Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1950)
July »0, 19.50 KODAK FILMS DEVELOPED — Fastest service in Portland and sat isfaction guaranteed by Portland’s oldest company. Eight exposure roll developed and one print each 25c. Two prints each 35c. Rolls with more than eight exposures one BOARD AND ROOM-Call at Mary 3c each, print each 35c. Re-prints r . FOR SALE—Grand Piano, recondi Jones ’ home on Ivy St . fifth house Send coin. The Quality Picture Co tioned and recently refinished ma west from Red ’ s Hill Top Trading Box 4401Z, Portland 8, Ore. 18tf hogany baby grand. Guaranteed Post 28-3p perfect. $775.00 cash, terms, or rented with purchase option. Stone WE BUY—Cascara bark. Red’s Hill FOR SALE)—Spinet Piano, $35.00 de posit, and $15.00 per month places Piano Co., 1540 Fairgrounds Road, Top Trading Post. 24 a fine instrument in your home. Salem. 16tf Can be seen locally. Write Stone FOR SALE—2*4 H P. Lawson out Piano Co., 1540 Fairgrounds Road, FOR SALE—Electric hot plate $1 00 board motor $79.50; Maytag Pro 16tf Salem. Red's Hill Top Trading Post. 28tf pane gas range $225 00. Stayton Hardware & Furniture Co., Stayton, WE BUY—Fir pitch 75c per gallon. FOR SALE One large size tricycle Ore. 25tf with side car $12.50, one small side See us for containers. Red's Hill walk bike $7.50. Ken Nielson. CBI Foit SALE Haywood baby buggy. Top Trading Post. 24 addition. Phone 2301. 29-3p $10: Samson two-burner hot plate, WE REBUILD Furniture like new. like new. Westinghouse electric Call 21F71 for free estimate. Stay FOR SALE — Fourteen man bunk roaster with new grill. Phone ton Upholstering, Rt 1, Box 177A. house and two large rooms for liv 2067. 29-lt W. Washington, Stayton, Ore. 28tf ing or office connected. All fur nished, centrally located. See Cot j FOR SALE—Good ice boxes and re FOR SALE OR TRADE For live ton Cornelius, Detroit. 27-3p frigerators. Red’s Hill Top Trad stock. New movable garage and ing Post. 26tf workshop, one Whizzer Bike motor. FOR SALE—Electric irons $1. Red’s i Phone 3802 28-3p Hill Top Trading Post. 28tf I HELP WANTED — National organi zation offers opportunity to make FOUND—Two keys and a small knife PLEASE LIST all available rooms, money in your spare time, writing room and board, houses and apts. near the scene of last week's Police credit reports in Mill City. Inter Write, telephone or visit Personnel man’s dance. Loser may pick them esting work. Business knowledge Dept. 10 a m. to 3 p.m. Consolidated up at The Enterprise by paying for or education preferred. Write Mr Builders, Inc., Detroit Dam. 12tf this ad. 29tf ----------------------------------- R. E. Deagle, P.O. Box 111, Port FOR SALE Power chain saw, 7 hp. land 7, Oregon. 28-3t Mall, 4 ft. bar chisel bit chain, ex cellent condition $150.00. Red’s FOR SALE — 300 used brick, some used fire brick, good trash burner, j Hill Top Trading Post. 26tf R. S. Corbin, first house west of the' LOST -Bundle containing four fish jail in Mill City. 29-3p’ ing rods. Reward for return. Write FOR SALE — Large lot on high Jess Looney, Scio, Ore. 29-2t ground in Thomas addition. Cash FOR SALE — 6 ft. Maytag Freezer or terms. For owner’s residence in quire Enterprise office or Stewart’s $189.00 Stayton Hardware & Fur Grocery. Ernie Brown. 29-3p niture Co., Stayton, Ore. 25tf »—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Wants and Sales IDANHA By REBA SNYDER Billy Hopson is taking a week’s vacation in Portland from his duties at the Idanha Lumber company mill. It was announced Tuesday that the Idanha Lumber company mill will run on Saturdays beginning July 22. Mr. and Mrs. John Savage were weekend visitors in Prineville the past week. Miss Ruby Lockenour, Longmount, Colo., came by bus Tuesday evening to visit with her cousins, Jerry Pit- tam and Mrs. A. R. Snyder and their families. She will visit in Roseburg in