Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1950)
5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE / Sylvia Cloggett Speaks Before Mari-Linn PTA December 14, 1950 Altar Society Keeps Mrs. Lyons as Head imm page . as "Mrs Santa” and Edward Haney ’ as “Santa” carry out the program of the fourth grade. Those of the choral group of Mrs. Schunk’s room of the fourth grade are Carol Veness, Arthur Stevenson, Shereen Muir, John Bradshaw, Lucille Ziebert, Bernice Potter. Karen Rue, Kathryn Miller, Jeanne Miller, Ronald Dexter, Mavis Towell, Georgia Pal mer, and Janice Slover; completing the fourth grade’s singers are those in Mrs. Louck’s room: Sibyle Dart, Betsy Christensen, Vernon Johnson, Ila Albright, David Jones, Don Howe, Billie Hedge, Albert Nichols, Tommy Fencl, Stephen Donaldson, Phyllis Pate, and Larry Kanoff, \ ail of Gates, David and John Mitch ell. and Albert Nichols of Mill City. Lyons—The Mari-Linn PTA held FRIDAY and SATURDAY Lyons—Mrs. Pat Lyons was hostess “A Savior Is Born’’, a three-reel, their meeting at the school house for the meeting of the Altar society Dec. 15th and 16th sound movie in full color. Friday evening. Monte Hale in held at her home. Capping the events of the day for I AW OF THE GOLDEN WEST Miss Sylvia Cloggett, who was an Election of officers was the main the children is the parceling ’ out of A special Christmas program will the treats. exchange teacher to England last business with Mrs. Lyons being re — Plus — Judv Canova in year and is now an art instructor elected president and Mrs. Mike be presented by members of the Sun- •SCATTERBRAIN” at the Oregon College of Education, Schwindt re-elected secretary-treas day School of the Free Methodist church Sunday, December 17. at 7:30 was the guest speaker. urer. KID’S MATINEE —2 p.m. Sat. Plans were completed for the car Plans were made for the children’s p.m. in the local church in north Doughty Home Sees ’Law of Golden West’, Hale Mill City, Mrs. L. C. Gould, program nival which will be held at the Re party held at Jordan December 17. 3 Cartoons and Serial Fowler Win Honors bekah hall Friday evening, Dec. 15. Names were also drawn for each chairman revealed. Several musical numbers were pre month to care for the church and Children and older people alike SUNDAY and MONDAY Mrs. Mildred Doughty's home m sented by Kathryn Johnston on her each one to select a helper. have been busy learning their parts. Mill City was the gathering place Dec. 17th and 18th accordion. Mrs. Glen Matson, fifth Mrs. Walter Mitchell of Mill City for the “Gates’ Lucky 12” during Present were Mrs. Phillip Pietrok, grade room-mother and other par coaches the beginners, Mrs. Adell their weekly pinochle play. ents of that room served the refresh Mrs. Mike Schwindt, Mrs. John Jung i Huchinson of Lyons looks after the the program policy of wirth, Mrs. Clarence Jungwirth, Mrs. primary, Mrs. G. E. Davidson of Gate« the Following ments. the hostess served a des Sam Bridges, Mrs. Bob Free, Mrs. directs the junior girls, Clifford sert group, luncheon before the playing of Watch for Name To Be Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today! Lloyd Free, Mrs. tierman Free, Mrs. Mitchell of Gates holds in line the pinochle began in the afternoon. Announced Merrill Brassfield. Mrs. Francis Mul junior boys. Rev. L. C. Gould super Mrs. Doreen Fowler ran up the lins, Father Schneider and Mrs. Lyons. vises the adults in the Christmas pro high figure in pinochle for first prize TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY gram of the Free Methodist church. and Mrs. Mabie Quarles got the sec Dec. 10th and 20th MRS. R. WILSON HOSTESS A brief outline of the church’s