Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1950)
June 15, 1950 »-Til*- MILI. <!ITY ENTERPRISE Quips & Quotes MILL < TTY GRADUATE TRAVELING TO EUROPE Preschool Clinic Treats 45 Tots MILL CITY Mr and Mrs. Fred Duffy were hosts Saturday evening at a potluck supper Imogene Roye, Mill City high school graduate, and three other teachers Forty-five pre-school children were and canasta party. The occasion was By PHIL McNOTE examined yesterday in the pre-school the birthday of Mrs Bert Morris and No, it just doesn't seem adequate, left Portland Monday for Quebec. Walter Brisbin. Ut times. What do I mean ? Well The teachers will sail next Tues clinic held at the Mill City elementary Present were Mr and Mrs. Mode that proves the point? As writers day for a three-months tour of school. Sponsored jointly by the Mill City Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morris, Mr. Continue to try to capture the readers Europe. attention they discover that punctu Miss Roye is a teacher at Lebanon and Gates schools, the clinic was con and Mrs. Walter Brisbin, and Mr. and ation is often times inadequate to ex high school. Two other Lebanon ducted by Dr. Stone of the Marion Mrs. Fred Duffy and Raymond. press their thoughts. teachers, Verna Lewis of Aumsville county health department. Assisting Mrs. William Shuey went to Port Some time ago Fred Flanagan and and Eloise Van Den Bisson of Port Dr. Stone were Joan Schneider Davis, land Sunday evening where she will fitan Merritt in PRINTERS' INK land, and a Salem high school teacher, Marion county school nurse, and Mary attend the Grand chapter Order of Lawrence Mondloch of the Marion Eastern Star of Oregon as a grand Wrote that "even the exclamation ' Jackie Bogan, join her on the trip. page. Edna Throne, grand worthy county health department. point is often called upon to per The county officials were assisted matron, gave a dinner for the grand form tasks which are beyond its cap DETROIT LOGGER INJURED abilities. Take the typical headline: Carl Campbell, Detroit, choker- by five women from the two school pages Sunday evening at the New ‘Sundsi-wudsi for dandy dudsies!’ ' setter for the Nygard Logging com areas. Mrs. Elmer Stewart and Mrs. Heathman hotel. How ineffectual the little exclamation pany, was knocked unconscious in an Gwenn Scherer of Gates with Mrs. Mrs. Donald Petersen (Miriam point! Here is a headline that sings accident at Breitenbush yesterday Vincent Palmer, Mrs. Clayton Balti Swift) and three daughters of Ta more and Mrs. Arthur Kriever of Mill coma, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Rob With excitement, that cries out for morning. punctuation in keeping with its world Campbell was struck in the left City aided in the clinic which began ert Landro (Edna Swift) of Astoria shaking message!” The boys sug side of his forehead by either a choker at 9:30 a.m. and ended at 4:30 p.m. are visiting at the home of Mrs. Anna gested a flabbergasterisk (a mark or a rock. He was rushed to a Salem ! Thirty of the children were given N. Swift. immunization for diptheria, whoop Among the out of town guests at looking something like an asterick hospital in an Idanha ambulance. ing cough and tetanus. Twenty-five the Downer-Hathaway wedding Sun Only much bigger). Such a mark, day were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mar received smallpox vaccinations. they believed would make folk sit up posted the following sign ? “The only The local women who participated tin, Salem; Mrs. Russell Nelson, and take notice. "Occasionally,” the writers con love that money can buy. Puppies in the clinic are slated to work in the Scotts Mills; Mrs. Raymond Kellis, well-baby conference scheduled for Scotts Mills; S. P. Moberg, Scotts tinued, "we are called upon to express for sale.” Mills; Seth Downer, Lebanon, and Mr. more intense emotion, such as in the While it’s not difficult to see the late July or August. and Mrs. Parton of Salem. epic headline, ‘Everybody . . . yes truth of such a sign, one wonders why Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sorahan and everybody chews CHEWIES!’ Even we struggle from day to day trying grandson Mike Smith of Salem visited to buy friendship. the flabbergasterisk cannot express Gates Concert Aids at the George Cree home Monday. the full dramatic content of this epic Have you noticed the merchants Mrs. Walter Nicholson and Luther caption." For such cases they sug that always get the trade are the Fire Place Funds are visiting in Molalla with her ones that like you for what you are. gested a more powerful punctuation getsed a more powerful punctuation You don't have to buy their friend The benefit concert, sponsored by mother. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Baltimore mark — the stupendapolnt — which ship. They’ll speak to you whenever the Gates Womans club and presented by the Santiam Choral Club, of Stay were in Portland Saturday on busi would be bigger, blacker, and have they see you. Kinda nice, isn’t it? many more radial arms than the flab- By the way here's a memo to you ton, Thursday evening in the audi ness. Stoney Wells has returned to his bergasterisk. In place of the com folk who "can’t afford” to trade in torium of the high school, was well mon underlining of a word to give it Mill City. Did some price checking attended. More than $30 was cleared horde from the Salem Memorial hos emphasis a more arresting fluctu- the other day on items between $500 from the entertainment, which will pital. stress has been suggested. This and 10 cents and you might be sur be added to the fund to be used for Ben Wiles received word Monday would be a beautiful waving line in prised at the results. Many items the building of a fireplace in the of the death of his mother in Okla homa. He left Tuesday to attend the stead of the unimaginative and inade were actually cheaper in Mill City. club house. The program was under the direc funeral services. Oh, I know what you ’ re saying. You quate straight mark. Merle Stewart and Jerry Swan were tion of Felix French, of Salem. The "With such tools the printing trade found a few canned goods priced could forge ahead Into written copy higher here. Well I did too, but the guest soloist, Cyril Parker, was also in Canyonville Tuesday seeking em with all of the meaning of the spoken old gas buggy I drive won't carry from Salem. He sang "The Rosary".. ployment. Mrs. Joe Reveal, Salem, called on me to Salem for 2 or 3 cents. Just "Danny Boy" and “Thine Alone”. word.” Looks like printers are going to a closing quote “The right way to kill Mrs. Ruth Spaniol, accompanist, her mother, Mrs. Grace Dart. Sun have to bow to progress, doesn't it? time is to work it to death.”—R. G. played two piano solos, Brahm's day. Hungarian Dance. No. 5" and "Pre Spending Sunday at Camp Kilowan Have you heard of the kennel that Le Tourneau. lude in D minor” by DeKoven. Mrs. helping get the camp cleaned up for Edmund Klecker was club soloist, the Camp Fire Girls summer camp A her number was "Summer” and in were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harmon, response to an encore she sang “Tem I Price and Carolyn, Mr. and Mrs. Vin ple Bells”. Following the program cent Palmer, Margaret and Georgia, ice cream, cake and coffee were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dyrman, Linda served by the ladies of the Gates and Dickie and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur club, in the recreation room of the Kriever and Betsy. FRESH DAILY — VERY REASONABIJC PRICES Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hathaway school. 