the Leland Pittam and M C. Smith homes and in California before re turning home. Dave Roberts and family returned home Saturday night from a visit to his parents in Arkansas. He reports his father’s health improved, He also stopped .n Nampa, Idaho, to see his sister, Mrs. Littleton and family. Weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reynolds was their daughter, Mrs. Winifred Johnson, Portland. Twenty-one Boy Scouts of troop 43, Idanha Detroit and Mongold left Sunday noon for Camp Pioneer where they will stay a week. When loaded with their equipment they very much resembled pack mules. Needless to say they were ready for the sack that first night in camp after pack ing in the three-quarters of a mile. R. L. Tucker and family made a business trip to O’Brien this weekend, returning Sunday. One Mill East of Detroit Weekend guests in the Lloyd Girod FOR SALE — Kitchen sinks, heavy FOR SALE—Ten million feet virgin home were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Aase- cast. $4 95. Red’s Hill Top Trading fir and hemlock. Ax or saw has JEWEL MYERS, Mgr. rude and children of Salem. Sunday never touched this stand, good j Post. 2«tf ground to work on, for further in- J the two families were fishing in Slt- WANT TO RENT —2 or 3-bedroom formation see W. Hampton, owner, tle lake. ttllHIiNNiMllUMUUilUliWIIlUiUUtUM'llillllll'NII lilUiMU! house, before school starts. Phone Gates, Ore. 29-3p Albon Cooper returned to his work 5807. 26tf — B at the Idanha Lumber company mill FOR SALE—Kimball upright piano, for the first time Monday since LIST YOUR homes and farms with excellent tone. Inquire at Detroit | breaking his arm in mid April. me. Have cash buyers. MUI City, j Barber Shop. 28-3p Gates. Detroit, Lyons. David M. Mrs. Orval Lady, Earl and Reid, Real Estate. 3tf FOR SALE—House and eight lots at | line, drove to Willamina Friday Newport, Ore., orchard, loganber ing to return Mrs. Lady's mother, ries, boysenberries, raspberries, hot FOR SALE- Small home on wheels, Mre. Alice VondeLiegh, to her home and cold water, indoor shower See 32 feet long, detachable porch. Hot there. Earl returned Sunday but Mrs. O. E. Baker at Tony Baker ’ s, above C. E. ‘ Pink ’ Mason, Prop. and cold running water, tile shower, Lady and Caroline remained for a Gates. R. 1, Box 139, Lyons. 29-3p nice kitchen, inlaid linoleum. $1,150. SHELL PRODUCTS longer visit. $300 down Cal) 2-0600, 1395 So AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES J. E. Smith and daughters of Cot 20th, Salem. 27-3t FOR SALE-The following items will not be needed in Korea: 30.06 cus tage Grove were guests in the James ZENITH TIRES tom made sporter, 2%X Zeiss scope FOR SALE Steel bunk ta ds, $9 95 McKinney home Thursday. case and ammunition; 5 h.p. Sea pulr Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. Mrs. Lloyd Girod traveled to As King outboard motor, 15 hours ac 28tf toria Friday to get her sons. Alan and tual running time, cost $120.00, take ■r ‘ , Jimmy, who have been visiting there it fishing for $85.00; an 11-ft. alum FOR SALE Cabin 12x18, shiplap > for the past three weeks inum sport trailer, fully equipped, floor, located on West Abler Street I Gerald Vickers received a deep gash full-size bed and stove—take a look to be moved. E. D. Cooke. 29tf and name your price. Mill City I in his wrist Tuesday, when his feet Cabinet Shop on Marion county ♦ became entangled in some wire and A GOOD SELECTION of linoleum road. 28-3p yardage. 6 and 9 ft. widths, 69c per ’' he fell on some broken glass. Two eq. yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. SAVE MONEY —Nice clean trailer j stitches were required to close ' wound. house, electric brakes, butane cook FOR SALE OR WILL LEASE) Sell Dick Woodward returned home ing and oil heat, owner has left on liberal terms. 