-well Pap larger, brighter 21' picture! er Products in Portland. The wedding Super Colorado chsMH1 Rich is planned for the late summer. Her Mahogany finish cabinet' It's Specials for Friday and Saturday M ARC H 26 and 2 father. Dee Palmer, is employed at the brand new Philco 4100’ Detroit. STORE HOUR Mrs. Barney Johnson, who has been « :00 to 7:00 Except Sundays and Holiday OTHER PH I ICO MODELS BEGIN AT 179*’ receiving medical attention at a Salem hospital, returned to her home in Idanha last week. Guaranteed Television and Radio Service Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Meinert of Mill City, accompanied by Jiggs Daily Delivery in the City l>ecker from the coast, were callers Order Deadline 3:00 P. M in Datro't on Saturday Phone 4107 Mill City, Oregon DETROIT Crossler's Grocery WHITIES SANTIAM CAFE SINGER SEWING CENTER Subscribe to the Mill City Enterprise SAVE By Shopping Regularly at Stewart's Can Milk-$6 2 cans Margarine 1.. . 4 ibs 89c Frigidaire 25c Range & Refrigerator Peanut Butter $165 Tender Leaf Macaroni, Franco Amer Tea « 49c 2 F»r 33c GATES FURNITURE Here’s Value! Bisquic PHILCO 21-inch Console Tomato Soup 29c STEWART'S GROCERY I Stiffler's Radio & Appliance Co. Qoalitv J<>h Printing at Th» Mill Oily Enterprise Phone 3207 MILL CITY. OREGON