Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1950)
¿—THE Mil J- < ITY ENTERPRISE Auguxt 10, 1950 FOR RENT—3-rm. furnished apart ment. E. D. Cooke. 32tf By JIM STEVENS PLEASE LIST all available rooms, room and board, houses and apts. Forest Fire Flickers . , . Write, telephone or visit Personnel Working around a forest fire is not Dept. 10 a m. to 3 p.m. Consolidated exactly safe, but the danger is not as Builders, Inc., Detroit Dam. 12tf i great as the stories make out. It is FOR SALE Wedgewood gas range, nearly new, DuoTherm oil stove. nearly new, D. B. Hill 31tf FOR SALE — 6 ft. Maytag Freezer , only once in a great while that any- $189.00. Stayton Hardware & Fur I body is trapped or overtaken by fire. 25tf The old yarn about the greenhorn FOR SALE—2>4 HP. Lawson out niture Co., Stayton, Ore. board motor $7950; Maytag Pro who got his shirt-tail on fire and ran WANT TO RENT — 2 or 3-bedroom pane gas range $225.00. Stayton nine miles, setting a fresh fire every house, before school starts. Phone Hardware & Furniture Co , Stayton, 26tf quarter, is unverified. Ore. 25tf 5807. A forest fire is commonly dull busi FOR SALE — Trailor house, 20-foot i,lST YOUR homes and farms with ness. Here are snapshots of famiilar me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, items. good and clean, has good daveno, David M. As a rule, humidity goes up and a extra bunk bed. oil heater and lots Gates. Detroit, Lyons. 3tf Reid, Real Estate. of built-ins, a bargain at $25000 forest fire dies down at night. On a Red's Hill Top Trading Post. 32tf WHY PAY RENT ? Buy income prop normal day, when the crew gets on FOR SAI J) — Late model Dexter erty. New duplex for sale. W. L. the fire line—soon as they can see 20tf daylight in the smoke—the fire may washer $65.00; Columbia bicycle 26 Peterson, Swift’s addition. inch $18.00. E. D. Cqoke. 32tf FOR SALE — Cabin 12x18, shiplap seem dead. Then long stretches can be cold-trailed, shoveled through ash FOR SALE—1947 Mainliner, 18-foot floor, located on West Alder Street and char. On others the smoldering 29tf trailer house, butane gas and elec to be moved. E. D. Cooke. fuel can be shoveled onto ash heaps. tric brakes, all in good condition, reasonable. Inquire Gates Trailer A GOOD SELECTION of linoleum The wind is likely to be quiet. Fire Court, Gates, Ore. 31-3p yardage, 6 and 9 ft. widths, 69c per lines can be dug fast. Dawn might sq. yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. be called the true time to fight forest (¿XPERT AUTO and home radio fires. service, 20 years experience, all FOR SALE Black and tan hound, Then the rising dawn wind, sun-up, one year old $50.00. See J. O. Her heat in the air, the night damp makes. Guaranteed service. Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. 3tf ron, Route 1, Lyons, Ore. 31-3p streaming out of the fuel, and again $50 00 PER THOUSAND truck scale flames crackle. From 10 to 4 o'clock paid for 24 ft. to 40 ft. small Doug the fire moves—as a rule. Its head las Fir logs suitable for piling. High will be hot, smoky, mean to work prices paid for barkie poles and against. By the book, the wind piling Call Albany 1287 or write drops at 6 or 7, the air cools and Standard Pole & Piling Co. for price dampens, the fine fuel doesn’t spark lists. 31tf so easily. FOR SALE — Baby cribs $5.95 and Canyon Drafts . . . up, crib mattresses $2.00 and up. Sundown and nightfall are a good Red's Hill Top Trading Post 32tf I time for trail making, if the country is not too rough and there are no WANTED — A partner, Must be spots for mantrap fireholes. If the either a first-class painter (Interior | crew has miners’ lamps, they can and exterior painting) or a good! Room sign man. First-rate proposition walk right up to the head of a fire for the right man. Small invest and beat it down. ment required. Call Bill Obershaw. In most canyons the air blows phone 3215, or write Box 607, Mill down grade at night and in the dawn City. 31-3t turns tail in an up-grade draft, ¡That’s a time for backfiring and. FOR SALE Washing machine $20.00 when the smoke thins, to dig a trail fair condition. Burton Boroughs, A Friendly Place one block east of Red's Hill Top I around the head of the fire. Trading Post. 31-3p But maybe an east wind keeps up To While Away | for days. This may even dry out an FOR SALE OR TRADE — For good ocean beach, right to the high-tide used car, lots 11 and 12. block 12, Your Idle Hours line. In the Cascades the night down Shaw's addition to Mill City, each ' draft in the west side canyons will 50 x 100, young nut trees, city water. Easy terms. Write Darrell carry hot, dry air from the east side. L. Orr, Route 2, Box 748, Coos Bay, ¡Then, at 4 in the morning, when the Oregon. 31-3p woods should be damp, they’ll yet | be so dry that sparks will fire the FOR SALE 2-wheel trailer, ball boughs of standing timber, leap up hitch, removable stock rack, good ward. and carry from tree crown to tires. Call evenings or Sunday. I tree crown. Facing a crown fire in John Kunkle, Lyons, Ore , phone I big timber, man is helpless. 