Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1950)
Cool As A Snowflake 7—THE MILL CITI ENTERPRISE August 10, 1930 Church \ctivities HF.r. METHODIST CHURCH North Mill City Sunday school at 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 a m. Junior church 11:00 a.m. Evening service 7:30 p.m. Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 p Phone 1906 Rev. L. C Gould. Pastor • • • Singing in Mill City Friday night will !*■ the King** Envoy», a nude quartet from Pacific Bible college. Azusa. Calif. The Envoy» haxe been on tour through various part» of the went. They will ap|M*ar at the Mill City Community church at South Flr»t and Juni|M-r street» at 8 p.m. Friday. August 11. Cool to look at; cool to taste! What could be more appealing on a sultry summer day than this luscious Coconut Lime Chiffon Pie. An I best of all — especially if you are the one to do it — it’s cool to make because this lovely dessert never sees the inside of an oven. That's right — not even for baking the shell. The refrigerator does the job. You see, this Coconut Lime Chiffon Pie boasts a tasty graham cracker crust — and that, of course, can be put together in no time and then chilled. Without benefit of oven, it is crisp, tender, and delicious. The filling is whipped-until-fluffy lime-flavored gelatin — a fresh, co 1 green that makes this pie a real appetenrer. It is topped with whip; . 1 cream, generously sprinkled with frosty white coconut. A really heave.'ly dessert with so little effort — and no hot-weather-baking discomfort! Coconut Lime Jiiffon Pie 1 package lime-flavored gelatin cup cream, whipped l'a cups hot water 1 cup shredded coconut, cut 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons lemon juice 1 Graham Cracker Pie Shell Dissolve gelatin in the hot water. Add salt and lemon juice. Chill until slightly thickened. Then place in bowl of ice and water and beat with rotary egg beater until fluffy and thick like whipped cream. Fold about one-third of the whipped cream and '» cup of the coconut into the whipped gelatin ami turn into Graham Cracker Pie Shell. Spread with remaining whipped cream and sprinkle with ’i cup coconut. Chill. f.raham Cracker Pie Shell: Mix together 1 t cup melted butter, 1'i cups fine graham cracker crumbs, and 2 tablespoons sugar. Press firmly on bottom and sides of 9-inch pie pan. Chill. Traffic Death Total Zoomed in July MILL CITY FIRST 1‘REsitk I ERIKS CHURCH Morning worship 11 am. Music by choir. Dr. David J Ferguson. Preaching Young People at 6:30 p m., Mr* Arthur Kreiver, leader. DETROIT < HIUSTIAN CHURCH Sunday school at 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 a m Youth meeting 6:45 p.m. ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC Youth night Saturday 7 p.m. CHURCH. MII.I. CITY Warren Knape. Pastor • • • Mass at 9 A.M. Confessions heard before Mass COMMUNITY CHURCH Altar Society 2d Wednesday 8 p.m Full Gospel Preaching Father C Mai, Pastor Sunday school 10 A M • • » Morning worship 11 A.M. Evangelistic service 8 P.M. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Preaching services Wednesday and Services every Lord's day Friday 8 P.M. Sunday school 9:45 p.m. Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor Morning worship 11:00 A.M. Young People’s meeting 6:30 P.M Evening worship 7:30 P.M. T. Courtney, Jr., Pastor • • • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly and family are vacationing in Yellowstone Traffic fatalities in Oregon leaped park, Yosemite park and in Califor AT YOUR FINGERTIPS ; to new highs during July with more nia where they will visit Max Kelly L.D.S. OF JESUS CHRIST CHURCH Detroit than a 100 percent increase over and family. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Kriever and Sunday school each Sunday 10 a m deaths recorded in July of last year and a 67 percent increase over June Betsy attended the Shriner’s benefit in high school building, Detroit. Sunday at Mary’s Peak near Cor fatalities. Priesthood meeting 11 a.m. Preliminary count of last month’s vallis. Zealand Fryer, Presiding Judy Kay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. deaths reached 50, the worst July on record. The toll may go higher if Walter Kay stepped on a broken jar IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH delayed reports of fatalities are re and cut her foot. She was taken Sunday school 10 a.m. ceived or if persons now listed as to the local doctor who took four Morning service 11 a.m. stitches to close the wound. injured later die as a result of their Evening service 7:30 p.m. Howard Day is using crutches due injuries. Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 p.m. Chattanooga Shoe Shins Boy May, June and July have been to a severe sprain received when the Jacob Wiensz, Supply Pastor tragic months in the state’s accident scaffold fell while he was working Rag Mop • • • picture . . . with 31 deaths in May, on Ingle Johnson's house. Johnson Rag ’ .?1 GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Faye Bates of Aums 30 in June, and 50 in July. Wedding Samba OF CHRIST Earlier in the year it seemed prob ville called at the home of his parents, Quicksilver Sunday school at 10 a.m. able that Oregon would continue the Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bates Sunday. PNEUMONIA LEADS DISEASES Morning worship 11 a.m. Come in and see our wide selections Mr and Mrs. Jesse Mathis of Salem downward trend in traffic deaths of 45 RPM and 78 RPM Popular», 014 Christian Endeavor 6:30 p.m. Six cases of pneumonia led the list first noted in 1947. Now we are were visitors Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Timers, Classical, and Seml-Classtcal Evening worship 7:30 p.m. of communicable and reportable dis By MRS. J. H. JOHNSTON faced with the possibility that this George Cree. Records. Lynn Stover of Compton, California eases released by Marion County Walter Smith. Pastor Mrs. Ivan Smith of Lyons was a j year’s accident fatalities will sky- Health Officer Dr. W. J. Stone this Monday morning business caller in ' rocket to new records unless mot arrived Saturday at the home of Mrs. week. Four cases of whooping Fox Valley. Mrs. Smith's parents orists exercise increased caution on Anna Swift. Mrs. Stover and Bobble Ellen have been visiting Mrs. Swift cough, and two each of chickenpox, have arrived here from Dakota to the streets and highways. the past week. gonorrhea and mumps and one of spend the winter with the Smiths. "First with What You Want Most" Mr. and Mrs George Hinsdale of poliomyelitis were reported. Funeral and burial service was held COMPLETE APPLIANCE SERVICE. Cornelius, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. at the Fox Valley cemetery Tuesday Harold Hinsdale of Jefferson called The first night baseball game in for the still-born infant of Mr. and Rev. Jones Welcomed Radio, Washer, Refrigerator at the Lowell Cree home Sunday. Pacific Coast league history was Mrs. Charley Gray of Stayton. By Lyons Methodists and Electrical Appliance Mrs. Walter Bevier, mother of Louis Morgan of route one, Stayton played in Sacramento on June 10, Wallace Bevier suffered a stroke last .Mill City 1884 Stayton 21S Lyons A reception was held Wed 1930. Sacramento defeated Oakland, was a Saturday night visitor with nesday evening at the community Friday morning. She was moved to Leland West. 8 to 0, in the game. Mr. Bevier also Mrs. Walter Bevier is very ill in club house honoring Rev. and Mrs. O. a Salem hospital. I a Salem hospital since Saturday. She L. Jones. Rev. Jones is the new min has been very ill. Mill City Lodge No. 144. suffered a paralytic attack at her ister for the Methodist church. Mrs. Recent guests of Miss Daisy Hend- I.O.O.F. meets every Friday ' home early Friday and was removed Glen Julian, Mrs. Clinton Hubbard ricson were Mr. and Mrs. Del Ward night. Visiting brothers welcome. to the hospital Saturday morning and Mrs. George Huffman were on of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mrs. Childsey of Silverton. Her condition was reported as un the committee in charge. Rosalee and Maurey Bassett are SERVING THE CANYON AREA changed late Monday of this week. Eugene Roye and Mrs. Art Boltzer Mr. Bevier is some better at present. were on the program committee. The visiting their grandparents, Mr. and PICKUPS AT address welcoming the new minister Mrs. R. C. Shepherd in Salem. I He has been ill for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bell were week Mrs. Hugh Johnston and children was given by Willard Hartnell after Laundry—Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton Mrs. end guests of Mr. and Mrs. George with Mrs. Earl Thayer and children which Rev. Jones responded. laundry and Dry Cleaning— Ken Golliet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe, Idanha ' went to Stayton Monday to pick boy- Donald Sheythe of Mill City favored Veteto. