Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1950)
December 14, 1950 «—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE kl— i Wants and Sales Les’s Tavern WOOD FOR SALE—Dry slab wood, BLUEBERRIES — Best selection of varieties proven for northwest, all cut any length. Frank Caraway. Write or visit Verybest 50-3p ages. 48-4p Blueberries, Gate, Wash. WE REBUILD Furniture like new. Call 21F71 for free estimate. Stay FOR SALE—2 bedroom house, mod., ton Upholstering, Rt 1, Box 177A, newly painted, electric water, util VV. Washington, Stayton, Ore. 28tf ity porch, close to schools, $4,850.00, small amt. down and small monthly FOR SALE—New Frigidaire, 10-ft. payments. Will take GI loan, R. freezer, only $275. See Roy L. L. McClintock, two blocks S. of San- Bricker at Lord's cabins in Gates. tiam Garage, Mill City. 50-3p 49-3 BARGAIN PRICES — Tarps, new, WE BUY fir pitch 75c per gallon. See us for containers. Also sell us waterproof, selection of sizes. Red’s your used burlap bags. Red’s Hill Hill Top Trading Post. 47tf Top Trading Post. 40tf FOR RENT — Completely modern 6- EXPERT AUTO and home radio room house, good deep well, large service, 20 years experience, all woodshed and store room, fruit makes Guaranteed service. room. Adjoining Gates grade and Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. 3tf high schools. See J. J. Butler at T. B. Hospital, Salem. Keys at FOR RENT — Three 2-room apart Parker-Hutcheson Furniture Store. ments, unfurnished, hot and cold 49-3 water, $35 per month. Mrs. F. L. Noble at Detroit Market. 33tf FOR SALE—Christmas tree holders, handy, metal, adjustable, 75c each. FOR SALE—Electric Mixmaster and Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 50-2 Thor washing machine. Inquire at Manolis Trailer Court. 50-1 NEED A TELEPHONE? — Stop in and see the new Lech combination SAVE HALF or more on toilet sinks desk or wall phone, also used and washbowls. Red's Hill Top phones from $10.00 up. Telephone Trading Post. 38tf and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance. 39tf $50.00 PER THOUSAND truck scale paid for 24 ft. to 40 ft. small Doug FOR SALE — One wood circulator las Fir logs suitable for piling. High heater and one home range, white prices paid for barkie poles and enameled. See 6th house east of piling. Call Albany 1287 or write Mill City Theatre. John Anglesey. Standard Pole 4 Piling Co. for price 49-3p lists. WOOD FOR SALE — Dry plywood FOR SALE — 4-bedroom house, cores and old fir, any length, $12 quire at Enterprise. cord in loads. Chas. Clifton, Stay ton, Rotue 1, Box 30. Leave orders LI8T YOUR homes and farms with at Enterprise. 50-2p me. Have cash buyers. MUI City, David M Gates. Detroit, Lyons. WANTED TO BUY—Unpeeled Doug Reid, Real Estate. 3tf las fir poles, delivered to Lyons yard. For further information call QUILT PATCHES FOR SALE. Write or write Allen Goold, 1424 Filbert Buckner & Co., 3220 SE 52nd Ave., Ave., Lebanon, phone 5745, Puget Portland, Ore. 48-3p Timber Co. of Oregon. 45tf TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma FOR SALE—Bargains in oil and chines. We seU, rent, repair and wood heaters. Red's Hill Top Trad swap all makes. Trade your old ing Post. 47tf machine towards a new one. ROEN, 456 Court St., Salem. 35- ♦ FOR RENT—Trailer house. Inquire MILL CITY at Manolis Trailer Court. 50-1 FREE LUBE JOB See Bruce’s Rich field ad on page 3. 50tf PLEASE LIST all available rooms, room and board, houses and apts. • SERVICE Write, telephone or visit Personnel Dept. 10 a m. to 3 p.m. Consolidated ( all Mill City Builders. Inc., Detroit Dam. 12tf MILL CITY A FRIENDLY FAMILY ATMOSPHERE PREVAILS Closed Mondays -S' uncía y Chicken ¿binner \ IVS Steak House Chuck Faylor and 8am Engle Owners Mill City Hotel Boarding House FAMUT STYLE MEALS Coder New Management AMBULANCE Telephone Operator WE HAVE IT — Galvanized water pipe all sizes; cast iron soil pipe, 85c per ft. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 47tf FOR RENT Furnished apartment, modern. E. D. Cooke, 2 blocks west high school. 42tf FOX VALLEY MRS. J. H. JOHNSTON It is hoped a goodly representa- tion of the Fox Valley community will attend the school carnival this coming Friday night, Dec. 15 at the Rebekah hall in Lyons. Proceeds of the carnival will be used for the bene fit of the school hot lunch program. Merchandise of various kinds and variety is being donated by the mer- 'chants of the canyon and consists of groceries, kitchen gadgets, tire, tube, blankets, hams, turkeys and other [articles too numerous to mention. The grade school pupils have been I working hard on details to help make [the program and carnival a success. The Fox Valley parent-teacher club was re-organized this month. The members are making plans to assist the local grade school activi ties whenever possible. A recent visitor at the Albert Julian I home was his brother, Oliver Julian | of Washington. His mother cele brated her 83rd birthday recently. Her son not being able to be here at that time came to visit his mother and the Julians later. The Manthe-Clipfell planer plant is making considerable repairs on the sawdust burner. A new steel jacket, and upright steel braces are being installed for the burner. The crew have worked on the burner proj