Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1950)
Lyons Garden Club To Hold Amatuer Flower Show The Lyons Garden club met at the Community hall in Lyons Wednesday afternoon and voted to hold an ama teur flower show Friday afternoon, September 29th in the Community hall in Lyons. The show opens to the public at 2 p.m. and remains open until 9 p.m. Plant, product and refreshment sales will be held with the show. Speci mens must be in place by 11 a.m. and remain until 9 p.m. One entry in each class. Ribbon awards. Containers will be furnished for horticulural specimens which must be grown by exhibitor. Any amateur may enter. The classifications are as follows: Division I—Horticulture— Section A—Asters, class 1, speci men bloom, cl 2. three blooms. 1 or more colors. Section B—Zinnias—Class 1 speci men bloom (giant variety); 2 speci men bloom, one or more color, or var. Section C — Marigolds — Class 1, Mill City Hi-lites African, 2 French. 3 collection of 3. By LELA KELLY one variety, any color Section D — Dahlias — Class 1, O. A. A. HIKE specimen bloom, cactus, semi-cactus. ' The Girls Athletic Association of 2 formal-informal, 3 ball. 4 miniature.1 Mill City hgih hiked to Moore's Grove 5 pom-pom. 6 single. at Gates Monday evening after school Section E—Gladiolus—1 specimen 1 the 11th of September. bloom. All of the girls in high school be Section F—Tuberous Begonias—11 long to the GAA which is a total of specimen bloom, 2collection of one or , 49 girls. Only 24 girls ventured on more varieties, or color. The girls Section G — Fushias — 1 special | this excursion, though. and their advisor, Miss Hope Baney, spray, 2 collection of one or more. Section H—Petunias—1 collection ' left the school house at 4 p.m. and reached Gates at 5:30 p.m. going on of three, one variety, any color. Sec. I—Roses—1 specimen bloom. the county road which is approxi 2 three blooms. mately five miles. A weiner roast Section J — Cosmos — 1 specimen I was enjoyed by the girls on the sand bloom, 2 three blooms. near the river. Sec. K — Any worthy exhibit not , Transportation home was furnished provided for in schedule. Division II—Arrangement—Class 1 by several of the girls mothers. buffet, 2 table, 3 coffee table, 4 min INITIATION iatures. 5 twin arrangements. 6 cor- J The scenery around the halls of sage, 7 unusual arrangements. Mill City high during the past week Division III—Junior arrangement- has proved very interesting. under 15 years of age. The sophomore class instructed the Divison IV — Potted or unusual freshmen as to what to wear. plants. Wednesday and Thursday found all of the girls wearing the same outfit and all of the boys the same. Friday, the last day, each frosh had a differ ent outfit. The costumes ranged from girls dressed as negro mammies SPRAY OR BRUSH to boys in girls bathing suits over ------ SIGNS .ANY SIZE ------ jeans and shirts. On Friday, all freshmen appeared GET YOUR FREE ESTIMATE NOW FOR INTERIOR on the stage alone and entertained DECORATING. 10% LESS FOR WORK BOOKED FOR the upper classmen. There was a RAINY SEASON AND WINTER MONTHS. lot of complaining but everyone seemed to enjoy the initiation. In case you have not noticed, all of the sophomores, juniors, and seniors have Phone 3215 or Write Box 607, Mill City had beautifully shined shoes during the past week! The freshmen saw to Painting and Papering Call Bill Obershaw ♦ : « 1 ♦♦ ♦ ♦ : ♦ : CHEER LEADER ELECTED Weather Forecast: COOL WEATHER AHEAD! Now Is the Time TO GET THAT PORTABLE ELECTRIC HEATER AND ENJOY IT ALL SEASON. WE CARRY ALL TYPES FROM $6.95 FRESH HEX-SOPHOMORE PARTY ip . ALSO THE FAMOUS NORGE Oil. HEATERS FROM ♦ : : $59.95 vp. Stifflers Radio & Appliance Co. "35 miles from nearest parking meter" Sales and Service MILL CITY Phone 902 CLOSING ON MONDAY We will be closed Mondays-All Day starting Monday, Sept. 25th VIV’S STEAK HOUSE Sueden So/t freeze CHUCK FAYLOR Members of the Mill City high student body elected yell leaders Fri day morning. Those trying out by giving two yells were Sue Mikkelsen and Mar lene Tickle as one team and Arlone Kuhlman, Dolores Poole, Leia Kelly and Alona Daly as another set. All these girs were running for yell lead ers. Dolores, Arlone, Alona, and Leia were elected. Candidates for song leaders were Donna Cooke and Vera Loucks. The girls were unanimously elected. SAM ENGLE The sophomore class sponsored a party given in honor of the freshmen after the three days of initiation. All of the student body was invited. About 50 teen-agers enjoyed an evening of dancing and games. Won- ' derful refreshments, consisting of cake, jello, and punch, were