Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1952)
Canyon Avenue Parade <1 T he MILL CITY 21 ENTERPRISE Serving: Mill CITY DETROIT ELKHORN GATES IDANll \ LYONS MEHAMA MONGOL!» By DON PETERSON Many of the citizens of the canyon ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF N ATI RES EMPIRE were excited last week on Thursday afternoon when they observed an ob ject overhead that at first caused $2.50 a Year. ]()<• a Copy Vol. VIII—No. » MILL CITY, OREGON. THIRSDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1952 many to believe they were looking at a “flying saucer”. Our editorial dis cussing "conscience saucers” was writ 'I CANT / you CAN ten on Wednesday before this object T aking CAW AFFORD appeared, and had no connection w hat that woodlot TO VJ&T ever. We are informed that the ob- AO ORSO RIGHT NOW./ ,ect was observed over Mill City at about 1:30 p.m. and later over Gates, Y b ARSFOR HSR&'5 HOW was a weather balloon carrying in YOU DOIT- The second court of honor for Mill A CROP!, struments for weather observations, City Scout Troop No. 49 held the and is approximately 24 feet in dia Power sales exceeding 15 billion kilowatt hours boosted Bonneville power North Santiam canyon spotlight meter. administration revenues to a new high of $36,189,028 for the fiscal year Wednesday night at the Mill City high • * • ending June 30. 1951, a gain of about 16 percent over the previous year. Charles Kelly, The Gates Community church has i school auditorium. Generally favorable water conditions, installation of last scheduled generator uT'announce^ that^their i ,coutma8ter supervised the honorary requested us t- ________ ___ ___ . units at Grand Coulee and heavy defense power demands contributed to a box social planned for this Saturday meet. record year, according to the adminis Clarke A. Lethin, field Scout exec evening has been indefinitely post tration's 1951 annual report, just utive, Marion county district, assisted poned on account of the basketball issued. tournament going on in Stayton this with the program, coming from his Expansion of defense industries fol weekend. A new date will be an- Albany headquarters for the evening. lowing outbreak of Korean hostilities As a ogrt of the court of honor nounced later. represented a substantial part of in * • * proceedings awards and advancements li J creased gross revenues with aluminum 1 The American Legion hall renova- in the Scouting world were made. =£ij The James Edward Harmon last and other industries accounting for tion and remodeling program is nearly Parents and Scout committeemen rites will be observed Saturday March 47.8 percent of total revenues. Pub completed according to officials of the made the presentations. Tenderfoot 1 at 2 n.m. at the Mill City First licly owned utilities accounted for organization. Cooking facilities and rate was given to Gary Bevier. Sec Christian church. Harmon was killed 27.5, privately owned utilities, 23.5. rest rooms have been added so that ond class status was awarded to Ray in Korea, October 16, 1951'. He was and other sales 1.2 percent. public dances and affairs can be held A. Steiner, Jr., Bruce C. Thomas, born in Wyoming, Sept. 19, 1916. Cpl. 22% Gain After Expenses 1 in the hall. Plans are being made Lahny Podrabsky, Terrence Muir, w* w (First of a series of six artiiles on se< ond grou th forests as a \ Harmon served in Company E, 21st caib crop, prrporrj by prnotc, itolr nod Irderol /orcrl agrotiti / for a full round of activities to make John W. Roten, LaVeme Whaley, and Net revenues of $14,495,552, after Regiment, 24th Division. The Mt. use of the new quarters, and an open Rodney Goble. expenses, depreciation and interest, per acre per year for taxes, fire Can you afford to grow a crop American Legion post firing Angel house date will soon be set for all to represent a gain of nearly 22 percent Richard Lovell was made a first of trees on your land? Can you protection, interest on his invest squad will carry out the military over the previous year. Surplus net come and inspect the building and its class Scout. Merit badges were pre ment and general costs. He still make more money In trees than in attending this ceremony. honors facilities. The hall will be available sented to Richard Lovell—home re revenues since beginning of ope'ra- grass pasture or other crops? The has his forest in excellent condition. Cpl. James E. Harmon is survived tions totaled $69,139,613 as of June for rental to interested parties and pairs and reading; Arthur Cox—home How can you manage a second- answer may be a resounding YES by his mother, Mrs. C. A. Harmon. 