Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1952)
7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE March 6, 1952 If It’s in the Canyon, It’s Advertised in The Enterprise! Wants and Sales Fox Valley FOR SALE—4-in S.H soil pipe. 83c LUNCH SERVED Tuesday, March nor Ft • 5-ft. f t rcu'occo.l 11 • > ■ - per ft.; recessed steel tun tub ShM $59; • AVON COSMETICS 11. by Christian church women from 40-gal. hot water heater $85. 11 a.m. Hamburger, hot-dog sand See Mrs. R. G. Herlofsen, green 7-6 Rodich, Rt. 1, Box 28, Lyons. wiches, salad, pie, and cake. 10-1 house north of Santiam Garage. See W. R. HUTCHESON Telephone .------- and home radio i 926, Box 658, Mill City. 3tf EXPERT AUTO we nor i onz>A H 1 Mill City service, Oii 20 smoPo years experience, LEGAL ADVERTISING makes. Guaranteed service. PLUMBING SUPPLIES — Pipe fit Stiffler's Radio and Appliance. FOR RENT—Modern 3-room duplex No. 14,618 tings, toilets, sinks, washbowls, apartment. Inquire Walt Peterson, NOTICE bathtubs, showers, etc. Bargain FOR SALE—Alta fescue hay, 50c a Swift’s addition or at Enterprise In the Circuit Court of the State of prices. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. bale. A. N. Pietrok, four miles office. 9tf Oregon For the County of Marion Department of Probate FOR SALE—1949 Kaiser Vagabond, i northwest of Stayton, Shaft road. 8-3p FOR SALE—Newly decorated mod In the Matter of (pe Will and Estate radio, heater, overdrive, one owner ern house on 13 acres, new drilled of ELIZABETH O. DITTO,. car. very reasonable. See at La , well, $4,500.00. N. M. Bond. Rte. Decea4pdh Vista Trailer Park, Gates, Ore. lp( WANTED TO BUY — Clean peeled Douglas fir poles, delivered to 1. Box 160, Lyons. Two miles east Notice is hereby given that the un For further informa- of Mill City in Linn county. 9-3p TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma-1 Lyons vard. dersigned nas has iuea filed Jiis final account ------ - — a n . Van« Mcri^iKiivu nis nnai chines. We sell, rent, repair and j tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 , as Executor of the Estate of ELIZA- Filbert Ave.. Lebanon, phone 5745, FOR RENT—5-room house in Swift BETH 6. DITTO, Deceased, with the swap all makes. Trade your old Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf ( ounty Clerk of Marion County, Ore addition. $50 a month partly fur machine towards a new one. nished. See Mrs. D. J. Nelson Jr.. gon, and the Court has fixed Monday, ROEN, 456 Court St.. Salem. I Box 688, Mill City or The Enter WANTED—Modern, old and antique April 7, 1952, at the hour of 9:15 prise. 6tf | SPORTSMEN—Join the North San- fire-arms. Broken and incomplete o'clock in the morning of said day as guns wanted for parts. Write and the time, and the Court Room of the SEE US FOR GOOD Real Estate! tiam Sportsman’s club now. We are describe what you have to Art Circuit Court, Department of Probate, devoted to game conservation and buys in Canyon area. Listings in the Court House at Salem, Marion Boyce, 705 Idlewood Dr., Salem. propagation and need your help. wanted. See GLEN SHELTON, 8-Sp County, Oregon, as the place for hear Only $1.00 per year, you will have ing objections, if any, to said Final salesman with C. E. COVILLE, that much fun at one meeting. Broker, west side Mill City. Phone Enquire at Enterprise office, or see NEED A TELEPHONE.’ —Stop in Account on file. GEO. H. DITTO, and see the new Lech combination Jerry Coffman, at Ken Golliet’s. 9 2207. 52tf Executor desk or wall phone, also used HEWITT. ESTEP & SORENSEN phones from $10.00 up. Telephone TARPS—Tents, new and used. Selec STOVES—Heaters and ranges, in oil By ROY R. HEWITT, and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. 