Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1950)
5—THE MILL CITY' ENTERPRISE IIUHI July 27. 1950 IDANHA PAGE By REBA SNYDER Mr. and Mrs Russell Hoyt, grade school teachers in Detroit school, re turned Friday from an extensive trip FRIDAY' and SATURDAY Gates Womans Club Files Bridal Shower Honors to the East While at Valley Forge DURANGO KID ami they visited the Boy Scout Jamboree. sMILEY BURNETTE In Articles of Incorporation Miss Dolores Brewer The rod and gun club held their Challenge of the Range GATES- Articles of incorporation Mrs. Elmer Shaw and Mrs. Verne annual picnic at Suttle lake last Sun day with the usual good attendance. — Plu» — for the Gates Woman’s club were filed Shaw entertained at the formers Charles Reese, his mother, father with the Marion county clerk by the home Saturday evening for the pleas and brother. Henry, came Sunday to JOHNNY WEISSMULLER in club’s officers, Mrs. AJura Chance, ure of Miss Dolores Brewer, popular ! spend the day with the James Gordon Jungle Jim I bride elect of Gordon Kay. family at a picnic at Brietenbush Mrs. Marie Wilson Park. Mrs. Zane Appropriate games were played by resort and to return Alice Gordon to Hearing. Mrs. Floyd Völkel and the the guests. Shower gifts were pre M XI»and MONDAY her work in Portland after a week board of trustees, Mrs. Mary Garri sented to Miss Brewer from a wish vacation with her parents. ROSALIND RUSSELL and son. Mrs. Odessa Joaquin and Mrs. ing well decorated with rambler roses. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Conner and two H RAY MILLAND in Dainty refreshments were served children of Missoula, Mont, came Edna Hutchison. Legal advice and services were donated to the club by to Mesdames Walter Kay. Hattie Tuesday to visit with her brother, A Woman of Joseph Devers and Walter Bell, Stay Fencl, Charlie Powelson. Carl Chance. Carl Schaffer, until Thursday when Clyde Golden, Verne Clark, Harold they went to Salem. They returned ton attorneys. Distinction Pound. Ford Wilson Jr., Bill Hutch Saturday to spend the weekend with ison, Ernie Brown. Wilbur Meinert, the Schafers. BOY JOINS BECKER FAMILY Hilarious comedy Stopping at Camp Pioneer to pick Mr. and Mrs. Richard Becker of Rose Daly, Misses LaVetta Powelson, Mill City are the proud parents of I Pat Cree, Alona Daly, Andrey and up their son, Alan, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY a baby boy bom Monday at Lebanon Velma Shaw, Mrs. Fencl, the honored and son. Jimmie left about noon Sun GEORGE BRENT and day for Yellowstone park for a ten hospital. The new arrival weighed guest and the hostesses. I.YNN BARI in \\\ day vacation. in at 6 lbs. 14% ounces. The mother ) Arnold Snyder drove to Seattle Tue is reported doing fine, but the father The Kid from Cleveland sday night to spend a week with his is said to be a “little weak”. friend William Bodie. Bodie returned Baseball story with a Heart. ME <♦> <♦:- <♦> <♦:- .;♦> .;♦> Family Entertainment with him Saturday night for an indef Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hoodenpyle of inite visit here. . Cresswell were weekend guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hopson drove to THURSDAY' 1 and Mrs. J. C. Kimmel. ffcslrooms on Southern Pacific’s new streamlined Cascade (Io go into Salem to see his father, James Hop- 1 Spending Sunday at Suttle lake son Saturday night. Mr. Hopson is in service August 18 with it»1- hour overnight run between San Francisco GEORGE MURPHY and RICARDO MONT ALBAN were Mr. and Mrs. Verda Goble and the Memorial hospital there being and Portland) feature private, enclosed annexes containing complete toilet and lavatory facilities; circulating ice water, non-glare fluorescent (They were in Battleground) Rodney and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Swan prepared for surgery. ceiling and individual reading lights, full length closets, individually con In and Ryan. Dr. and Mrs. Willcut and family trolled heating and air