pre ond prize. Mrs. Jeannine Herzbery BETTY GRABLE VICTOR MATURE Mrs. Russell Wilson was hostess sentation with those doing the work succeeded in taking away the Pinochle prize for the day. for a Mehama community church follows: Piano prelude by Mrs. G. E. David H. F. HINCH, Prop. birthday party in her home. Mrs. ; Violet Wallen is president of the son of Gates. A fire Sunday in the First Presby- “A Ward Plan” by Freddie Butler church group meeting in the Wilson I terian church did some damage to the “JUST GOOD of Gates. home. | Sunday School room in the church. “Remember to be Thankful”: Dar FOOD” In Technicolor The fire apparently started in the lene Juaquine of Gates, Carolyn A man may fall into a thousand chimney. Firemen exercised extreme THURS., FRI. and SATURDAY perplexities, but if his heart be up Mitchell, Glinda Logan, and Virginia care and were able to put it out IDANHA, OREGON Dec. 21, 22. and 23 right and his intelligence unclouded, Gold all of Mill City. without serious damage or disrupting Hiway 222 “Like This Shining Light” by Dickie JANE RUSSELL and he will issue from them all without school classes. They were called at V dishonor.—Robert Louis Stevenson. Blocker of Mill City. 5 W Al uh HUSTON 10 a.m. and made a speedy appear “Merry Christmas to All” by Bobby ance. in "TH E OUTLAW** Mitchell of Gates. — Plus — “Today Is Jesus’ Birthday” sung Disney Cartoon Feature by boys and girls. KID’S MATINEE —2 p.m. Sat. “Merry Christmas” Sunny Wilson FREE CANDY of Gates, Janice Logan, Marjorie Doors open at 7:20 P.M. (Continued from Page 1) Mitchell and Ruthie Kay Gould, all of Complete show can be seen any ¡Mill City. WtMD Christensen, Doris Craig, Shirley- time up to 8:30 “Our Gift”, Martha Warden of Cree, Brooks Crosier, Yvonne Dart, ^>pular-.|>e<ail4r iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiii Gates. LeRoy Emerson, Carol Kempe, Emma Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! “The Gift of Christmas”, Linda Nichols, Janiece Quarles, George cEBnsnnnGiKt&annKnnKtHHKtiaKtnBBin | Filson, Nancy Mitchell, Jerry Aus- Rambo, Denny Sheythe, Marlene I bourne, Darlene Juaquine, Howard Walker, Arnold Webb, Beverly Alex Towell, and Earl Michell. ander, Jerry Bowers, Floyd Losch. “Get and Give”, Delmar Warden Juanita Haney, Dorothy Kempe, and Bobby Wiles of Gates. Margaret Palmer, Michael Peterson, “Christmas Every Sunday” Rhoda Lahny Podrabsky, I.aina Schmidt, Ray i Smith of Gates» Steiner, Arthur Webb, Ronald Wil Open Only Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Located Next to Furniture Store “The Light of the World” Donna liams, Carolyn Brinton, Kyron Child, PHONE 5951 GATES Oliver and Phyllis Smith of Gates, Gwendolyn Christensen, Linda Dyhr- Suitable for One or Two Operators — Completely Furnished Mavis Towell, Patty and Beverly Alex man, Cleo Jose, Annette Knowles, Living Quarters , ander of Mill City. Michael Thomas, Duane Niemeyer, “The Star of Hope”, (song written Rosalie Bassett, Clara Caudle, Sherry POOR HEALTH REASON FOR SELLING and composed by J. B. Love af Mill Hansen. City) Mrs. L. C. Gould. Sheila Kellogg, Jimmy Baltimore, “The Shepherd’s Visit”, play, Allan Glenda Christensen, Zita Crosier, Penny Gould, Anna Howell, Charles Marttala, Gregory Peterson, Carol HAVE A BETTER KITCHEN Ann Thornley, Rodney Goble, Annette Melting, Sharon Hagen and Gloria Come Early Friday and Saturday to Insure a Table Homemakers who have modern j Klecker. cabinet sinks find that one of its The lower grades under the direc greatest conveniences is the pull-out tion of Mrs. Sletto, Miss Henry, Mrs. spray. Located handily by the faucet, it is attached to a long rub Loucks and Mrs. Schunk will present ber