10-4 or wood. Save at tion of sizes. of Attorneys for the Estate. Stiffler ’ s Radio and Appliance. Red ’ s Hill Top Trading Post Red’s Hill Top Trading Post NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE—See us for 18 or 19-inch Notice is hereby given that by passenger tires. Silver Saddle Service Station. 6tf virtue of an Order duly entered in the Circuit Court of the State of I FOR SALE — Chevrolet parts from Oregon for the County of Marion in Matter of the Estate of Bessie wrecked car. See Silver Saddle the deceased, the undersigned, 1405 N. Front St. SALEM, ORE. Service Station. 47tf Reade, Florence Harris, was duly appointed Lyons Phone: Salem Phones: INSULATION—Owens-Corning Fib as executrix of said estate and has 143 2-1924; Night 2-4417 erglass Blowing Wool—finest in qualified as such. All persons having sulation known to man. Save over claims against said estate are hereby 20 to 40% fuel costs. Phone col required to present the same, together HAULING AND MOVING HEAVY MACHINERY lect for estimates. AMERICAN with the proper vouchers, to the un and Mill Equipment Up To 25 Tons IMPROVEMENT CO.. 975 Market dersigned at Idanha. Oregon, within six months from the date of this St., Salem, ph. 2-4687 or 2-8010. 6tf notice. Including D8 and HD14 Cats, and si-yard shovels. and first published this 6th Complete Rigging Outfit, Winch Trucks, Low-bed Trailers WANTED — Poles. Piling. Barkies: day Dated of March, 1952. unneeled Douglas Fir noles wanted FLORENCE HARRIS. delivered Fox Valley. Ore. Length Executrix. 30 to 80 feet. Phone evenings Lvons BELL & DEVERS 82, days Portland ATwater 2346. Stayton, Oregon McCormick Piling & Lumber Co., Attorneys for Executrix. Board of Trade Bldg.. Portland. Ore. 37tf APARTMENTS—For rent. 3-bedroom home for sale. a a Mr. and Mrs. D. Ethridge enter tained to dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scheiwek and family. Mr. and Mrs. Culwell have sold their place on the mountain near the Orville Downing place and south of highway 222. The Culwells may locate farther down the valley if they can find a small acreage to suit them. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Earl Thayer home in Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Button had her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Amick of Portland as over the weekend guests. The Buttons drove to Port land to get their folks Friday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sandner and son, Alan of Salem were Sunday afternoon callers at the J. H. Johnston home. Mr. and Mrs. Wells Gage and family of Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. D. Ethridge and family of Fox Valley surprised 2 v, Firestone Batteries and New Hastings Spark Plugs $5.00 Trade In On a New Battery REAL ESTATE For a Limited Time Only TIRES, TUBES AND ACCESSORIES—NEW MODERN DISPLAY COME AND AND SEE IT! :: ÎÎ * SILVER SADDLE SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT MILL CITY Phone 903 § o: « a s TRAILER HOMES Àngelus •> Two-bedroom, unfinished house ini Mill City, cement foundation, comp, roof, cedar siding located in new addition of Mill City for only $2,000.. $500 down, $40 per month. Two bedroom modern house, very neat I andc lean, large rooms. Mill City, close to schools, for $3,800, terms. ! FOR SALE—Low price house located, in Marion county side of Mill City. Two bedrooms downstairs and two usable bedrooms upstairs. Bath room remodeled recently, nice large | lot, with apple and nut trees, $3,750. FRED A. LINDEMANN — Public Accounting — Real Estate — Insurance LYONS. OREGON WE SELL BETTER ( ARS FOR LESS! GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME! WHEN IN SALEM Visit “HUDSON CITY Home of GOOD Used Cars SHROCKZS Traveleze 316 N. Church St. Boles-Aero Gates, Ore. RUBY and JOHNNY AMUSEMENT FOR EVERYONE” ct « a I ■ LICENSED SERVICE $1.50 per month and up Also serving Gates, Lyons. Idanha and Detroit MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Phone 3952 LEONARD HERMAN a ALBANY — 2 Miles South on 99E a ct BnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBŒ Directory - Professional ansnnBBBBBHBaBnnnsi&asnsiBnap DR. R. ROY QUICK DENTIST Telephone 2261 for Appointment Tuesdays: 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Thursdays: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office in Jenkins Bldg.. Mill City I Dan River Prints, Children's Books, I ♦ Wool Scarfs. Stamped Pillow Cases. ♦ Blankets. Handkerchiefs, Nylons Z ♦ Hendricsons Store ♦ DR. VICTOR .1. MYERS Chiropractic Physician Post Office-Building. 