Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1950)
It is good to lie in bed and let sleep's drowsy wind blow out the candles of thought.—E B. GATES Grandma Wouldn’t Have Believed It 7—THE Mil l. CITY ENTERPRISE July 20, 1950 GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH By MRS ALBERT MILLSAP OF CHRIST Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saunders have Sunday school at 10 a.m. COMMUNITY CHURCH sold their home and property which ! Morning worship 11 a m. Full Gospel Preaching includes Moors Grove to Mr. and Mrs Leora Kuhlman and family of Mill Sunday school 10 A M. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p.m. City. The Kuhlman's have a daugh Morning worship 11 A.M. Evening worship 7:30 p.m. ter, Arlone. ^nd two sons. Charles Evangelistic service 8 P.M. Walter Smith. Pastor and Ronald. • • • Preaching services Wednesday and GENERAI. AUTO and Mr. and Mrs. Saundeis moved to Friday 8 P.M. FIRST PRESBV rERlAN < BURCH TRUCK REPAIR their new home in Salem Tuesday. Rev. Wayne W. Watkins. Pastor Morning worship 11 a m. Salem was their home before coming Arc and Acetylene • • • Music by choir. to Gates about a year ago. FREE METHODIST CHURCH Dr. David J Ferguson. Preaching Welding Kenneth Dike of Spokane visited North Mill City Young People at 6:30 p.m., Mr». his father, Otis Dike, and his sisters. Phone 3452 Sunday school at 10 a.m. Arthur Krelver, leader. Mrs. Edw'ard Chance and Mrs. Ted Morning worship 11 a m. Stiff several days last week. Junior church 11:00 a m. DETROIT (KRISTIAN CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stiff drove to Evening service 7:30 p.m. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Portland recently taking their two Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 p children for a vacation with relatives. Morning worship 11 a.m. Phone 1906 Rev. L. C. Gould. Pastor “Corky" Meisinger of Salem, son Youth meeting 6:45 p.m. • • • of Mr. and Mrs. James Wiltsey, spent Youth night Saturday 7 p.m. the past two weeks at the home of his • Ï * ST. CATHERINE CATHOIJC Warren Knape, Pastor grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln CHURCH. MILL CITY Henness. He returned to his home Shades of great-grandma's day! Pity the poor homemaker who Mass at 9 A.M. had to work in this dull and backbreaking kitchen. Imagine the steps Sunday. Confessions heard before Mass. wasted in moving dishes from the old fashioned sink to storage shelves George and Jon Burton, local Boy Altar Society 2d Wednesday 8 p.m in another part of the room. And look at the exposed waste basket and Scouts who attended the Scout Jam the space consuming dishpan and drainer under the sink. Father C Mai, Pastor boree at Valley Forge, returned Fri AT YOUR FINGERTIPS • • • day evening. Their parents, Mr. and RWR8 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mrs. T. R. Burton met them in Salem. Services every Lord's day Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frichtl and four Sunday school 9:45 p.m. children from San Bernadino, Califor- Morning worship 11:00 A.M. | nia visited last week at the home of Young People's meeting 6:30 P.M her mother. Mrs. Anna Nystrum, and Evening worship 7:30 P.M. with other relatives heer and in Mill T. Courtney, Jr.. PastoT City. Mrs. Frichtl was formerly Ruby • • • fixT - t MM i W h *•'*» Nystrum. L.D.9. OF JESUS CHRIST CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zeller of Scio Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rebhan of Dallas were Sunday visitors at the Sunday school each Sunday 10 a.m Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy | 11.1 CUBIC FOOT home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garri Rag Mop in high school building, Detroit. HOME FREEZER son. Johnson Rag Priesthood meeting 11 a.m. Barney Barnhardt and Filson Park Zealand Fryer, Presiding Wedding Samba made a recent trip to the coast where • • • Quicksilver they went deep sea fishing. IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. George Meilke and Come in and see our wide selection» Sunday school 10 a.m. daughter spent Sunday of last week >f 45 RPM and 78 RPM Popular», 014 Morning service 11 a.m. rimers. Classical, and Semi-Classical at the Breitenbush hot springs. Evening service 7:30 p.m. Records. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McKey and son, Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 p.m. former residents of Gates and now of Jacob Wiensz, Supply Pastor Portland, were in town one day last No need to pity the homemaker now. Her modern kitchen saves week renewing old acquaintances. many hours of hard work. The cost was low because installation of SANTIAM Fraternal Order of Eagle» Mr. and Mrs. Ruby Rush and son of standard steel cabinets and cabinet sink was done quickly without 2745 meets at Ladies Auxiliary Hall "First with What You Want Most” expensive room alterations. Not even the plumbing was changed. Corvallis and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Rush each Tuesday at 8 p.m. Wall tile and a light above the sink are helpful features. There is a lot and daughter of Salem were recent COMPLETE APPLIANCE SERVICE of work surface on the porcelain enameled top of the steel cabinet sink over the wekend guests at the home . Mill City Lodge No. 144, and on the adjoining base cabinet top. There's lots of storage space of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rush. The I.O.O.F. meets every Friday Radio, Washer, Refrigerator inside, too. Dishes are washed in the sink bowl and the dishpan has and Electrical Appliance Yours for only men all took a trip to the lakes fishing been consigned to the trash pile. night. VLsltlng brothers welcome. a week I while here. Mill City 1884 Stayton 21S Quality job printing at the Enter Mrs. Lula Collins had as her house tand family, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund LEGAL ADVERTISING • Newest and biggest