122, first house east of Fox Valley school house. 32-2p Sidehill Fires . . . GATES On still days and on level ground, FOR SALE — Tents, wall, ridgepole, flames, smoke and heat go straight new, fire proof, waterproof, mil up, and the spread, which depends on dewproof, 9x9 $24 50; 14x14 $49 00; the baking out of surrounding fuel to 16x16 $59.00. Red’s Hill Top Trad a point at which it kindles easily ing Post. 32tf from sparks, is a slow spread. A strong wind turns the flames on their sides, forces the heat close to the ground, and so bakes the fuel ahead to a quicker kindling point. A slope has the same effect—the fuel on the slope above the fire is closer to the rising course of flames and heat. Fires on step hillsides are hard to hold. Fire "slides" uphill. Y’es, sir, a right dull business. Maim Street (hit of tin1 Woods JFanis and Sales FOUND — A little brown and white * dog - with - harness • — on. — Found —--- * ■ in *• the \ vicinity of a tavern east of Gates around the Fourth of July. Harold L. Wells. Fir Grove Trailer Court, Mill City. 31-3p FOR SALE New 8-inch Skookum block. Call evenings or Sunday, John Kunkle, Lyons, Ore , phone 122, first house east of Fox Valley school house. 31-lp FOR SALE—3/4 Beds with first qual ity Serta inner spring mattress and box springH, like new. W. L. Peter son, Swift addition. 30tf WE BUY—Fir pitch 75c per gallon. See us for containers. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 24 WANTED- A home for a good cattle and watch dog. Inquire at The Enterprise. 32-3p FOR SALE Ice boxes $7.50. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 32tf FOR RENT — Clean, modem apart ment, partly furnished. See Pen nick & Pennick. 32-1 WE REBUILD Furniture like new. Call 21F71 for free estimate. Stay- ton Upholstering, Rt 1, Box 177A, W. Washington, Stayton, Ore, 28tf FOR SALE — Three choice building lots in Swift’s addition, water, elec tricity available, level ground. W. L. Peterson. 20tf FOR SALE Steel bunk beds $9 95 a pair, bunk bed mattresses $4.95 each. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 32tf FOR SALE — Forty large year-old handsome White Leghorn hens lay ing good, one or all. $1.50 each. Hampshire Reds $2.50 each; extra large White Rocks $3.00 each; Guernsey cow three years old, fresh nine weeks, bred back to registered Jersey. Gentle, easy milker, dou ble-tested, price $200. George Cree Mill City, phone 924. 32-3p FOR SALE - Laundry trays, complete With faucets and legs. Roy S. Kelrsey, east on Kingwood drive, first lane on right. 31-3p KODAK FILMS DEVELOPED-Fast- est service in Portland and satis faction guaranteed by Portland's oldest company. Eight picture roll developed and one print each 35c. Two prints each 50c. Rolls with more than eight pictures one print each 50c. Reprints 4c each. En larged Jumbo size eight picture roll 45c. Twelve picture roll 60c Jum bo reprints 5c each. Quality Picture Co, Box 44O1B, Portland 8, Ore. 31 For Guaranteed Cleaning it’s the NU-METHOD 24-HOUR SERVICE Mom & Pop’s CAFE Private Dining MILL CITY TAVERN BYRON DAVIS, Prop. RICHARD’S “At the Bottom of the Hill” TAVERN OREGON MILL CITY Headquarters for Harden Seeds (Packet or Bulk Pack) ALSO FIELD AND GRASS SEEDS Various Types of Garden Tool«, Etc I TAVERN STAYTON. OREGON — — — — — — — — — — — //. ------:----------- -—------------------------ ----------- One Mill East of Detroit Don't Borro«—Subscribe Today Mill City JEWEL MYERS. Mgr. Closes nt fl I’.M. MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats & Groceries GARAGE and Boarding House Arc and Acetylene Welding FAMILY STVI.F. MEALS Ender New Management I MASTER 9RM Phone 3452 Directory kt FROZEN FOODS GENERAI. Al’TO and TRUCK REPAIR annqqqqq<aaq.aqqHqqoqqqoq«HH » nt« HARLOW L. WEINRICK Professional KUO. Ml). I). Attorney nt I *w N & S Mill City 318 Broadalbin MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbage, ashes, trimmings, weekly pickups $1 per month, Also light hauling. l «Minard Herman Phone 13’15 HOWARD CORSET SHOP Foundation Garment* H**0 >• o Special Attention Given to Fittings Hoale ry-Lingerie-Dre«c. Smocks 131 High St Salem Phone 4032 BQOOCX X ;. X X o CALL US FOR CONSULTATIO NO OBLIGATION ■< -UX X i; -, : XX X3OCXDS WOOD’S STORE General Dry Good* wmm i ingerir READY TO -WE VR HOSIERY Lt ZIERS <X»SM( TI(M xxx^oaXDOXXMKDI : MIKE S Septic Service FLOWERS • Septic Tanka and Sonerà ( leaned GOODE S HOHER SHOI « Phone SAIJCM 3 »4M. COLLECT" Phone Rine MR Stayton. Orr. L197» Elm St.. W Salem (’. E. Covi I le : C.invon Garage Export Repairing «UHI I Oil PRODUCTS r «. ROY AL TIRES Detroit P. E. Frr. Mgr. WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Mod- m ('narrai Service STAYTON OREGON • «* Real Estate Ph 3407 «»Ide Mill (My LISTINGS W %NTED Complete Supplì/ of All Your Dui Id iny A ds SHEET ROCK DOORS and WINDOWS BOYSEN PAINT t I \Il KIN«. MW LOW PRICES ON MONTEX_ nil r%INT WITH THE «AND FINISH KELLY LUMBER SALES RUSSELL KELLY. Manager