30, 1951. organizations as soon as it i& ready. repairs, safety and poultry keeping; to both questions, if your land is growth forest for permanent in Salem; sisters, Mrs. Pearl Oliver, * « * George Rambo—carpentry, and home Cumulative cash receipts of the come? You can sell some products best suited to forest growth. Lyons; Mrs. Helen Gratziner, Moor Music lovers ofXhe Willamette val repairs; Gregory Peterson—home re Columbia river power system allo Oregon and Washington are full j right along as the forest is growing. craft, Wyo.; Mrs. Francis Tibbets, ley are given the opportunity of a pairs; Maurice Bassett — home re of case histories of hopeful settlers Thinnings may yield pulpwood, Stayton; Mrs. Ruth Arthur, New cated to power as of June 30, 1951 rare experience when William War- pairs; Richard Verbeck — bird study, totaled $216,078,233, reducing the fed who went against nature and tried cedar poles, alder and maple bolts, castle, Wyo.; Mrs. Phyllis Goodwin, eral field, baritone, appears on the state music and scholarship; and Richard! investment of $583,245,075 to an to convert forest land into crop Douglas fir poles and piling and Mili City, and Miss Cora Lee Har of the Salem high school auditorium Ziebert —poultry raising and safety. unpaid balance of $368,429,456 on a land. Reason for failure in most fuelwood. The Snohomish farmer mon, Salem; brothers, William Fred next Wednesday, March 5 at 8:30. Richard Verbeck was announced as accounting basis, after transfer cases, so expert soil men tell us, is discovered that his woodlands had erick Harmon, Belleflower, Calif.; cost Many will remember him from the being one merit badge away from that ring $1,262 604 to the continuing fund. that forest lands generally lack Increased in value about 500 per Thomas Harmon, Salem; Harry C. “Old Man River” role of the techni- , coveted goal, Eagle Scout; he must repayments on the power sys some vital mineral and food ele cent* from 1940 to 1949 because of Harmon, Lyons, and John R. Har Capital color version of “Showboat” when it i yet win his civic’s merit badge. Vernon tem were 161 percent in excess of ments which farm crops require. the Increased volume due to faster mon, Remer, Minn. appeared at the Mill City theatre last1 Todd presented the first class badge scheduled requirements. Trees will grow well on this land I growth after thinning, proper care Proper military ceremony will at November. This is the last of the1 to ~' ' ‘ Lovell. " Richard Ed Cooke, Irl which is best suited for a forest of his forest and increased value Transmission facilities completed • tend the interment at Fairview ceme during the fiscal year made the fed distinguished artists to appear this Pymale, Jhue Johnson and Mel Ram of his growing timber. A bonus for crop. tery near Gates. Commander John bo, scout committeemen, presented the "season. eral Columbia river system one of How much can I make off my good husbandry. * * * Muir of the Mill City American Legion awards. Do you have to wait 50 to 100 largest high voltage power grids forest land? Take the typical case post asks that all possible members the Spring is again making another at New scouts invested into Mill City years to get a harvest? No. You can in the world with 4,370 circuit miles of the Snohomish County farmer notify him they will be present and tempt and these days are almost un Troop No. 49 were David Lee Jones, sell some products right along in Washington who has made his of transmission line and 123 substa in uniform for this military funeral. tions serving portions of four north bearable to remain indoors and do the Davis Jenning, Billy Hedge and Duane 60 acres of woodland pav well. In while the young trees are growing various chores we must do. Spring Neisess. A candle-lighting ceremony 1940 he began managing his second- into saw logs. The secret of getting west states. Major additions to the fever will soon be taking its annual was carried out by Loren Dart, Greg growth timber. Since that time he the most cut of your farm woodlot administration’s facilities brought re is to make numerous small har Peterson, Maurice Bassett, Richard toll! has taken off a total ot, approxi lief to most serious power-deficit * * * Verbeck and Donald Lemke. mately $1.500 in cash from timber vests at the right time and in the areas of Puget Sound, Longview-Van 1 right way. You will then keep station The Silver Saddle service The purpose of this advancement sales, plus 160 cords of fuel for couver-Portland and southwest Ore operated by Frank Hunter has been program of Scouting is to develop home use, materials for a new barn, healthy growing trees on your land gon load centers. Fiscal year grid ♦rested to some remodeling and Frank good citizens .in the home, community including a cedar shake roof, and i which are making money for you additions totaled 330 circuit miles of each year of growth. Next week has added a new line of tires and and nation. enough fence posts for a mile of J Frank Sheppard of Idanha suffered high voltage lines ?nd 15 substations. we'll look at a typical young forest spark plugs for the service of his fence. This amounted to $6.60 an ■ Administrator Paul J. Raver in a neck and back injuries early Sunday critical eye. customers. He invites all his friends acre from his woodland each year: j with (For more particulars write your morning as a result of the car, in transmittal letter to interior secre to drop by and look ’em over. $2.77 in cash plus an estimated State Forester at Olympia. Washington which he was riding, turning over tary, indicated the Pacific Northwest Hunter believes in keeping up his $3.83 in fence posts, fuelwood and j or Salem, Oregon for your free copy of near Fox Valley school building on remains woefully short of generation, "YOUR TREES — A CROP." how to end of building a finer and better Mill