G-E Home | guest the past week her grand Klecker of Stayton. Mrs. Henrietta prise. Freezer holds up to 389 lbs of I daughters, Mrs. Filliam Whalen of Quinn of Seaside wasa dinner guest at NOTICE OF SCHOOL DISTRICT frozen foods! Just the thing for i Anacortes, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Har the Millsap home one day last week. BOM» ELECTION farms, suburban homes and large ley Elkins and daughter. Shannon of , Mrs. Joe Joaquin has returned to State of Oregon ) families! Portland and her great grandson. her home from the Salem memorial County of Linn ) ss. Ask us to prove how you can Anchorage, hospital where she was confined for School District No. 129-J ) Michael French, of live better for less! NOTICE IS GIVEN HEREBY that, I ' Alaska. several days last week with a svere Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shelton and case of poison oak which she con at the school district bond election SERVING THE CANYON AREA daughter, Barbara of Salem, were I tacted while the family was on a hereby called to be held at the present | PICKUPS AT Sunday visitors at the home of her fourth of July picnic. She is mlch school building in and for School Dis-1 trict No. 129-J, Linn-Marion County, I Authorized Dealer father, A. D. Scott. Laundry — Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton improved but still “scratching.” Oregon, on Tuesday, August 8, 1950. Guests over the weeknd at the home GENERAL^) ELECTRIC Laundry and Dry Cleaning— between the hours of 2:00 o'clock of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap were MRS. SAUNDERS LEAVES GATES P.M., Pacific Standard Time, and 8:00 Ken Golllet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe, Idanha their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Dry Cleaning—Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit HOME FREEZERS GATES A farewell party and o’clock P.M., Pacific Standard Time, Mrs. Ralph Millsap of Portland with handkerchief shower complimented there will be submitted to the legal 163 South High SALEM Phone 3-9124 Betty and Robert. Sunday guests voters thereof the question of con ! were their son-in-law and daughter Mrs. Frank Saunders at her home tracting a bonded indebtedness of the ■ Thursday evening. A group of friends district in the sum of, not to exceed, •J surprised her there to wish her joy Forty-Four Thousand and no-100 Doi- , I in her new home in Salem. The lars, ($44,000 00) for the purpose of! I ehe evening was spent informally, I providing funds for acquiring, con Refreshments were served to Mrs. structing, completing, improving, re Saunders. Mrs. Theodore Burton, Mrs pairing. equiping and furnishing, (Packet or Bulk Pack) Lula Collins. Mrs. Glen Hearing. Mrs. school buildings and additions thereto Gerald Heath, Mrs. Harold Wilson, including purchase of school bus. ALSO FIELD AND GRASS SEEDS The vote on said question to be by Mrs. W. R Hutchison, Mrs. Paul ballot upon which shall be the words Davis, Mrs. Lincoln Henness, Mrs. of Garden Tools, Etc Various Types "Bonds ...... Yes’’ and "Bonds Elmer Stewart and Mrs. Albert Mill- No”, and the voters shall place a sap. Mrs. Norman Garrison, Mrs cross (X) between the words "Bonds" Washed Sand, Cement Rock, Crushed Road Floyd Voikel and Mrs. Kay McCarty, and the word "Yes”, or between the Rock, Oil Rock, Fill Rock unable to attend, sent handkerchiefs. word “Bonds” and the word "No", whichever indicates his choice. STAYTON, OREGON TURNIDGES TOUR THE WEST The polls for the reception of the _ the con- GATES —Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Turn- ballots cast for or against idge and daughter, Caroline, have tracting of said bonded indebtedness will, on said day and date, and at the returned from an extended motor trip place aforesaid, be opened at the hour MILL CITY: Phone 9242 Day» — which took them through ten states of 2:00 o’clock P.M., Pacific Standard and into old Mexico. They spent the Time, and remain open until the hour first night away from home at the of 8:00 o’clock P.M.. Pacific Standard Mill City Plant 2 Mile» West on River Road home of a daughter, Mrs. Carl Jensen, Time, of the same day when the same in Klamath Falls. They stopped ln‘ shall be closed. By order of the District School Reno tnd Las Vegas. Nevada; saw Boulder Dam; attended an Indian Board of School District No. 129-J, powwow in Flagstaff; viewed both the Linn-Marion County, Oregon, made Grand Canyon and Yellowstone park, this 10th day of July. 1950 (s) DONALD E SHEYTHE. and stopped in El Paso before passing Chairman, School District No. into Mexico. They also spent some | 129-J, Linn-Marion County, time in Salt Lake City where they ATTEST: Oregon visited the Mormon Tabernacle. (s) EDNA F. ROSS. Clerk of School District No. 129-J, Linn-Marion County, Oregon. The Everett. Pa., Republican hits 2 for No. 24 can the Truman administration for prom First publication July 20, 1950— 3t ising “gain without work”. Maybe Success used to indicate superior 2 for I they want the slogan reversed “work No. 2 can ability, but now people merely wonder without gain"! what vitamin you’re taking—R.Q. (.hurt'll \chvities SANTI AM GAR AGE • Home e • I I I■ «• POR TER & LAU $3.93 SMM SALEM LAUNDRY Jenkins Hardware Co MM ! Headquarters for Garden Seeds JUNGWIRTH Sand anti Gravel Co. ! SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Shovel and Trucks for Hire MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats & Groceries FROZEN FOODS Friday & Saturday Special 19c 13c TOMATOES ASPARAGUS 37c 25c SAFE LITTLE ILLS MAKE Richfield Station fc\G Open Under SORRY New Management Protect your valuables against GOODYEAR ACCESSORIES: BA iurERY ( ABL.ES BATTERIES RADIATOR HOSE FAN BELTS SPARK PLUGS loss, fire or theft. Keep them in a safe deposit box with us. Frank’s Richfield Service MILL CITY STATE BANK FRANK BARNEY We Give United Trading Stamp* MASTER two PttfMtlaX - !>*•« -•••*«• Coti ■