ect several days and hope to have it in operation by the middle of this week. Mr. Manthe was here to look over the work the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston were central Oregon business visitors the last week. Orville Downing moved his sheep to the clover pasture on the Paul Johnston farm this week. Since Johnston sold his dairy cows, the pas ture has had quite a rest and the sheep have good pasture for a limited time. J. H. Johnston made a trip to Salem Monday morning to get some steel material for the planer plant. Friends here are pleased to hear of the safe arrived of a baby boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson of Salem. Mrs. Johnson (Betty Jean Bodeker), is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bo deker of Lyons, The boy has been He is the named Norman Chris. second grandson of the Bodekers. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Johnston and family were Lebanon and Salem vis- itors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wright and two small sons are with his parents Richards’ father is in in Salem, very poor health. Mrs. Ruth Witt of Mill City was a Fox Valley caller Sunday evening. Painting and Papering SPRAY OR BRUSH ------ SIGNS ANY SIZE ------ GET YOUR FREE ESTIMATE NOW FOR LNTERJOK DECORATING. 10% LESS FOR WORK BOOKED FOB RAINY SEASON AND WINTER MONTHS. Call Bill Obershaw PHONE 3215 607. Mill City Box 607, EA EN'INGS 1952 MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats & Groceries FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS ► MR. 0.A.’s CRIME CALENDAR aHHOHnanHHHnnnn»nnnnQaa»«B IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE in THE ENTERPRISE DCCFMBCR ii The Month For .. . MILL CITY J. W. GOIN Service Station VETERINARIAN C, E. 'Pink' Mason. Prop. STAYTON SHELL PRODUCTS AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES ZENITH TIRES PHONE 414« Opposite Claude lewis’ Service Station FISHING TACKLE MASTER tREAD Popular - - b«< «U*«- il* Directory HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN Um. J. Teutick Jr., .U.ib. DAVID M. HEID Attorney* at Law Physician and Surgeon Real Estate MILL CITY SALEM Mill City Phone 6602 FLOWERS VERNES BARBER SHOP GOODE S ELOWER SHOP 2nd * Broadway MIU City Hour*: 10 to 7 Phone Blue 64B Stayton, Ore. J WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modern Funeral Service STAYTON OREGON MOW; ■ NEW STOCK - Lace and Rayon Table Cloth — Book* Heil Spread* — Silk He*d Scarf* Celt on Blanket* — I’rtntrtl Flannel* Stamped Goed* III •rulriuson s Store In the Dnwr* Bldg. Mill City MIKE’S Septic Service Septic Tank« and Sewers Cleaned Phone SAIY.M 3 946«, COLLECT 1679 Elm St., W. Salem ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ *****«*•***•.« RALEIGH HAROLD FIAIRIST and NURSERY FLOWERING AND SHADE TREES SHRUBS AND BULBS 319 W. Wa«h. S». stayton Phone 36X1 ‘iwrawaaaaoeaaapaaaaauanMn MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups $1 per month. Also light hauling lemaaril Herman Phone 38M MUGGING: Scourge of our time are the hordes of young delin quents who operate from hall ways and side streets, or from be hind some fence or bush on a dark street. "Mugging” is the newspaper term for it. I predict that in December community po lice will have their hands full with mugging cases. Particularly brutal are these hoodlums whose gain is mostly petty cash. Their prey: late - returning, package laden shoppers, people going home from office or factory celebrations. They'll follow a drunk from sa loon to subway and then work him over in his own hallway. .MAILBOX THEFTS: Even a crook feels the holiday spirit—and the holidays breed their share of felo nies. The criminal keeps up his commitments by robbing mail boxes. If you're expecting your end-of-the-year bonus check, be more prompt when the postman rings. The mailbox thief may wait for just the first ring. Even the church poorbox is not exempt from this lowliest of culprits HOLIDAY FRAUDS: Look closer at those credentials. Be generous if the cause is a right one but ihe man at the door, collecting funds for Christmas bundles for the poor, may be a fake His own pocket may very well be the des tination for your donation—and maybe he's "casing" your home for a return visit some night when you're calling on relatives! Watch For Mr D A.’»" Cairndir For Crime in January! District heard Wed wido»» •'x NBC Complete Supply of All Your Du tiding Needs . . Real Estate West Side Mill (My Ph. 3467 LISTINGS WANTED Golly! Louie must have had his teeth sharpened For high-speed wood cutting, your best bet is a McCulloch chain saw. It’s a favorite of timbermen, be cause it ups log production. It’s a hit with farmers, because it takes the chore out of cutting cordwood, making posts, etc. All down the line, the best name in power saws is .McCulloch. You be the Judge— Within the next few days, stop by our (tore for a real demonstration of wood cutting. Or give u« a call and we'll try to arrange a show for you at your place. There's no obligation. We just want you to see wbat a McCulloch can do. 6 Models Available John Nelson Sales & Service MILL CITY PHONE 32*2 RESIDENCE PHONE 1241 Knotty Pme Paneling Pioneer Flintkote Roofing BOYSEN PAINT KELLY LUMBER SALES OPEN SATURDAYS