Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1950)
»—THE MIL I. CITY ENTERPRISE Lazy Maple Rodeo Has Wild Horses Wild horses from the Warm Springs Indian reservation in Eastern Oregon proved too much for the cowboys at Sunday's rodeo show at the Lazy Maple ranch three miles west of Mill City. Dick Shultz did manage a spec tacular ride on the •'strawberry roan.” and the mysterious “mush-a- roon" kid from Salem did fairly well, but the power horses from the rug ged Eastern Oregon range had those who dared buffaloed and those who dared were few and far between. Jim King, organizer of the show, managed to ride the "Atomic Bomb,” a ten-year-old bucking horse never tamed for something like seven sec onds in which the horse revolved like a top in midair. "First horse that tore me off in a long time,” Jim commented. But the youngsters did well enough to delight the good-sized crowd. Larry Nydigger took the boys, saddle races, and a seven-year-old girl from Aums ville, Betty Woods, trimmed the other tots at calf riding. In all there were four hours of wild western fun for the folks. Jim King wishes to thank the Mill City fire department and the ambulance ser vice for being present in event of emergency. Dolldom’s Queen Rates a Curtsy July 27, 1950 Many Thanked For Assisting With Air Show Special thanks were extended to the following individuals by the sponsors of the Breakfast Hop and Air Show: Paul Homer of Horner's Mineral and Gem Shop for his spontaneous public spirit which inspired him to offer free of charge the lady’s solid gold ring set with genuine Australian opal. The Riders of the Santiam, the Mill City Fire Department and the Mill •SUGGESTED AREAS ForHUHTERS-CHOlCE’DEER SEASOH- City Ambulance Service for patrol work and being on hand ready to Z///0PEN area , western mCPEN AREA,EASTERN ?X//Zz0REG0N ALL ESTABLISHED assist in case of an emergency. OREGON: AS SHOWN CULTIVATED AGRICULTURAL LANDS The CBI for donating a water tank OREGON STATE AND ADJACENT NON CULTIVATED used to keep the field damp and also GAME COMM. LANDS WITHIN A RADIUS OF ONE MILE for furnishing the portable public ad dress system. The Gates Chamber of Commerce Care Sets Records, Prevents Wrecks, for its co-operation, and especially Al and Clara Shelton for selling tick Says Speed King ets. Jim O'l-eary for handling traffic and for furnishing napkins, spoons and cups at cost. Harold Kliewer for furnishing the turkeys at cost, for cutting and draw ing them and packing them for freez ing, In 1949, 134 persons in Marion Heineck Store in Lyons for furnish county died of heart disease. Cancer ing locker facilities for storage of the was the county’s second leading turkeys without charge for a period killer; diseases of the arteries, third; of two months. apoplexy, fourth, and kidney disease Dick Parker for furnishing and lay fifth. ing the linoleum for the table top. Stewart’s Grocery for furnishing aEtnnniaaiaKn!ani9iictn»n)aiaa»Hia)aan the com at cost. Jack Colburn who helped on the Johnny Parsons; 1950 Indianapolis Speedway Champion grounds and sold tickets and furn ished cream, sugar and butter for the INDIANAPOLIS, IND.— pace car which was one of John hop. Johnny Parsons of Van Nuys, ny’s prizes, Parsons "treats it YOUR HEAVY SHOES! "Red" Thomas for his special trip Cal., who shattered a half-dozen right.” He uses but never abuses JUST BECAUSE IT IS SUMMER! to Salem for the corsages Saturday track records in setting a new his car. "Real sportsmanship world’s speed mark at the Indian means consideration for the other night. Kwp Them In Repair for apolis Speedway, says, “It isn't fellow and your own car,” he says. Dean Morrison for starting the fire the Rainy Day. speed alone that causes so many for the berakfast hop at 5:30 a.m. Science Helps tragedies on the nation’s high Lloyd Hoeye who helped park cars. ways, It’s carelessness. That ’ s why he keeps abreast of Dr. Jack Reid who was ready to “Care is my motto. Good care the latest developments of science assist in case of an emergency. for your car, inside and out. Plus for automotive use. Johnny uses Mill City Frank Hunter for his work as i a war-time discovery to protect driving care.” the of his cars. He gives anniaa)a»»!B»nnHnnHnaHHniaBHBn spark plug of the princess and queen Parsons, who is now racing at them finish an Autobrite 4% silicone contests. tracks throughout the country, treatment, using the same sili Tony Ziebert of the Oregon Pulp i was never a "hot rod” driver. cones which protected vital mili He knows a car is even more dan mill for donating the water truck. equipment against oxidation gerous than a gun when mishan tary Johnny Montgomery for directing rust, corrosion and salt sea air. dled. He also believes a car being vital in his life, Par I and assisting in the parking of cars. should be given the same atten Time finds this new scientific de John B. Herron for parking and tion as a thoroughbred horse, “if sons velopment a big help for speed. It lining up visiting planes. you want a thoroughbred per enables him to clean and polish formance from it.” Burnette Cole for furnishing can his car in about 20 minutes and vass for the banners at cost. Whether it’s a |35,OOO racing know it is protected for six George Stewart for hanging the car, every part hand-made, or a months or longer with a weather stock model, such as the official resistant surface. banners free of charge. Dick