Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1950)
g—THE 5HLL CITY ENTERPRISE ____________________ July 20, 1950 Civic Pride Riding High in City of Gates and Lloyd Goff, Oakridge; Mrs. Ralph Budlong. Detroit; and from Mill City. Mrs. Anna Swift, Bill McClintock. Mr. Mrs. W. Arthur underwent surgery and Mr8 Ujwe11 Cree’ Pat and Don' Monday at the Salem Memorial hos- ni^r Mrg Crajg Pllal and Mr. and Mra. Bill Stewart and Mrs Fred Duffy underwent surgery N(u spent the weekend at crater last Friday at the Salem General Utke ulalnond lake Suttle iake and hospital. other points of interest. Mrs. Delmar Thompson from south- Mr and Mrs. Henry Bayless moved em Oregon is spending two weeks to independence Tuesday morning With her parents, Mr and Mrs. Frank Mrs Eva Gearhart of Salem visited Jackson, while her husband is at Fort ker sister, Mrs Frank Caraway, last Lewis. Wash. week. Recent guests at the home of Mr Mr. and Mrs. Fred Craven and and Mrs. Fred Grimes were Carol family moved to Sisters last week- Morris of Salem, Bobby Sommers of | end where they have purchased the Scio, Mr. and Mrs. Edwart Stewart Richfield Service station. Of Albany, and George Grimes. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carey and Attending a family picnic near Ma- j Diane of Portland spent the week- Xion Forks Sunday were Mr. and Mrs end at her parents, Mr and Mrs. John Fehrll and Sharon, Mrs. J. M.1 Carl Chance. Dickinson, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Dick inson Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Gorton, Quality job printing al the Enter- Floyd and Dale all of Salem; Paul prise. MILL CITY Construction of the proposed new The city of Gates looks back with Mill City-Mehama road moved closer pride on the events of the past week. to reality last week with the an nouncement that a contract will be Pride for the whole-hearted and en let soon. thusiastic way in which the commu State highway engineer R. H. Bal- nity pledged itself to work for its queen candidate, pride in the spirit dock, who made the announcement, of good fellowship, when between 400 added that plans for the project will and 500 persons gathered to meet be prepared immediately. Routing of the road will be changed and greet Paul A. Smith, the man who walked from Salem to bring the to remove some 3% miles to higher princess her suit, and pride in the ground. Baldock said. This new rout turnout at the dance given for the ing would begin about three miles out of Mill City. queen and her princesses. It was a gala occasion when the walker arrived at Gates Friday eve LOGGING TRICKS TANGLE ning with police escort and with WITH CAR AT BIG SPRINGS lights flashing and horns tooting. He Idanha — An accident involving a was greeted by Mayor Albert Millsap log truck belonging to Whitten Log and presented to Princess Joan Ryal. ging company driven by Ralph Bud- Smith then presented the suit to Joan. long, a log truck driven by Bill Bris The suit had been purchased by her tow which is the property of Heibert sponsor, Mrs Harry Osmus of the Logging company and a car from the Gates Cafe. town of Marion, driver unknown, oc Both Mr. and Mrs. Osmus wish to curred Monday. The car drove out of thank each individual as well as the Big Springs forest camp in front of following busienss firms who went the truck driven by Budlong, and in order to miss the truck and car Bris out 1007, in their support: Gates Chamber of Commerce, Gates tow took the ditch. The truck over- Women’s Club, Chuck's Tavern, Gates | turned and was damaged to a mod Post Office, Maples Cafe and Tavern, erate degree but Bristow was unhurt. i Union Service Station, Garrison Va- Of 2,422 babies bom in Marion | riety Store, Gates General Store, Pegge’s Beauty Shop, Parker-Hutche I county last year, 2,403 were bom in son Furniture Store, Glen's Barber j hospitals. Shop. Richard’s Tavern, Joe Joaquin Garage. Gates Self Service Laundry, Park. Richard Service Station, Gates J Gates Feed Store. Jerry’s Cafe. Jer- Garage, Manolis Santiam Cafe and ’ ry’s Tavern, Gates Cafe, Gates Trailer I Shake Shack. The Santiam Tailors OFFERS MORE THAN A THOUSAND PATTERNS FROM WHICH TO SELECT YOUR NEW SUIT, PRICES FROM Mill City-Mehama Road Project Move Forward $4500 to $95 00 Wo also do alterations of all kinds. ACROSS FROM EPPS FURNITURE STORE IN MILL CITY Don Jenkins SAYS It costs so little to enjoy E "SPEED COOKING!" HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO BUY A 1950 GENERAL ELECTRIC RANGE AT A BUDGET PRICE! Of course, It's electric! Now you can have all the wonders of G-E “speed cooking"— tasty meals, shining clean ness. fast cooking — at a price that easily fits your budget! 