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Dry Cleaning^- Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit with several piano numbers. Games i senberries for canning C. E. ‘Pink’ Mason, Prop. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston were helped furnish the entertainment. T. Baltimore were Mr. and Mrs. Roy 163 South High SALEM Phone 3-912« Sunday dinner guests at the Hugh Refreshments were served at the Dawes. SHELL PRODUCTS Mrs. Frank Merrill spent a week in close of the evening. Johnston home. AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES Seattle visiting friends. Visitors at the home of Mr. and ZENITH TIRES Mrs. Gertrude Mason is moving to Pittsburgh with a city population Mrs. Cliff West Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Stout of Willamette and of only 673,700 has a metropolitan Harrisburg Her son, Arthur makes FISHING TACKLE their daughter Mrs. Clark Ainsworth, area which is at 2,193,870 according I his home there. Margaret and Gary Bates, children to early census returns. I and son Boyd of Forest Grove of Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Bates and Jimmie Bates, son of Mr. and Mrs Faye Bates all of Aumsville are stay ing with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bates while their moth ers are employed in a Salem cannery. Washed Sand, Cement Roclc, Crushed Road Mr. and Mrs Forrest Hollyman and their twin babies have returned to Rock, Oil Rock, Fill Rock Monmouth where he will finish the ' summer term at OCE. ^9 For the second atraight year, Ford Mrs. Howard Farmen is convalesc ha» received the Gold Medal award as ing at her home following surgery in "Fashion Car of the Year." And its good a Salem hospital. looks are matched, as owners will tell Richard Saucier is reported to be LYONS MILL CITY: Phone 9242 Daye you, by its fine-car quality. Take a seriously ill at the Veteran's hospital I 297 Nights “Test Drive” in this '50 Ford and you’ll in Portland. Mrs. Saucier has been find it has the "feel" of America’s finest Mill City Plant 2 Miles West on River Road with him for several weeks. FOX VALLEY PORTER &LAU SALEM LAUNDRY MILL CITY Service Station JUNGWIRTH Sami anil (»ravel Co. Upper bracket 6—- Shovel and T rucks for Hire can, too We call it “big-car roadability” — you’ll call it the smoothest, quietest ride on wheels. You’ll agree Ford’s rtf oaf nttt cm in rm lonma nu» LOGGER KILLED BY SNAG Idanha — Harry Tate of Lebanon was killed Thursday while working as a rigger for the Bates logging company at Blow-out creek. He was struck by a falling snag, Tate leaves his wife and a nine- year-old daughter. Funeral services were Monday at Lebanon Eight American metropolitan areas have more than two million inhabi tants. They are New York, Chicago, Los Angeles. Philadelphia, Detroit, Boston. San Francisco and Pitts burgh. Compare the ’50 Ford, feature for feature, with can coating hundred» more1 Only Ford, in the low price field, offer» an engine choice of either the 100 h.p. V 8 or it» companion in-quality, the 9S h.p. Si«' Only Ford offer» a "Lifeguard" Bodv' Only Ford offer» 35* easier act mg King Sue Brake»’ And no car offen a bigger combination of taring» —aav .ng» in original coat, »aring» m running coat» and the long run aavong» that result from Ford'» high retake value ~ntr «am* ff sr ros» maa msutt raMff GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING Makes a Muckle” 4 9 4 < . . , _ Which mean« that small amount« toon riais. Work doos promptly ... •ad guarsntsod. Let us give yw a tros estimata. WATCHER DIAMO NDS irwrixT FOSTORIA Herrold-Philippi Motor Co., Stayton Many a Mickle Baker's Mill City Jewelry ijrow to large lumi when you make depotlta regularly. But you’ve got to get started first. How aJiout starting your account right now? MILL CITY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOBTT INSURANCE CORP