1 spent three days last week vacation ing at the coast. Miss Mildred Toman, who has been Gates Womans Club attending Lewis and Clark College MILL CITY in Portland, Is at the home of her Will Sponsor Program OPEN WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS parents, Mayor and Mrs. Albert To 8 A M. to 7 P.M. 9 AM. to 4 P.M. Members of the Gates Womans club man. Miss Toman will accompany met in the recreation rooms of the her cousin Miss Irene Toman of Stay high school last Thursday afternoon. ton the last of the week on a two A dessert luncheon was served by the ! week's vacation in Chicago. hostesses, Mrs. Theodore Burton and Mrs. Lula Berringer visited last Mrs. Kay McCarty. Following the | week at the Fred Duffy and Bert luncheon hour the business session Morris homes. SALEM was held, Mrs. Edward Chance pre Lucille Homer underwent surgery Friday at the Salem Memorial hos siding. Phone 3-4534 141 N. Comanerelal St. The club will sponsor a program to pital. She is reported to be getting be held in the high school gymnasium, better. Has Everything for Your Mrs. Clarence Howe returned to her the evening of June 22. A small admission will be charged for the pro home Sunday from the Salem Mem gram and refreshments will be served. orial hospital following surgery. Mrs Cora Calavan, Scio, is visiting Musical numbers, skits, readings and dances will provide laughs and enter her daughter Mrs. Clayton Baltimore. Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morris attended tainment for the evening. Mrs. Theodore Burton, who is leav graduation exercises in Portland at ing Gates soon, was presented with a the Grant high school for her daugh ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ "going-away” gift, by members of the ter, Eleanor Simmer. Mr. Jack Peltier and his daughter. club, in appreciation of her faithful service to the organization for several Gabrielle, weer involved in an auto scheduled for June 22, will be post mobile accident in Portland Sunday poned to the following Thursday, June afternoon while returning from the 29. and will be held at the home of Rose city to Mill City. Mr. Peltier was thrown through the the president. Mrs. Ed. Chance. windshield of his automobile and was treated for cuts at Providence hos MRS. WILLIAM MICKENHAM pital Miss Peltier received a sprained II X l It VI HEI D MOM» U Funeral services were held in Leb knee Damage to the Peltier auto anon Monday, June 12 for Mrs. Wil mobile was estimated at $410 Miss Gabrielle Peltier of Mill City liam (Anna) Mickenham, former Mill City resident, who died June 6 from plans to leave Saturday for a visit a heart attack. Mr and Mrs Mick with her mother at Victoria. British enham operated the Lebanon coffee Columbia shop for a number of years. Inter ment was in the Twin Oaks cemetery MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS in Turner. The missionary society of the First I Christian church met at the home of BOY SCOUTS HOLD DANCE Mrs. L. C. Chance. June 14 Plans Idanha Boy Scout troop 43 will were made for many to attend the sponsor a benefit dance Friday night convention of Christian churcl es of tn the elementary school auditorium Oregon at Turner. Women's day is in Detroit. Music will be furnished June 29. by the Mongold Mavericks Both square and round dancing will be Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! presented Myron’s Packaged Meats Kellom's Grocery I Youth Graduates Local Legion Auxiliary Will Install Officers Despite Illness Thursday, June 22 at 7 pm. is the time set for ceremonies to begin for Last week when the eighth graders initiation of new members, installa of the Mill City elementary school tion of officers and presentation of graduated at the high school auditor the charter to the newly formed Aux ium under the proud eyes of parents iliary of the Mill City American Le and teachers, someone was missing gion Post 159. Legion members, Elton Gregory, son of Mr. and Mrs. wives and many out of town guests Gene Gregory, had fallen ill. For will be present at this important af two months he has been confined to fair to be held at the Legion hall. his bed. But he was only down, not Dinner will be served before the in out. Keeping up with assignments stallation ceremony to approximate by long distance, he completed bis ly 100 people. work. Mrs. Gladys Bacon of Salem, dis Though he was unable to be pres trict president, will present the char ent at the ceremony when his school ter and the installing team of the mates received their diplomas, Greg Delbert Reeves unit, Silverton, will ory received his diploma all right. install the new officers who are Kay