Morse for donating his time in helping to prepare the banners for Brisban, all of Gates, for assistance who welcomed in the visitors and as hanging. , sisted them in registering. Percy Mulligan, Norman Garrison, given at the breakfast hop. Toman's Hill Top Grocery for furn I Jim O’Leary, Earl Bennett, Ruby Wilson Parks, Dick Parker and Walt ishing the coffee at cost. Montgomery. Mrs. A. W. Shelton, Dave Epps for furnishing the Mrs. Art Kerr, Court Rue and Mrs. I Catherine “Toots” Blazek for selling queen’s silverware at cost. J. C. Kimmel for furnishing the tickets to the air show. compact for the chamber of com To those managing and operating the refreshment stands Mr. and Mrs. merce candidate at cost. Al Haun, Helen Kanoff, Barbara Johnny Muir of Muir ’ s Bakery for By MARCY cooking the turkeys to their delicious Haun, Helen and Carol Jane Blazek. The pop carriers Billy Haun, Mervin flavor. Jean Fluitt who flagged in the Haun and Jerry Larsen. The fellows planes as traffic dispatcher and con who picked up the pop bottles after the show. Dicky Haun and Larry troller and did a masterful job. Joe Bowles who served as special Kanoff To all those who though nameless sheriff's deputy. Charles Wolverton for his assist here pitched in to help in various ance in making possible the appear chores. Space does not permit a list ance of "Cookie" Lyons at the air ing of all names. The co-operation shown by the people of the canyon show. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson of the Mill was such that it is difficult to list City Lodge, Mrs. Mary Toman, Miss all those contributing time, money, Lavon Albright, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. material or effort. Kimmel, Miss Alice Hoeye, Mrs. Operatine "n Daylight Saving Time Robert Veness, George Veteto, Carl JIMMY HEARING IS FOUR Kelly. Russell Kelly and Lowell Stif GATES Jimmy, son of Mr. and fler for a hard job well done behind Mrs. Glen Hearing, was four years old the tables serving the incoming pilots. last Thursday. A number of his George Steffy, C. E Coville and Don little friends were invited for the Peterson on the patrol committee. afternoon to help him celebrate the Those furnishing transportation to occasion, each bringing a gift for the Detroit damsite to the visiting Jimmy. After a lot of play and fun pilots: Veteto. Steffy, Charles Kelly, ( ice cream and cake was served by the Don Peterson, Kimmel and Frank hostess. Mrs Jimmy, his Hunter sister Sharon; Sue. Bobby and Claudia Jane Peterson and Cleo Thomas Park; Marcia Bamhardt: Ann Marie, Barbara. Jimmv Eddie and Joe Hirte Don’t Neglect DICK’S SHOE SERVICE MUSIC AS YOU LIKE IT The new queen of dolldom, the Tom doll, is getting usea to nonors such as this. The nylon-tressed beauty has been curtsied to by her colleagues ever since her entry into the children s play world. The reason! her hair can be set and reset, combed and washed over and over, to the delight of her young owner. The qualities of nylon which make this possible are well known to every American woman In fact, a plavwave kit is included wi»h every nylon-wigged doll to allow youngsters to practice hair Styling. Pictured are two of Ton. s colleagues bowing in respect, conscious of their own shortcomings. The do'! on the right has a human hair wig; the other, mohair. UTTLE ILLS Deadline Approaches For Antelope Hunters MAKE Oregon antelope hunters have until 5 p.m. tomorrow to make application for antelope tags and have them sub mitted to the state game commission. The commission announces a draw ing will be made among applicants with 1,500 to get the tags. Up to early last week,2,920 had applied. Successful applicants will be notified and asked to submit the $5 antelope tag fee. Antelope season will be limited to the week of August 19 to 25, both dates inclusive. The desig nated open area includes all of De schutes county south of the Bend- Burns highway and east of the Dalles- Califomia highway, all of Lake county exclusive of the area bounded on the west by the Three Flags high way and on the east by the Warner valley road, and all of Harney and Malheur counties south of the Bend- Bums highway. • True, that "little illneat" you've been mentioning in ■ a offhand way, may nvl seem to amount to much- just a few faint symptoms; But, neglected, these "little ills” can lead to big bills for doctors, medicines, etc; not so mention needless suffering and loss of precious time; Consult a Doctor now— you’ll save by it in the end; And, of course, we hope you’ll bring his prescription to us for careful compounding; Capital Drug Co. Salem Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! iimiiiHimfiiinnnniiiiiiiirinmiiiiuninniniFnniiniiiiiiiiiivnhs Thomas Housing Project LOTS, and HOMES FOR SALE IF YOU’RE A G.I., SEE G. E. THOMAS, Mill Citv TRAILER HOMES Every Friday and Saturday Night Kits - Bales Aero Kenslcill - Angeles NEW AND USED South Side Trailers ALBANY — 2 Miles South on 99E All Good AMERICANS WILL WANT TO HEAR THESE CANDID \TF.S DISC USS C URRENT ISSUES AlSTIN FLEGEL—Governor DAI E SHAW—U. S. Congressman ELMER SAHLSTROM—State Senator WALTER SHELBY'—State Senator DAVE EPPS—State Representative EARL MASON—State Representative FRED MESPELT—County Commissioner PICNIC AT HISTORIC BROWNSVILLE PARK Sunday, July 30 * F-M PROGRAM AT 2:3® P.M. A FREE Gibson Refrigerator Dem<x ratte Central Committee •»ll.FM OREGON XXJDCSXJSXXXJCXXX