building materials. He estimated ■ grow and harvest them in the Itougla* highway 222. Mill City ambulance, as pointedly illustrated in the recent City. He continues to paint up, fix (hat it has cost him about 42 cents fir region , driven by Chief of Police Kenneth September critical stream flows and up and stock up better and better his Hunt, took Sheppard to the Salem brief curtailment of interruptible Silver Saddle service station. Those Gates—The editorial in last week's loads. Memorial hospital. who drop in at the Silver Saddle can Enterprise had much to say about Besides the neck and back injuries, Northwest Needs More Power not help but be impressed with the “flying saucers”. The editor failed Sheppard had arm and face lacera “Because of the essentiality of mak nice display Hunter has rigged up completely, however to mention that tions. Other passengers and the ing as full use as possible of Pacific which shows off his bright shiny auto fact that residents of Gates had told driver of the car received multiple Northwest hydro-electric potentiali accessories to full advantage. him of the presence of a strange ob cuts and bruises but not severe ties, Bonneville power administration « * * ject hovering in the sky above town, “There’s gold in your farm wood- The appointment of Mrs. Lee Owens enough for their being hospitalized. last spring made specific recommen Paul Smith, Mill City’s famous all afternoon Thursday of last week. lot”. That is the title of a series of as well-child conference chairman for walking man, has again come through When first observed “it” was at a six well-illustrated articles, the first the Mill City area has been announced I Sheppard is employed by the Idanha dations to Jhe defense electric power administration through which 200,900 in Idanha. with results, which never fail to amaze very high altitude, slightly north and of which appears in this newspaper by Mrs. Robert Wingo, general m health neaunI lumber comnany ■ his many friends. He has gathered west. It seemed to remain station today, and each subsequent week until chairman for the area. Mrs. i. Owens Driver of the car in which Sheppard kilowatts of federal capacity and l,- 000,000 kilowatts of none-federal ca up in the past year many pieces of ary. Later, just before dusk, it had April 3rd. wil succeed Mrs. John Muir who has | was riding was George Barney, Jr. pacity and 1,000,000 kilowatts of non- Barney works for the Pamela lumber rock from a radius of 25 miles of moved a small distance to the west. This is the story of farm wood resigned. federal capacity might be installed Mill City and is making a display in Every binocular and opera glass in lots and how to manage them to make Well-child conferences, nursing con-( company, as does also Don Poepher within a period uf 36 months, and of Idanha. Other passengers in the the Mili City jewelry show window town was in use as the curious craned them pay you money. There are ferences, and immunization clinics are for all to inspect. His display will con their necks and strained their eyes to hundreds of these forest plots in our sponsored by the Marion county health I car, but reportedly not seriously in 780,000 additional kilowatts of federal capacity with a period of 60 months,** get a better view of the “ thing ” . It tain an ounce of gold, some samples county. They average 40 acres to department in co-operation with local jured. were Mrs. Don Poepher and Raver said. of rock containing gold, silver, lead, was not a flying saucer—it didn’t fly. every farm. There are 50.046 farms citizens groups who do the local plan W. T. Sellers, Idanha. Strongly advocated as a further zinc, sulphite, and various other It was not shaped like a saucer but in western Oregon and Washington ning and assist with clinics. means of alleviating the situation, the metals found in the area. Smith says seemed to be a huge round ball of containing 2,000,000 acres of forests. The Mill City area serves Mill City,1 administration recommended installa about 25% of the samples were picked some transparent substance that Foresters from private, state and tion of 400.000 kilowatts of fuel fired in the canyon, and the balance in the glistened in the sunlight. Later in federal agencies have worked up a Gates, Detroit, and Idanha. The local generation to firm an equal amount Quartsville country southeast of Mill the afternoon it reflected the rays of co-operative program as a second- i chairman for Gates is Mrs. K. W. ; Martig and for the Detroit-Idanha of interruptible power, and tie lines the setting sun with a- rosy glow. City. growth management committee to de area is Mrs. R, C. Haseman. ♦ ♦ • to California and Idaho to firm an We don’t know what it was but we velop a simple, but sound method of I The next well-child conference will additional 220,000 kilowatts of inter This week I received a copy of the are dead sure it wasn't a “conscience managing these woodlands to make The first anniversary celebration of ruptible power. Bonneville Power Administration’s re saucer”. We Gatesites all have clear I them profitable for the farm owner. be held at the Mill City elementary Important power development» port on the Columbia River Power consciences—we keep’em