Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1950)
July 27, 1950 THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Wants and Sales LYONS FOR SALE — Trash Burner, white enamel, perfect grates and fire walla, $34.50. Parker - Hutcheson Furniture, Gates. 30-2t 4a im Street By EVA BRESSLER Miss Mary Pietrok returned to FOR SALE — 1 to 10 acres, ideal building site. Pennick - Pennick, Salem Sunday after spending a two Phone 1901 30-1 1 weeks vacation at the home of her CHERRIES You pick 4c lb. 5 miles BOARD AND ROOM Call at Mary Jones’ home on Ivy St., fifth house north of Mehama on Fem Ridge parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Pietrok. west from Red’s Hill Top Trading FOR SALE 34 Beds with first qual road, Etzel Bros . Route 1, Box 234, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olmstead and ity Serta inner spring mattress and Post. 28-3p Stayton. 30-lt box springs, like new. W. L. Peter sons, Donald and Walter, are spend son, Swift addition. 30tf ing a few days vacationing along the FOR SALE Grand Piano, recondi FOR SALE—2*4 HP. Lawson out board motor $79.50; Maytag Pro coast. tioned and recently refinished ma FOR SALE- White gas range, four pane gas range $225 00. Stayton Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Tietze and hogany baby grand. Guaranteed burners and oven. Red ’ s Hill Top Hardware & Furniture Co., Stayton, perfect. $775 00 cash, terms, or children of Turner were Sunday Trading Post. 30 Ore. 25tf rented with purchase option. Stone guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Linde Plano Co., 1540 Fairgrounds Road, FOR SALE- High chair $4 75. Red’s BEAN PICKERS WANTED —Truck mann. Mrs. Tietze is a sister of Mr. Salem. 16tf will pick up at Gates. Mill City, | Lindemann. Hill Top Trading Post. 30 Lyons and Mehama at 7 a m., start-I FOR SALE Movable wash tubs, and HELP WANTED — National organl-, ing Monday, July 31. M. E. Peter-■ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heineck and Mr. Roy Heinick visited with Mrs. 4-ft. bath tub. Don Peterson at zation offers opportunity to make sen Bean Yard, R. 1, Box 92A, Stay The Enterprise. 30 money in your spare time, writing ton, 4 miles W. of Mehama. 30-lp Heinick, who is ill, at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Ade Ruschman credit reports in Mill City. Inter FOR SALE One large size tricycle FOR SALE — Spinet Piano, $35.00 de at Hillsboro. esting work. Business knowledge with side car >12.50, one small side posit, and $15.00 per month places Mrs. Keith Taylor and children of or education preferred. Write Mr walk bike $7.50. Ken Nielson, CBI a fine instrument in your home. Walport spent several days last week R. E. Deagle, P.O. Box ill, Port addition, Phone 2301. 29-3p Can be seen locally. Write Stone with relatives in Lyons. Mrs. Taylor land 7, Oregon. 28-3t Piano Co., 1540 Fairgrounds Road. is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pat PLEASE LIST all available rooms, 16tf Salem. room and board, houses and apts. FOR SALE — 300 used brick, some Lyons. used fire brick, good trash burner. Write, telephone or visit Personnel WE BUY — Fir pitch 75c per gallon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen returned R. S. Corbin, first house west of the Dept. 10 a m. to 3 p.m. Consolidated See us for containers. Red’s Hill home Sunday evening from Paulina Jail in Mill City. 29-3p Builders, Inc., Detroit Dam. 12tf Top Trading Post. 24 lake. The Allens with the Foxs of LOST—Bundle containing four fish FOR SALE — Large lot on high Salem had spent the past ten days at WE REBUILD Furniture like new. ground in Thomas addition. Cash ing rods. Reward for return. Write or terms. For owner’s residence in-1 Call 21F71 for free estimate. Stay the lake. Jess Looney, Scio, Ore. 29-2t Mrs. Alex Bodeker, Mrs. Merrill quire Enterprise office or Stewart's : ton Upholstering, Rt 1, Box 177A, W. Washington, Stayton, Ore. 28tf Brassfield, Mrs. Clyde Bressler and Grocery. Ernie Brown. 29-3p FOR SALE — 6 ft. Maytag Freezer Mrs. Alice Huber went to Eugene $189.00. Stayton Hardware & Fur- | FOR SALE OR TRADE—For live niture Co., Stayton, Ore. 25tf FOR SALE—Ten million feet virgin stock. New movable garage and Friday evening where they attended fir and hemlock. Ax or saw has workshop, one Whizzer Bike motor. the wedding of Charlie Hallin and never touched this stand, good FOR SALE Fishing poles, steel tele Phone 3802. 