Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1954)
f VERNE’S BARBER SHOP Broadway, Mill City -Mill Ends- Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Blake of Albany, called on Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Walkup Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mra. Calvin Flannery vis : ited his sister for several days this Hours: 10:00 a. m. to 7:00 p. m. week at DeLake. Spending the weekend at the Louis Stewart's Grocery in sporting a new sign on the coiner of their store. The Verbeck home were Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Wirick and two children, Susan sign was put up Monday. and David, who recently moved to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Richards motóred Roseburg from California. Mrs. W i ric-k to Estacada Sunday to visit Mr. and was formei ly Marlene Verbeck. Mrs. Perry Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Mason went to A visitor last weekend at the home Pendleton Fiiday, where they met of Mrs. J. F. Potter Was her sister-in- Mrs. Mason’s nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Gust. The Mason’s also law, Mrs. Lafe Hill, of Salem. visited at McNary dam while away The Woman’s Council of the Chris and returned to Mill City Sunday. 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE r New BARBER SHOP OPENING IN MILL CITY Next to the Mill City Tavern About April 1st We will be open every day except Sunday from 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. CENTRAL BARBER SHOP GLEN HEARING B O U C H E ’ S Heating Installations Electric Supplies Montag Ranges Peerless Pumps Colored Fryers Dressed to Order Custom Killing LYONS PLUMBING Phone 1634 Lyons, Ore Phone Lyons 678 Mehama, Oregon Most exciting flower in years! 1 Raymond Thompson is in Salem Memorial hospital at the present time recupeiating from an operation on his ; back, which was performed Thursday. , He will be confined in the hospital for , Vlr. and Mrs. H. C. Kuhlman of St. I about three weeks, according to Mrs. 1 Maries, Idaho, are spending a few Thompson. days with their son and daughtei-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kuhlman. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell (Buzz) Fleet wood are the parents fo a daughter, | Bill Richards and Everett Limbeck born to them at 6:30 Saturday morn- recently bagged two cougar near Mill ing at Santiam Memorial hospital in j City. The big cats were tieed with| Stayton. The Fleetwoods also have a I the aid of their dogs and killed with a son, who will be 2 in May. Mary Gay I .22 calibre rifle. is the name chosen for the new girl, i Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Plymale. accom panied by Mrs. W. J. Robinson, mo tored to Salem Sunday, where they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Klock and family. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Rada and and four sons of Pendleton, visited this week with his parents, the Fiank I Radas. Mr. Rada is superintendent of schools in Pendleton. Mrs. Harry Wood entertained on Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Jay West cott and son, Ross, of Milwaukie and Mr. and Mrs. Jock Colburn. Mrs. Westcott is a granddaughter of Mrs • Wood. Mrs. Grace Cooke, .Mrs. Susie Haynes, Mrs. Helen Jull, Mrs. Elsie Myers and Mrs. Bertha Shelton at tended a special Christian Woman s Fellowship Guest day service at Sil verton Tuesday of this week. NORTHRUP KING^ü GIANT FANTASY It has been annouced by Mrs. W. W. Allen that the Santiam Memoiial Hos- ' pital Auxiliary will meet here at Fel low-hip Hall at 2 o'clock, this (Thurs day ) afternoon. All communities in the Canyon are asked to participate in this program. Mrs. James H. Turn bull. Marion county education director for the cancer program will be pres- I ent to show films. Everyone is wel come to attend. 25« Vibront purple flower» NORTHRUP KIN PKT. .. only 2 inche» toll. For edgings, borders, rock gordens Dishnctive. Santiam Fanners Co-op Raleigh Harold FLORIST and NURSERY 319 West Washingtun Street. flOFo'en from our PKT. ROYAL CARPÌ T ALYSSUM Mrs. Richard D. Turpin returned last weekend from a fortnight visit with her son, Frank Klein and wife and daughter who resides at Lynden, Washington. While up there she | crossed the border into Westminister, | j Canada for a visit. On her return trip I she visited Nellie Culom at Kelso and Mrs. Wilbur Rhodes, foimerly of Mill I City, w’ho now resides at Longview, Washington. Miss Leona Lamb, of Portland, ac companied by her niece. Miss Myrna ' Lindquist of Clackamas, were week-1 end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Moffatt. They retuned to their homes Monday afternoon. Choo$e your complete | • Mammoth frilled biocm» 5 in. across • 4 brilliant colors scarier, yellow, O'ange. ro»e • Easy to grow t 'ooms ’til frost | Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bassett and Rosa lie motored to Sisters Sunday where they visited at the Clayton Baltimore 1 anil Wallace Henderson homes. The' Baltimore’s and Henderson s Atre former Mill Cit" residents. Formerly located at Gates Fowler Clothes Dryers : ♦ Joan Schroeder of Salem spent the the weekend here a.<> a guest of Mr. tian church will meet Wednesday, and Mts. Lowell Stifler. She is a March 24 at the Glen Shelton home. Mrs. H. E. Juli this week received niece of Mrs. Stiffler. word of the death of an uncle, aged Harvey Dowdy is the new depot 92, who had made his home for the agent hete. He replaced Eugene past seveial years with his sister, Aimstrong, who is now located at Mr-. Jull’s mother, at Scottsbluff, Ne- btaska. He bad been a resident of Woodburn. Washington state for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Baltimore of Redmond, w-ere in Mill City visiting friends and attending to business mat ters Monday. --------------------------------- THl RSDAY, MARCH IS, 19.» 4 I Feeds Grinding and Mixing Machinery '»eeds Custom Cleaning Hardware Seed Marketing Fertilizer OPEN Sl'NDAYS AND Petroleum Products Household Appliances EVENINGS telephone CCM STAYTON OREGON Telephone 5024 STAYTON, OREGO 4 LYONS FOOD MARKET 20% Off on the Following List-Shoes, Shirts, Etc Mens and Boys Shoes 8 Inch Plain Toe—Composition Sole Heavy 6- Inch Composition Sole Boys (size 1 to 6) Heavy Working Shoes Engineer Boots wool random » SHORT LEt