hose that reaches to every part , Thursday a play entitled "Merry 'Christmas to All”. of the sink top. Announcer for the first grade for The spray's primary use is to rinse the dishes after they are the play is Jimmy Donnelly. The washed and stacked in a rubber first grade singers will sing “Brahm's AT YOUR FINGERTIPS covered basket either in a sink bowl Lullaby” and “Jolly Old Saint Nick or on the drain board. A generous spray of piping hot water can be olas”. The first grade singers are Kirt Baughman, Russell Brown, Jim- ( directed into every groove and Come in and see our wide selec cranny of dishes, pots and pans, as my Donnelly, Kenny Hanson, tions of 45 RPM and 78 RPM I rence Hunt, Larry Johnson, Barbara suring thorough rinsing. Populars, Old Timers, Classical, But the spray has other uses, too. Stodola, Virginia Urban, Ronnie | and Semi-Classical Records. The Youngstown Kitchens Planning Jones, Mickey McClintock, Gene Shep Service suggests that it comes in herd, John Sigfrit, Janis Denison, mighty handy when cleaning vege KELVINATOR and WESTINGHOUSE tables. The strong spray of water Rosezella Ebright, Carol Stodola, Bev removes dirt, sand, and other for erly Walker, Jody Ix?e Fernaid, Joyce REFRIGERATORS eign matter from spinach, lettuce, Guier, Susan Jenkins, Karen Kelly, radishes, carrots and potatoes, mak Karren Marshall, Jo Pinkston, Judy GE TRIPLE WHIP MIXERS ing the preparation of these vege Podrabsky, and Lynn Steiner. tables quick and easy. It's an excel Announcer for the second grade, WAFFE?] IRONS lent device, too, with which to water Robert Hill, starts events with Rich flowers or potted plants. The full force of the spray should not be ard Dyhrman playing "Frosty the POP UP TOASTERS used, but a light spray will wash Showman” and Jimmie Bevier acting dust from the leaves and won’t in as “driver”. Playing reindeer are RCA and MOTOROLA RADIOS jure them. Larry Zeibert, Larry Lemke, James «Incidentally, here’s an interest Fencl, Charles Harmon, David John- PRESTO COOKERS ing tip on the care of potted plants. son, and Oscar Miles. The second FRESH DAILY — VERY REASONABLE PRICES When emptying ash trays, occasion FREEWESTINGHOUSE SEWING MACHINES ally throw some of the ashes onto grade chorus includes songsters Joel- the dirt. Ashes help promote vigor ien Agee, Evonna Bair, Janice Gil- ous growth and long plant life.) birds, Doris Hutchinson, Judith Kay, I After the dishes are done, the Earlene Nelson, Ellena Nelson, Joy rinse spray can be effectively used MILL CITY Geraldine Osborne, Sylvia to clean out the sink bowl, washing Nolan, Peterson, Marie Sullivan, and borita I OPEN WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS food particles clinging to the sink RADIOS — APPLIANCES — SERVICE into the crumb cup strainer or into White, 8 AM. to 7 P.M 9 A M. to 12 NOON Announcers for the fourth grade the food waste disposer. If your Mill City 1884 Stayton 215 WE GIVE TRADING STAMP« sink is equipped with a spray, try will be Gary Bevier and Marc Booth- AND ALUMINUM AND DISHES all these uses to get the most out of by slated as master of ceremonies this convenience. for proceedings when Donna Niemeyer Methodist Church Crofts Program Major Studio Feature SPAR CAFE ? Wabash Avenue Plan your Grade Children Sunday Dinner MASTER at Manolis’ FOR SALE . ! Full Course Dinners Delicious Steaks - - Fried Chicken l'c!l!|c’s llciiul.i Sahin ^BETTER PACKAGER foods Kellom’s Fresh Meats Kellom’s Grocery Porter & Lau A 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 if Complete Home Furnishings Open till 9 Li 11M Monday to Friday Nights 340 COURT ST., SALEM SALEM.OREGON OPEN Friday Nights CHRISTMAS DIVIDED PAYMENTS NO EXTRA CHARGE