Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1952)
LYONS March 6, 195’ 6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE HUCKLEBERRY FINN H uck F inn , Tot J ure look , like By MRS. EVA BRESSLER Mrs. Alvin Palmer entertained a group of little folks Saturday after noon honoring her son Garry on his seventh birthday anniversary. Games and refreshments furnished the enter tainment. Honoring Garry were Bev erly Neisess, Connie Britton, Mary Jo Cruson, Stanley Power, Garry Nye, May Agnes Morgan, Dennis Lee and j Larry Dean Human, Kathleen Kuiken,1 Michael Hargin, Jimmy and Ronnie Palmer all of Lyons, Mrs. Verl Shirley and Gene of Aumsville, Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer and Leroy from Ocean Side who were weekend guests at the Palmer home. The Lyons Community Methodist <hunh joined Mill City and Stayton in the World Day of Prayer services Friday afternoon, with several going to Stayton and also to Mill City. Albert Julian is convalescing at his home following an operation on Mi foot. He is able to be about on crutches, but reports a great deal of pain. Mrs. Alta Bodeker, local chairman for the Red Cross reports the drive started in the Lyons district Monday. Mrs. Bodeker has appointed as her ■workers, Dorothy Mohler, Leota Worden and Anna B. Julian, the Fox Valley territory, Eva Bressler, Bea Hiatt, Claire Feenstra, Lyons; Freda Kuiken, McCulley Mountain, and Flor ence Johnson, the Jordan district. The regular meeting of Faith Re bekah lodge was held Wednesday eve ning with 35 members in attendance, and Zona Sischo, noble grand and Jean Roberts, vice grand presiding, the regular routine of business was A SCARECROW IT’S AMAZING! carried out and reports of all com be with her sister and mother, where mittees heard. Followed by confer they are planning a trip to Kansas ring of the degree in a beautiful man I City, Mo., due to the serious condition ner upon four new candidates, Frances of her brother. Garsjo, Helen Johnston, Eleanor Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brassfield of Christensen, and Sue Walton. Plans Pedee were Wednesday afternoon are under way for a bazaar to be held | guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. some time in April. At the social ( Merrill Brassfield, Mrs. Brassfield hour dainty refreshments were served remained for the rest of the week. by the committee in charge, Rosa Mrs. Gladys Hurst and Mrs. Mel Berry, Mildred Carr, Frances McCar vina Franklin, cooks at the Mari-Linn ley and Helen McClurg. Guests were school have returned to their duties present from Mill City. after several days of illness. During Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huber, Dennis, their absence Mrs. Monroe Walker Ronna and Darrell and his mother and Mrs. Melvin Peek were in charge. Mrs. Alice Huber were Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore left at the George Keeley home in Port Wednesday morning for Gaston where land, Mrs. Keeley is a daughter of they will spend several days with ! friends. Mrs. Alice Huber. Santiam Valley Grange will be i The regular monthly meeting of hostess for the Pomona Grange Thurs- the Sunday school teachers and offi- day, March 6th, with an ail day meet- cers was held Thursday evening at ing. In the evening the 5th degree the parsonage, with Mrs. John Prid- will be put on for those who have »’aux superintendent in charge. . Plans r!_.._ i were made and discussed. Due to the never had it. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen were increasing attendance in Sunday Wednesday evening guests at the school new teachers are to be added. The United Evangelistic Mission be home of Mr. and Mrs. Gail Fox and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Briskey at their gins with a youth rally on Saturday For Guaranteed Cleaning night at 7:30 at the Lyons Methodist homes in Salem. Community church. Harold Burleson, Bob Brassfield went to the Veterans guest evangelistic preacher will preach it’s the hospital in Portland the first of the at the 11 a m. services and again at week where he will remain for obser 7:30 p.m. There will be preaching vation and treatment. Bob is the son services each night next week from of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill_ Brassfield Monday to Friday with special music of Lyons. and a message by Rev. Burleson. 24-HOUR SERVICE Mrs. Bentford of Burnt Woods is There will be four teams of visitors visiting at the home of her daughter calling on Sunday afternoon. Mill City and family Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olm Mrs. Jean Roberts was hostess for stead. the meeting of the Three Links club Clone» at 6 P.M. Mrs. Willard Hartnell left for Ken held at her home Friday afternoon, newick, Wash., Wednesday evening to with a 12:30 dessert luncheon. Mil dred Carr, president presided over the 1IINHIHI1 business meeting. Plans were made. MRS. J. H. JOHNSTON and discussed for the bazaar and set the date for April 17, to be held at Miss June Page of Portland spent the Rebekah hall. Present for the the holiday weekend with the Paul meeting were Ethel Huffman, Millie Scheiweks and at the Wells Page I Bickett, Elsie Myers, Garnett Bassett, home in Lyons. Mrs. Scheiwek is 1 Mabel Bass, Mildred Carr, Maxine Miss Page’s sister, and Mr. Page is Berry