The entire eighth grade came to his Colburn, president; Mrs. John Muir, bedside with gifts and congratulations 1st vice president; Doris W. Jensen, I and the precious piece of paper that 2nd vice president; Dolores C. Holl testifies to the fact that you may keep ingsworth, secretary; Nell Stahlman, a good boy down but you can’t keep treasurer; Judy Ragsdale, historian; him out. Barbara Yarnell, sargeant-at-arms ; and Mrs. Ramon Roberts, chaplain. (COKE’S HAVE DINNER GUESTS Dinner guests at the home of E. D. Cooke recently were Gerry Crockwell, YMCA organizer and Portland busi Caravan To Tour- nessman; Stanley Price, graduate (Continued from Page 1) student at Harvard university; Arn lake. After the race the Yacht club old Bressler, German exchange stu and the Eugene chamber of commerce dent at Reid college, and Bledon will be joint hosts in serving a picnic Owens, Salem, student at the Univer lunch. sity of Oregon. After remaining over night in Eugene, the caravan will meet at Lowell June 25. Progress on Lookout Point dam, the key dam of the pro ject. will be explained by Robert E. Lee, resident engineer. A tour through the dam area and over relocation of railroad and high way will follow after which the caravan will proceed to the Hills Creek damsite. Here the Oakridge chamber of commerce will entertain the members of the party after which the caravan will disband. DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE MEET FREE MANUAL OFFERED Election of officers and the consid eration of matters concerning the fall campaign will constitute the business of the Linn County Democratic Cen tral Committee at its meeting on Thursday, June 15 announces Earl G. Mason, chairman. The meeting will convene at 8 p.m. in the City Hall in Lebanon. Newly elected precinct committeemen and committeewomen ar particularly urged to attend. A new 16-page manual, "How to make money from farm woodlands!' is now available free on request. It includes factual information-such as timber-marketing tips, estimating tables, and suggestions on the best methods of harvesting a timber crop -of value to any owner of wooded farmlands. Write to McCulloch Motors Corp . Los Angeles 45, California, for your free copy of Bulletin #493. John Nelson Years ago an old Roman rebuked a man who had spoken condescendingly Sales and Service for about his appointment to a lowly of MeCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS fice. "If the office will not lend dig nity to me,” he said, “I will lend dig Mill City, Oregon nity to it.”—Bruce Barton. Phone 3202 Res. Ph. 1241 mx 'x ;x ;x ixbmammxix ;x* ;x-,x x xix.xx xx x x x x x ;x(x(xixix:xs«x;xïxix:x;x xx ' wxmmmsbsw THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE SHOP OFFICE NEEDS 435 and 495 North Commercial St Salem Automobile Co For Fine Used Cars 1949 1948 1948 1942 1941 For Father’s Day and the whole year through i CHRYSLER ROYAL 4-DOOR SEDAN CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-DOOR SEDAN CHEVROLET STYLEMASTER 2-DOOR SEDAN CHRYSLER ROYAL 4-DOOR SEDAN PLYMOUTH SP. DELUXE 4-DOOR SEDAN Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER Home of Service • 495 N. Com’l St. 405 N. Comi St. - * PLYMOUTH 435 N. Court St. PHONE 3-4117 X X'X X X XXX X . :: ■; x .. :: ■: X X X :: X X x x xXMi X x’x xix X x I Men ’s wear with a known i quality reputation is your : best buy ; ♦ Kuppenheimer Clothes Nunn-Bush Shoes Manhattan Shirts Dobbs Hats Interwoven Socles Textron Pajamas Don't Hesitate GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR FREE SERVICES: W1NDSIIIEIJ) W ASH. AIR LN TIRES. TIRE IN SPECTION. BYTTERY CHECK, SWEEP OUT CAR ETC.. ETC. ; I FRIENDLY SERVICE rials. Work done promptly ... and guaranteed. let ut give roe a free estimate. They 're all at The Man’s Shop I Moxley and Huntington THE STORE OF STYLE, QUALITY. 4 U.UE III6 State Street OPEN FRIDAY NKiHTS Till. 9 P.M. t Salem * t DICK M Wilts DIAMONDS JTWTIRT FORTORI 4 Makert Mill City Jewelry MASTER nw Popalar k*<«ow iíví-A(Z antmunnooDonnotiuinraimnunra ------ ALLEN KEITH AL ------ t JIM We take better care of your car