furnished by the sophomores. ATHLETIC FIELD LIGHTS Mill City high students have been running around trying to sell tickets for the triple-header softball games which will be held September 24 at the high school field. The reason for this activity is that money received at this jamboree game session will help pay for the field lights we are hoping to have on the athletic field. Tickets are being sold for one dollar. HERE'S 1950 TIMBERWOLVES The Timberwolves open their 1950 football season with a non-league en counter with the Chemawa Indians. The Timberwolves defeated the In- dians in the last game of 1949, 19-13. Here is the 1950 Timberwolve squad: Left end, Delmer Skillings. Jr. 135 Left tackle, Harlin Gibson, Sr.*** 180 I^eft guard, George Neal. Sr.** 160 Center. Denny Marttala, Jr* 155 Right guard, Bob Shelton, Jr.* 130 Right tackle. Dick Williams, Soph 175 Right end. Dick Downer, Jr. 160 Quarterback. Thad Roberts. Jr.* 138 or Bob Baltimore. Jr.** 163 Left halfback. Dick Kanoff, Soph 135 Right half, Lyle Fleetwood, Soph* 145 Fullback, Roy Podrabsky, Soph* 170 • Previous letters earned. The remainder of the squad: Richard Verbeck, Feeback, Gary « Santiam Valley Grange FALL FESTIVAL IDANHA 7 V-THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE September 21, 1950 FOX VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. Ward Forrest have By REBA SNYDER their store building finished and most of the equipment is installed. Construction on the Super Market By MRS J. H JOHNSTON Fred Vaughn has a double garage by Olson and Holgate of Salem, for More new homes are being erected nearing completion at his home on Lloyd Girod, was begun last week at Cedar and First streets in the north in our vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Mohler highway 222. Floyd Bassetts new barn now has part of Stayton. The building will are building a new home on their be 50 by 80 feet with additional space property north of the old Fox Valley the roof on so if the weather isn't The Mohlers sold always dry his cow will have a com for storage. It will be of frame con school building. their home to. Mr. and Mrs. Vern fortable shelter. struction with concrete floor. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scheiwek have Girod has purchased a house in Miller earlier in the year and since Stayton and Mrs. Girod and the boys have been living in a temporary the new house near their home fin will move there next month. He apartment near the site where they ished on the exterior and not too , much work left to finish the interior. are now building a modern home. plans to sell his market in Idanha. The new home is a modern 6-room A birthday party was given in i building with attached garage and honor of Elbert Brown and Kenneth Wednesday. Her son Pat will visit utility room. Clark Saturday night at the Clark in Portland during her absence and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thayer and two home. Those present besides the her mother. Mrs. Wilbur Chestnut small sons of Lyons, with Mr. and honored guests and their families will care for Gae. Mrs. Hugh Johnston and two children were Mr and Mrs. Even Evenson and With th^ closing September 15 of went to Elk Lake for huckleberries Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hopson and a few fishing favorites, the field is Sunday. They got some nice berries family and Mr and Mrs. Eddie Even- narrowed down to those entered in and enjoyed a picnic at the lake. son and family of Salem. the fish derby sponsored by the Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Miller and two A going - away party was given Eagles in this vicinity. To date first daughters of Mill City were Sunday after prayer meeting Thursday night and second place seems to be a race callers In Fox Valiev The Miller in honor of Mrs. Walter Reynold com between Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Clark. family bought a trailer house and bined with a birthday party for two Clarks fish, a German brown, weighed left Mill City for Idaho this week, year-old Lynda Rome, in the Rey in at 5 lbs. 12 oz. with Mrs. Clark where he has employment. Mrs, nolds home. Mrs. Reynolds went to running a close second with her 5 Miller was a cook at Mom and Pop’s Lloyd cafe while they lived in Mill Ctiy and Portland Saturday to the home of her lbs. 9 oz. German brown. daughter. Mrs. Winifred Johnson and Girod is third with a 5 lb. 1 oz. rain Miller was employed at the Detroit from there Tuesday to make an ex bow’ trout. These top weighing fish dam. They resided at the Johnston tended visit with her other daughter, have all