Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1954)
b Bakery Specials TRY ONE OF OUR DELICIOUS Angelfood Cakes They sell regularly for 99c, but this Friday and Saturday we are selling them for only 79c TRY OUR OTHER BAKERY PRODUCTS THEY’RE FRESH AND TASTY MUIR S BAKERY Phone 2222 Mill City, Oregon If in need of office forms see us—Enterprise Office Here’s Value ! PHILCO 21-inch Console You pay 4 "" on,y $ A WEEK! Larger, brighter 21" picture! Super Colorado chassis' Ri< h Mahogany finish cabinet! It's the brand new Philco 4100' 17995 OTHER PHILCO MODELS BEGIN AT 1 ' ' Raytheon Bonded Electronic Technician* Guaranteed Television and Radio Service Stiffler's Radio & Appliance Co. Phone 2622 Open Every Evening Mill City served later. Attending were Mr. and Mi-. Donald McWhirk. Mr. and Mrs. Pee Rodich. Mr. and -Mis. Lovell Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moulett. By Eva Bressler Mr. and Mrs. Clair Humphries an<i Mr and Mrs. Ray Roberts, Mr. family from Myrtle Creek were week Mi Bob Diaper, Mr. and Mrs. end guests at hte home of her par Ru -eil and Mrs. Pete Brusasco. ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston., Mr and Mrs. Hugh Johnston ! They also visited her brother and receiving congratulations upon j family, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston. birth of another son, born Monday Mr. and Mrs. Leland Manning, evening at the Salem Memorial hos Richie and Larry were Sunday dinner pital. This is their fourth child, three of them being boy*. geusts at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Downing and Mr. and Mrs. Sim Etzel in Stayton. The occasion honored her grandmoth daughter, Paula of Mill City, have er, Mrs. John VanHandle on her birth moved into the Robert Carleton houre in I o\ Valley. The Carletons aie now day anniversary. living at Bonneville while he is at Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen went to tending school. Philomath Sunday where they visited Sunday dinner guests at the home at the George Cummings and Cecil of Mi and Mrs. Eorrest Nydeggei Green homes. They are cousins of Mr. were Mr an«i Mrs. Fred Mitchel and Allen. Miss Bessie Mitchel of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker were Mr. and Mr*. Vaughn Hunt spent Sunday dinner guests at the home of the weekend in Drain and Sutherlin. their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. They took their little nephew home. and Mrs. Earl Hampton in Salem. He had spent two weeks here. Additional guests were another daugh Sunday dinner guests at the horn* ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Norman of Mr. and Mrs. George Berry were Johnson, Chris and Curt. The occasion Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Berry and honored Douglas Hampton on his fifth son, Donald, of Tillamook, Mr. and , birthday anniversary. Mrs. Willard Berry and son, of ; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Remmenga Sweet Home. Evening guests were I spent Sunday in Seattle with their Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Berry. son, Don, who was here for the Recent visitors at the S. T. Roberts weekend from aboard ship. home was his father Sam P. Roberts The Home Economics club of the and his sister and husband, Mr. and I Santiam Valley giange held their Mrs. George Lee from Paradise, Cal., | meeting at the home of Mrs. Eimer also Mr. and Mrs. Paul Higley of Mill | Taylor in Mehama, Tuesday after- City, and Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Bones I noon. A small crowd attended. Various and Jackie of Silverton. plans were made and discussed. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olmstead were Cornelius, were Sunday guests at the host and hostess for a dinner at their home of his brother Ivan Smith and ; home Sunday. Covers were laid for and family. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Edmonson, Ron The Lyons Extension unit will hold ald and Ray from Oak Grove, Mr. and then monthly meeting at the Rebekah Mrs. Ed Olmstead, Bobby and Judy hall Friday, March 19, beginning at from Coburg. Mr. and Mrs. Walter 10 o'clock. Project leaders are Evelyn Olmstead of Mill City, Jim Justice Sexton and Rose Thayer. They will from Mehama. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I demonstrate cake baking ami simple Olmstead, Donald, Walter and Jimmie. decorations. A planned luncheon will The occasion honored the birthday an feature the cakes made, with Ruth niversaries of Byron Edmondson, Ed. Edwards, Bta Hiatt and Hazel Bald Oim.-tead, Walter Olmstead Sr., and i win the committee in charge. ■ Mrs. Atthur Olmstead. Faith Rebekah lodge held a regu Arthur Prideaux of Portland is lar meeting at the hall Wednesday visiting at the .home of < his son and evening. Garnett Bassett, noble grand, family, Mr. and Mrs. John , Prideaux. put on a lovely obligation ceremony Friends are sorty to hear of the in observance of the 47th anniversary resignation of Miss Vivian Boyce, of the lodge, with each members re teacher of music in the Mari-Linn newing their obligation. At the good school. Miss Boyce has accepted an of the order hour, various plans were invitation to visit friends in Virginia discussed. At the social hour, Alta and teach there for the coming year. Bodeker, Maxine Berry and Eva Bres She has taught in our school for three sler served refreshments carrying out years anil will be missed in ehurch the St. Patrick motif. and community affairs by her many Rev. and Mrs. B. Thornes from Oslo, friends. Norway began revival meetings at Friends gathered at the home of Santiam chapel Tuesdav and will con I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jobb Saturday tinue for two weeks. Meetings will be i evening for a sort of housewarming held each evening except Monday and [ and to surprise and help Mr. Jobb cele- Saturday. Mrs. Thornes will assist in brate his birthday anniversary. the music. She is known as the “Nor I Games furnished the entertainment wegian Nightengaler.” , for the evening with refreshments LYONS Business and Prefessional DIRECTORY an expert knows more about less specialized groups. The physician is thoroughly schooled in diagnosis and treatment. As pharma« isls, we are e^ierls in the preparation and dispensing of drugs. • e do not pretend to lie able to diagnose your ills. Hut we are qualified, ami gladly accept the responsibility of filling your prescriptions. CONSUMER V ALUES PRICES GOOD UNTIL APRIL FIRST YODORA DEODORANT, 1 60c jar and 1 35c jar both for 69c plus tax ABOLENE MINERAL OIL, two bottles Regular $1.50 value for only ANTISEPTIC NO. 59, 2 bottles Regular $1.18 value, sale price $1 09 89c 54c ASPIRIN, 2, 100 tablet bottles SEAFORTH SHAVING LOTION 2 bottles, a $2.00 value for only..... $1.00 DRENE SHAMPOO, reg. $1.11 val. 2 bottles ggc SUREX DEODORANT SOAP, $1 val. 4 bars 69c EBONETTE SPECIAL RUBBER GLOVES $1.96 Value, 2 pair for only $1.49 DOESKIN TISSUE, 1000 sheets .............. 79c KOLYNOS TOOTH PASTE, 2 large tubes AMMIDENT TOOTH PASTE, Plain or Chlorophyll, 2. 47c tubes for 75c bottle Jerris Hair Tonic and 35c bottle Jerris Hair oil, both for 69c Phone 6607 .1. C. Kimmel 59c 67c Mill City Enterprise Class Ads Pay JOHN W. REID, M. I). Physician and Surgeon MILL CITY, OREGON WOOD’S STORE General Dry Goods NOTIONS LINGERIE READY-TO-WEAR HOSIERY Ll'ZIERS COSMETICS DR. VICTOR J. MYERS Chiropractic Physician Shorteningsw,rrs ,EWEI Post Office Building, 2nd floor Phone: Stayton 2274 STAYTON. OREGON 50c worth of coupons in each tin PEANUT BUTTER — 20 «,z .49 25c CAKE FLOUR Mayonnaise, Kraft, quart jar 69c Baby Food 3 cans - 25c CRACKERS 25c 33c CRACKERS N,biw°Riu 1 lb J. W. GOIN VETERINARIAN STAYTON Phone 1148 Opposite Claude lewis' Service Station MIKE'S Septic Service Septic Tanks and Sewers (leaned Phone Salem 3 9186, COLLECT 1079 Elm St. W. Salem Weddle Funeral Home Modern funeral Service STAYTON OREGON Sunshine Krispy HEFFNERS PLUMBING Call Stayton 2611 PLUMBING 388 fourth Street STAYTON, OREGON Carrots Sc Sure < Factory- ANY MAKE MARCH 19 and 20 Specials for Friday and Saturday 2 ||) liunrhes lielieious or Winenap ANY MODEL | 19c 1~^ .19 FOR YOUR TELEVISION OR RADIO Open Daily 8:00A.M. to 7:00 P. M. :_M7 Stiffler’s Radio & Applinace Co. Mlil City. Oregon Closed Sundays and Holidays HILL TOP MARKET Telephone 27II I Mill City, Oregon. |