and the hostess Jean Roberts. a brother. Miss Page is employed Mrs. Jack Duggan was hostess for as a seamstress in a clothing factory a group of little folks honoring her in Portland. The Scheiweks took her 1 daughters Sandra on her fourth birth- to Portland Sunday evening. | day anniversary and Kathellen on her Mrs. J. F. Potter of Mill City was second. Little tots games were played calling on friends in Fox Valley Tues and refreshments were served. At day afternoon. “At the Bottom of the Hill" tending were Dennis, Donna and Dar Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian and son rell Huber, Stephen and John Kilburn. reported having a nice vacation in Walter and Jimmie Olmstead, Larry California, where they spent about Carleton, all of Lyons; Irean and Jeff 10 days sightseeing and visiting rela Kubin of Mehama; Lee and Lonnie tives and friends. They returned last Bodeker, Peachie, Deanne and Grant week. Merrill, Jo Ascher and Mrs. Ascher Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston with of Mill City. Hugh Johnston were Salem business The Mari-Linn school and PTC are visitors Saturday. sponsoring a skating benefit. They A. C. Van Nys of Stayton was a | will have a movie Friday evening, business caller in Fox Valley Tuesday. March 7 at 7:30 and Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Rodich received I March 9 at 2:30 in the new gym at the the news Thursday February 21 of the I school. Featuring Dagwood and arrival of a baby girl at the home Blondie in “Blondie’s Big Moment”, of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Rodich in j It is a full two-hour play, and it is Eugene. The little miss weighed 7 hoped everyone will come out to see lbs 10 oz. and has been named Susan the fun and help the skating benefit. Elizabeth. She is the first grand The 1.1. (Interested Intermediates) child of the Rodich family. class of the Lyons community Meth odist Sunday school held a party at WEDDING \XX(H XCEMENTS I the Ray Mohler home Sunday after \XD INVITATIONS noon, honoring the birthday anniver at The Mill City Enterprise saries of their teacher Mrs. Claire i Feenstra, also James Morgan, Bob Roy, and Gerald Steele. Games and FRB8H DAILY — VERY REASON ABLE PRICES I refreshments furnished the entertain- WE ARE PLEASED . ment. Present were Rev. and Mrs. TO SERVE YOU! Feenstra, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith. Ivalyn and Dennis, Claudia Johnson, We hope you are pleased Gloria Carr, James Morgan, Mr. and with our service. MILE CITY Mrs. Ray Mohler, Shirley and Jerry. Several members from Santiam Val- OPEN WEEK DAYS: 8 A M. to 7 P.M. t | ley grange attended the 50th anniver CLOSED: Sundays and Holidays sary of Morning Star grange held Saturday night. Reporting a very WK GIVE TRADING STAMPS \M) ALUMINUM AND DISHES | enjoyable evening. Those attending were Johnnie Lambrecht, Mr. and Mrs. Mill City Wilson Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stevens, and May Patton. NU-METHOD THIS NAW PHARMACIST'S MATE FROM TENNESSEE WON THE durinc a fierce wwii battle , sacrificing HIS LIFE FOR HIS COUNTRY AND WOUNDED COMRADES. Fox Valley Never MEDAL OF HONOR JOHN HARLAN ‘WULOS J PHARMACIST'S MATE FIRST CLASS US. NAVY a Dull Moment WITH HIS FIRST AIO HE SAVED THE LIVES OF MANY MARINES DURING HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT ON IWO JIMA MILL CITY TAVERN FOR YOUR PROTECTION! 1 8 MORE CRENADE^ FELL IN THE FOX-HOLE---------- threw z out , but thf ,eXPLODED IN HIS I though PAINFULLY WOUNPE d L,^0’ KILLINC HIM ' nstantly . HE was CIVING INJURED MARINE WHEN A GRENADE DROPPED beside ihem ------HE THREW IT BACK AT THE ENEMY. Kellom’s Fresh Meats Jacket with Airs far Heirs or Heiresses Kellom’s Grocery Mom s and Pop s CAFE Hot flashes" of Change of Life stopped or strikingly relieved HEMORRHOIDS • FISSURE . FISTULA PROLAPSE and ofhor RECTAL DISORDERS # Stomach and Colon Ai lm a nK In 63-80%* of the coses in doctors' tests! • Those suffocating "heat waves" — alternating with ner vous. clammy feelings — and accompanied often by restless irritability and nervousness are well-known to women suf fering the functionally-caused distress of middle life "change"! You lief from such suffering. And chances are— you can get it. Thrilling relief1 Thank us Lydia Pinkham medicines! •In doctors' tests, Lydia Pink ham s Compound and Tablets brought relief from such dis ____ tress in 63 and £0% ; < i respe respective tested. Com- ly I Of 11 ■ ____ plete or striking tcliej! NO HOSPITALIZATION ^7« XX * T’" • Bookist / J on Roquost BIGGEST SHAVING BARGAIN EVER! BUY A Gillette SUPtIt-SPttD OM-FIICI RAZOR DR R REYNOLDS CLINIC MOCKXOCISr NATU<»Oe*THiC FHVSiC'AN It«« CINTI! ITIIIT . ■ TIHFMONI IftIG ORISON GilUTTt DISTINSI* navy ThwwMind» Have Amazing, you say ’ Not to the ** many thousands of women w know' from ■ experience whaA these Lydii Pinkham rr ledi- Cines can de Their lion actuall IS verv mi n T1 y exert «* 1- cah entin effect i»i Try I d vi ■ne basis i t ( if p>i rebel flashes" and weakness so com mon In "change of life " Dont put it of Oct : Lydia Pink in s Ve table Corn ir neu impro pri il Tab pour ith addt d iron 4 tai sice >9r i. W rful for t fun rami al n Al month ¡H! ric CARRIER AIR CROUP tOi.Twr Il FIRST ALL-RESERVE AIR CROUP TO t SHT in KOREA. WEEK END FLYERS' the RED'S NEMESIS