28-3p Miss Ethel Anderson. The Hallins ground to work on, for further in scope $3.95; fish baskets $2 50 spent several years in Lyons while Mr. formation see W. Hampton, owner, Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 30 Gates, Ore. 29-3p FOUND—Two keys and a small knife Hallin was superintendent at the Mt. WANT TO RENT —2 or 3-bedroom .— ---------------------------------------------- 1 near the scene of last week’s Police Jefferson saw mill. man’s dance. Loser may pick them house, before school starts. Phone FOR SALE—Kimball upright piano, Visiting at the home of Mr. and up at The Enterprise by paying for excellent tone. Inquire at Detroit 5807 26tf this ad. 29tf Mrs. Lloyd Sletto, route one, Lyons, Barber Shop. 28-3p are her sister, Mrs. Lewis Olsen and LIST YOUR homes and farms with FOR SALE Baby buggy $6.95. Red's children, Dennis and Sharron, of me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, FOR SALE—Ice boxes $6 50 and up. Hill Top Trading Post. 30 Long Beach, California. Red's Hill Top Trading Post. 28tf David M. Gates, Detroit, Lyons. FOR SALE — Steel bunk beds, $7.95 Shirley and Jerry Mohler are spend- 3tf Reid, Real Estate. pair. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. LOOKING FOR A LOCATION FOR this week at the home of their grand THAT NEW HOME? 30tf i WHY PAY RENT? Buy income prop parents, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Midili We have some very fine lots erty. New duplex for sale. W. L. in Salem. in a residential district. Let Peterson, Swift's addition. 20tf FOR SALE—House and eight lots at us show them to you. Several of the ladies from the Lyons Newport, Ore., orchard, loganber PENNICK-PENNICK ries, boysenberries, raspberries, hot FOR SALE — Sleeping bags $9.75. garden club attended the garden Phone 1901 tour of the Stayton garden club held and cold water, indoor shower. See Mill City Red's Hill Top Trading Post. 30 O. E. Baker at Tony Baker’s, above in Stayton Tuesday afternoon. FOR SALE 8-ft. home freezer, less Gates, R. 1, Box 139, Lyons. 29-3p FOR SALE — Three choice building Miss Shirley Keintz and Miss Isa lots in Swift's addition, water, elec than one year old, $280 00. Phone tricity available, level ground. W. belle Knebel of Roslyn, So. Dak., are 6007 A. L. Olmstead. 30-lt FOR SALE—The following items will L. Peterson. 20tf visiting relatives in Lyons. The young not be needed in Korea: 30.06 cus FOR RENT — Three new cottages, tom made sporter, 2>^X Zeiss scope ladies are nieces of Mrs. John Jung electric stove, no fum. Close to case and ammunition; 5 h.p. Sea WANTED — We are buying Douglas wirth, Mike Fink of Lyons and Mrs. Fir poles and piling on new higher school and store on quiet shady King outboard motor, 15 hours ac price list. Call Albany 1287 or write Jake Silbernagel of Jordan. lane. H. N. Wilson, 1st house 8. of tual running time, cost $120.00, take Standard Pole & Piling Co., Inc., bridge at Gates. 30-3p It fishing for $85 00; an 11-ft. alum P.O. Box 282, Albany, Ore . for your CALL OFF AUGUST MEETINGS inum sport trailer, fully equipped, FOR SALE Cabin 12x18, shiplap copy. 30tf Lyons—Mrs. Art Boltzer was host full-size bed and stove—take a look floor, located on West Alder Street and name your price. Mill City $5000 PER THOUSAND Columbia ess for the meeting of the Women's to be moved. E. D. Cooke. 29tf Cabinet Shop on Marion county River scale paid for 24’ to 40' small Society of Christian Service at the road. 28-3p A GOOD SELECTION of linoleum Douglas Fir logs suitable for piling. meeting on the lawn at the Boltzer yardage, 6 and 9 ft. widths, 69c per SAVE MONEY — Nice clean trailer Call 1287 Albany or write for price home. Mrs. Eugene Roy was assist sq. yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. list Standard Pole & Piling Co., ant hostess. house, electric brakes, butane cook Inc., P O. Box 282, Albany, Ore. 30tf The business meeting was in charge ing and oil heat, owner has left FOR SALE OR WILL LEASE Sell Oregon because of illness, a steal at KODAK FIIJV1S DEVEIXiPED-Fast- of Mrs. Hargreaves, president. Mrs. on liberal terms, 2 bedroom modern only $750. George W. Hubbs Co., home, inside utility, dining room, est service in Portland and satis George Clipfell lead devotions. Mrs. 1853 N. Capital St., Salem, phone large living room, nice bath, wired faction guaranteed by Portland's Minnie Smith and Mrs. Anna Johnson 3-3031, 28-3t for range, electric water heater, oldest company. Eight picture roll were elected delegates to attend camp fruit room, large wood shed on 4- (EXPERT AUTO and home radio developed and one print each 35c. at Long Bow. It was also voted to acre wooded tract. Adjacent Gates Two prints each 50c. Rolls with discontinue the meetings through service, 20 years experience, all schools, Immediate possession, con more than eight pictures each 50c. August. At the close of the meeting makes. Guaranteed service. tact J. J. Butler, 1674 N. Liberty, Enlarged Jumbo home-made ice cream and cake were Reprints 4c each. ~ Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. 