2 bedroom modern Oregon because of illness, a steal at | day from a two week vacation in home, inside utility, dining room, onlv $750 George W. Hubbs Co.. ' Minnville with his grandparents, large living loom, nice bath, wired 1853 N. Capital St., Salem, phone and Mrs. Harris and other relatives. for range, electric water heater, 28-3t 3-3031. FAMILY STYLE MEALS Mr. and Mrs. Philip Vollman and fruit room, large wood shed on 4- 1 children of Willamina, came Friday acre wooded tract. Adjacent Gates «¡XPERT AUTO and home radio Under New Management schools, immediate possession, con night to spend the weekend with her ««rvice, 20 years experience, all tact J. J. Butler, 1674 N. Liberty, father. Orval Lady, and her sister, makes. Guaranteed service. Salem, Ore. 29-3p Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. 3tf Thelma Storey and family. Tuesday night w'hile Mr. and Mrs. Harry Willis were working on their home in New Idanha, their For Guaranteed Cleaning new daughter. Judy fell from the back X-rays door, injuring her ribs, it’s the showed the injury not to be serious and she soon recovered. The Willis' VETERINARIAN MILL CITY moved into their now home Satur- i <l«y. STAYTON A FRIENDLY William E. Bodie, now of the Bald PHONE 41 18 24-HOUR SERVICE Eagle, in port in Seattle, came Friday FAMILY ' night to spend the weekend in the Mill City Opposite ATMOSPHERE A. R Snyder home. Claude l ew I«' Service Station Clow* at 6 P.M. PREVAILS North Saiitiam TAVERN MILL CITY Service Station « i Ö H. 0. Model Railroading Equipment SPECIALTY CARDS e FISHING TACKLE TRICKS AND PUZZLES MODEL AIRPLANE MOTORS MODEL AIRPLANES s TOYS AND DOIXS MASQUERADE SUPPLIES Use Our Mall Order Service SALEM’S ORIGINAL B 9 Toy & Hobby Shop Phone 2-1588 o 163 N. Commercial Boarding House J. W. GOIN Les s Tavern NU-METHOD « Directory fflJIMI I I 300 to Select From Ml Our Reconditioned Machines Are Guaranteed Business I TYPEWRITERS Professional I D.W.BIJD.MI). ■ 4 Attorney at law PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 318 Broadalbin Albany ’■nut* LIPPOLD - BRENNER Accountants Bookkeeping Service Inditing Payroll Reports Income Tat Phones : MUI City 207 Salem 3-7615 Mill City \ i . i ;\ i / s BARBER SHOP 2nd A Broadway Hours: 10 to 7 TYPING INSTRUCTION BOOK PRACTICE AT HOME APPLY RENTALS «/> ZÌK WJ* DRY HKJljlN ON Pl IK II\'l Uicu HARLOW L. WEINRICK ■■tu; • FREE 456 COURT STREET PHONE 8-6773 (am on Garagi Expert Repairing SHELL OIL PRODUCTS U. S. ROYAL TIKES Detroit Fry, Mgr. Detroit Fax crii and Trailer Court FIRST IN DETROIT STILI. FIRST IN DETROIT Red Rynearson Otto Russell Glen Dryilen ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4 HOWARD CORSET SHOP Foundation Garments I) WIDM. BI II) Special Attention Given to Fittings Hosiery-Lingrrie-Dr<«w<-« Smocks 1S1 High St Salem Phone 4032 BARGAINS In Furniture. Stoves, Dishes Clothtng. Housewares MAC'S 145 S Church next to Salem Parking Mill Citv FLOWERS GOODE ’S H.OW ER SHOP Phone Blue 64B Stayton, Ore. WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME • NEW STOCK Dre«« Print« — Silk and Wool Scarf« New shades In Nylons Curt tala Material — Ticking Hriidricsoiis Stort In the Dawes Bldg Modern Funeral Service STAYTON OREGON : MIKE’S Septic Service : CALL US FOR CONSULTATIO NO OBLIGATION Real Estate mvwninuuuuMuuBauuBUuuHn ( . E. (’oville MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Real Estate Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. « Septi« Tank« »ml Srwrr» (leaned ♦ weekly pickups $1 per month ! Phone S A EKM 3 NM. ODIJ TCT • Also light hauling ♦ 107’» Elm St . W Salem ' oonard Herman Phoae .’S?S 1BBWBBBOQBUBBBBSOUQflBBBWBB We»» Sid« Mill tyty Ph #4*7 I ISTlNl.S W ANTED Complete Supply of All Your Huilding Needs SHEET ROCK DOORS and WINDOWS BOYSEN PAINT FT \Tl ‘RING NEW LOW PRICES ON MONTEX— I HL P5IXT WITH THE SAND FINISH KELLY LUMBER SALES RrsSEI.L RF.LI.T, VU a* ger