conditioning, and generous baggage S|>ace. Wide, SHIRLEY LAIRD Mr. and Mrs. Edward Howe spent spent the weekend at the coast. full-length pre-made beds are instantly available. Roomettes, bedrooms, the weekend at the Morris Howe Idanha street improvement is suites, compartments and drawing rooms are available on this new home. underway. The main street is to be streamliner which boasts the famols “Cascade Culb”, 130-foot triple unit Action, Drunui about Illegal Phone 6103 Miss Kathleen Brown of Portland graded and maintained and has had diner-lounge. Several of the sleeping cars will provide through service Immigration has been visiting at the R. C. Brown two coats of oil. to and from Seattle. home. MILL CITY Doors open at 7:20 P.M. Mrs. Anna Swift is visiting Mr. and NOTICE Complete show can be seen any <♦> <♦> <♦> Mrs. Don Peterson and family at time up to 8:30 Not responsible for any debts con Puyallup, Wash. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH Mrs. Edith Mason is visiting her A SON To Mr. and Mrs. Richard tracted by anyone except myself. CYRUS JONES. brother at Long Beach, Calif. A former resident of Mill City, Mrs. Becker of Mill City, Monday, July 24, Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! Dated July 27. 1950 30-3p Mrs. Pearl Pike of Lansing, Michi Zeta Gitchell and baby daughter, in Lebanon hospital. gan is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lester Terry Rene, spent the week at the A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Herbert , >w. Hathaway. home of her mother, Mrs. Una White. Gesher of Idanha, Tuesday. July 25, Mrs. Forrest Hollyman and twin Mrs. Gitchell’s home is in Sweet Home at Salem General hospital. babies are at the home of Mrs. Bur where her husband is employed at the A DAUGHTER -To Mr. and Mrs. ton Burroughs. At the present time Santiam lumber company. George Hall of Mill City on Wednes no visitors are admitted. Mrs. Al Haun and sons BiUy and day, July 26. BYRON DAVIS, Prop. Mrs. Arthur O'Rourke and Jean of Dickey plan to leave tomorrow on a Arcata, Calif., are visiting her par vacation trip to Johnstown, Nebr., MARRIAGE LICENSE “At the Bottom of the Hill” ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cree and where they will visit Mrs. Haun’s par James Lyle Staley, 22, student, Har Room I other relatives. lowton, Mont., and Betty Jean Class. ents and other relatives. OREGON MILL CITY, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bassett, Maurie 21, typist, Mill City. Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! and Rosalie, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jetton spent Sunday at Silver Lake. COV.ILLES ENJOYING WEEKENDS Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Coville are now Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hadley and two J sons of Yamhill had dinner at the spending their weekends at their newly purchased summer home in the Al Haun home Sunday. [ FOR RENT—2 and 3 room furnished Breitenbush area. Coville, a Mill City realtor, made apartments. E. D. Cooke, 2 blocks the purchase this month. west high school. 30 FRESH DAILY — VERY REASONABIJ1 PRICES The summer home bears the color SHOWER GIVEN MRS. MC BRIDE ful name of Wild Cat Lodge and is A surprise shower, complimenting located on Devil’s Creek road. Mrs. George McBride Jr., was given by Mrs. Raymond Mainard at her MILL CITY home Wednesday afternoon of last "E A BETTER KITCHEN OPEN WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS week with Mrs. Wilson Park hostess. 