Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1950)
Garden Club To Present Floral Show T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: MILE CITY MH BOR ELKHORN GATES in wii x LYONS MEHAMA MONGOLO The Mill City Garden club will hold ^¿LLLUJ.J J. its first annual flower show next OX Tilt: SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OI NATURE’S EMPIRE Thursday, August 24 at the recrea tion hall behind the Presbyterian church, Mrs. Arthur Robisen, club $2.50 a Year, 5c a Copy i|LL CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1930 Vol. VI—No. 83 secretary announced this week. With all amateur gardeners in the community invited to compete, the! club is hoping for a varied and gala ' collection of flowers, arrangements j or exhibits of potted plants. All en-1 tries must be at the recreation hall Highway 222 was smeared with by 11 a.m. to compete for prize rib oily fuel Wednesday morning after bons. Later entries will be for dis a fully loaded tank truck and trailer play purposes only. overturned about midway between In connection with their first Mehama and Stayton. flower show, the ladies will hold their Truck driver Art Richmond of Business and professional people of second food sale of cakes, pies, Portland sustained bruises and back the canyon from Idanha to Stayton and cookies which will be sold dur injuries. In addition, he was drenched i interested in attending the canyon ing the afternoon. with diesel. According to reports, wide dinner meeting scheduled for The actual show will get under the truck and trailer were flipped September 12 at the Mill City high way at 2 p.m. with a talk by Mrs. over when they ran into the soft school were urged to get their tickets W. G. Stellmacher of Tangent,, who shoulder of the narrow road while , this week by George Steffy, chair* is vice president of the Santiam dis trying to pass a logging truck. man of the sponsoring industrial trict of the Federation of Garden Stayton firemen rushed to the committee of the Mil) City chamber clubs. scene. Police detoured traffic | of commerce. First, second and third prize rib through a field while the roadway Apparently nobody wants to be left bons will be awarded in each class was being cleared. I out of this meeting, Steffy said in by three judges: Mrs. Stellmacher, dicating the limited seating capacity Mrs. Ward Ingles of Stayton and of the high school auditorium could Mrs. Elmer Taylor of Mehama. prevent some from getting tickets. A requirement in entering the show "At the rate the tickets are sell- is that all horticultural specimens j ing,” Steffy said, "there won’t be must be grown by the person who enough to go around.” exhibits it. This is not true in ar The slogan of progress "the future rangements however. Named vari belongs to those who prepare for it" eties will be given preference in close The load of 2x4s and 2x6s rec-lining on the end of the parked car of J. C. “Doc” Kimmel, Mill City druggist, 1» will guide the program. decisions. the result of a mishap at our now famous shift-turn-and-hope corner on the highway leading to Gates. The Persons interested in getting tick H. T. Caughey, principal of the Mill descending Northern Lumber company truck driven by William Lyman Jr., had negotiated part of the down Containers will be furnished by the ets can do so from any of the follow ward twist when the reach timber on the trailer snapped, overturning the load and nearly upsetting the City high school, announces that club for specimen flowers. Arrange ing persons: Charlie Coville, Byron tractor. The incident held up traffic for an hour-and-a-half. Log and lumber trucks use this comer on the registration of students will be as ments must be made in exhibitor’s Davis. D. B. Hill Sr., Frank Hunter, average of one every four minutes. (Kenneth Hunt m ide the photo soon after the accident.) follows: container, which should be marked W. R. Hutcheson, Allen Keith, J. C. (Photo courtesy Capital Journal) August 28th, Monday, 9:00 to by name on tape attached to bottom. "Doc" Kimmel, G. D. Myers of Elk- 12:00, seniors and freshmen. The show committee will not be . horn, Elva Patten, Jim O'Leary, August 29. Tuesday, 9:00 to responsible for containers or other Lowell Stiffler, George Steffy, Bob 12:00, sophomores only. property, although reasonable care Veness and George Veteto. August 30th. Wednesday, 9:00 to will be exercised. Decorations and floral arrange 12:00, juniors only. Division I — Horticulture ments for the dinner will be prepared Several courses which have not by the Mill City Garden club while In Division I, an exhibitor may been offered for a number of years the Gates Women’s club will prepare Mill City’s suicide curve tried to have only one entry of a variety in will be Included in this year's sched any one class but may enter as many Mill City's chamber of commerce ule.. Students are urged to inquire and serve the dinner to those as- Funeral services were held Monday break into the headlines all by itself this week. ' sembled. different classes as desired. has strongly indorsed the plan to for one of Oregon's