31c ,M r ' LOOK AT ALL THESE WORKSAVING, TIMESAVING FEATURES “Arthritis” the duck, “Half Pint" the bantam, and “Little Judy" the trained pup are among entrants being groomed by their owners for Stayton’s Bean Festival Pet Parade. Mill City residents have been tai’ sited to enter pets, floats or unusual costumes. Prizes for each group have been set. The parade is at 7 p.m., Thursday, July 20. Car Shortage Hits Small Mill Owners Bid Accepted for Section Of Albany-Lyons Highway K. F. Jacobsen & Co. of Portland A possible car shortage as lumber | with a low bid of $152,109 has been vied with agriculture for shipping awarded the contract to put in 3 48 space was foreseen in the June Labor miles of grading and 4.79 miles of Market report of the state unemploy paving on the Scio-Thomas Creek and Scio sections of the Albany-Lyons ment compensation commission. secondary highway. The commission said this would be extremely hard on the small operator Main, North and West streets of who lacks sufficient yard space for Scio were also included in the bid. Other bids accepted included the any shipping backlog. n A car shortage on the Southern $20,580 bid of A. H. Saxton & Sons of Pacific lines has resulted in action by Mitchell on the Santiam Junction i the public utilities commissioner of rock production project on the North | Oregon. Three investigators have Santiam secondary and Santiam high j been in the field checking local con- ways about 50 miles from Mill City. I ditions. Such things as small operators being forced to truck lumber to Port- | land first from points near Salem (Continued from Page 1) j when sending lumber by rail to points fore touring the Mark Twain museum j in Southern Oregon and California are being checked. It seems cars are and visiting Tom Sawyer’s home. available on northern lines, but not Fifteen minutes before train time, the troops lined up for roll call be I on the Southern Pacific. fore boarding the train and proced One of the investigators, David W. ing to St. Louis. | Kelly, formerly with the Interstate commerue commission burean of ser I personally liked St. Louis better vice, was in Mill City Monday con than any other city seen on this trip. tacting local shippers. Kelly is work What I saw of it gave me the im ing under the direction of George T. pression that it was an up-and-com- Flagg, the public utilities commis ing city. We visited the park which included more than one thousand sioner. acres, and the St. Louis Zoo. which is Roger L. Hawley and Tom Dench one of the world’s largest zoos, and are the other two members of the attended a light opera "Rosalie" 1 investigating team. given by the St. Louis Opera asso K. C. Batchelder, traffic manager ciation. The facilities in this public ' and spokesman for the West Coast park were modern and well taken Lumbermen’s Association, In a Port- care of. The only thing I did not I land statement predicted the contin like about St. Louis was the heat— uance of the car shortage at its pres 90 degrees worth! ent level would result in curtailment After the opera, buses took us of employment and production. down to the train, which immediate “We can’t look for much improve ly embarked for Cincinnati, where ment in drawing additional cars from we choked down some more scram the national supply, for the situation bled eggs, then attended church serv j is national.” Batchelder said. ices given by a portable church unit He added that the Southern Pacific known as the “Wayside Chapel”. I railroad has built more new cars than Soon we were detouring the flood any other railroad in the nation, but waters of the swollen Ohio river, j the industrial expansion of Texas. speeding on our way to the capital California and Oregon has out of the United States of America! stripped its car production. While there, groups visited the capitol building, the Smithsonian In stitute, Mt. Vernon, the Library of Blowout Creek Timber Congress, and listened to a small part of a senate session. We wanted very Auction Next Thursday much to try some pictures of the The Willamette national forest will capitol building's Interior, but that sell 140,000 board feet of timber at was restricted for security reasons. Jamboree train 1140 was soon on an oral auction to be held at the De troit Ranger Station, Detroit, Oregon its way for the hallowed grounds of at 2:00 p.m. daylight saving time. Valley Forge, in the first large en The sale consists of 40.000 board campment since George Washington and his troops wintered there Ln Thursday, July 27. feet of Douglas fir appraised at 1777-8. S3.MO per thousand, and 100,000 board Next week I will describe the Jam feet of western hemlock and other boree and the trip home. Explorer Scout— species, appraised at $1.00 per thous The “peavey," one of the most use and. The timber is located on a gravel road In the Blowout Creek ful of logging tools, was invented by Watershed, 25 miles east of Mil! City. Joseph Peavey in 1858 ; : * Master Oven I Spacious! Perfect tor all types of cooking! Waist- high Superbroiler for taste tempt ing. charcoal type broiling Even beat gives perfect baking results' PLUS Naw Hrspaad Calrod* Haating Unitsl Five cooking speeds, pre cise heat (or every cooking job! Economical, durable. They clean themselves- spills burn away. ★ ★ ★ * No-$taln Ov«n Vantl Helps re- move kitchen odors and vapors. Helps keep your kitchen walls and curtains shiny and bright Washes like a utensil! Three Big Storage Drawers I Big Thrift Cooker! Built-in, six- quart. aluminum Thrift Cooker! More than 45 tasty dishes can be cooked on thrifty l.o heat. It's the easy, economical way to cook COME IN! GET YOUR GENERAL Smooth octi tn Switches! ELECTRIC STEWARDESS TODAY! Convenient Appliance Outlet! ... and other big features I Thank You! 1 o all who assisted in the preparations and celebration of the Dedication and Air Show at the Airport last Sun day. July 16. 1950 Jenkins Hardware Co Mill City Prices from Si 59.95 to $399.95 Phone 2206 Authorifd doalir GENERAL ELECTRIC RANGES Appliance Sales S- Service Davis Airport Myron Davis, Myr. ♦ : ♦ ♦