3tf Salem, Ore. 29-3p size eight picture roll 45c. Twelve served to Rev. and Mrs. Jons. Edith FOR SALE Thor Washing machine, Jumbo reprints picture roll 60c FOR SALE Tents, new. ridgepole, used only 6 times, $139.50, sell'er 5c each. Quality Picture Co., Box Clipfell. Anna Johnson, Inez Ring, 9x9, fire, water and mildew proof, for $79 50 Parker-Hutcheson Fur- 44O1Z. Portland 8. Oregon. 30tf Minnie Smith, Alta Bodeker, Elenore only $24 50 Red’s Hill Top Trading Bartlett. Helen Hubbard, Eveyln Ju nitur*, 1 latea 3O-2t Post. 30 lian. Helen Hargreaves. Marlyn Bolt REAL ESTATE zer. Mrs Roye and Mrs. Boltzer. FOR SALE FOR SALE 19 acres with approxi __________________ 100 Acres well improved dairy-stock mately 200 ft. highway frontage GRANGE HEARS PARK PLANS ranch, modem buildings, plenty of Some timber Lyons—The Linn county Pomona water, good fences. Terms. FOR SALE Three bedroom house ’ grange held their meeting at the San- 40 Acres, foothill ranch, well im with three large lots. See to ap- proved, would take house in town tiam Valley grange hall last Thurs MILL CITY predate. as part payment. day. Robert Schmidt from Morning FOR SALE Two bedroom house 10 Acres. Gates, good location splen Star grange was master; Tony Mora- completely furnished. Near schools. A FRIENDLY did water system, terms. FOR SALE : vac. Santiam Valley grange, overseer, Highway frontage in 5-Bedroom house, good condition, FAMILY Mill City and Gates and G. R. Truax, secretary. $1.000 down, balance to suit. FOR SALE Trailer court, large A general discussion was held in ATMOSPHERE 13K Acres, new house on highway, house and two duplexes combined regard to the ways and means of ob A beautiful home on highway 222 Good buy. PREVAILS taining and maintaining a park. At PENNICK PENNICK DAVID M. REIII. REAL ESTATE the lecturer’s hour Elizabeth Truax Mill < it >I’lion. 1901 See W R HUTCHESON i furnished a very interesting program with a quetsion box. In all it was I a very lovely meeting and pleasant ¡evening. Mildred Norman, state de puty. was present and gave an ill' teresting talk Trovieri SaUty S« cvk « MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats & Groceries FROZEN FOODS Richfield Station Open Under Les s Tavern Directory Business New Management GOODYEAR ACCESSORIES: TIRES BATTERIES FAN BELTS Frank’s Richfield Service Professional FRANK BARNEY a Canyon Garage Quality job printing at the Enter prise. ♦ BATTERY CABLES RADLATOR HOSE SPARK PLUGS We Give United Trading Stamps Expert Repairing SHELL OIL PRODUCTS U. S. ROYAL TIRES 1 »étroit . E. Fry, Mgr. J HOWARD CORSET SHOP \LEXES BARBER SHOP Foundation Garments Spec lai Attention Given to Fittings Hosiery-I Ingerir-Drra»■« Smocks 131 High St Salem rhone 4032 2nd * Broadway Mill City Hours: 10 to 7 V BARGAINS In Furniture Stoves. Dishes Clothing. Housewares BSOXtXXX X X X X X X X lauTii fNtWt^r AlNr »»'"ri and Trailer Court FIRST IN DETROIT STILL FIRST IN DETROIT ♦ Red Rynearaon Otto Russell Glen Dryden 00* O w I:\1KIGII HAKOI.I1 FLORIST and NURSERY 319 W. Wa«h. street !•> Mocks on W. Stay ton Hin ay Phone 3684 MAC'S 145 S Church, next to Salem Parkin* Detroit CALL US FOR CONSULTATIO NO OBLIGATION <. X XXTCXTCXO WOOD S M ORE General Dry Goods NOTIONS I INGERIR RF.ADY-TO W I AR HOSIER! I.I'ZIFRS COSMETIC» 1—MIMDiai-K-li il x ; m X x ■; Mocxm ¡oc»®» FLOWERS GOODE S H.OW ER SHOP Phone Blue (MB Stayton, Ore. • NEW STOCK lire** Print* —- Silk and Wool Scarf* Xru shade* In \>lon* Carttaln Material — Ticking I lemlrirson s Sion MIKE'S Septic Service I : Septic Tank« and Sewer* Cleaned » Phone SUXM 3 9468. COLLECT I 1079 Elm St.. W Salem WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modern Funeral Service OREGON STAYTON ■ neo QUALITY PRINTING at THE ENTERPRISE In the D.iu*« Bldg uQouQOQOQQauQQ qqq MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbage ashes trimmings, etc weekly pickups $1 per month Al«o light hauling AU oonaril Herman Phone ?S?5 ( . E. (’oville Real Estate ( omplett Supply of All Your Hui Id ing Net ds SHEET ROCK DOORS and WINDOWS BOYSEX PAINT I I STI RING M" LOW PRICE« ON MONTEX— THE PNIXT WITH THF MNO FINISH KELLY LUMBER SALES RUSSELL KELLY, Manager "e *