come from Suttle lake so you apartments east of Mill City on high Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Snyder and fishing fiends still have a chance to way 222. win. family of Woodbury, N. J. The North Santiam Willing Work Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Norton of Quality iob printing at the Enter Tillamook and Mrs. Melvin Peck of ers club met Wednesday of last week prise. Portland spent the weekend in the with Mrs. Zella Ferris. The eleven Frank New home. They also called members present cut out the gowns on friends in Marion Forks and here and diapers and they were taken home to be sewn. Lunch was served in Idanha. by the hostess. Dr. and Mrs. Willcut and family At the special meeting of the De moved the past weekend from Detroit to one of the Duncan houses in west troit-Idanha school board last Mon day evening, Mrs. Frieda Wirt was Idanha. VETERINARIAN hired as cook for the school cafeteria. John Savage is in Memorial hos Mrs. Wirt will begin her duties the pital in serious condition with head STAYTON and chest injuries. He was taken to first of October. PHONE 4148 First meeting for the new school the hospital Wednesday evening after year of the Deanha PTA will be held the accident in which the log upon Opposite which he was working flipped, strik at the grade school library Monday Claude lewis’ Service Station ing his head and shoulders. He is night at 8, September 25. All inter suffering from a twice broken jaw, ested in the school are cordially in a lacerated ear. loosened front teeth vited to attend. and other head and chest injuries. iu^.x<uiwMamiHnM««MamaHnmMauuimnamaMwai His jaw bones are to be set Wednes day of this week. The parent and teachers school of instruction for Linn and Marion SALEM counties was held in the Albany high school auditorium September 14. The 141 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-4534 afternoon session opened at 1 p.m. with Mrs. C. A. Fratzke vice presi Has Everything for Your dent presiding in the absence of the state president, Mrs. Jenette Moore head. Mrs. Marguerite Schied, who is di rector of field service, from the Na Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies tional Congress of Parents and Teachers, spoke on the relationship of local units to state and national I associations. Dinner was served to delegates at i North’s cafe. The evening session I opened at 7. Mrs. Frank Bennett, supt. of Salem schools discussed "The [ Children’s bill". Delegates from Deanha PTA, were : Mrs. Richard Hansen and Mrs. Sol ] Tucker, - Lana Lee Storey has been quite ill for the past week. Doctors are undecided as to the cause of her trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward and family spent the past weekend ! on the coast fishing. Mrs Sam Palmerton entered the Salem Memorial hospital Monday night in preparation for surgery J. W. GOIN THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE OFFICE NEEDS We are glad to help you solve them Budget Terms Christianson. Cuthbert. Lyle Yates. Bill Hoffman. Phil Goble, and Alfred Ward. GAA ELECTS OFFICERS The Girls' Athletic Association elected officers Monday afternoon. Those elected were Marlene Tickle, president; Pauline Mason, vice presi dent; Betty Lou Cree, secretary; Laura Carr, treasurer, and Sue Mik kelsen, sargeant at arms. The girls are combining the GAA and Pep club this year and are hop- | ing to have a very successful year. I ll MM I 41 M l FOB I Rll> 44 The Junior class of Mill City high is sponsoring a pie social next Friday J evening, the 22nd of September. It, will be held in the high school | recreation room. All high school [ students of Mill City high are urged o to come. A good time is guaranteed o o to all those attending. o ALLEN KEITH Wi take better care of your car I I FRIENDLY SERVICE Hill Top General Store * MILL CITY Complete One-Stop Shopping Center o o o o » FREE "Give Away" With $10.00 or More Order 0 o a o a Saturday P. M., Sept. 23d Cash Prizes paid for best in Canning, Baking, Fruits, Vegetables, Fancy Work and Flowers. s o 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s ? Chicken Dinner Served 5 pm to 8 pm $1.00 per plate in Grocery Dept, on Friday and Saturday Hardware, Coleman Heaters, Tools, Rubber Footwear, Rain Clothes, Shoes, Etc. Automotive Accessories HILL TOP GENERAL STORE ! ! ! Free Program inljthe Evening ! ! ! ALBERT TOMAN, Prop. On Highway 222 between Lyons and Mehama MÎ1X <TTY MASTER ntn p-.pul.r be«H’, caoanni wn vvrmz wnncnarvcnnv o WE DEIJVER Open Week Day« from 8 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. Sunday« 9 A.M. to • P.M.