8 A.M. to 7 P.M. 9 A M. to 4 P.M. Several games were played with Mrs. Garbage is making news! Phillip Hickox. Mrs. A. T. Bamhardt, Some of this news comes from Mrs. Newell Masoner and Mrs. James the small city of Jasper, Ind . | Newcomb awarded prizes. After the where every home is being fitted an electric garbage disposer. lovely gifts received were opened by with Soon it will be illegal there to dis the honored guest, Mrs. McBride, pose of kitchen garbage in any oth refreshments were served by the er way. This action marks the first time hostesses. Those complimenting Mrs. I McBride were her mother-in-law, Mrs. I that the automatic disposer has been employed on a community George McBride Sr..Mrs. James New wide SIZE 5x7 INCHES basis, but thousands of home comb, Mrs. Paul Davis. Mrs. Newell makers all over the country will Masoner and daughter Cleta Mae.Mrs testify that there is no easier, Phillip Hickox. Mrs. A. T. Bamhardt, simpler or more satisfactory way of getting rid of the inconvenient, Mrs. Grover Bamhardt and Mrs dirty, and disease breeding garbage Floyd Völkel. can. Age 2 Month*) to 6 Years Fit Any Sink FOUR ATHEY' GIRLS HONORED While the electric garbage dis GATES- Barbara and Mervin Haun poser is more closely associated SIX DAYS ONLY entertained at their home Tuesday with the modern cabinet sink and evening of last week, complimenting the electric sink, most units on the ! the four Athey girls, Joyce, Shirley, market will fit any kitchen sink. THRU SATURDAY. AUGUST Sth WEST SALEM, OREGON Gloria, and Donna Rae. who with They chew up all sorts of kitchen Residence 3 5799 Phone 2 4151 and swirl the pulverized their parents left the following day wastes particles into the sewer system in a for their new home in Lebanon. Party flood of cold water. Like any other games furnished entertainment for mechanical appliance, the disposer | the evening. Refreshments were should be used only tor what it is | served by the hosts, assisted by their intended: the disposer is for or ganic kitchen wastes, not for tin I mother. Mrs Cecil Haun and Mrs cans, paper or other rubbish. Floyd Völkel. Others present were With this device, the homemaker i Birdie Larson, Shirley Dietz.Joan ano can keep her kitchen free of wastes as she prepares meals, bakes, does ¡Jessie Fae Brown. Bob Lee, Louise Haun. Wilmer Crites, Jimmy Carey. the canning, and cleans up after meals. Just scrape the garbage in | Patty Stewart and Earl Henness. to the disposer opening, turn on the cold water, flip the switch and Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! the grinding rotors do the rest. A feature of one disposer on the mar With $10.00 or More Order ket is the reversing action of the o rotors; each time the switch is 0 turned on the grinding mechanism 0 moves in the opposite direction, 0 serving to keep the unit extra clean MILL CITY I SHIRLEYS BEAUTY SHOP Border Incident MILL CITY Just Arrived... Mom & Pop’s CAFE MILL CITY TAVERN Private Dining Myron’s Packaged Meats STOP THAT DUST! Kellom's Grocery Road Oiling for Streets and Driveways 5c square yard Free Photograph For Fast Service Call Allen Keith Chevron Station of Your Child 2402 Tweedie Fuel Oils Monday, July 31 Friday & Saturday Specials FREE 4 rolls IGA Toliet Tissue Must Be Accompanied by Parents Children 2 Months to 6 Years Selection of Proofs No Appointment Necessary No Obligation To Buy PEPPERMINT STICK Brick-of-the-Month for July MOTHERS OF SALEM AND 51CINTTY ____ friends and in appreciation of past patronage. make wC have arranged _ ____ -_____ __ in child photography, to with - a specialist we makeV FREE*" PHOTOGRAPH of your child in our store. No cost, no obligation, nothing to buy . . it's FREE STORE HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Toy & Hobby Shop Its North Commercial Street SALEM r * : - 1 Eipert work. Finest mate rials. Work done promptly .,. and guaranteed. I-et us give yon a free estimate. This month our special flavor it a creamy smooth ice cream made with real.crushed.peppermint stick candy Delightfully different—the whole family will enjoy it. WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY FOSTORIA ^M ayflower ' Baker s ill Qty 4 e a 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ■ o I o 0 a ALBERT TOMAN, Prop. a o MIIJ. CITY WE DELIVER s 0 I __________ S ibbbbbbbbbbbb bbb bbcubbbbbbbbbbbb & o o w n b bbbbbbbbbb HILL TOP GENERAL STORE