most distin about these courses. For many months now local citi build a modern hospital in Stayton. Division II — Arrangements guished agricultural leaders, and the New textbooks for most of the zens have been lamenting the treach Table buffet, coffee table, minia father of Mill City’s newest doctor. Citing the acute need for modern courses will be on sale in the high erous nature of the roadway as high ture, dish garden, corsages, any kind surgical and medical facilities at a school office from 9:00 to 12.00, Aug. William L. Teutsch. assistant di of an arrangement accepted, but only rector of the Oregon State college way 222 swings upward from the point closer to the canyon area, the 31 and Sept. 1, the Thursday and one of a class for each exhibitor. chamber went on record last week to Friday following registration. extension seivice, died last week river and turns toward Gates. On the surface it would appear the get behind the Stayton hospital plan Division III — Unscheduled while on a vacation trip to eastern This division will include any Oregon. His son. Dr. William L. curve's feelings had been hurt by the and help push it over the top, Only NEW PRINCIPAL FROM SILETZ worthy exhibit not conforming to ■ Teutsch Jr., is scheduled to be in avalanche of adverse publicity which by inter-community co-operation un Mr Caughey, the new principal, Early marred by factional or religious is rules for another division. charge of the new medical building has been directed its way. comes to Mill City after three years being erected on the Linn county side this week, a sentimental person could sues could such a hospital be built. as superintendent of schools at Sil Division IV A temporary shortage of carpen declare that the curve was crying. Mill City’s citizens were urged to get of Mill City. Potted or unusual plants. etz. Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Caughey ters developed last month when add- A steady stream of “ tears ” appears behind the Stayton plan. 'This is our first attempt at giving Nearly a third of a century of con have established residence on the tional carpenters were needed at Det As the population of the canyon flower sh «v," Mrs R>>bisor. said. tributions io Oregon agriculture ! to be trickling down the hill. Seek Marion county side of Mill City. They roit dam. the state unemployment We invite the public to participate came to a close with Mr Teutsch’s ers of the hard facts of life trace the area continues to grow as work’ at have two sons. commission reported last week. and help us make it a success. Come death. Since his death, scores of source of the water to a spring on Detroit dam progresses, the chamber A graduate of Oregon college oP* Employment increased steadily in feels that such facilities become more the hillside. Other realists thought and see what your neighbor has tributes have been received by Ore education at Monmouth, Mr. Caug- July, the compensation commission and more vital. Unless immediate grown in her yard and don’t forget gon State college officials and his a water main had burst. hey also attended Central Washing said in its monthly bulletin. Const action is taken to obtain them, a the food sale.” family from associates not only in the ton college of education at Ellens ruction, lumber, food processing and golden apportunity may be lost for The regular meeting of the garden extension service but from leaders burg, Washington. He has done grad harvest activities were the cause of ever. club will be held at the time of the in other states and in the nation’s uate work at both the University of the boost. An increased demand for The Stayton hospital would be show, 2 p.m. next Thursday. The capital. workers in the skilled and Bemi- Oregon and Oregon state college. staffed by Catholic sisters and would club meets every month on the fourth A veteran of the second world war, skiled classifications was reported. His associates at the state college have at least 25 beds. It would cost Thursday. All interested persons are said Mr Teutsch made an unusual Unemployment in the Marlon-Polk Mr. Caughey served in the European about $10.000 per bed to build. Part welcome to attend. theatre of operations. He was in county area is estimated at 1,450. record in assisting state and federal Incidentally, last week’s story on leaders in developing positions in the Lyons—The Santiam Valley Grange of the cost would be paid by the gov Ijondon, Paris and Cherbourg In the This is 700 less than for a compar the garden club said there were two field of public policy and in interpret fall festival committee has drawn up ernment. the rest by subscription course of his wartime travels. able period last year. More than 60 from members of the various com burly he-men members of the club. ing national agricultural policies to plans for this year's fair. per cent of the persons drawing job munities in the canyon and Stayton It seems there are three. Eldon Oregonians. less benefits the last week of the Cash awards and ribbons will be Turnidge wants it known that he’s ! Though bom in Tacoma. Wash., given for the best and second best areas. month were women More than 50 A building site has been pledged also an active member of the organ June 6. 