inside of us i We believe these to be worthwhile school, March 18. Appointments may Mill City Cub Pack No. 84 will take System for 1951. There is a lot of —don’t let’em go sailing off into the j and timely articles and offer them as be made with Mrs. John Muir at place in the Mill City Odd Fellows since close of the fiscal year were Muir’s bakery or with the local chair hall, Sunday, March 2, at 3 p.m. The reported as the five-year contracta valuable information in this report void. a public service to our readers. man. blue and gold birthday dinner is for between all major Pacific Northwest and in the letter of transmittal to The next immunization clinic and all Cubs and their families. Coupled prvate utilities and the administra- (Continued on Page 8) DONALD DUCK nursing conference will be held March with the first anniversary celebration : tion, approved October 31, establish By Walt Disney 4 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Appoint will be recognition of the February ment of a northwest area office of ments for this clinic should be with bitrhday of Scouting itself. 1 the defense electric power adminia- Mrs. Muir also. Mrs. James O’Leary, president of j tion as a result of critical September MONDAY— the Mill City PTA, the Cub Scouts' water conditions with threats of seri American Legion Auxiliary 3d Mon. sponsor, will be an honor guest at ous power curtailment, and experi Lions club meeting. the Cub Scouts ’ first anniversary ban mental cloud seeding in the upper A.F. A AM No. 180 stated meet ; Columbia river basin. quet. ing third Monday. Bonneville power administration A committee meeting was held at O.E.S. meeting, 2d Monday month. the home of Ray Steiner, cubmaster. was designated a national defense TUESDAY— Last minute details of the coming agency in December, recognizing the Carload after carload of Masons pack meeting were settled and a dis importance of federal programs of Women's club 8 p.m. 1st. 3rd Tues Eastern Star members came to cussion was held regarding the March 1 hydro-electric generation and trana- 129-J School Board meeting 2d Tues unloaded at the Mil) City IOOF pack meet slated for the last Monday . mission in the Pacific northwest to Riders of the Santiam. 1st Tuesday Saturday night. The occasion in March. | the nation’s security. Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday* the annual dinner of the Masons- WEDNESDAY— A committee interested in promot Eastern Star organizations. A record Boy Scouts, 7:30, H. 8. Recreation crowd of 160 attended the banquet ing Cub Scouting in Stayton will be Boy Scouts Paper Drive City council first Wed. 7:30 p.m. served by the Mil) City 3-Linka club. present in Mill City for the March Pack meeting. Stayton is contem Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p.m. Rev. Merton Booth, pastor of the plating formation of a Cub pack. This Sunday, March 2 at Mill City fire hall. Presbyterian church of Albany, was Santiam Rebekah 180 1st and 3rd Scoutmaster Chan. Kelly announced Those present for the committee the guest speaker for the evening. He meeting in the Steiner home were today that his bov« will have trucks Wed. at 8 p.m. was introduced by Jimmie Barton, Altar Society 3d Wednesday 8 p.m. toastmaster. Barton also introduced Eldon LFnts, Cub chairman; Ray a'«liable for a concerted paper drive PTA, second Wednesday 8 p.m. Burl Smith, worshipful master of the Steiner, cubmaster; Ken Siler, Harry | this Sunday afternoon at 1:30 p.m.. Mill City IxMige No. 180, A.F. & A.M.. Dyhrman, Charles Harman, and Bill March 2. THURSDAY— The boy« request that paper be Presented to the annual dinner guests Tickle, committeemen. Den mothers Theta Rho Club for Girls, meets 2d were Mrt. Hallie Toman, worthy ma and their assistants attending the tied in bundle« and placed nn your and 4th Thursdays. tron, and Wilson Stevens, worthy pa meet were Mrs. Eldon Lents. Mrs. porch by 1:30 p.m. and that the p iper Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 pm Hautaula. Mrs. Dudley tron, of Marilyn Chapter No. 145., Harvey „ - Foster, . should be sorted, that in, newspapers American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs. tied separately from magazines. 0. E S. The arrangements for the!**” /** ^N*aly' ,M.7 * * J Garden club fourth Thursday. Money earned from this drive will 'inderl Frank Dalí, and Mrs. Leo Mmke. mass fraternal banquet were ti.._. Firemen Auxiliary meets 3d Thurs. Refreshment« were served by Mm go into the Boy Seoul fund for eamp the direction and supervision of W. B Toastmistress Club, 2d 4 4th, 7 p.m. and building improvements. Ray Steiner. Shuey. FRIDAY— 1.0.0 F meeting. Mill City IWA meeting last Friday BROTHERHOOD WEEK Farmers Union meeting at Mehama Sponsored b. Th« No* on«l Conf«ro«c4 of Christ.«nt «nd Jews Woman's club, 2nd Boy Scouts Hold Court of Honor BPA Power Sales Set New Record For Fiscal Year CpI. James E. Harmon Last Rites Saturday There's Gold In Your Farm Woodlot Idanha Residents Suffer Injuries Gates Resident See Mysterious Balloon Management, Told Of Woodlots Care Immunization Clinica Scheduled March 4g Cub Pack Celebrates First Anniversary Coming Events Masons-Eastern Stars Hold Annual Dinner G. A. A. Cooked Food Sale, Sat., March 1