2nd Floor Phone: Stayton 2271 Stavton, Ore. aBBBBBBaoaD’BaBB'BfiBnBBBBBBB HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN MIKES Septic Service: Attorney« at Law 180 N. Commercial SALEM Phone 3-6412 Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned • Phone SALEM 3-9468. COLLECT • 1079 Elm St., W. Salem How to Treat VERNES BARBER SHOP 2nd 4 Broadway Mill City Hoars: 10 to 7 PHYSICIAN & SURGEON F Mill City WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modern Funeral Fanerai Service STAYTON ORfXiON ORFXiON IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE in THE ENTERPRISE BcnBOBaaognooBBnHnPBiaBHHBg Painful For fust. blessed relief from »ore, flery. Itching, simple PUes. get CHWAROfO from your druggist. See ho* fait It usually soothe» «way pain, soreness. Itching, nerv ousness Bee ho* It tool» Bery burning and help» shrink «nd heal swollen tissue!. Wonder-soothing CHINAROID must prors a blessing to you or money back u guaranteed «nranDwnBnnniiniiBOBnoannsti MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbare, ashes, trimmings. etc. weekly pickups 31.50 per month HARLOW L WEINRICK 318 Broadalbin Albany Also light hauling I .eon a rd Herman Phone 3952 a Fine Art Phone 3-9101 CRANKSHAFT GRINDING VOLTAGE REGULATORS GENERATOR REPAIRS HEIDT S AUTO Expert Body ELECTRIC Phone 2403 Mill City Next to Mar Dean Cafe Immediate Delivery Business AUTO PAINTING CARBURETION and IGNITION PASSENGER CARS — 2- and 1-WHEEL DRIVE STATION WAGONS 4-W.D. PICKUPS — JEEPS PANELS South Side Trailers TAVERN GARBAGE New Willys PARTS AND SUPPLIES RICHARD’S GATES NEW AND USED ALL SIZES A Friendly Place To While Away Your Idle Hours Stayton HUDSON Sales — Parts — Service Platt WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INVITATIONS at The Mill City Enterprise Jerry's Tavern Salem Heavy Hauling & Equipment Co. Featuring: Paul Scheiwek Friday evening in honor of hi sbirthday which was Feb. 29. Mrs. Gage made a large cake decorated for the occasion which was enjoyed with ice cream as .refresh- ments for the evening. Girl Scouts have been sponsoring a cookie sale to benefit their Scout camp funds for this summer camping facilities. The P. W. Rodich family were Eugene visitors Sunday. They visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Rodich and saw their new baby girl who arrived Feb. 21. The 7 lb. 10 oz. daughter has been named Susan Eliz abeth. Real Bargains in Used 4-VVD. Pickups and Jeeps Work • * * Free Estimates * * • Genuine Chevrolet Parts « Elsner Motor Co SALEM, OREGON « • ISE OCR BUDGET PLAN Balance (,an Be Arranged To Suit Budget * • a K AL CHEVROLET DEALER SEE US ANY TIME! OUR CARS ARE ALWAYS PRICED RIGHT QU \LITY NEVER LOW A FINE SELECTION ALWAYS EXAMPLE: 1950 Plymouth Special ........................................ $1545 Deluxe 4-door sedan, extra clean, I owner car. $1695 1951 Dodge Pickup ^4-ton, like new. only 7,000 miles. 1950 Chevrolet Deluxe Styleline Club Coupe $1645 A beauty with radio, heater, fine custom seat covers. $ 495 1942 Dodge Deluxe 2 Door Gene Teague Chevrolet Chevrolet Sales and Service STAYTON, ORE. Sedan, new paint, new custom made seat covers. Real nice condition. Salem Automobile Co. HOME OF CHRYSLER — PLYMOUTH 405 — 435 — 495 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-4117 HEART ATTACK OR INDIGESTION?