1897. he spent much of his in floral exhibits baking, canning, per cent of the men were 45 years of anonymously thus easing the cost ization. age or older.. ¡childhood in Malheur county, Oregon needle work, vegetable, fruits grains, considerably. Canneries called back an estimated Following his graduation from col grass seeds and other agricultural Dr. William H Burrell of Stayton. 1500 employees as the processing of lege in 1920. he was editor and pub j produce. Due to the lack of interest, chairman of the committee of the lisher of the Lake County Examiner the past several years, in livestock Stayton chamber of commerce that Lyons -— The Lyons Garden club beans got underway. The commission in Lakeview He followed his news exhibits, it was decided to discon is investigating and promoting the held their meeting at the community estimated the peak of the pack would paper career with thirty years of tinue cash awards and give ribbons hospital plan, urged al) persons who club house with Mrs. Percy Hiatt be reached about August 25. Present market conditions and ' service to the Oregon State college only. Tentative date set for the fair were sent questionnaires on the plan and Mrs. Mike Fink in charge of Communicable and reportable dis is September 23. all day and evening. to return them immediately whether flower arrangements and refresh increasing demand for lumber pro extension service. eases in Marion county dropped dur From 1924 to 1927 he was a dis An appropriate program for the eve they were in favor of the plan or not. ments. Mrs. George Huffman was in ducts has kept production high. ing the week of August 6 to 12 if ning entertainment is being arranged. But proponents and opponents should charge of the program. Mrs. Ger the weekly report of physicians by trict county agent for Linn and Ma The following people are to work in register their view th order that the trude Weidman presided over the rion counties and then was advanced the county health office is an ac to state county agent leader. He the different divisions: fancy work. committee could obtain a clear-cut business meeting. curate indicator. Blanche Wagner and Minnie Downer; picture of how the canyon stands on Plans were made for a flower show The weekly report listed only seven held this position until 1940 Then baking. Lois Myers and Mrs. Warren the hospital plan. he became assistant director of the to be held at the club house Friday new cases and none of them were Hampton; canning. Mrs. Bert Basl, extension service. afternoon, Sept. 29. It was also outside of Salem or institutions. Tn recent months. Mr Teutsch had Elsie Myers and June Whitney; flow planned to invite the Jordan and Mill Two cases of mumps and two cases An uncharted sea mount about 30 ers. Celene Taylor. Evelyn Trahan City clubs to attend our next meet of gastro enteritis were reported in several requests from federal author miles west of Willapa Bay, Washing and Alice Huber; 4-H exhibits. Fern ities to accept appointments on agri ing on Sept. 13. Salem. One case each of erysipelas, ton, was reported this month by the Sletto, Leora Stevens and Estelle broncho pneumonia and tuberculosis cultural missions to Europe carrying Mrs. W. G. Stellmacher of Tangent fish and wildlife service’s explora the operation of extension work to Spiva: bazaar. Anna B Julian, Mabel were reported from institutions. will be the speaker of the afternoon. tory fishing vessel John N. Cobb. Patton and Elizabeth Taylor; farm Mr and Mrs. Clyde Farley have The reports of only 44 per cent of rural Europeans The vessel reported the top of the booths. Albert Julian. George Nydig- leased the service station formerly She will talk* on "Preparing Flowers He was married to Freida Spitz- the county's doctors were included for Show". apparently unknown under water bart of West Salem in 1921 In addi ger and Bill Prichard: fruit and veg known as Don’s Union Service Sta in the county report. The committee in charge will be "mountain" was only about 130 feet tion to his wife and Dr. Teutsch of etables. Lloyd Sletto, Steve Dark. Ike tion on the Marion county side of Mrs. Clinton Hubbard. Mrs. Alice below the surface of the ocean while Mill City. Mr Teutsch leaves an Myers. Wilson Stevens. Elmer Taylor Mill City. other son and a daughter. Thomas and Jake Myers; livestock. John Now known as Farley's Service Huber. Mrs. Merrill Brassfield, and surrounding waters were more than Teutsch of McMinnville and Mrs •Lambrecht, Chet Blum and Warren Station, the business handles tires, Mrs. Clyde Bressler, with Mrs. Alex a mile and a half deep. Elevation of the under water peak Hampton; reception committee, Ed batteries and usual service station Kulken in charge of entertainment, Jack Hughes of Seattle. FRIDAY— Taylor. Casper Gerath, and George goods The station opens at 7 a.m At the close of the meeting cake and was estimated at about 9,500 feet I.OO.F. meeting. Berry: publicity. Eva Bressler, Alta and remains open as business war coffee were served to Mesdames Paul above the ocean floor. The discovery Lyons IWA meet'-.g 2nd Friday Johnston. George Huffman. Don was made from routine readings of Bodeker and Tony Moravec; program rants until late in the evening Drivers Tests at Mill Gt/ SATURDAY- The Farleys have rented a house Brotherton. Lynn lambert, Clyde electronic sounding devices. A drivers license examiner will be committee. Dorothy Draper. Wilson Bressler, Oscar Naue, Hugh Johns The vessel was probing the waters SUNDAY— in Mill City. Tuesday, Aug 22. Mt the Stevens. Matt Beiver, Alta Bodeker on the Marion county side Mr Far ton, Otto Weidman. Mike Fink, Percy for albacore tuna when it made the and Tony Moravec; kitchen, Mrs ley was In the garage business in Softball at 3 p m. Mill City fire hall, between the hours of 9 a m. Hiatt. Mrs Cora Jenner and Mrs discovery Long-line fishing gear MONDAY— and 5 p.m . according to an announce Steve Dark, Mrs Dallas Franklin. Salem for 15 years. O’Neal set near the sea mount produced a Mrs. George Nydlgger. Mrs Bill The former operators of the sta Lions club meeting ment received from the secretary of heavy catch of red rockfish averag Prichard and Giles Wagner; general tion. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith with A F. A AM No. ISO stated meet ’state's office. ing 15 pounds each committee. LJoyd Sletto, Albert Ju their three children are currently va ing third Monday. Persons wishing licenses or per lian. Melvina Franklin and Tony Fishery engineer J. G. Ellison of cationing in eastern Oregon with rec mits to drive are asked to get in Moravec. Seatie said. "The discovery discloses TUESDAY— reational plans that include a visit touch with the examines^ well ahead a new fishing ground which might Softball at 6 30 p.m Mill City to Yellowstone national park of the scheduled closing hour in order prove valuable and may throw new Chamber of Commerce 8 pm Parents of four- and five-year-old light on some of the scientific ques Women’» club 8 pm. 1st. 3rd Tues to assure completion of their appli ST ATI. PLANS TO V4IDIN cations with a minimum of delay HIGHWAY AT AUMSVILLE children were asked thia week to con tions concerning the occurence of the Bean Growers Want Pickers WEDNESDAY— tact Mrs. Jess Lee at phone 5724 im Bids for widening the North San Bean growers in the Stayton area mediately regarding the operation of rockfish and other species in off Softball at « p.m. Mill City tiam highway in the city of Aums shore waters." thia week issued an urgent appeal Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 pm. LAWN MOWER BOUGHT ville will be considered by th* high for all possible assistance in harvest a Mill City kindergarten during the FOR LYONS CEMETERY at Detroit school building coming school year. IDANHA MAN LOSES LEG Lyons — The Cemetery association highway department in a meeting In ing the 1950 bean crop. Lions club auxiliary 8:30, 4th Wed. Portland next Tuesday. The kindergarten would be oper With the bean season hitting its Hardening of the arteries caused Santiam Rebekah 146 1st and 3rd has purchased a new lawn mower Th* state plans to widen and re peak this week pickers were re ated by the Mill City PT A if a suita Johnny Delaire to have a leg am and urges all patrons to clean their Wed at 8 p.m own lots and put th* rubbish ail to surface the present narrow pave minded that at least two weeks of ble place can be found to hold classes putated just above the knee last THURSDAY— gether so it may be ail disposed of ment good picking remained Picking and enough Intercat ia shown in the Wednesday at the Salem Memorial American Legion 2d and 4th Thur» at one time thia will be a great bene hr>spital Mrs. De lair» who had been The new asphaltic contrat* pave price is 24 cents a pound. Camping ■ project Gates PT A 1st Thursday 8 pm. Last year’s PTA-sponaored kinder- with him returned home Friday fit to the cemetery, and the co-op ment wearing surface 39 feet m facilities are available for those who Garden club fourth Thursday. eration of all will be greatly appre Width is planned from the Junction wish to camp Those wishing to help ganen program proved to be a suc- night. Delair» was able to be up in Mill City IWA meeting last Friday ciated. Let's all help to make our with the Turner road to within 90 were told to contact the Stayton reaaful venture with more than 20 a wheel-chair last Sunday and hopes childran in attendance Softball at « pm Mill City cemetery a more beautiful place to be home next Sunday Canning company. feet of the railroad crossing Tank Truck With Trailer Overturns on Highway Canyon Dinner Tickets Selling At Rapid Rate High School Open For Registration On August 28-30 Father of Local Doctor Dies Suicide Curve Cries Over Hurt Feelings Hospital Plan Boosted Here Carpenter Shortage Caused by Detroit Dam, Report Says Santiam Grange Plans Fall Festival Lyons Garden Club Plans Flower Show Only Seven Cases Make County Health List Sea Mount Noted Off Willapa Bay Don’s Service Station Leased to Clyde Farieys (Cnmiiui EnrrJfi: Want a Kindergarten? Contact Mrs. Jess Lee